Hillary is running in 2024! I'm seeing her on TV a lot more! Who would you vote for her or Trump (Poll)

If the 2024 presidential candidates are Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump who would you vote for?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 4 9.1%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 39 88.6%
  • There is no 3rd choice, except to NOT VOTE.

    Votes: 1 2.3%

  • Total voters
The one-drop rule is hardly the one America lives with!! That's just silly.
The actual rule is that if you can tell they're black, yep, they're black.
Lots of "one-drop" people "pass." May not even know: I've always had my suspicions about Jimmy Carter's big lips, myself.
OK, just read this article & google "one drop rule". It is a thing.
IMHO we need a better definition of "mixed race".
I'm being nice in this OP because I don't want a mod to lock it for an "unclean start"....

So IF Hillary announces she is running for president in 2024....and she is a lot more visible lately...and who else do the dems have to put up in 2024.....
View attachment 568439

...and if Trump runs and gets the GOP nomination (there are more Trump flags in my area now than in 2016 or 2020...looks like Kyle Rittenhouse and Trump are a popular duo....ala Batman and Robin...

...so who would you vote for in 2024 between Trump and Hillary?
Two things are true.
Biden will be president in 2024.
And Trump will not be president in 2024.
OK, just read this article & google "one drop rule". It is a thing.
IMHO we need a better definition of "mixed race".
No, it's not a thing. The article you posted gave as examples known mulattos: half and half races. That's hardly "one drop"!!

This country never bothered with anything beyond what people looked like. It IS, after all, a very conspicuous look, to have a black genetic admixture of any considerable amount. An octaroon (1/8 black from one grandparent) could sometimes pass, and I don't think there IS any word for 1/16 or further.

But you got me thinking. That IS what the Nazis did in Germany --- they traced basically everybody's ancestry to find Jewish descendants. Back to grandparents, IIRC, I don't know if they went further, routinely. But they could trace ancestry: because of excellent German record-keeping.

Yet another reason to hate datamining, it occurs to me.
Two things are true.
Biden will be president in 2024.
And Trump will not be president in 2024.
I think you are half right, neither Trump nor Xiden will be elected president in 2024
Trump had his chance and blew it, and Biden is just too damn old and senile,

Betting odds are: Kamala 5:1, Nikki Haley 8:1, Trump 25:1, Biden 12:1 (No Hillary!!!)

No, it's not a thing. The article you posted gave as examples known mulattos: half and half races. That's hardly "one drop"!!

This country never bothered with anything beyond what people looked like. It IS, after all, a very conspicuous look, to have a black genetic admixture of any considerable amount. An octaroon (1/8 black from one grandparent) could sometimes pass, and I don't think there IS any word for 1/16 or further.

But you got me thinking. That IS what the Nazis did in Germany --- they traced basically everybody's ancestry to find Jewish descendants. Back to grandparents, IIRC, I don't know if they went further, routinely. But they could trace ancestry: because of excellent German record-keeping.

Yet another reason to hate datamining, it occurs to me.
The 2020 census showed big changes in the multi-racial population. I still think black multi-racial is much larger than 1% while the black only population is much smaller than the 12% that they self-i9dentify as.

Actually datamining isn't as accurate as DNA testing. The DNA testing can nail the percentages of each race. For example, I was informed that I was 0.01% Ashkenazi Jew??? WTF? Anyway, that still leaves open the "percentage" needed to be a single race, or multi-racial. Is 90% white and 10% black white, black, or multi-racial? How about 95% to 5%?
You see the point I'm trying to make. I agree with you that the "One drop" is outdated. But for the 2030 census, I think they should add some DNA metrics.
The 2020 census showed big changes in the multi-racial population. I still think black multi-racial is much larger than 1% while the black only population is much smaller than the 12% that they self-i9dentify as.

Actually datamining isn't as accurate as DNA testing. The DNA testing can nail the percentages of each race. For example, I was informed that I was 0.01% Ashkenazi Jew??? WTF? Anyway, that still leaves open the "percentage" needed to be a single race, or multi-racial. Is 90% white and 10% black white, black, or multi-racial? How about 95% to 5%?
You see the point I'm trying to make. I agree with you that the "One drop" is outdated. But for the 2030 census, I think they should add some DNA metrics.
Very interesting post! I think my math was wrong above --- 1 grandparent black is quadroon because that's 1 in 4; 1 GREAT-grandparent is octaroon because there are 8; one in eight.

I agree with you, it's an interesting situation, and now with this DNA analysis, it's different.
Very interesting post! I think my math was wrong above --- 1 grandparent black is quadroon because that's 1 in 4; 1 GREAT-grandparent is octaroon because there are 8; one in eight.

I agree with you, it's an interesting situation, and now with this DNA analysis, it's different.
Just an FYI one great-great-grandparent would be a "hexaroon" or 1/16.
1/4 = 25%
1/8 =12.5%
1/16 = 6.25%

So just to get the ball rolling, IMHO, less than 12.5% can be ignored, or not. Up to the person.
So that could be the trigger for the 2030 census "multi-racial" designation.
88.5% or more of one race can be a single race, while less than 88% should be considered multi-racial.
She's not running.

In wingnut fantasyland if she were running I'd vote for her over any Republican because I'm more aligned with her politically though she is not quite as liberal as I am. Also she doesn't belong to an asskissing cult of morons.
Hillary is not even in the betting odds mix to be president yet.
Kamala leads with a 5:1 shot
Trump is 25:1
Biden is 12:1
Pence & Nikki Haley are 8:1
Did not vote in your poll because she will not be running. so your poll numbers do not reflect an INDEPENDENT view.
Its a hypothetical poll IF Hillary runs AND gets the democrat nomination.
The dems don't have many candidates to pick from. Who knows what condition Biden will be in in a few years.

There is no "independent" view. Just potential voter's view.
2024 may be a little late.

But it's not too late for the old bitch to move to California and inherit Pelosi's seat and entertain demented thoughts of also inheriting Pelosi's throne. The first part, yeah, imaginable. The second? Remember, 2022 comes before 2024.
2024 may be a little late.

But it's not too late for the old bitch to move to California and inherit Pelosi's seat and entertain demented thoughts of also inheriting Pelosi's throne. The first part, yeah, imaginable. The second? Remember, 2022 comes before 2024.
Nancy is 81, she will run for her district, but will NOT run for Speaker.


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