Who could vote for Biden today over any Republican? (Poll)

Who could you vote for in 2024?

  • No one

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Not Joe Biden

    Votes: 13 37.1%
  • Not Donald Trump

    Votes: 18 51.4%
  • The Republican nominee except Trump

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • The Democrat nominee except Joe Biden

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Someone else

    Votes: 8 22.9%

  • Total voters
I'm voting for Biden.
He's in way better shape than trump.
Looking at Joe he is very thin, while Trump is heavy, agreed.

However, if there was a debate, which there won't be, I think Trump would have a much better command of the facts.

I was hoping that it won't be Trump v Biden, but that's how it looks to be shaping up.
You really don't think that the world is careening toward WW3?
Ukraine, the ME, China, BRIC, NK, Taiwan, etc.
I was hoping you would do better than that. It's election season hysteria on your part...and its hysterical.
We do know that "always wrong" Joe is no help with foreign policies.
He's repaired the relations with our allies after four years of neglect by Mara Lard Ass.
Senile is never better than cogent. But its your vote to make.

But who is senile? The whole of the presidential team? Nope. Just one.

Everyone else can just get on with their jobs. A presidency should never, ever be about one person. Because one person can't do the job alone.
I was hoping you would do better than that. It's election season hysteria on your part...and its hysterical.
He's repaired the relations with our allies after four years of neglect by Mara Lard Ass.
1. I hope you are right, but I don't like the path we are on. Like during Obama, ISIS expanded and expanded, then Trump came in and crushed them. Iran looks to be stirring up the natives and giving them advanced weapons. We'll see in the coming years how that develops, especially if/when they get nukes.

2. The world is a very dangerous place...who knows where the next trigger point will be...and you think the Biden admin foreign policy makes sense? I don't.

3. Repaired relations? That is IDIOTIC. Joe is held IN CONTEMPT by our allies. Stoltenberg said Trump strengthened NATO. Your stupid talking points need to be corrected. Stop lying.

But who is senile? The whole of the presidential team? Nope. Just one.
Everyone else can just get on with their jobs. A presidency should never, ever be about one person. Because one person can't do the job alone.
1. There are ALWAYS disagreements between advisors.
2. Who has the knowledge and judgment and authority to make the final call? It should be a real president. A real president should have command of the room, like we all see in the movies and TV series.

I think the Constitution envisions a real leader, not just a figurehead.
1. I hope you are right, but I don't like the path we are on. Like during Obama, ISIS expanded and expanded, then Trump came in and crushed them. Iran looks to be stirring up the natives and giving them advanced weapons. We'll see in the coming years how that develops, especially if/when they get nukes.

2. The world is a very dangerous place...who knows where the next trigger point will be...and you think the Biden admin foreign policy makes sense? I don't.

3. Repaired relations? That is IDIOTIC. Joe is held IN CONTEMPT by our allies. Stoltenberg said Trump strengthened NATO. Your stupid talking points need to be corrected. Stop lying.

Ahh the freebecon? Was gatewaypundshit's site down?

Anyway, here is what Stoltenberg said about President Biden:

SECRETARY GENERAL STOLTENBERG: President Biden, dear Joe, thank you so much for the warm words. And thank you for taking the time to meet with me, once again, here at the White House. It’s really a great honor and pleasure to — to meet you.

But most of all, thank you for your leadership, for your strong, personal commitment to the transatlantic bond, to Europe and North America standing together.

And let me also thank the U.S. Congress and the people of America for the strong support to Ukraine. And you just made a new announcement of additional U.S. support, and that is something which is very much welcomed.

Let me guess...now the Nato commander will suddenly be a deep state puppet
1. There are ALWAYS disagreements between advisors.
2. Who has the knowledge and judgment and authority to make the final call? It should be a real president. A real president should have command of the room, like we all see in the movies and TV series.

I think the Constitution envisions a real leader, not just a figurehead.

Sure there are, and advisors will still be advisors and one person will literally be running the show.

Look at Trump, he got angry at guns after (another) mass shooting, then a few days later he was all like "yeah, guns, love 'em"

Who has the authority to make the final call? Depends on how the presidency is set up. Probably his chief of staff.

