Who gives a shit about ISIS?

islamic state . isis is coming here , you should smarten up , do some reading and thinking because islamic state is being imported into the USA as i type Timmy !!

Man , you took the Isis fear coolaid big time !
---------------------------------------------- no , no fear here , i just see reality , look at Europe , read about europe . Also , look at events in San Berdoo , Orlando , the trade towers , see the attack on the trade towers in 1993 , see the airplane hijackings done by muslims , see the beheadings in England and Oklahoma . See the massacre at 'bataclan' see the attack on 'charlie hebdo ' . See the hijacking of the cruise ship 'Achille Lauro' and the dumping of wheel chair bound 'leon klinghoffer' into the ocean by muslims Timmy . No , no fear on my part , just observation as i recognize muslim enemies Timmy !!
Isis gets way to much attention in these debates . Isis ain't shit when it comes to real
Issues that effect the country .

Basically no talk about Medicare / Medicaid.

Nothing on the opiate problem . Which kills more Americans in a day than anything Isis has done (including lone wolf wanna be shootings )

Isis is just a boogie man to divert our attention .
ISIS is just a small subset of the biggest problem to ever confront civilization - Islam.
Organized religion has crippled humans since the beginning of time.
Isis gets way to much attention in these debates . Isis ain't shit when it comes to real
Issues that effect the country .

Basically no talk about Medicare / Medicaid.

Nothing on the opiate problem . Which kills more Americans in a day than anything Isis has done (including lone wolf wanna be shootings )

Isis is just a boogie man to divert our attention .
ISIS is just a small subset of the biggest problem to ever confront civilization - Islam.
Organized religion has crippled humans since the beginning of time.
The 160 million murdered by their own governments in the past century to eliminate religion would argue humans are just evil and need a provider of morality that is above us.
Isis gets way to much attention in these debates . Isis ain't shit when it comes to real
Issues that effect the country .

Basically no talk about Medicare / Medicaid.

Nothing on the opiate problem . Which kills more Americans in a day than anything Isis has done (including lone wolf wanna be shootings )

Isis is just a boogie man to divert our attention .
ISIS is just a small subset of the biggest problem to ever confront civilization - Islam.
Organized religion has crippled humans since the beginning of time.
The 160 million murdered by their own governments in the past century to eliminate religion would argue humans are just evil and need a provider of morality that is above us.
I don't think that detracts from my point.
islamic state . isis is coming here , you should smarten up , do some reading and thinking because islamic state is being imported into the USA as i type Timmy !!

Man , you took the Isis fear coolaid big time !
---------------------------------------------- no , no fear here , i just see reality , look at Europe , read about europe . Also , look at events in San Berdoo , Orlando , the trade towers , see the attack on the trade towers in 1993 , see the airplane hijackings done by muslims , see the beheadings in England and Oklahoma . See the massacre at 'bataclan' see the attack on 'charlie hebdo ' . See the hijacking of the cruise ship 'Achille Lauro' and the dumping of wheel chair bound 'leon klinghoffer' into the ocean by muslims Timmy . No , no fear on my part , just observation as i recognize muslim enemies Timmy !!

Yes the twin towers . Not done by isis .

And by the way, we spend a bazillion dollars a year on homeland security. To watch out for all kinds of terror .

Orlando guy was a wannabe . Cali guy was an American, another wannabe .

We do plenty in the fight for isis . It shouldn't be such top billing .
Isis gets way to much attention in these debates . Isis ain't shit when it comes to real
Issues that effect the country .

Basically no talk about Medicare / Medicaid.

Nothing on the opiate problem . Which kills more Americans in a day than anything Isis has done (including lone wolf wanna be shootings )

Isis is just a boogie man to divert our attention .
ISIS is just a small subset of the biggest problem to ever confront civilization - Islam.
Organized religion has crippled humans since the beginning of time.
The 160 million murdered by their own governments in the past century to eliminate religion would argue humans are just evil and need a provider of morality that is above us.
I don't think that detracts from my point.
Imagine a world where everyone was able to follow the teachings of Jesus, whether you believe in him or not. Religion is not the problem. The type of religion is.
islamic state . isis is coming here , you should smarten up , do some reading and thinking because islamic state is being imported into the USA as i type Timmy !!

Man , you took the Isis fear coolaid big time !
---------------------------------------------- no , no fear here , i just see reality , look at Europe , read about europe . Also , look at events in San Berdoo , Orlando , the trade towers , see the attack on the trade towers in 1993 , see the airplane hijackings done by muslims , see the beheadings in England and Oklahoma . See the massacre at 'bataclan' see the attack on 'charlie hebdo ' . See the hijacking of the cruise ship 'Achille Lauro' and the dumping of wheel chair bound 'leon klinghoffer' into the ocean by muslims Timmy . No , no fear on my part , just observation as i recognize muslim enemies Timmy !!

