Who cares about Amanda Knox?

Who cares about Amanda Knox?

Dante doesn't.

that's why dante starts a thread. because he does not care.

leftard logic :lol:

Wingnut issues with reading and comprehension... :eusa_whistle:

Who cares about Amanda Knox?

Dante doesn't.

Well technically you cared enough about Amanda Knox to start a post about her. I would imagine most people in the US have not started posts on Amanda, or discussed her on a social media site; you might actually be in the upper percentiles of folks who do care about Amanda Knox (oddly enough) thanks to this post about not caring.



Critical thinking skills lacking? The ubiquitous Amanda Knox 'story' gets commented upon. There is no content on Amanda Knox or even the particuars of any story.

Amanda knox case makes me glad I live in the USA. Once found innocent you don't have to worry about having the case reopened.

Get rid of double jeopardy laws. If a person is found not guilty, they should be able to get charged again, only if there is sufficient evidence to suggest their guilt.
yea like you would have went back....right?....

I wouldn't have been on trial for murder to begin with.

She was found to be and declared innocent under Italian law.

The laws were re interpreted to appease frenzied haters unable to believe the media trial was based on lies!!

They still got liam McCarty!!

Why do you leave out the fact that Liam McCarty was taken to Italy by his MOTHER, who is an Italian citizen?
Amanda knox case makes me glad I live in the USA. Once found innocent you don't have to worry about having the case reopened.

Get rid of double jeopardy laws. If a person is found not guilty, they should be able to get charged again, only if there is sufficient evidence to suggest their guilt.

The problem with that is the government would keep filing charges until they bankrupted people.

I do think that double Jeopardy is an important protection. The courts should either have their stuff together or they shouldn't go to trial.
Why would I care what a trial dodger does?

If she was tried in America and it ended like the Italian trail she would not be tried again. They are doing double jeopardy and it is wrong .. Innocent or guilty they had their shot they lost it ..

I thought the Italian system was different. ?No limit to how many trials. In a clip of yesterday's proceedings the defense raised the question of 'Infinite trials'.

The original prosecutor was found to be corrupt.
Do any of you have any idea just how corrupt the Italian court system is? Go out and pick up a book titled The Monster of Florence by Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi. It is not only a good read but it is quite informative about the machinations of the legal system over there, and some of the players in the Amanda Knox case are key players in the tale related by Preston about his experiences while living there.

Here is an interview Preston did with Dateline in 2007, it focuses mostly on the Monster of Florence story, but toward the end he touches on the legal hassles he had:

It's long but worth the read.

Dang, here's the video:

As a side note, when Giuliano Mignini, the prosecutor, caught the Knox case, he had criminal charges for prosecutorial misconduct, specifically, the illegal wiretapping of journalists' phones hanging over his head. These charges stemmed from the way he treated Preston and Spezi.

Critics Say Knox Prosecutor Giuliano Mignini Is Seeking Revenge, Redemption - ABC News

Think maybe he saw a shot at redemption in an Amanda Knox conviction?

Now, I have know idea whether or not Knox did it, but I have read enough to give me a shadow of a doubt...

This is what I have heard.

Earlier in the thread someone commented that her father was wealthy and had influence--I don't think that is the case.

She maintains her innocence. Since I am not a forensic psychologist --it is enough for me. Surely thousands of behavioral experts have analyzed her every word and body language --I would think there is no conclusive proof to the contrary. Waste of time and money and it does sound like a vendetta. jmo.
Amanda knox case makes me glad I live in the USA. Once found innocent you don't have to worry about having the case reopened.

Get rid of double jeopardy laws. If a person is found not guilty, they should be able to get charged again, only if there is sufficient evidence to suggest their guilt.

If you don't have the proof, don't bring the case in the first place, then you don't have to worry about double Jeopardy laws. Once found innocent a person has a hard enough time rebuilding their life without having a cloud hanging over their head. It's not fair especially if they are innocent in the first place.
This is what I have heard.

