Who gives a shit about ISIS?

For molesting women.


An accusation from a Hillary supporter during the campaign.

For stealing the nest eggs of seniors


Trump stole nothing. Hillary stole the White House furniture last time she was there. If you support Hillary, you endorse stealing.

For lying to, and stealing from, investors

"lying to" investors is a tort subject to civil suit from investors - did they even sue??

Again the hypocrisy of a Hillary supporter regarding "stealing..."

For lying to Congress.

You can't be serious. You are a Hillary supporter who is offended by LYING???


Hillary has done nothing but lie her whole life, from "I do" to "I didn't know" Bill wasn't sleeping with me...
Isis gets way to much attention in these debates . Isis ain't shit when it comes to rea
Issues that effect the country .

Basically no talk about Medicare / Medicaid.

Nothing on the opiate problem . Which kills more Americans in a day than anything Isis has done (including lone wolf wanna be shootings )

Isis is just a boogie man to divert our attention .
Stop worrying; Hillary must have mentioned the opiate problem at least 100 times last night.

Didn't hear that .

Pols love Isis because of the fear distraction.
So you didn't watch the debate.

I did . When were opiates talked about ?
My remark was concerning Hillary's OBSESSION with ISIS.
For molesting women.


An accusation from a Hillary supporter during the campaign.

There is a long line of women who have accused Trump of sexual predation. And now they are vindicated by Trump's own bragging about it.

For stealing the nest eggs of seniors


Trump stole nothing.

Trump University

Trump University swindled me, says Iowa retiree

Among the key pieces of evidence in the class actions is an infomercial by Trump in which he presents the university as his own. In the infomercial, the billionaire claims he personally hired “professors and adjunct professors that are absolutely terrific.”

“And honestly, if you don’t learn from them, if you don’t learn from me, if you don’t learn from the people that we’re going to be putting forward, and these are all people handpicked by me,” Trump says, “then you’re just not going to make it in terms of world-class success.”

Under oath, Trump told a different story. He testified in a 2012 deposition that, contrary to the Trump University sales materials and statements he made in the infomercial to the media, he neither selected the instructors nor oversaw the curriculum.


Trump U preys on the elderly.

This is the biggest SCAM I’ve ever seen! My 82 year old father went to a free seminar promising to make him rich through real estate. The seminar was solely for the purpose of upselling him into attending a $1500 three day workshop by promising him they would teach him how to buy and sell foreclosures for huge profits (which is totally unrealistic because the vast majority of foreclosures today are because people are upside down in their homes) Anyway, he goes to the 3 day workshop and when he comes home we find out that they pressured him into spending $35k MORE! I don’t care who you are there is no real estate course worth $35k. Then he proceeds to tell us how the majority of people there were SENIORS like him! tricked into thinking they can make a quick profit! If this isn’t the definition of preying on the elderly then I don’t know what is.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Cohen Complaint.pdf

Throughout, the instructor portrays him or herself as knowledgeable in the Donald Trump way of investing and that he or she is close to Defendant Trump through firsthand accounts of Defendant Trump.

The instructor also plays on the fears of the audience, which includes a significant percentage of senior citizens. "How many of you lost a lot of your 401k investment in the market? How many of you are retired or want to retire? How many of you want to leave a legacy or property to your children or grandchildren?" The speaker encourages attendees, including the elderly, to cash out their 401K' s or increase their credit limits so they can supposedly make a higher return on their investments in the foreclosure market.

]For lying to, and stealing from, investors

"lying to" investors is a tort subject to civil suit from investors - did they even sue??

Yes! Have you been living in a cave?
Hillary has been arming and funding ISIS all along, in accordance with the wishes of her master...

Like I said, if you measure Trump with the same yardstick the pseudocons have made with their own tiny hands, Trump is a far worse person.

Just for stealing from senior citizens alone, he should never see the sun again.
For molesting women.


An accusation from a Hillary supporter during the campaign.

There is a long line of women who have accused Trump of sexual predation. And now they are vindicated by Trump's own bragging about it.

For stealing the nest eggs of seniors


Trump stole nothing.

Trump University

Trump University swindled me, says Iowa retiree

Among the key pieces of evidence in the class actions is an infomercial by Trump in which he presents the university as his own. In the infomercial, the billionaire claims he personally hired “professors and adjunct professors that are absolutely terrific.”

“And honestly, if you don’t learn from them, if you don’t learn from me, if you don’t learn from the people that we’re going to be putting forward, and these are all people handpicked by me,” Trump says, “then you’re just not going to make it in terms of world-class success.”

Under oath, Trump told a different story. He testified in a 2012 deposition that, contrary to the Trump University sales materials and statements he made in the infomercial to the media, he neither selected the instructors nor oversaw the curriculum.


Trump U preys on the elderly.

