Who do you think leaked the Ford letter to the press?

Who leaked Fords accusation letter?

  • Ford herself

  • Feinstein

  • Democrat staffer

  • Fords own lawyer

  • Other or no opinion

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If you look close at all the evidence surrounding why Ford ended up in that seat on live TV it is clear to me that it is the left that raped her, not Kavanaugh and her lawyers are anti Trump activists.

It all stinks.

It's all too convenient then when you start looking at it far too many holes and discrepancies in her BS story

The problem is the demoquacks think we're all as stupid as their sheep

Well then once again the Dem outwitted the GOP, talk about stupid.

It's not over yet.

Mob rule is disgusting, are you proud to be part of it and destroy someone on fact less allegations?

Of couse you are....you're fcking evil to the core

Seems to me the GOP was going to do mob rule on the committee. Those evil white men.

If you look close at all the evidence surrounding why Ford ended up in that seat on live TV it is clear to me that it is the left that raped her, not Kavanaugh and her lawyers are anti Trump activists.

It all stinks.

It's all too convenient then when you start looking at it far too many holes and discrepancies in her BS story

The problem is the demoquacks think we're all as stupid as their sheep

Well then once again the Dem outwitted the GOP, talk about stupid.

It's not over yet.

Mob rule is disgusting, are you proud to be part of it and destroy someone on fact less allegations?

Of couse you are....you're fcking evil to the core

Seems to me the GOP was going to do mob rule on the committee. Those evil white men.

You mistake defense as mob rule.

YOU are part of mob rule...a disgustingly evil tactic. Be proud of yourself...you and your fellow mob members.

Karma would be you're accused of something, a fact less allegation you cannot prove never happened. You'd squeal like a pig

If you look close at all the evidence surrounding why Ford ended up in that seat on live TV it is clear to me that it is the left that raped her, not Kavanaugh and her lawyers are anti Trump activists.

It all stinks.
Doesn't matter who leaked what in this case. What matters is Kavanaugh's fitness to serve on the SCOTUS. And, as we witnessed Thursday, he's about as fit to serve as Trump is to be POTUS.

Senator Kamala Harris asked Kavanaugh MULTIPLE times if he would ask Trump for an FBI investigation into the facts AS DID his accuser Kristine Ford. Kavanaugh refused to do so MULTIPLE TIMES. Therefore, without a doubt, we know he is guilty as charged by Ford Since he REFUSED to call for an investigation. He should have demanded an investigation, to clear his "good" name. He has something to hide. IT's so obvious! Bigly!

What have you got to hide Mr. Kavanaugh? How about a little honesty from you and your Republican sycophants.

If you look close at all the evidence surrounding why Ford ended up in that seat on live TV it is clear to me that it is the left that raped her, not Kavanaugh and her lawyers are anti Trump activists.

It all stinks.
Doesn't matter who leaked what in this case. What matters is Kavanaugh's fitness to serve on the SCOTUS. And, as we witnessed Thursday, he's about as fit to serve as Trump is to be POTUS.

Senator Kamala Harris asked Kavanaugh MULTIPLE times if he would ask Trump for an FBI investigation into the facts AS DID his accuser Kristine Ford. Kavanaugh refused to do so MULTIPLE TIMES. Therefore, without a doubt, we know he is guilty as charged by Ford Since he REFUSED to call for an investigation. He should have demanded an investigation, to clear his "good" name. He has something to hide. IT's so obvious! Bigly!

What have you got to hide Mr. Kavanaugh? How about a little honesty from you and your Republican sycophants.
Anita Hill.............


Fool me once........shame on you.............Fool me twice............shame on me.........

We don't believe the BS anymore............

If you look close at all the evidence surrounding why Ford ended up in that seat on live TV it is clear to me that it is the left that raped her, not Kavanaugh and her lawyers are anti Trump activists.

It all stinks.

You missed an option or two. I voted democrat staffer, but it also could have been Mr. Ford.

Here’s two (as we say in Poker) tells.

This is what I feel happened, but not an option. A Democrat staffer gave the information, but at the instruction of Feinstein herself. It’s called plausible deniability.

