Who here is collecting retirement social security??

So should the FEDS mandate that we get a living wage also?
If everyone is getting 15 bucks an hour, where does that leave us retirees?
Doesn't that move the economy past us? We didn't even get a cola this year.
Down the road this doesn't help the 65 and old crowd
In case you forgot Social security gets a cost of living increase each year ... well thats the word on the street ... but the republicans keep blocking that increase each year for some reason ... so to answer your question go ask the republicans why they keep blocking your increase each year like they did this year to keep you from staying above poverty line
You mean the trust fund that is littered with IOU's?
yes the IOU's the united states government borrowed from those IOU's ??? where we weren't allow to dip into when it was first put in operation .. that the government can't take money out of it ... thanks to Johnson he figured a way to put it into the general fund now they tell us if will fail cause there just not enough money there.. but there's a large number of IOU's huh !!!!
Mickey D's raises minimum wage by $7.50 an hour. This means your egg mcmuffin goes up $7.50 or some other outrageously idiotic amount, cuz like, it takes one employee for each order, and it takes them an hour per order n stuff ...

Next, the burger and fries wrappers are all individually hand painted!!! Yes!!! And it takes an hour for each of those, too!!! Add another $15.000 to the 'supply chain costs!!!! Then, cuz like, the truck drivers delivering the stuff only deliver one item at a time, add another $7.50!!! Yes!!! And the guys who make the patties at the meat plant also add another $7.50!!!! They only make one patty at a time in an hour!!!


LMAO. Not only that but skull believes that all those consumer products being made in China and elsewhere, by labor that is already being paid less than our MW, all those prices have to go up as well.

Skull can't explain WHY those products would have to increase in price. Something to do with transportation costs. Even though people in logistics and shipping make more than MW now.

Poor skull, not a thing to hang his hat on.
Good question, Unfortunately I cannot answer that one since I'm looking forward to paying into Social Security throughout my entire career and then getting royally fucked (as in SORRY PAL, MONEY IS ALL GONE) when it comes time to collect.

The usual meme. If it 'gone' by the time you retire it will be because your Congressman, and everybody else's Congressmen, raided the fund to build roads for their real estate cronies in their districts and other kinds of pork. See 'Libertarian' con artists like Ron Paul's record of pork for his district for just one fine example of the 'do what I say, but don't do what I do' mentality that pervades GOP Congressmen and ?Senators no less than it does the 'evul Democrats'. We had a great example of this with the Bush II administration, who peddled the ridiculous 'conservative' economic farce that you could 'cut taxes and increase spending' BS GOP voters fell all over themselves voting for. They all love pork and corporate welfare; it's just 'the other guy's' pork they don't like.
*SIGH* more mindless hyper-partisan bullshit, how original. :rolleyes:
Good question, Unfortunately I cannot answer that one since I'm looking forward to paying into Social Security throughout my entire career and then getting royally fucked (as in SORRY PAL, MONEY IS ALL GONE) when it comes time to collect.
You believe this because you are too young to believe you ever will get old. This is normal. In your thoughts age sixty-five is something that happens to other people.
Oh if only that were the case, alas I'm already too old to remember what it was like to be young.

I apologize for the discouraging news but unless something happens to take you out in advance of it you will one day reach your sixty-fifth birthday. If you're lucky you might even collect for fifteen years, like me, and possibly even longer, like I'm doing. And you will collect a hell of a lot more than you contributed.

And it will be here sooner than you think.
FYI, unless you were born before 1960 the full retirement age is 67 not 65 and numbers don't lie, Social Security will be in financial crisis (along with the rest of the federal budget) by the time I reach that golden age so my retirement plans don't include receiving any payouts from the Federal Ponzi Scheme, fortunately I'm self reliant enough not to have to depend on government to take care of my needs.

"You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shitty jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you sooner or later cause they own this fucking place! It's a big club, and you ain’t in it! You, and I, are not in the big club. " -- George Carlin
Mickey D's raises minimum wage by $7.50 an hour. This means your egg mcmuffin goes up $7.50 or some other outrageously idiotic amount, cuz like, it takes one employee for each order, and it takes them an hour per order n stuff ...

Next, the burger and fries wrappers are all individually hand painted!!! Yes!!! And it takes an hour for each of those, too!!! Add another $15.000 to the 'supply chain costs!!!! Then, cuz like, the truck drivers delivering the stuff only deliver one item at a time, add another $7.50!!! Yes!!! And the guys who make the patties at the meat plant also add another $7.50!!!! They only make one patty at a time in an hour!!!


LMAO. Not only that but skull believes that all those consumer products being made in China and elsewhere, by labor that is already being paid less than our MW, all those prices have to go up as well.

Skull can't explain WHY those products would have to increase in price. Something to do with transportation costs. Even though people in logistics and shipping make more than MW now.

Poor skull, not a thing to hang his hat on.

