Who do you want Trump to pick as his VP?

Assuming Trump gets the nod, I wouldn't be too shocked if he picked Kasich. A moderate whom is quite popular in Ohio and could likely deliver the state to GOP.
Assuming Trump gets the nod, I wouldn't be too shocked if he picked Kasich. A moderate whom is quite popular in Ohio and could likely deliver the state to GOP.
Kasich is a weakling and Trump doesn't respect him. Besides, Kasich just ran an ad comparing Trump to Hitler, and refuses to confirm he will support him in the general (after signing the pledge). No way he'll pick him.
Trump can walk all over Kasich too, and Kasich would just continue to purse his lips and drive everyone batshit within eye view range. :lol:
Need someone as strong as Trump, but has more control over emotions/reactions. And not a pushover.
Assuming Trump gets the nod, I wouldn't be too shocked if he picked Kasich. A moderate whom is quite popular in Ohio and could likely deliver the state to GOP.
Kasich is a weakling and Trump doesn't respect him. Besides, Kasich just ran an ad comparing Trump to Hitler, and refuses to confirm he will support him in the general (after signing the pledge). No way he'll pick him.

Oh, dear. I wasn't aware of the Hitler ad. Yeah, after that I don't believe he will pick him as the VP. lol
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I think Trump is a blow hard but Hitler?! How stupid.
Rudy Giuliani. Terrorism is the main issue and who better than Giuliani to make that case? Think 9/11.
Two from New York will never work. Cruz carries Texas and that is a lot of votes.

Is there really any doubt about Texas? It don't believe it matters whom gets the nod as Texas is solidly in the GOP category.
I thought he was gonna go for Cruz, but with the latest brouhaha about Cruz bullshit....I don't think he will go there now.
I really don't know. Maybe Rand Paul? But Paul has to mellow out alittle bit. We can't have two hotheads in there at the same time.
I think that was done on purpose to take that issue off the table for democrats. They BOTH had to much fun with it and afterwards BOTH said they would consider the other for VP.
Me? Patrick Buchanan!

In his acceptance speech, Buchanan proposed U.S. withdrawal from the IMF, the WTO, the UN, and expelling the UN from New York, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, Department of Education, Department of Energy, Department of Housing and Urban Development, soft money, taxes on inheritance and capital gains, and affirmative action programs. Buchanan also proposed a 10% tariff of foreign imports and term-limits for members of Congress.

Nuff said.

Ann Coulter....Trump/Coulter.

Trump needs a person who appears to be a moderating influence-----
not something to BANG ON ITS CHEST IN TIME

Who would this be?

unfortunately NOT GIULIANI -----nice guy but too much LIKE TRUMP----he
needs something to counter balance him.--------liberal but not stupid like
Kerry or Sanders. Someone a bit INTELLECTUAL and US "nobility" ....
that kinda vanilla guy from New England seems a really good foil

What is US "nobility", I mean the criteria as you don't have actual real Aristocrats like we in Europa have.

People who trace their families back to colonial times----especially if their
ancestors were, in some way, NOTABLES, or fought in the war against
THE KING.. ----that kind of stuff. Family living in New England for more than
for a LONG time-----is actually a credential. --------as to "actual real Aristocrats
like.....YOU .....have<<<< ROFLMAO
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory as a possible vice presidential running-mate for Republican Donald Trump in 2016? Well, Ann Coulter thinks so.

The conservative political commentator has been touting her VP choice for the mega-businessman turned presidential candidate after McCrory made headlines for signing a highly controversial immigration bill into law.
Rudy Giuliani. Terrorism is the main issue and who better than Giuliani to make that case? Think 9/11.
Two from New York will never work. Cruz carries Texas and that is a lot of votes.
Texas always goes Republican. I would suggest someone from California but there aren't many conservatives to choose from. Giuliani has charisma going for him too. He's not just a New York figure either, he's well known and loved nationwide. Remember, Al Gore didn't win his own state in 2,000.
Trump can walk all over Kasich too, and Kasich would just continue to purse his lips and drive everyone batshit within eye view range. :lol:
Need someone as strong as Trump, but has more control over emotions/reactions. And not a pushover.
Agree. Kasich is unattractive, lacks charisma, he's unkempt, has poor posture, and can't debate worth a shit.
His mouth makes me gawk..like..at a train wreck. Morbid fascination I guess.
Rudy Giuliani. Terrorism is the main issue and who better than Giuliani to make that case? Think 9/11.
Two from New York will never work. Cruz carries Texas and that is a lot of votes.
Texas always goes Republican. I would suggest someone from California but there aren't many conservatives to choose from. Giuliani has charisma going for him too. He's not just a New York figure either, he's well known and loved nationwide. Remember, Al Gore didn't win his own state in 2,000.
Trump/Cruz can take the east coast and the southern border states. The west coast is trash so forget them. That leaves the northern border and the mid west. Ideas?


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