And here’s the “tell”:

During the Ford Hearing, Feinstein was directly asked the question “Did you, or anyone on your staff release the letter to the press”

Feinstein answered that she was sure that she (Feinstein) had not THEN was asked if her staff had not. Feinstein then turned to a staff member and asked her if anyone on the staff had. The member whispered something in Feinsteins ear. Feinstein turned and responded that she was just told that the staff did not do it.

Apparently, after an entire week Feinstein had not personally looked into this, obviously not even spoken to her staff about it, even though, it WAS KEY TO KEEPING A CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT!

Apparently Feinstein spent less time investigating the leak, then I have typing this out.

Let that sink in.

Second, is her own Husband.

Your wife is testifying in front of Congress in a high stress environment, the Mother of your Children, AND YOU ARE NOT THERE TO SUPPORT HER?


One of the many reasons she delayed the hearing was TO ARRANGE CHILD CARE! And the reason the left claims he wasn’t there? To provide child care?


Could it be, her attorneys did not want him there, in the slim chance that he would be called to answer questions about the couple therapy? Maybe the second door in the bedroom was added for the real reason that they needed couple therapy? He beats his wife and she needed an escape route.

If you look close at all the evidence surrounding why Ford ended up in that seat on live TV it is clear to me that it is the left that raped her, not Kavanaugh and her lawyers are anti Trump activists.

It all stinks.

It's all too convenient then when you start looking at it far too many holes and discrepancies in her BS story

The problem is the demoquacks think we're all as stupid as their sheep

Well, the right is pretty stupid.
Ya it’s well documented the wetbacks you’ve been importing for votes is up there on the education scale

If you look close at all the evidence surrounding why Ford ended up in that seat on live TV it is clear to me that it is the left that raped her, not Kavanaugh and her lawyers are anti Trump activists.

It all stinks.

It's all too convenient then when you start looking at it far too many holes and discrepancies in her BS story

The problem is the demoquacks think we're all as stupid as their sheep

Well, the right is pretty stupid.
Ya it’s well documented the wetbacks you’ve been importing for votes is up there on the education scale

I'll bet you think Hillary killed people too, don't you?

If you look close at all the evidence surrounding why Ford ended up in that seat on live TV it is clear to me that it is the left that raped her, not Kavanaugh and her lawyers are anti Trump activists.

It all stinks.

It's all too convenient then when you start looking at it far too many holes and discrepancies in her BS story

The problem is the demoquacks think we're all as stupid as their sheep

Well then once again the Dem outwitted the GOP, talk about stupid.

It's not over yet.

Mob rule is disgusting, are you proud to be part of it and destroy someone on fact less allegations?

Of couse you are....you're fcking evil to the core

Seems to me the GOP was going to do mob rule on the committee. Those evil white men.

You mistake defense as mob rule.

YOU are part of mob rule...a disgustingly evil tactic. Be proud of yourself...you and your fellow mob members.

Karma would be you're accused of something, a fact less allegation you cannot prove never happened. You'd squeal like a pig

Maj rule is the same as mob rule. Jefferson was for maj rule or mob rule. The GOP were acted like the MOB the day of the hearing. Well both Thurs and Fri.
It's all too convenient then when you start looking at it far too many holes and discrepancies in her BS story

The problem is the demoquacks think we're all as stupid as their sheep

Well then once again the Dem outwitted the GOP, talk about stupid.

It's not over yet.

Mob rule is disgusting, are you proud to be part of it and destroy someone on fact less allegations?

Of couse you are....you're fcking evil to the core

Seems to me the GOP was going to do mob rule on the committee. Those evil white men.

You mistake defense as mob rule.

YOU are part of mob rule...a disgustingly evil tactic. Be proud of yourself...you and your fellow mob members.

Karma would be you're accused of something, a fact less allegation you cannot prove never happened. You'd squeal like a pig

Maj rule is the same as mob rule. Jefferson was for maj rule or mob rule. The GOP were acted like the MOB the day of the hearing. Well both Thurs and Fri.
Which is 50 plus 1 passing laws on to the 50 minus 1.............and if there was only a House then that is how it would be..................

But we don't.................now to the Senate.....who must approve also........the Rep of States....where population of states no longer matter.............then on to the President......who must sign.