Earlier in the thread someone commented that her father was wealthy and had influence--I don't think that is the case.

She maintains her innocence. Since I am not a forensic psychologist --it is enough for me. Surely thousands of behavioral experts have analyzed her every word and body language --I would think there is no conclusive proof to the contrary. Waste of time and money and it does sound like a vendetta. jmo.

What's a "forensic psychologist"? Everybody who saw her "body language" agreed her actions and statements to police were so bizarre there was no mistaking she was involved in the rape and murder of the Kercher girl. Few criminals caught in an investigation can trick their interrogators. Just a matter of time before different answers come to the same questions and they're caught in a little lie, then another and another until the whole charade falls apart. Which is what happened with Amanda Knox. And yeah, her parents could afford to pretty much move to Italy and somehow got her conviction reviewed and overturned. The Italian version of a supreme court didn't care for either verdict, threw them both out and decided on a best two outta three. In our judicial system a judge can throw out a guilty verdict if he believes the jury was either mislead or simply botched their duties. He can't throw out an innocent verdict. In Italy they can. So Amanda has decided she's not going back to an Italian prison and will be tried in absentia. Everything I read about the case screams GUILTY...the fact that she's pretty and has nice tits doesn't get her any sympathy from me. :eusa_boohoo:

p.s. I looked up what a forensic psychologist does....they shape testimony to trick a jury.
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I wouldn't have been on trial for murder to begin with.

She was found to be and declared innocent under Italian law.

The laws were re interpreted to appease frenzied haters unable to believe the media trial was based on lies!!

They still got liam McCarty!!

Why do you leave out the fact that Liam McCarty was taken to Italy by his MOTHER, who is an Italian citizen?

His mother who had NO LEGAL RIGHT to kidnap him as she had been declared by NY courts and child welfare to be a serious danger to the child.
The same conclusion was made in Italy.
However the Italian authorities decided not to allow this US citizen to return to his homeland even though he had no ties to Italy other than being dragged there by a dangerous fugitive.
I posted a link, it was all there , I missed nothing out.
You are shown to be a vile lying scumbag, yet again!!
This is what I have heard.

Earlier in the thread someone commented that her father was wealthy and had influence--I don't think that is the case.

She maintains her innocence. Since I am not a forensic psychologist --it is enough for me. Surely thousands of behavioral experts have analyzed her every word and body language --I would think there is no conclusive proof to the contrary. Waste of time and money and it does sound like a vendetta. jmo.

What's a "forensic psychologist"? Everybody who saw her "body language" agreed her actions and statements to police were so bizarre there was no mistaking she was involved in the rape and murder of the Kercher girl. Few criminals caught in an investigation can trick their interrogators. Just a matter of time before different answers come to the same questions and they're caught in a little lie, then another and another until the whole charade falls apart. Which is what happened with Amanda Knox. And yeah, her parents could afford to pretty much move to Italy and somehow got her conviction reviewed and overturned. The Italian version of a supreme court didn't care for either verdict, threw them both out and decided on a best two outta three. In our judicial system a judge can throw out a guilty verdict if he believes the jury was either mislead or simply botched their duties. He can't throw out an innocent verdict. In Italy they can. So Amanda has decided she's not going back to an Italian prison and will be tried in absentia. Everything I read about the case screams GUILTY...the fact that she's pretty and has nice tits doesn't get her any sympathy from me. :eusa_boohoo:

p.s. I looked up what a forensic psychologist does....they shape testimony to trick a jury.

good for you. I didn't feel like typing out --'I am not an expert in mental health or related fields...' I chose 'forensic psychologist' at random--fwiw.

I still contend that with the corruption of the prosecutor, proven, and the corruption of the Italian justice system--Knox is probably not guilty. And--however outraged you/anyone may be--I don't really care. I just don't.

I haven't devoted my life to this case--read a few articles, watched a few segments on various news programs, etc.

bash away--that seems to be the point of most threads. rather like middle school, imo.

