Who cares?

The merit of what Trump did in a minute is going to vary depending on what mode of analysis one applies.
Obviously the claims one makes about the qualitative nature -- good/bad, right/wrong/ better/worse, etc -- drive what assessments one arrives at; however, for most frameworks from which one devises those assertions, an absolutist and universalist conclusions are quite likely the easiest to make for the weighing of the factors involved is really straightforward. Relativists by far challenges one to consider more factors, the role of weighting, and thus greater degrees of complex cognition is required.

Both absolutism and relativism are valid ways of reaching a moral judgement. Absolutism is very easy to apply to any situation and provides a strict “code” for moral/ethical judgements. On the other hand, Relativism is very flexible and can be used in a great number of situations; it can also give very reliable judgements as it takes the situation into account rather than just the action. Generally speaking, I find Relativism more useful for making moral/ethical judgements, especially those for which time isn't a critical factor in making the decision. It takes everything into account and thereby yields a more reliable and credible judgement.

In thinking of how Trump and Mrs. Clinton handled the LA flooding, I think they both should have stayed away until the rescue efforts were finished. Trump didn't need to appear in person to send the supplies or send the money. Other celebrities sent/raised money and didn't insert self-aggrandising themselves into the drama of the victim's strife, which strikes me, on balance, as the best thing to have done at the time Trump appeared in Greenwell Springs.
You didn't go to LA

Neither did you.

You didn't send money.

Neither have you, to my knowledge.

You have totally ignored the people of LA.

If I have totally ignored them, why would I have made this thread?

If your own standard applies to you, that is.

Shut your yap, LL. Instead of attacking my character each opportunity you get, why don't you get your self-righteous ass down to LA and lead by example. Stop judging me by your twisted standards, and start living by them first.

Spare me your indignant bleeding-heart attitude. You're just as apathetic to their cause.

I am financially incapable. I have no income, thus no money to donate, and subsequently no money to pay for travel down there. If you want me down there so bad, cough up the cash. If you're unwilling to do that, however, keep that overactive mouth of yours shut. Don't you dare lecture me.
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You didn't go to LA

Neither did you.

You didn't send money.

Neither have you, to my knowledge.

You have totally ignored the people of LA.

If I have totally ignored them, why would I have made this thread?

If your own standard applies to you, that is.

Shut your yap, LL. Instead of attacking my character each opportunity you get, why don't you get your self-righteous ass down to LA and lead by example. Stop judging me by your twisted standards, and start living by them first.

Spare me your indignant bleeding-heart attitude. You're just as apathetic to their cause.

I am financially incapable. I have no income, thus no money to donate, and subsequently no money to pay for travel down there. If you want me down there so bad, cough up the cash. If you're unwilling to do that, however, keep that overactive mouth of yours shut. Don't you dare lecture me.

I see. It IS possible to have concern for the people of LA and not actually go there. Is that the case? You clearly claim to care...but for one reason or another, you have not gone there to show your concern. That doesn't mean that you are ignoring them...right?

I have lectured you...and will continue to lecture you....as long as you present these ridiculous threads for review.

You claimed that President Obama has ignored the people of LA. Your evidence was that he did not go there quickly enough. Would you like to retract that claim?
And if Obama had gone, you'd be criticizing him for using resources that should go for relief efforts.

That's not true. I would have been more upset had he not spent those resources getting there. Promptly. Which leads me to ask again, who really cares about those people?

Well guess what TK? You personally are not the reason the President of the US does the things he does. The governor of the state said "please don't come" so the President and Hillary did not come. But Don the Con? He doesn't listen to people in authority because he knows things and has all the best words and he desperately needed a photo op...so we got his 49 seconds of play doh. But, hey, it showed TK that Don the Con "cared".
Trump cares. Of course he does.

That is why he was passing out water to fire fighters in California.

What’s that???? Oh he wasn’t? I wonder what the difference between his showing up for 0:49 in a red state and ignoring a blue state. I’m sure politics had NOTHING to do with it.
It IS possible to have concern for the people of LA and not actually go there

So that's how you justify it?

How sad.

We might not be able to, but the people who have the most influence in American society can. They have the means. People like Hillary or Obama.

Oh yes, you can't explain his inaction, or hers. They clearly showed how little they cared. But all we (you and I) have to offer are ill spoken words on an Internet forum, arguing over who cares the most about the people suffering down there.
It IS possible to have concern for the people of LA and not actually go there

So that's how you justify it?

How sad.

We might not be able to, but the people who have the most influence in American society can. They have the means. People like Hillary or Obama.

Oh yes, you can't explain his inaction, or hers. They clearly showed how little they cared. But all we (you and I) have to offer are ill spoken words on an Internet forum, arguing over who cares the most about the people suffering down there.

