Who gives a shit about ISIS?

Isis gets way to much attention in these debates . Isis ain't shit when it comes to real
Issues that effect the country .

Basically no talk about Medicare / Medicaid.

Nothing on the opiate problem . Which kills more Americans in a day than anything Isis has done (including lone wolf wanna be shootings )

Isis is just a boogie man to divert our attention .
Tell that to a bunch of gays in Orlando...

Oh, that's right... The Democrats threw the gays under the bus in favor of the peoole that want to KILL THEM...

And you might want to claim there is no connection, but very few potential terrorists are "inspired" by groups that get wiped out... Too bad Hillary and the Kenyan would rather fight on ISIS' side than do what's necessary to end their existance...
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What is "evil" about expecting Hillary to not be above the law?

Is it "evil" to fail to make Hillary above the law??
If we applied the same yardstick to Trump, they would both be in jail. This is what his Chumps don't get.

Just for stealing the nest eggs of seniors at Trump U alone, Trump should never see the sun again.

A few Seniors took the course and didn't become instant millionaires so they sued. Along come the lawyers looking to make a killing and made it a class action suit. I can't hardly wait for someone that majored in Black Studies at Princeton to sue because they can't get a job.
Timmy's attitude will change in a split-second when he's in a mall buying new tights and lipstick and some ISIS "lone wolf" screams: "ALAHU AKBAR!" and starts spraying the crowd with rifle fire. Of course Timmy thinks he'll have a moment to tell the shooter that ISIS "ain't shit" before a round hits Timmy. Bye bye Timmy.

If Fraud is what bothers you, then don't vote for Hillary, because her entire life is going from one fraud to another...

Castle Grande
Madison S&L
Cattle futures
"marriage" to Bill
"vast right wing conspiracy" (forcing Bill to cheat on her)
covering up 911
covering up the FBI fraud case against the climate "scientists"
pulling FBI files on Republicans
losing her subpoenaed billing records
lying about not having Parkinson's
Isis gets way to much attention in these debates . Isis ain't shit when it comes to real
Issues that effect the country .

Basically no talk about Medicare / Medicaid.

Nothing on the opiate problem . Which kills more Americans in a day than anything Isis has done (including lone wolf wanna be shootings )

Isis is just a boogie man to divert our attention .

So basically you want to get away from your security and get back to your handouts. Interestingly enough, your security is actually in the Constitution and your handouts aren't. What a mind fuck, huh, wheelchair boy?

Where is it in the constitution?

Where is our security in the Constitution? Seriously?

Article IV Section 4 for one
Isis gets way to much attention in these debates . Isis ain't shit when it comes to real
Issues that effect the country .

Basically no talk about Medicare / Medicaid.

Nothing on the opiate problem . Which kills more Americans in a day than anything Isis has done (including lone wolf wanna be shootings )

Isis is just a boogie man to divert our attention .
ISIS is just a small subset of the biggest problem to ever confront civilization - Islam.
Are you one of the Genocide supporters we've seen here?

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