New narrative - people are fleeing blue cities because there isn't enough housing

Then stop paying ... grow your own food ... stop electing representatives who are so easily fooled ... or as easily bribed ...

Our goal was to end hunger ... in the cities ... country folk can grow their own food ... city folk can't say that ... city folk are dependent on country folk, not the other way around ... end the subsidies, see where the food riots erupt ...

Are your seriously trying to pit country folk against city folk on the basis of food production?

Farmers NEED markets for their produce so they have money to buy the things they can't grow - clothing, farm implements, furniture, dishes, vehicles, medical and veterinary care, gasoline. They didn't sell their produce to "end hunger". They sold it to buy things they can't produce.

The nation needs EVERYONE, working together, for the economy to grow. All of this partisan bullshit, is dragging you down.

That is how the economy works. You sell what you produce, so you can buy what others produce. Cities are the engines of the economies. Without big cities, the rural areas would have no income. It all works together.
Living sandwiched between people is a bad thing. I've lived in apartments and in rural areas, there's no comparison between the two. Rural living is better by far.


Seems to be a personal thing, not a hard, fast rule for everyone.
Democrats have millions of illegals competing with Americans for housing.
That's simply wrong.

How Republican of you!

How about BUILDING more housing for working people, to reduce that competition. Building more housing creates jobs, increases the property tax base, and puts money back into the community, in addition to solving the housing crisis.

Instead of just putting up more "monster homes" for the wealthy.
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Living sandwiched between people is a bad thing. I've lived in apartments and in rural areas, there's no comparison between the two. Rural living is better by far.


Rural living is better - in some regards, and not in others. I grew up in a small town, lived all of my adult life in the Big City, and retired to a small town.

City living is more expensive, more stressful, and highly profitable. I made 3X more money working on Bay Street, than my friend who worked for the local lawyer here for more than 30 years, and she had no benefits whatsoever, other than staturtory benefits. In addition to my salary I had spring and fall bonuses, sports club membership, supplemental medical and dental plans, pension plan with matching contributions, and more.

I miss being able to walk out my front door and buy anything I want or need. I really miss ethnic restaurants. I want Indian food (and I'd don't mean food from the Rez), Thai Food, even an Italian restaurant would be nice. But most of all I miss going to Jays games (I had a share of a seasons tickets), Raptors games (my best friend had seasons tickets), and the Ballet - a neighbour was a retired dancer.
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What was learned is that if things go not so well, that cities will be destroyed from within. And like locusts, the discontented will go to neighborhoods that still has provisions for survival and work their way outward. Otherwise, there are neighborhoods within city limits miles away from the destruction, deaths, casualties and mayhem the Prog induced insurrections caused. Going to a store should not be a gamble.

Where do YOU live that this is happening??? It has NEVER happened anywhere in the USA.
I like city living myself. More stuff to do. But I don't live in a big city now. I live in a town of abut 75,000 people.
Illegal immigrants are not the cause of every problem. Affordable housing has been a problem for a long time, and not just in blue cities.

So just brush it off and believe illegal aliens aren't going to make the housing shortage worse, especially in the lower-income and black communities?

Yeah, that'll really fix things.
Are your seriously trying to pit country folk against city folk on the basis of food production?

No ... my claim is both are needed ... country folk grow the barley, city folk brew the beer ... not exactly what the Bible says but you get the drift ... let not the eye saith to the foot 'I have no need of thee' ...

If your claim is city folk don't need country folk ... then do as you quoted ... "grow your own food" ... be careful what you're arguing for, if you don't need country folk to grow your food, then who will? ... yourself? ...
How Republican of you!

How about BUILDING more housing for working people, to reduce that competition. Building more housing creates jobs, increases the property tax base, and puts money back into the community, in addition to solving the housing crisis.

Instead of just putting up more "monster homes" for the wealthy.
How about lowering the prices of building materials, taxes, and land?
Owait, they can't because there's millions of illegal immigrants in the mix.
No ... my claim is both are needed ... country folk grow the barley, city folk brew the beer ... not exactly what the Bible says but you get the drift ... let not the eye saith to the foot 'I have no need of thee' ...

If your claim is city folk don't need country folk ... then do as you quoted ... "grow your own food" ... be careful what you're arguing for, if you don't need country folk to grow your food, then who will? ... yourself? ...
City folk can grow food. Most cities are populated by people who moved from the country because cities had more to offer. Both have their place, but one side is always telling us how cities are the problem. But the reality is that a lot of things happen in small towns that people get away with that they don't in cities.
By urban metro are we including suburbs? If so, then I don't believe it. If not then it just means people are moving to suburbs, like they have been since suburbs were invented.
How Republican of you!

How about BUILDING more housing for working people, to reduce that competition. Building more housing creates jobs, increases the property tax base, and puts money back into the community, in addition to solving the housing crisis.

Instead of just putting up more "monster homes" for the wealthy.

Who's going to pay for this "building" new houses? The building gnomes? Magic unicorns? Lumber faeries?

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