Yes the twin towers . Not done by isis .

And by the way, we spend a bazillion dollars a year on homeland security. To watch out for all kinds of terror .

Orlando guy was a wannabe . Cali guy was an American, another wannabe .

We do plenty in the fight for isis . It shouldn't be such top billing .
you raise a silly point Timmy , i think that ALL these terrorists were muslims and thats the point . Plus islamic state / issis . al queda , the blind sheik , the palistineans are also ALL muslims Timmy !!
Isis gets way to much attention in these debates . Isis ain't shit when it comes to real
Issues that effect the country .

Basically no talk about Medicare / Medicaid.

Nothing on the opiate problem . Which kills more Americans in a day than anything Isis has done (including lone wolf wanna be shootings )

Isis is just a boogie man to divert our attention .
I really wish Medicaid would have come up in the debate.

Trump wants to expand Medicaid even more than Obama has. His Chumps really need to hear that.
Isis gets way to much attention in these debates . Isis ain't shit when it comes to real
Issues that effect the country .

Basically no talk about Medicare / Medicaid.

Nothing on the opiate problem . Which kills more Americans in a day than anything Isis has done (including lone wolf wanna be shootings )

Isis is just a boogie man to divert our attention .
I really wish Medicaid would have come up in the debate.

Trump wants to expand Medicaid even more than Obama has. His Chumps really need to hear that.
Trump mentioned it during the ACA segment and he was shut down almost immediately.
ISIS is on the decline - due to Syrian troops and Russian troops.
The first half of your sentence is correct.

The second half is as wrong as wrong can be. Syria and Russia have had NOTHING to do with ISIS's decline. The US-led coalition is why ISIS has been steadily losing ground.

Stop sucking Putin's cock.
Isis gets way to much attention in these debates . Isis ain't shit when it comes to real
Issues that effect the country .

Basically no talk about Medicare / Medicaid.

Nothing on the opiate problem . Which kills more Americans in a day than anything Isis has done (including lone wolf wanna be shootings )

Isis is just a boogie man to divert our attention .
I really wish Medicaid would have come up in the debate.

Trump wants to expand Medicaid even more than Obama has. His Chumps really need to hear that.
Trump mentioned it during the ACA segment and he was shut down almost immediately.
No, Trump parroted Paul Ryan's plan about block grants. He made no mention of his plan to expand Medicaid. He made no mention of his plans for Universal Health Care.
Isis gets way to much attention in these debates . Isis ain't shit when it comes to real
Issues that effect the country .

Basically no talk about Medicare / Medicaid.

Nothing on the opiate problem . Which kills more Americans in a day than anything Isis has done (including lone wolf wanna be shootings )

Isis is just a boogie man to divert our attention .
I really wish Medicaid would have come up in the debate.

Trump wants to expand Medicaid even more than Obama has. His Chumps really need to hear that.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- what , and you think that after hearing that that Trump supporters will vote for 'illary' . Thats funny if you think that would happen G5000 !!
Isis gets way to much attention in these debates . Isis ain't shit when it comes to real
Issues that effect the country .

Basically no talk about Medicare / Medicaid.

Nothing on the opiate problem . Which kills more Americans in a day than anything Isis has done (including lone wolf wanna be shootings )

Isis is just a boogie man to divert our attention .
I really wish Medicaid would have come up in the debate.

Trump wants to expand Medicaid even more than Obama has. His Chumps really need to hear that.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- what , and you think that after hearing that that Trump supporters will vote for 'illary' . Thats funny if you think that would happen G5000 !!
I don't expect Trump's supporters to ever vote for Hillary, nor would I want them to. That is the LAST thing I would want them to do.

If they miraculously wised up about Trump, which will NEVER happen, they should write in another Republican's name. That would be a far more effective and correct message.
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The debate ended when Trump went all Third World and said he would throw his opponent in jail if he wins. Everything went dark after that.

Trump has managed to do everything evil that can be done.

Now he will probably make me a liar and think of another evil he can do.
What is "evil" about expecting Hillary to not be above the law?

Is it "evil" to fail to make Hillary above the law??
What is "evil" about expecting Hillary to not be above the law?

Is it "evil" to fail to make Hillary above the law??
If we applied the same yardstick to Trump, they would both be in jail. This is what his Chumps don't get.

Just for stealing the nest eggs of seniors at Trump U alone, Trump should never see the sun again.
Trump would be in jail? What for? Exercising free speech? Legally using a tax loss carry forward?

Hillary lied to the FBI, got Americans killed while trying to start a civil war in Syria "to help Israel" according to wikileaks...

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