The system was set up on the notion that one power would not ever hold all 3 at the same time.............

The Senate was known as the cooler..........to make it hard to pass new laws........by design.........which is why they are and have always been the graveyard of House Bills........................
It's all too convenient then when you start looking at it far too many holes and discrepancies in her BS story

The problem is the demoquacks think we're all as stupid as their sheep

Well then once again the Dem outwitted the GOP, talk about stupid.

It's not over yet.

Mob rule is disgusting, are you proud to be part of it and destroy someone on fact less allegations?

Of couse you are....you're fcking evil to the core

Seems to me the GOP was going to do mob rule on the committee. Those evil white men.

You mistake defense as mob rule.

YOU are part of mob rule...a disgustingly evil tactic. Be proud of yourself...you and your fellow mob members.

Karma would be you're accused of something, a fact less allegation you cannot prove never happened. You'd squeal like a pig

Maj rule is the same as mob rule. Jefferson was for maj rule or mob rule. The GOP were acted like the MOB the day of the hearing. Well both Thurs and Fri.

And in the next breath you want to abolish the electoral college!
the cause of rape is not drinking, flirty behaviour, a promiscious past, walking alone, or night time, the one and only cause of rape is RAPISTS!
It's all too convenient then when you start looking at it far too many holes and discrepancies in her BS story

The problem is the demoquacks think we're all as stupid as their sheep

Well then once again the Dem outwitted the GOP, talk about stupid.

It's not over yet.

Mob rule is disgusting, are you proud to be part of it and destroy someone on fact less allegations?

Of couse you are....you're fcking evil to the core

Seems to me the GOP was going to do mob rule on the committee. Those evil white men.

You mistake defense as mob rule.

YOU are part of mob rule...a disgustingly evil tactic. Be proud of yourself...you and your fellow mob members.

Karma would be you're accused of something, a fact less allegation you cannot prove never happened. You'd squeal like a pig

Maj rule is the same as mob rule. Jefferson was for maj rule or mob rule. The GOP were acted like the MOB the day of the hearing. Well both Thurs and Fri.

You're too fucking stupid to know what mob rule is.

You're just another stupid fuck leftist, this forum is full of your types.
And in the next breath you want to abolish the electoral college![/QUOTE]

Yes I do.

If you look close at all the evidence surrounding why Ford ended up in that seat on live TV it is clear to me that it is the left that raped her, not Kavanaugh and her lawyers are anti Trump activists.

It all stinks.

It's all too convenient then when you start looking at it far too many holes and discrepancies in her BS story

The problem is the demoquacks think we're all as stupid as their sheep

Well, the right is pretty stupid.
Ya it’s well documented the wetbacks you’ve been importing for votes is up there on the education scale

I'll bet you think Hillary killed people too, don't you?
Thinking Error; assuming
But the dirt bag in my signature did

If you look close at all the evidence surrounding why Ford ended up in that seat on live TV it is clear to me that it is the left that raped her, not Kavanaugh and her lawyers are anti Trump activists.

It all stinks.

It's all too convenient then when you start looking at it far too many holes and discrepancies in her BS story

The problem is the demoquacks think we're all as stupid as their sheep

Well, the right is pretty stupid.
Ya it’s well documented the wetbacks you’ve been importing for votes is up there on the education scale

I'll bet you think Hillary killed people too, don't you?
Thinking Error; assuming
But the dirt bag in my signature did

Oh, I don't know. The crazier RWNJs are always spouting about Hillary's imagined kill list. You certainly seem to fit that group.
It's all too convenient then when you start looking at it far too many holes and discrepancies in her BS story

The problem is the demoquacks think we're all as stupid as their sheep

Well, the right is pretty stupid.
Ya it’s well documented the wetbacks you’ve been importing for votes is up there on the education scale

I'll bet you think Hillary killed people too, don't you?
Thinking Error; assuming
But the dirt bag in my signature did

Oh, I don't know. The crazier RWNJs are always spouting about Hillary's imagined kill list. You certainly seem to fit that group.
There would be more of them.........but for some reason they keep disappearing............kinda like Democratic Evidence a judge wants......


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