Yes, a "real president" should have command, but then the US political system is a total whack job joke. Either the electoral system changes, or it'll continue to be joke presidents with maybe a few decent presidents in between.

Trump, Biden, Bush... three out of four whack jobs ain't bad.... time for democracy me thinks.
Ahh the freebecon? Was gatewaypundshit's site down?

Anyway, here is what Stoltenberg said about President Biden:
SECRETARY GENERAL STOLTENBERG: President Biden, dear Joe, thank you so much for the warm words. And thank you for taking the time to meet with me, once again, here at the White House. It’s really a great honor and pleasure to — to meet you.
But most of all, thank you for your leadership, for your strong, personal commitment to the transatlantic bond, to Europe and North America standing together.
And let me also thank the U.S. Congress and the people of America for the strong support to Ukraine. And you just made a new announcement of additional U.S. support, and that is something which is very much welcomed.

Let me guess...now the Nato commander will suddenly be a deep state puppet
1. Its called google. You can choose the source you like, but the result is the same. Biden is held IN CONTEMPT

2. I never claimed that Biden harmed NATO, your claim below is what I call a lie. Trump strengthened NATO, and Biden was held IN CONTEMPT by the Brits. Being held in contempt is not "repairing relations". Your claim is proven to be a lie. Besides, the NATO countries are cheering US support for Ukraine because they can save money if we keep footing the bill, duh.

"He's repaired the relations with our allies after four years of neglect by Mara Lard Ass."
1. Its called google. You can choose the source you like, but the result is the same. Biden is held IN CONTEMPT
Wow, 3 cherry picked news stories means the whole world holds Biden in contempt. Amazing!
2. I never claimed that Biden harmed NATO, your claim below is what I call a lie. Trump strengthened NATO, and Biden was held IN CONTEMPT by the Brits. Being held in contempt is not "repairing relations". Your claim is proven to be a lie. Besides, the NATO countries are cheering US support for Ukraine because they can save money if we keep footing the bill, duh.

"He's repaired the relations with our allies after four years of neglect by Mara Lard Ass."
Yet amazingly Biden is praised by the same guy you trotted out and now you're backtracking from his being an authority.

You'd weigh less than an ounce if a surgeon could remove all of the hypocrisy from your body.
Sure there are, and advisors will still be advisors and one person will literally be running the show. Look at Trump, he got angry at guns after (another) mass shooting, then a few days later he was all like "yeah, guns, love 'em"

Who has the authority to make the final call? Depends on how the presidency is set up. Probably his chief of staff.

Yes, a "real president" should have command, but then the US political system is a total whack job joke. Either the electoral system changes, or it'll continue to be joke presidents with maybe a few decent presidents in between.

Trump, Biden, Bush... three out of four whack jobs ain't bad.... time for democracy me thinks.
1. Trump was a real president. Trump did real press conferences. Biden is a joke. You can disagree with Trump's policies, or EOs, or dislike his personality, but he was a real president.

2. Who chooses to have the Chief of Staff make the final calls? Not the voters. That;s not how the government is supposed to work. The president is supposed to do real press conferences, and answer wide ranging questions, Joe Biden can't do them, he's too senile, and democrats want him for another 4-years? Bad idea.

3. The US political system is about to face a major crisis when Congress realizes that the National Debt and interest on that Debt has exploded and can't be funded by more borrowing. The electoral system is enshrined in the Constitution, it won't ever change. It is what it is, and we'll see what happens in 2024. Should be a lot of fur flying all thru 2024.

4. You forgot to add Obama, Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush. Biden is senile, Trump was hated by the democrats, Obama had no clue wtf he was doing, Bush aka "chimp" had a tough time too. So 4 out of 4 presidencies were "controversial". 2024 will be democracy in action.
Joey Xi gave us double digit inflation. the bug out from Afghanistan, The Russo-Ukraine war, now Gaza, China rattling it's saber over Taiwan, North Korea threatening South Korea and Japan, and Iranian proxies attacking our military in the Middle East.
It's become so bad in the U.S. that anti-Semitism has raised it's ugly head within the Socialist Democrat Commie Party.

