Who could vote for Biden today over any Republican? (Poll)

Who could you vote for in 2024?

  • No one

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Not Joe Biden

    Votes: 13 37.1%
  • Not Donald Trump

    Votes: 18 51.4%
  • The Republican nominee except Trump

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • The Democrat nominee except Joe Biden

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Someone else

    Votes: 8 22.9%

  • Total voters
Not unless she embraces women's reproductive rights. Republicans cannot win as long as they oppose women's reproductive health care rights. Because American women don't trust Republicans on this issue and with good reason.

There are 8 million more women voters than men. We cannot allow Republicans to treat women as moral idiots who can't make a well-reasoned decision. Too many are dying.

Then there are the other "women's issues" Republicans are either refusing to address, or are botching completely. Mandated maternity leave and job security for pregnant women. Lack of affordable child care for working women.

I put the term "women's issues" in quotes because that's what Republicans call them, before patting women on the head and sending to make coffee. These are basic family economic issues, in a nation where working families need two incomes to provide basic family necessities, like a roof over their heads or food on the table, without government assistance.

Republicans need more women holding legislative office so that they will STOP passing laws that are actively harming women. I watched 5 articulate women in a mid-west state House stand and give impassioned speeches about the necessity of keeping women's reproductive health care available to all women, including some personal experiences with life threatening pregnancy complications whose care would be banned in the proposed law. I wept listening to these women, begging the fellow legislators not to pass this law.

And then one of the men got up and said "If a woman doesn't want to have a baby, she should think about that before she spreads her legs".

For generations, Republicans said they didn't want to ban abortion, they just wanted to turn the matter back to the states. The moment Roe was overturned, every Republican leader in the USA said "Don't stop now. We need a national ban".

Unless and until Republicans start listening to the women, they won't get elected anywhere, because the soccer moms neither trust nor believe Republicans.
You and I both know that women's issues will be the only straw that democrats can grasp for in 2024.

That said, Republicans not being particularly stupid, will do everything humanly possible to settle those women's issues ASAP.
Here are the most recent policy positions of Nikki Haley:

1. On abortion, its whatever the individual states decide. She is NOT for any Federal involvement. She is personally Pro-Life.

2. Law & Order

3. Support Ukraine & Israel

4. Will oppose China's expansionism, and would defend Taiwan

5. Will fix Social Security & Medicare

6. Will close the borders and bring back the "Remain in Mexico" policy

7. Supports parental rights, and opposes trannys competing against females.

8. Supports using US troops in Mexico to combat drug cartels

9. Would end Biden's "war on energy"
I saw Biden speaking at a fab plant today.
First he joked about having the nuclear codes to "blow up the world"
Then he tried to read the teleprompter, without success

Here is an old flub just to keep the OP legit

I dare democrat posters to confirm they will vote for Joe Biden in 2024.
It's funny how MAGAts make fun of Biden's verbal gaffes.


Who could vote for Biden today over any Republican? (Poll)​

I have no plans to vote for either major party candidate, unless by some incredible miracle Liz Cheney is the GOP candidate.

The GOP is a cesspool of schizophrenic psychos, hypocrites, bigots, retards, crooks, and brazen liars. Until they clean up their act, they have lost my vote for life.

I'm writing in Snoopy and Pat Paulsen for all federal offices.
You and I both know that women's issues will be the only straw that democrats can grasp for in 2024.

That said, Republicans not being particularly stupid, will do everything humanly possible to settle those women's issues ASAP.
Here are the most recent policy positions of Nikki Haley:

1. On abortion, its whatever the individual states decide. She is NOT for any Federal involvement. She is personally Pro-Life.

2. Law & Order

3. Support Ukraine & Israel

4. Will oppose China's expansionism, and would defend Taiwan

5. Will fix Social Security & Medicare

6. Will close the borders and bring back the "Remain in Mexico" policy

7. Supports parental rights, and opposes trannys competing against females.

8. Supports using US troops in Mexico to combat drug cartels

9. Would end Biden's "war on energy"

Just to know, what her "fix" is for social security and medicare is - is to cut benefits.

Just say'n.