'nice tits'--must be a very mature and astute person.
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good for you. I didn't feel like typing out --'I am not an expert in mental health or related fields...' I chose 'forensic psychologist' at random--fwiw.

I still contend that with the corruption of the prosecutor, proven, and the corruption of the Italian justice system--Knox is probably not guilty. And--however outraged you/anyone may be--I don't really care. I just don't.

I haven't devoted my life to this case--read a few articles, watched a few segments on various news programs, etc.

bash away--that seems to be the point of most threads. rather like middle school, imo.

'nice tits'--must be a very mature and astute person.

Thanks....I am a very mature and astute person....see for yourself:


I contend if she was a homely mutt we'd have never heard of crazy little Amanda Knox.

All prosecutors are corrupt...even the best ones rarely convict somebody without screwing around with evidence and witnesses. You say she's "probably not guilty" based on what? Based on nothing from the looks of it other than she claims she is......don't they all? Far as I'm concerned you could carve a swastika on her forehead and she'd be one of Charlie's Girls. She did 3 years for cutting a girl's throat.....folks in Seattle should be aware that when she's high, she's dangerous to be around.
good for you. I didn't feel like typing out --'I am not an expert in mental health or related fields...' I chose 'forensic psychologist' at random--fwiw.

I still contend that with the corruption of the prosecutor, proven, and the corruption of the Italian justice system--Knox is probably not guilty. And--however outraged you/anyone may be--I don't really care. I just don't.

I haven't devoted my life to this case--read a few articles, watched a few segments on various news programs, etc.

bash away--that seems to be the point of most threads. rather like middle school, imo.

'nice tits'--must be a very mature and astute person.

Thanks....I am a very mature and astute person....see for yourself:


I contend if she was a homely mutt we'd have never heard of crazy little Amanda Knox.

All prosecutors are corrupt...even the best ones rarely convict somebody without screwing around with evidence and witnesses. You say she's "probably not guilty" based on what? Based on nothing from the looks of it other than she claims she is......don't they all? Far as I'm concerned you could carve a swastika on her forehead and she'd be one of Charlie's Girls. She did 3 years for cutting a girl's throat.....folks in Seattle should be aware that when she's high, she's dangerous to be around.

anyone who enjoys arguing--should enjoy this. I found it elsewhere and C&P'd, fyi.

The manner in which you express yourself --ah well. If you are satisfied with yourself and you certainly appear to be--that is 'all that matters'.

1. There is absolutely no evidence of Amanda Knox in the room at the time of the murder, nor is there evidence that she participated in any way.
a. No blood
b. No hairs
c. No fingerprints
d. No footprints
e. No saliva
f. No DNA

2. There are absolutely no items of Amanda's which have any blood on them
a. No clothes
b. No shoes
c. No socks
d. No underwear

3. Amanda had not a scratch on her the morning after the attack
a. No cuts
b. No bruises
c. No lacerations

4. There was absolutely no blood found in Raffaele's apartment or Amanda's room.
a. Nothing on the floors
b. Nothing on knives
c. Nothing on carpets
d. Nothing on walls
e. Nothing on clothes
f. Nothing on utensils
g. Nothing on doorknobs

5. There was no escape attempt by Amanda or Raffaele
a. Rudy escaped to Germany shortly after the attack
b. Amanda did not attempt to flee
c. Raffaele did not attempt to flee

6. There were NO psychological indicators of potential violence in Amanda
a. No motive
b. No homicidal fantasies or preoccupation
c. No violent intentions or expressed threats
d. No weapons skills
e. No pre-attack planning
f. No stalking
g. No job problems
h. No loss or personal stressors
i. No lack of conscience
j. No anger problems
k. No depression or suicidality
l. No paranoia or other symptoms
m. No isolation
n. No history of violence
o. No history of criminality
p. No domestic partner violence.
Italy can try her as many times as they want. If she never goes back there, she has nothing to worry about. Italy may not have double jeopardy protection, but we do, which will be used to deny extradition.
1. There is absolutely no evidence of Amanda Knox in the room at the time of the murder, nor is there evidence that she participated in any way.
a. No blood
b. No hairs
c. No fingerprints
d. No footprints
e. No saliva
f. No DNA