Yes, they are all at a complete loss as to how much of costs are labor costs, as we can see here; they just keep repeating the memes they learned from their Hive Central, as if that should be all there there is to it. The fact is prices kept rising substantially while wages declined since before the 'oil crisis and food shortages that began in 1973 or so, and raising minimum wage, and Social Security for that matter, to reflect that inflation would add to the prices of producing most goods here something in the neighborhood of thousandths to hundreds of a cent. at any point on the logistics chain, and on low priced fast food items somewhere around 9% at most, and the percentage falls drastically the larger the order, far far smaller increases than a 100% wage increase.

What they really don't like is the admission they're in love with making $12 an hour and would lose the perceived 'status' involved in 'making more than minimum wage' and feeling all Speshul N Stuff under the current levels, like those Klan types rallying for their 5 cents more an hour than negroes.

And the fact is $15 an hour isn't large enough to reflect real inflation anyway, it's still too low; $17 to $18 is conservatively the amount it should be raised to a the very least. Even in labor intensive agricultural crops it doesn't add much at all; divide the $7.50 an hour by the 800 heads of lettuce picked an hour, and include packing costs and you come up with less than 1 cent per head.

The government has deliberately been low-balling the inflation numbers for decades now; banks and financial industry types in Japan's and Europe's banks use their own calculations, not the Fed's phoney ones. If you want to go by the gold standard the minimum wage should be around $22 to $27.
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Mickey D's raises minimum wage by $7.50 an hour. This means your egg mcmuffin goes up $7.50 or some other outrageously idiotic amount, cuz like, it takes one employee for each order, and it takes them an hour per order n stuff ...

Next, the burger and fries wrappers are all individually hand painted!!! Yes!!! And it takes an hour for each of those, too!!! Add another $15.000 to the 'supply chain costs!!!! Then, cuz like, the truck drivers delivering the stuff only deliver one item at a time, add another $7.50!!! Yes!!! And the guys who make the patties at the meat plant also add another $7.50!!!! They only make one patty at a time in an hour!!!


LMAO. Not only that but skull believes that all those consumer products being made in China and elsewhere, by labor that is already being paid less than our MW, all those prices have to go up as well.

Skull can't explain WHY those products would have to increase in price. Something to do with transportation costs. Even though people in logistics and shipping make more than MW now.

Poor skull, not a thing to hang his hat on.

I already did that you moron

If all the people who handle those products have to be paid more then yes the prices of those products will rise

Labor costs are usually a businesses largest expense and those costs are always passed on to the consumer

That is an immutable fact of business that you are ignoring

Maybe if you actually ran a business you would know this
You are considerably older than me. The first SS recipients were supported by a ratio of over 60 taxpayers to beneficiaries. We are now crashing through 3:1. The early folks in on a Ponzi Scheme generally cash out well before it craters.
Social Security has been flawlessly fulfilling its purpose for about eighty years now and there is no reason to believe it cannot continue doing the same without some devastating malfunctions in the economy or the social order.

I don't know what you mean by "craters," but the reason a Ponzi scheme fails is its source of revenue expires. In the example of Social Security that would mean no more workers contributing to the fund. Do you foresee that happening?

If so, why?

Math challenged much? 60 people paying for the social security for 1 person means a smaller amount of tax per payer than 2 people playing for 1 person. That is what I mean by cratering. The original rate was 1% (2% including employer share). We're now at 6.2% (or 12.4% including employer share). Then add Medicare, the Medicare surcharge and extremely high income tax rates. These all add up to a marginal tax rate of over 50% for middle class people. At some point, the draft horses collapse from the weight of everyone riding them. We're pretty much there, bub.

And increasing the ceiling won't make a bit of difference to the insolvency problem as most jobs being created in our economy are low wage.
By the time I retire, I fully expect that SS will have utterly collapsed into insolvency.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If you keep voting Republican, that's a very strong possibility.
What's the Democrat plan?

We can start by lifting the cap.
Doesn't sound like a plan to fix it.

It won't. The really rich people live on capital gains. All lifting the cap will do is make it more difficult for middle class people, many of whom will decide it's not worth it and will opt out of the tax donkey race.
Math challenged much?

Are you? Minimum wage, and most other wages, have lagged far behind the inflation rate; people are paying in less in inflation adjusted dollars even at the tripled percentage increase, that's why it higher now, for one.Raisng payrolls to reflect real inflation would make decreases more than possible without creating mass total poverty. There are many grandparents now having to feed and clothe kids these days, for one thing.

Does your math show that money paid in wages magically disappears into thin air, and only money that goes to bonus profits and capital gains for the boss and shareholders gets back into the economy, like Skull Pilot's 'math' does? If working for less money is such a great deal, then why aren't 1.9 billion Chinese, every single latino, every single African, or every single Indian just fantastically wealthy now? According to your 'math', working for pennies is the true road to wealth and happiness, isn't it?
Good question, Unfortunately I cannot answer that one since I'm looking forward to paying into Social Security throughout my entire career and then getting royally fucked (as in SORRY PAL, MONEY IS ALL GONE) when it comes time to collect.