This is the biggest SCAM I’ve ever seen! My 82 year old father went to a free seminar promising to make him rich through real estate. The seminar was solely for the purpose of upselling him into attending a $1500 three day workshop by promising him they would teach him how to buy and sell foreclosures for huge profits (which is totally unrealistic because the vast majority of foreclosures today are because people are upside down in their homes) Anyway, he goes to the 3 day workshop and when he comes home we find out that they pressured him into spending $35k MORE! I don’t care who you are there is no real estate course worth $35k. Then he proceeds to tell us how the majority of people there were SENIORS like him! tricked into thinking they can make a quick profit! If this isn’t the definition of preying on the elderly then I don’t know what is.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Cohen Complaint.pdf

Throughout, the instructor portrays him or herself as knowledgeable in the Donald Trump way of investing and that he or she is close to Defendant Trump through firsthand accounts of Defendant Trump.

The instructor also plays on the fears of the audience, which includes a significant percentage of senior citizens. "How many of you lost a lot of your 401k investment in the market? How many of you are retired or want to retire? How many of you want to leave a legacy or property to your children or grandchildren?" The speaker encourages attendees, including the elderly, to cash out their 401K' s or increase their credit limits so they can supposedly make a higher return on their investments in the foreclosure market.

]For lying to, and stealing from, investors

"lying to" investors is a tort subject to civil suit from investors - did they even sue??

Yes! Have you been living in a cave?

All of this is just manufactured BS from the Hillary campaign. It will disappear as soon as the election is over, since none of it has any supporting evidence.

Bill and Hillary had real crimes where real associates went to prison to protect them. In fact, if you are alive and not a felon, Bill and Hillary don't know you, since everyone they knew is either dead or a con...
For molesting women.


An accusation from a Hillary supporter during the campaign.

There is a long line of women who have accused Trump of sexual predation. And now they are vindicated by Trump's own bragging about it.

For stealing the nest eggs of seniors


Trump stole nothing.

Trump University

Trump University swindled me, says Iowa retiree

Among the key pieces of evidence in the class actions is an infomercial by Trump in which he presents the university as his own. In the infomercial, the billionaire claims he personally hired “professors and adjunct professors that are absolutely terrific.”

“And honestly, if you don’t learn from them, if you don’t learn from me, if you don’t learn from the people that we’re going to be putting forward, and these are all people handpicked by me,” Trump says, “then you’re just not going to make it in terms of world-class success.”

Under oath, Trump told a different story. He testified in a 2012 deposition that, contrary to the Trump University sales materials and statements he made in the infomercial to the media, he neither selected the instructors nor oversaw the curriculum.


Trump U preys on the elderly.

This is the biggest SCAM I’ve ever seen! My 82 year old father went to a free seminar promising to make him rich through real estate. The seminar was solely for the purpose of upselling him into attending a $1500 three day workshop by promising him they would teach him how to buy and sell foreclosures for huge profits (which is totally unrealistic because the vast majority of foreclosures today are because people are upside down in their homes) Anyway, he goes to the 3 day workshop and when he comes home we find out that they pressured him into spending $35k MORE! I don’t care who you are there is no real estate course worth $35k. Then he proceeds to tell us how the majority of people there were SENIORS like him! tricked into thinking they can make a quick profit! If this isn’t the definition of preying on the elderly then I don’t know what is.

http://www.trumpuniversitylitigation.com/Content/Documents/Cohen Complaint.pdf

Throughout, the instructor portrays him or herself as knowledgeable in the Donald Trump way of investing and that he or she is close to Defendant Trump through firsthand accounts of Defendant Trump.

The instructor also plays on the fears of the audience, which includes a significant percentage of senior citizens. "How many of you lost a lot of your 401k investment in the market? How many of you are retired or want to retire? How many of you want to leave a legacy or property to your children or grandchildren?" The speaker encourages attendees, including the elderly, to cash out their 401K' s or increase their credit limits so they can supposedly make a higher return on their investments in the foreclosure market.

]For lying to, and stealing from, investors

"lying to" investors is a tort subject to civil suit from investors - did they even sue??

Yes! Have you been living in a cave?

All of this is just manufactured BS from the Hillary campaign.
Nope. Trump admitted in his deposition that he lied about handpicking the instructors at Trump U. And what I quoted from are court documents for the fraud trial which Trump is very lucky got postponed until after the election.

He robbed the elderly.

He's an adulterer.

He's a serial sexual predator.

He's everything the Right hates.

Trump's Chumps have allowed their hatred of the Clintons to blind them to the fact they have fallen in love with the exact same evil.
Isis gets way to much attention in these debates . Isis ain't shit when it comes to rea
Issues that effect the country .

Basically no talk about Medicare / Medicaid.

Nothing on the opiate problem . Which kills more Americans in a day than anything Isis has done (including lone wolf wanna be shootings )

Isis is just a boogie man to divert our attention .
Stop worrying; Hillary must have mentioned the opiate problem at least 100 times last night.

Didn't hear that .

Pols love Isis because of the fear distraction.
So you didn't watch the debate.

I did . When were opiates talked about ?
My remark was concerning Hillary's OBSESSION with ISIS.

