Who do you root for when both sides are committing genocide?

Partition caused much of the trouble. The British are addicted to it.

They backed the Arabs against the Jews, and lost. They even provided Generals and arms to the Arab Legion. Embarrassing for them. They also mistreated Jews in the refugee camps in their Zone in Europe post WW II, and even rammed ships taking Jews to Palestine. It's a black mark on their history.
It's a tragedy what's going on, but ultimately HAMAS needs to be eradicated. There are few "innocent" Palestinians. They voted that government in. They have overwhelmingly supported attacks on Jews and Israel. They've poked the bear for decades and now they're getting their comeuppance. Hopefully, once this is all over there will be stability in that region going forward, whether it's one or two states.
They backed the Arabs against the Jews, and lost. They even provided Generals and arms to the Arab Legion. Embarrassing for them. They also mistreated Jews in the refugee camps in their Zone in Europe post WW II, and even rammed ships taking Jews to Palestine. It's a black mark on their history.

I read Amos Oz’s book, giving eye witness accounts of how it was in Jerusalem, pre- Israel. Armed British soldiers taking pot shots at Jews, who were walking around attending to their own business.
this kinda blows that jewish slogan ..never again....wonder if they will change it to never again for us

there is such irony in this situation...
They aren't. Hamas and the Palestinians have to realize
Israel isn't going anywhere. They have lost repeatedly.

If their only option is praying for pity from the world, maybe
they should realize their cause is hopeless and surrender.


There are few "innocent" Palestinians. They voted that government in. They have overwhelmingly supported attacks on Jews and Israel. They've poked the bear for decades and now they're getting their comeuppance.


Palestinians didn't lose anything and nobody can force them to renounce their homeland (Die Gedanken sind Frei = Thoughts are free).

The only question that remains to be answered is:

Will the world finally recognize that the walls and fences of the jewish racial dictatorship that surround the West Bank and Gaza must be torn down and its snipers demobilized before or after Tel Aviv, New York or Los Angeles start glowing in the dark?
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I'm flummoxed.
Neither side is committing genocide, the Palestinians because they can't and Israel because it chooses not to. No Israeli strike can be launched unless lawyers certify that it complies with International Humanitarian Law, making claims of genocide ridiculous.

The numbers of casualties are presented in deceptive ways. Thirty thousand Gazans have died in this war, but 12,000 of them were Hamas, and Islamic Jihad gunmen, and 1200 of the more than 10,000 rockets fired at Israel have landed in Gaza, likely killing thousands of civilians, so no one knows how many civilians died as a result of Israeli strikes.

The situation is simple; the Arabs have been threatening a genocide against the Jews since the 1920's and Hamas has threatened to continue trying until Israel is destroyed, so there is no rational basis for a negotiated peace settlement.
this kinda blows that jewish slogan ..never again....wonder if they will change it to never again for us

there is such irony in this situation...
There is no irony to this situation at all. Since Israel is abiding meticulously by International Humanitarian Law, it is causing the smallest possible number of casualties possible that are consistent with the mission objective of destroying Hamas.
1. "Genocide," I believe means killing people simply because of their race, religion, etc.

2. We all agree that the Nazis committed genocide.

3. Hamas deliberately murdered1200 Israelis because they were Jewish or Israelis. So that probably counts as "genocide."

4. The Israelis have obliterated Gaza because it wants to kill all the Hamas members. The thousands of Gazans who have died were not targeted because they were Arabs. So probably that does not count as "genocide."

5. Those university protesters were wrong to use the word "genocide." They should have simply concentrated on the misery of displacement and starvation that the Gazan people are suffering. The protesters were also wrong to use words like "Zionists." (I understand some of the campus protesters were American Jewish people, who are pained by the Gazans' suffering.)

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