You fail at comprehension. That is what you said. You have two different standards for how one displays that they care about the people of LA.

You have claimed to know that Obama simply doesn't care....because he didn't immediately visit....like Trump did. You still haven't visited. You clearly don't care at all.

Or.....like you seem to be saying.....is it possible to care about what happens to people in LA while not visiting?
It IS possible to have concern for the people of LA and not actually go there

So that's how you justify it?

How sad.

We might not be able to, but the people who have the most influence in American society can. They have the means. People like Hillary or Obama.

Oh yes, you can't explain his inaction, or hers. They clearly showed how little they cared. But all we (you and I) have to offer are ill spoken words on an Internet forum, arguing over who cares the most about the people suffering down there.

You fail at comprehension.

You fail at compassion.

You can stop preaching to me about standards, LL. You clearly lack any of your own. People of your ilk never do. If you did, you'd demand Hillary get her butt down there a show them some attention.

Good day.
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It IS possible to have concern for the people of LA and not actually go there

So that's how you justify it?

How sad.

We might not be able to, but the people who have the most influence in American society can. They have the means. People like Hillary or Obama.

Oh yes, you can't explain his inaction, or hers. They clearly showed how little they cared. But all we (you and I) have to offer are ill spoken words on an Internet forum, arguing over who cares the most about the people suffering down there.

You fail at comprehension.

You fail at compassion.

You can stop preaching to me about standards, LL. You clearly lack any of your own. People of your ilk never do. If you did, you'd demand Hillary get her butt down there a show them some attention.

Good day.

Awwwww. Poor tubby doesn't like it when his own standard renders him an uncaring idiot. Maybe you need to get a bus ticket and get down there. Wouldn't want anyone to say you don't care.
Trump has done more in the supposed "49 seconds" than Obama did in the whole time he has been there. I mean you have to pry the man away from his golf game and force him to care. And Hillary can't be bothered to go down there. I guess it's because stepping in the water will make her short circuit or something. Ah well. Who actually cares about these people? Obama? Hillary? Or Trump?

Trump is a flawed man granted. But not so flawed as to not care about people suffering from natural disasters. Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, it doesn't matter. He's helping them all. There's no racism or bigotry in that.

Last week, Donald Trump toured areas of Louisiana that had been devastated by flooding. During his visit, news outlets reported that he had made at least two donations to flood-relief efforts there. Since then, The Washington Post — which has been covering Trump's past promises to donate to charity — has tried to confirm these reports.

Here's what we've learned so far.

1. Trump promised a $100,000 donation to Greenwell Springs Baptist Church, which lies to the northeast of Baton Rouge, in a zone affected by floods. Trump had visited the church on Friday and helped hand out supplies for a few moments as cameras rolled.

That church's interim pastor is Anthony Perkins, who is also president of the Family Research Council — a powerful and politically active Christian conservative group that condemns abortion, homosexuality and what it calls "transgenderism." In recent days, the Baptist church has organized volunteers to help clean out flood-damaged homes and has offered hot meals and supplies to those affected.

Perkins said Tuesday that Trump's gift had not yet been paid.

"I've been told the church should [receive] it on Friday," he wrote in an email to The Post.

Hope Hicks, a spokeswoman for Trump's campaign, said that Trump intended to send a personal check, rather than a donation from the Donald J. Trump Foundation — a charity that Trump runs, but which is largely filled with other donors' money. She said the check would not be sent out until Trump himself could return to the office to sign it.

"That was a personal check from Mr. Trump," Hicks said. "It’s a personal contribution from Mr. Trump, and I believe the church should be receiving that on Thursday or Friday."

2. Trump has also been credited — by CNN, and by his campaign — with donating a truckload of supplies that arrived in the flood-ravaged town of St. Amant, La.

"This 18-wheeler, we're told by officials, donated by Donald Trump," CNN's Rosa Flores said on-air on Friday, as a forklift unloaded pallets of supplies from a truck in the background. The tractor-trailer was parked at The Church in St. Amant, near a command post for the regional authorities which Trump visited. She interviewed one of the church's pastors about how badly the supplies inside were needed. This was a different truck, apparently, than the one from which Trump was videotaped handing out supplies.

Hicks, the campaign spokeswoman, had not previously responded to queries about the truck. But, on Wednesday morning, she called The Post to say that Trump was indeed responsible for it. She was unable to say how Trump had arranged for the donation.

Donald Trump did donate a truckload of supplies in La., and intends to write a $100,000 check, his campaign says
This fails as a straw man fallacy.

It’s further evidence that you’re a liar and tedious rightwing partisan hack.

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