Who cares about Amanda Knox?

The interesting side story to the Knox case hasn't been much in the news.

During the pan European media driven frenzy of anti American hate surrounding the Amanda Knox case there was another victim .

Liam McCarty a us citizen aged 5 was kidnapped by a deranged international fugitive who was considered an extreme risk to children.
The fugitive took liam to Italy, the corrupt Italians, driven by this frenzied anti American sentiment aided and abetted the dangerous criminal. Government workers enjoined with the kidnapper and sexually abused and tortured liam.
Liam was kept locked up without trial for years.

Liam was 5 years old at the time.
The USA did nothing to encourage the return of this child to his family.

All because of frenzied media driven hatred.

Remind you of anything?

Thinking trial by press?
Who cares about Amanda Knox?

Dante doesn't.

Well technically you cared enough about Amanda Knox to start a post about her. I would imagine most people in the US have not started posts on Amanda, or discussed her on a social media site; you might actually be in the upper percentiles of folks who do care about Amanda Knox (oddly enough) thanks to this post about not caring.


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Who cares about Amanda Knox?

Dante doesn't.

Well technically you cared enough about Amanda Knox to start a post about her. I would imagine most people in the US have not started posts on Amanda, or discussed her on a social media site; you might actually be in the upper percentiles of folks who do care about Amanda Knox (oddly enough) thanks to this post about not caring.



Critical thinking skills lacking? The ubiquitous Amanda Knox 'story' gets commented upon. There is no content on Amanda Knox or even the particuars of any story.

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Who cares about Amanda Knox?

Dante doesn't.

Well technically you cared enough about Amanda Knox to start a post about her. I would imagine most people in the US have not started posts on Amanda, or discussed her on a social media site; you might actually be in the upper percentiles of folks who do care about Amanda Knox (oddly enough) thanks to this post about not caring.



Critical thinking skills lacking? The ubiquitous Amanda Knox 'story' gets commented upon. There is no content on Amanda Know or even the particuars of any story.


My point is that since you started a post dedicated solely to Amanda Knox on a social website, you're automatically rocketed into the upper echelons of individuals who care about Amanda Knox (taking the whole gen pop into consideration).

Someone who truly doesn't care wouldn't have thought of her in the first place, wouldn't have mentioned her to anyone, and certainly wouldn't have created a post about her on a social website (I'm thinking about some rural farmer in the middle of central Illinois who has never even heard of AK).
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Well technically you cared enough about Amanda Knox to start a post about her. I would imagine most people in the US have not started posts on Amanda, or discussed her on a social media site; you might actually be in the upper percentiles of folks who do care about Amanda Knox (oddly enough) thanks to this post about not caring.



Critical thinking skills lacking? The ubiquitous Amanda Knox 'story' gets commented upon. There is no content on Amanda Know or even the particuars of any story.


My point is that since you started a post dedicated solely to Amanda Knox on a social website, you're automatically rocketed into the upper echelons of individuals who care about Amanda Knox (taking the whole gen pop into consideration).

Someone who truly doesn't care wouldn't have thought of her in the first place, wouldn't have mentioned her to anyone, and certainly wouldn't have created a post about her on a social website (I'm thinking about some rural farmer in the middle of central Illinois who has never even heard of AK).

Oh, we see... you need a refresher course. Okay

Critical thinking skills lacking? The ubiquitous Amanda Knox 'story' gets commented upon. There is no content on Amanda Know or even the particuars of any story.
She cut the girl's throat when a sex game got rough...everything about her demeanor during the investigation stunk of guilt. Her daddy had enough money to buy the influence he needed to get her sprung back to the US but nothng has changed. The Italian government should hire DOG to drag her ass back there and face the music.
Critical thinking skills lacking? The ubiquitous Amanda Knox 'story' gets commented upon. There is no content on Amanda Know or even the particuars of any story.


My point is that since you started a post dedicated solely to Amanda Knox on a social website, you're automatically rocketed into the upper echelons of individuals who care about Amanda Knox (taking the whole gen pop into consideration).

Someone who truly doesn't care wouldn't have thought of her in the first place, wouldn't have mentioned her to anyone, and certainly wouldn't have created a post about her on a social website (I'm thinking about some rural farmer in the middle of central Illinois who has never even heard of AK).

Oh, we see... you need a refresher course. Okay

Critical thinking skills lacking? The ubiquitous Amanda Knox 'story' gets commented upon. There is no content on Amanda Know or even the particuars of any story.

Critical thinking skills are not lacking.

The fact that you have spent at least an hour or two thinking about Amanda Knox today (in any respect) means that you probably care more about her than most of the general population at hand on 9/30/2013.

You are the only person I have encountered today (news, work, or otherwise) that has mentioned her name, and that certainly counts for something.

Who cares about Amanda Knox?

Dante doesn't.

I think they all deserve healing:
she and her ex-boyfriend and their friends/family who suffered with them,
regardless of fault in the matter,
and especially the family of murder victim Kercher
all deserve healing from this horrible tragedy
and the media and political circus that made it worse.

I would not wish ANY of that on any human being, no matter who was at fault.
Humanity has enough problems without making more or making worse of them.

Peace to all. Including you, Dante.
To have compassion and love for humanity, including you or Amanda Knox or
anyone else, means to "care for your souls."
So yes, we should love one another equally and inclusively for humanity's sake.

I am grateful for any corrections that can be done
when it it so easy for legal abuses to run unchecked
and for the media to go off on political rampages.
Thank you for bringing this up.
We all have our biases, where each person
may care a lot for one issue and not focus on another that someone else does.
Together, we might cover all the bases.
But no one person is going to cover them all.
I didn't care about Amanda Knox.

Now that Dante has started a thread, I care about her now.

I want to thank Dante for getting Amanda and me to hook up.
Who cares about Amanda Knox?

Dante doesn't.

I think they all deserve healing:
she and her ex-boyfriend and their friends/family who suffered with them,
regardless of fault in the matter,
and especially the family of murder victim Kercher
all deserve healing from this horrible tragedy
and the media and political circus that made it worse.

I would not wish ANY of that on any human being, no matter who was at fault.
Humanity has enough problems without making more or making worse of them.

Peace to all. Including you, Dante.
To have compassion and love for humanity, including you or Amanda Knox or
anyone else, means to "care for your souls."
So yes, we should love one another equally and inclusively for humanity's sake.

I am grateful for any corrections that can be done
when it it so easy for legal abuses to run unchecked
and for the media to go off on political rampages.
Thank you for bringing this up.
We all have our biases, where each person
may care a lot for one issue and not focus on another that someone else does.
Together, we might cover all the bases.
But no one person is going to cover them all.

Yeah, you're a lib.

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