I could vote for any Democrat in any race over the authoritarians who support the fascist leaning Benedict Donald. Full stop.
I have no plans to vote for either major party candidate, unless by some incredible miracle Liz Cheney is the GOP candidate.
The GOP is a cesspool of schizophrenic psychos, hypocrites, bigots, retards, crooks, and brazen liars. Until they clean up their act, they have lost my vote for life. I'm writing in Snoopy and Pat Paulsen for all federal offices.
I get your sentiment. Both parties have failed their responsibilities. They both spent way too much. Liz Cheney? UGH.

Tonight Ron Desantis is debating Gavin Newsom on FNC. Should be interesting. Gavin more than held his own against Hannity.

The US is in deep fiscal trouble. Snoopy and Pat Paulson won't cut it, neither would Trump or Biden.
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I get your sentiment. Both parties have failed their responsibilities. They both spent way too much. Liz Cheney? UGH.

Tonight Ron Desantis is debating Gavin Newsom on FNC. Should be interesting. Gavin more than held his own against Hannity.

The US is in deep fiscal trouble. Snoopy and Pat Paulson won't cut it, neither would Trump or Biden.

How can you say that? Newsome never answers a question. He tap dances around the subject but cannot ever answer even a simple yes or no question.
1. Trump was a real president. Trump did real press conferences. Biden is a joke. You can disagree with Trump's policies, or EOs, or dislike his personality, but he was a real president.

2. Who chooses to have the Chief of Staff make the final calls? Not the voters. That;s not how the government is supposed to work. The president is supposed to do real press conferences, and answer wide ranging questions, Joe Biden can't do them, he's too senile, and democrats want him for another 4-years? Bad idea.

3. The US political system is about to face a major crisis when Congress realizes that the National Debt and interest on that Debt has exploded and can't be funded by more borrowing. The electoral system is enshrined in the Constitution, it won't ever change. It is what it is, and we'll see what happens in 2024. Should be a lot of fur flying all thru 2024.

4. You forgot to add Obama, Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush. Biden is senile, Trump was hated by the democrats, Obama had no clue wtf he was doing, Bush aka "chimp" had a tough time too. So 4 out of 4 presidencies were "controversial". 2024 will be democracy in action.

1. Trump spent half his time insulting people. That's not a "real president".

2. Who chooses the President? Not the voters. Democracy works with the voters choosing, in the US there's not much democracy.

Trump and Dubya both got elected with less votes than their opponent. Trump got less votes than Biden, SEVEN MILLION less votes, and he's saying the election was stolen. But even then it's all ridiculous.

Trump's state with the most support, CA. Gave him no electoral votes. 6 million people who didn't get much of a choice.

But then, who does get a choice, with the FPTP system you vote rep or dem, no one else much worth voting for.

3. Well, the US can choose to implode or not.

4. Obama was a pretty good president, came across well, spoke well, didn't get into crises etc. You probably don't like him, whatever, but he did the presidential thing well, better than anyone since Bush senior at the very least. And probably one of the best post war presidents.
1. Trump spent half his time insulting people. That's not a "real president".

2. Who chooses the President? Not the voters. Democracy works with the voters choosing, in the US there's not much democracy.
Trump and Dubya both got elected with less votes than their opponent. Trump got less votes than Biden, SEVEN MILLION less votes, and he's saying the election was stolen. But even then it's all ridiculous.
This is extremely misleading. What matters is that Biden got 306 votes and Trump 232. So the margin was only 74 votes.
4. Obama was a pretty good president, came across well, spoke well, didn't get into crises etc. You probably don't like him, whatever, but he did the presidential thing well, better than anyone since Bush senior at the very least. And probably one of the best post war presidents.
So you like the fast talkers. Talking is your major thing. IF a man is a good bullshitter, he qualifies as a best type president.
That is kind of amusing.
This is extremely misleading. What matters is that Biden got 306 votes and Trump 232. So the margin was only 74 votes.

"What matters".... the system is the system, and it produces results.

The results aren't what the people want. They're what the system wants. We know this because the Germans have two different ways of voting at the same time, on the same day, and come up with different results. The main two political parties will lose up to 10% of the vote with PR compared to FPTP.

If the electoral system were fair or democratic, it wouldn't be Trump v. Biden in the first place.
So you like the fast talkers. Talking is your major thing. IF a man is a good bullshitter, he qualifies as a best type president.
That is kind of amusing.

Whatever. The person I was replying to thought Trump was an excellent President, a fast talker and total bullshitter.

Presidents have to have high EQs and manipulate people. It's literally the job.

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