2. There are absolutely no items of Amanda's which have any blood on them
a. No clothes
b. No shoes
c. No socks
d. No underwear

3. Amanda had not a scratch on her the morning after the attack
a. No cuts
b. No bruises
c. No lacerations

4. There was absolutely no blood found in Raffaele's apartment or Amanda's room.
a. Nothing on the floors
b. Nothing on knives
c. Nothing on carpets
d. Nothing on walls
e. Nothing on clothes
f. Nothing on utensils
g. Nothing on doorknobs

5. There was no escape attempt by Amanda or Raffaele
a. Rudy escaped to Germany shortly after the attack
b. Amanda did not attempt to flee
c. Raffaele did not attempt to flee

6. There were NO psychological indicators of potential violence in Amanda
a. No motive
b. No homicidal fantasies or preoccupation
c. No violent intentions or expressed threats
d. No weapons skills
e. No pre-attack planning
f. No stalking
g. No job problems
h. No loss or personal stressors
i. No lack of conscience
j. No anger problems
k. No depression or suicidality
l. No paranoia or other symptoms
m. No isolation
n. No history of violence
o. No history of criminality
p. No domestic partner violence.

Hmmmm....no link and for good reason.....it's all baloney. :eusa_angel:

Evidence against Miss Knox:

1.She first claimed to not be at the apartment the night Meredith was murdered, but then changed the story to directly accuse an innocent man of murdering the coed.

2.She was reportedly spotted at a store in the early morning hours before the police were alerted to Meredith's body -- accused of buying bleach.

3.She reportedly showered in the apartment after discovering an unsettling amount of blood, before police were aware of Meredith's body. It's odd that this would be her first action after noticing an apparent break in and potential crime, isn't it?

4.Amanda appeared to stage her "attempt" at contacting Meredith by calling her English phone, knowing that she used her other phone in Italy. After she is told to try contacting the woman (when telling their other roommate about the blood and apparent "break in") She finally calls both phones, but neither calls last even long enough to listen to Meredith's voicemail.

5.Both Amanda and Raffaele couldn't get their stories to match up during the investigation.

6.Amanda lied to police and told them that Meredith always kept her door locked -- when it was the contrary.

7.Raffaele Sollecito knew that nothing had been stolen from Meredith's bedroom before police were even able to enter it.

8.Amanda knew details behind Meredith's murder (such as where some of the wounds on her body were) and shared them with friends, even though the details hadn't been released and Meredith's body was found covered with a blanket.

9.A homeless man saw Amanda and Raff in a "heated argument" at the flat where Meredith's body was found at around 11:00 p.m., the night she was reportedly murdered.

10.A knife was found in Raff's possession with Meredith Kercher's DNA on one end (the blade) and Knox's DNA on the handle. The knife was scrubbed with bleach and had only trace amounts of DNA. Read em and weep. :deal:

Evidence against Amanda Knox makes conviction seem likely
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Reportedly, allegedly , I heard , someone told me.

The press trial is conjecture and lies.
Legally she has been declared innocent.
Trace DNA?
Full DNA, where 100% of ones DNA profile can be viewed is 98% accurate.
A trace amount , define trace, is far less than 100%, less than 50%
49% chance the DNA could be AKs.
Half isn't trace though is it?
Hardly trace, gives a 9.8% chance the DNA could belong to AK.

Trace , define trace!!
She cut the girl's throat when a sex game got rough...everything about her demeanor during the investigation stunk of guilt. Her daddy had enough money to buy the influence he needed to get her sprung back to the US but nothng has changed. The Italian government should hire DOG to drag her ass back there and face the music.

She did?
Sure it wasn't the Black guy who was convicted?

Where's the proof she did it?
I saw no evidence presented to the court that convicted her of anything.

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