Who cares about Amanda Knox?

Yes, I read about these things too and have seen the Dateline interview. I don't think there is general hatred in Italy for Americans or that this case suggests there is: her boyfriend is Italian and was also tried and convicted of the murder, & also had his conviction overturned. I do agree it's probably media that generated the desire for a retrial.

I didn't pay close attention to the case, but could never see anything that made any sense to her or the boyfriend's guilt. I think it was all pretty clear that the African guy did it.

Alan Dershowitz believes she is guilty and a vile human being.

I am just not interested enough to want to know more.

Fairly certain that Nancy Grace shares Dershowitz' opinion. I probably should be 'outraged' at Amanda Knox.

If she did 'get away' with a heinous murder--at some point I think this will affect her profoundly. Joran Van der Sloot/Natlalee Holloway--he thought he could beat the system --but in the end I think the lies destroyed him. Whether Amanda Knox is anything like Joran Van der Sloot--I can't say.

The Italian judicial system seems flawed to me. At times the US judicial system is also flawed--and contemplation of how either system or all judicial systems could be improved is not a topic I plan to address.

Many young people have lived and studied abroad--for decades, for centuries. I assume that incidents such as this are rare.

Yes, the Italian system is flawed, and ours if flawed as well. Nancy Grace is repugnant and not very intelligent, imo. Dershowitz can be wrong; he's not infallable. i just don't see any motive for her doing that murder; it doesn't make any sense; whereas, the African kid admitted to raping and murdering her, and, in general, the crime seems to make sense when you have that kind of scenario.

As best I remember--and this would be from the Lifetime movie--it was Halloween night or the night before and lots of partying in the village? And the students seemed to live a rather carefree lifestyle?

sigh---I don't want to try to remember all that was said. drugs--I suppose drugs can 'make' people do bizarre things. As I said before--it would seem to me that a personality like Joran Van der Sloot's would be needed to carry off this sort of crime. He had a good bit of previous experience--and I assume was somewhat familiar with legal matters because of his father's position.

Amanda and her boyfriend --perhaps flaky and self-absorbed but beyond that I don't know.

I will not be outraged if the US refuses to extradite her.
Guy, if you are a high earner, then we should have heard of you...

Put up or shut up.

Frankly, I could care less about some rich asshole losing a custody battle.

Lol, you got that one right. Can't be earning that much if he's got the time to spend posting over 2000 times in the last 6 months. And, all this stuff about 'fucking Italians'; they make up about 20% of the American gene pool. Might as well be cursing himself.
I'm not American, and I do not work, I'm retired you dope, try reading about a subject before you comment .

Fucking retard.
I would have thought that a senior citizen would have replied in a more civilised manner - or, maybe you're just unemployed, and hence bitter. Unfortunately I don't have the time to trawl through the entire contents of every thread before posting. Too busy making money.
You'd rather see a US citizen get railroaded by a foreign country.
I'd hope to see the US live up to its extradition treaties. Ever looked at the figures for the number of extraditions to the US compared with extraditions going the other way?

Fuck the rest of the world, they don't matter to the USA.
Americans are civilized and don't commit crimes abroad.
You sure do care a lot about the USA for a non-American. You are right though. Americans are civilised and do not commit crimes abroad. If only the US government was as well behaved as its citizens....
Lol, you got that one right. Can't be earning that much if he's got the time to spend posting over 2000 times in the last 6 months. And, all this stuff about 'fucking Italians'; they make up about 20% of the American gene pool. Might as well be cursing himself.
I'm not American, and I do not work, I'm retired you dope, try reading about a subject before you comment .

Fucking retard.
I would have thought that a senior citizen would have replied in a more civilised manner - or, maybe you're just unemployed, and hence bitter. Unfortunately I don't have the time to trawl through the entire contents of every thread before posting. Too busy making money.

43 is hardly a senior citizen.
As I do not work for a living I am unemployed.
Not unemployed like you think but simply not employed, no need to be employed.
You fucking retard!
I'd hope to see the US live up to its extradition treaties. Ever looked at the figures for the number of extraditions to the US compared with extraditions going the other way?

Fuck the rest of the world, they don't matter to the USA.
Americans are civilized and don't commit crimes abroad.
You sure do care a lot about the USA for a non-American. You are right though. Americans are civilised and do not commit crimes abroad. If only the US government was as well behaved as its citizens....

The USA is the worlds superior nation.
All fucking retard nations need to keep their council.
We are not interested in a bunch of shit eating retards from backward shithole nations.
The USA commits no crimes, the superior nation never does.
Remember that knob rash! Know your fucking place.
Fucking Chav.

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