They both love talking isis . It's low hanging fruit . Everyone needs a bad guy!

But really. When u wake up in the morning, does isis worry you ?!?
Isis gets way to much attention in these debates . Isis ain't shit when it comes to real
Issues that effect the country .

Basically no talk about Medicare / Medicaid.

Nothing on the opiate problem . Which kills more Americans in a day than anything Isis has done (including lone wolf wanna be shootings )

Isis is just a boogie man to divert our attention .

Wow. Are you stoopid!
Stop worrying; Hillary must have mentioned the opiate problem at least 100 times last night.

Didn't hear that .

Pols love Isis because of the fear distraction.
So you didn't watch the debate.

I did . When were opiates talked about ?
My remark was concerning Hillary's OBSESSION with ISIS.

They both love talking isis . It's low hanging fruit . Everyone needs a bad guy!

But really. When u wake up in the morning, does isis worry you ?!?
Trump doesn't care as he wants them all to kill each other off.
ISIS doesn't keep me awake as much as accepting hundreds of thousands of "refugees" from the battle into the US.
For all I know, the "refugees" are simply the ones who ran out of bullets first.
ISIS is a non-threat until after the election since Israel wants Hillary to win...
Trump would be in jail? What for? Exercising free speech? Legally using a tax loss carry forward?

Hillary lied to the FBI, got Americans killed while trying to start a civil war in Syria "to help Israel" according to wikileaks...
Tax evasion
Assisting terrorists
Inciting violence
Isis gets way to much attention in these debates . Isis ain't shit when it comes to real
Issues that effect the country .

Basically no talk about Medicare / Medicaid.

Nothing on the opiate problem . Which kills more Americans in a day than anything Isis has done (including lone wolf wanna be shootings )

Isis is just a boogie man to divert our attention .

So basically you want to get away from your security and get back to your handouts. Interestingly enough, your security is actually in the Constitution and your handouts aren't. What a mind fuck, huh, wheelchair boy?
Hillary has been arming and funding ISIS all along, in accordance with the wishes of her master...

You know what is deliciously ironic about your post?

You love your false flag conspiracy theories, and yet you are completely blind to the one right in front of your face.

The GOP nominee is a pro-abortion, serial adulterer, sexual predator, cut-and-run, impeach Bush, universal health care, New York liberal, and close personal friend of the Clintons.

Donald Trump 2005:


I just start kissing them. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy.
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Isis gets way to much attention in these debates . Isis ain't shit when it comes to real
Issues that effect the country .

Basically no talk about Medicare / Medicaid.

Nothing on the opiate problem . Which kills more Americans in a day than anything Isis has done (including lone wolf wanna be shootings )

Isis is just a boogie man to divert our attention .
I really wish Medicaid would have come up in the debate.

Trump wants to expand Medicaid even more than Obama has. His Chumps really need to hear that.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- what , and you think that after hearing that that Trump supporters will vote for 'illary' . Thats funny if you think that would happen G5000 !!
I don't expect Trump's supporters to ever vote for Hillary, nor would I want them to. That is the LAST thing I would want them to do.

If they miraculously wised up about Trump, which will NEVER happen, they should write in another Republican's name. That would be a far more effective and correct message.
------------------------------------thanks for the reply but not going to happen , Trump supporters ,er Deplorables are Deplorable for years to come G5000 !!
Isis gets way to much attention in these debates . Isis ain't shit when it comes to real
Issues that effect the country .

Basically no talk about Medicare / Medicaid.

Nothing on the opiate problem . Which kills more Americans in a day than anything Isis has done (including lone wolf wanna be shootings )

Isis is just a boogie man to divert our attention .

So basically you want to get away from your security and get back to your handouts. Interestingly enough, your security is actually in the Constitution and your handouts aren't. What a mind fuck, huh, wheelchair boy?
-------------------------------------------------- good accurate comment , thanks Kaz !!
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Isis gets way to much attention in these debates . Isis ain't shit when it comes to real
Issues that effect the country .

Basically no talk about Medicare / Medicaid.

Nothing on the opiate problem . Which kills more Americans in a day than anything Isis has done (including lone wolf wanna be shootings )

Isis is just a boogie man to divert our attention .
They kicked Barrys ass... lol
Isis gets way to much attention in these debates . Isis ain't shit when it comes to real
Issues that effect the country .

Basically no talk about Medicare / Medicaid.

Nothing on the opiate problem . Which kills more Americans in a day than anything Isis has done (including lone wolf wanna be shootings )

Isis is just a boogie man to divert our attention .

So basically you want to get away from your security and get back to your handouts. Interestingly enough, your security is actually in the Constitution and your handouts aren't. What a mind fuck, huh, wheelchair boy?

Where is it in the constitution?
islamic state isis caliphate is a big problem for the western world , the entire western world . See the murder and mayhem that muslims are causing in europe Timmy !!

Europe is not the United States .

If Hillary gets elected we will rapidly become just like Europe with her immigration program to bring 100,000 more Muslims to the US.

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