"Socialist Democrat Commie Party"???

My God, you are so stupid.
Order of Precedence:

#1 Never Vote For Trump: If on the general election ballot vote "No", meaning cast a different vote. The man is dangerous and shouldn't ever get anywhere near the White House. I'm not sure if he should even be allowed to buy a ticket for the public tour.

#2 Primary/General: Of the current GOP candidates, I'll vote either Haley or Christie.

Right now that means if it's Haley v. Biden, Haley. If Trump v. Biden, Biden.

Wow, 3 cherry picked news stories means the whole world holds Biden in contempt. Amazing!

Yet amazingly Biden is praised by the same guy you trotted out and now you're backtracking from his being an authority.

You'd weigh less than an ounce if a surgeon could remove all of the hypocrisy from your body.
1. FACT: Biden is held in CONTEMPT by important US allies (Britain & France)

2. Both Trump and Biden were praised by Stoltenberg, which contradicts your claim that Biden "repaired" relations. Trump never damaged any relations, Trump strengthened NATO. So stop lying.

3. I can't help if the TRUTH contradicts your lies.
Don't run Trump and I can go back to voting third party.

Why? Because he and his cult are providing too many fucking parallels to 1930's Europe, and only a liar or an ignorant rube would deny it.
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1. FACT: Biden is held in CONTEMPT by important US allies (Britain & France)
2. Both Trump and Biden were praised by Stoltenberg, which contradicts your claim that Biden "repaired" relations. Trump never damaged any relations, Trump strengthened NATO. So stop lying.
Trump was regarded as dogshit by everyone in Europe and most people with 2 working brain cells in the US.
What did Angela Merkel say about Trump?

“As we are experiencing firsthand, you cannot fight the pandemic with lies and disinformation any more than you can fight it with hate or incitement to hatred,” Merkel said in July, in comments that were widely seen as a rebuke of Trump. “The limits of populism and denial of basic truths are being laid bare.”Nov 10, 2020

LONDON, May 25 (Xinhua) -- Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair questioned U.S. President Donald Trump's leadership in facing "terrifying" novel coronavirus pandemic and expressed his worry about the lack of global coordination in tackling the crisis, the British newspaper Daily Mail has reported

I mean hell...its like shooting fish in a barrel.

3. I can't help if the TRUTH contradicts your lies.
The truth doesn't contradict what I've said.
Order of Precedence:

#1 Never Vote For Trump: If on the general election ballot vote "No", meaning cast a different vote. The man is dangerous and shouldn't ever get anywhere near the White House. I'm not sure if he should even be allowed to buy a ticket for the public tour.

#2 Primary/General: Of the current GOP candidates, I'll vote either Haley or Christie.

Right now that means if it's Haley v. Biden, Haley. If Trump v. Biden, Biden.

1. I almost see your logic. Electing Trump could be very scary if he starts trying to take control of the Federal government and micro-manage it to punish his enemies, like democrats do all the time. Then again, the Federal government needs a good housecleaning. The DOJ & FBI have been weaponized against Republicans. The Budget is totally out of control. I'm not sure who we can elect that will fix the fiscal mess we're in.

2. I'm voting Haley too in the primary. She is the most electable.

3. If its Trump v Biden I'm voting Trump. Biden is a disaster. I'm sure both parties would put major clamps on Trump, if he stepped out of line I'm sure the Senate would find the Impeachment votes to remove him. 3rd time is the charm...
Don't run Trump and I can go back to voting third party.
Why? Because he and his cult are providing too many fucking parallels to 1930's Europe, and only a liar or an ignorant rube would deny it.
The US Constitution would prevent anyone from fucking with the government. Just sayin'.
The US Constitution would prevent anyone from fucking with the government. Just sayin'.
Not a Democrat....but quite happy to have voted for Biden in 2020; looking forward to voting for him again in 2024.

Did you really think, “Ah-ha! This will make them tremble!"

You'd vote for a sack of shit if it was democrat... I mean, you already did.

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