The usual meme. If it 'gone' by the time you retire it will be because your Congressman, and everybody else's Congressmen, raided the fund to build roads for their real estate cronies in their districts and other kinds of pork. See 'Libertarian' con artists like Ron Paul's record of pork for his district for just one fine example of the 'do what I say, but don't do what I do' mentality that pervades GOP Congressmen and ?Senators no less than it does the 'evul Democrats'. We had a great example of this with the Bush II administration, who peddled the ridiculous 'conservative' economic farce that you could 'cut taxes and increase spending' BS GOP voters fell all over themselves voting for. They all love pork and corporate welfare; it's just 'the other guy's' pork they don't like.
*SIGH* more mindless hyper-partisan bullshit, how original. :rolleyes:

As usual all we get out of the 'bizness Jeniuses' here is drivel and ad homs. Like I said, they're unable to discuss or show any real support for their claims, they're just repeating gibberish propaganda they read somewhere and then sallying forth to astro-turf the innernetz, and draw complete blanks when asked to show us all what their drivel means in real life, just keep repeating the tropes over and and over and over.
You are considerably older than me. The first SS recipients were supported by a ratio of over 60 taxpayers to beneficiaries. We are now crashing through 3:1. The early folks in on a Ponzi Scheme generally cash out well before it craters.
Social Security has been flawlessly fulfilling its purpose for about eighty years now and there is no reason to believe it cannot continue doing the same without some devastating malfunctions in the economy or the social order.

I don't know what you mean by "craters," but the reason a Ponzi scheme fails is its source of revenue expires. In the example of Social Security that would mean no more workers contributing to the fund. Do you foresee that happening?

If so, why?

Math challenged much? 60 people paying for the social security for 1 person means a smaller amount of tax per payer than 2 people playing for 1 person. That is what I mean by cratering. The original rate was 1% (2% including employer share). We're now at 6.2% (or 12.4% including employer share). Then add Medicare, the Medicare surcharge and extremely high income tax rates. These all add up to a marginal tax rate of over 50% for middle class people. At some point, the draft horses collapse from the weight of everyone riding them. We're pretty much there, bub.

And increasing the ceiling won't make a bit of difference to the insolvency problem as most jobs being created in our economy are low wage.
High tax rates?


Most people make less than 50K and pay less than 5% after all the deductions. That's for Fed Income Tax add another 2 - 3 % for state taxes and you're still under 10% which is paltry by European standards.
Math challenged much?

Are you? Minimum wage, and most other wages, have lagged far behind the inflation rate; people are paying in less in inflation adjusted dollars even at the tripled percentage increase, that's why it higher now, for one.Raisng payrolls to reflect real inflation would make decreases more than possible without creating mass total poverty. There are many grandparents now having to feed and clothe kids these days, for one thing.

Does your math show that money paid in wages magically disappears into thin air, and only money that goes to bonus profits and capital gains for the boss and shareholders gets back into the economy, like Skull Pilot's 'math' does? If working for less money is such a great deal, then why aren't 1.9 billion Chinese, every single latino, every single African, or every single Indian just fantastically wealthy now? According to your 'math', working for pennies is the true road to wealth and happiness, isn't it?

Logic and reading comprehension challenged much? I said nothing remotely like your delusional rant suggests.

Infer whatever you wish. The mathematical and economic reality is that setting the minimum wage above the economic value of unskilled labor results in more unemployable people, and that there are not nearly enough "rich" people to tax to make up for the demographic collapse of social security.

1.9 Billion Chinese are defacto Government Slaves. It's rather difficult to get rich when one lives in a kleptocrat slave regime, unless of course, one is one of the slavers.
You are considerably older than me. The first SS recipients were supported by a ratio of over 60 taxpayers to beneficiaries. We are now crashing through 3:1. The early folks in on a Ponzi Scheme generally cash out well before it craters.
Social Security has been flawlessly fulfilling its purpose for about eighty years now and there is no reason to believe it cannot continue doing the same without some devastating malfunctions in the economy or the social order.

I don't know what you mean by "craters," but the reason a Ponzi scheme fails is its source of revenue expires. In the example of Social Security that would mean no more workers contributing to the fund. Do you foresee that happening?

If so, why?

Math challenged much? 60 people paying for the social security for 1 person means a smaller amount of tax per payer than 2 people playing for 1 person. That is what I mean by cratering. The original rate was 1% (2% including employer share). We're now at 6.2% (or 12.4% including employer share). Then add Medicare, the Medicare surcharge and extremely high income tax rates. These all add up to a marginal tax rate of over 50% for middle class people. At some point, the draft horses collapse from the weight of everyone riding them. We're pretty much there, bub.

And increasing the ceiling won't make a bit of difference to the insolvency problem as most jobs being created in our economy are low wage.
High tax rates?


Most people make less than 50K and pay less than 5% after all the deductions. That's for Fed Income Tax add another 2 - 3 % for state taxes and you're still under 10% which is paltry by European standards.

I forgot to add most of them appear to have never done their own taxes and have never read a tax form, either, not even a short form EZ.
You are considerably older than me. The first SS recipients were supported by a ratio of over 60 taxpayers to beneficiaries. We are now crashing through 3:1. The early folks in on a Ponzi Scheme generally cash out well before it craters.
Social Security has been flawlessly fulfilling its purpose for about eighty years now and there is no reason to believe it cannot continue doing the same without some devastating malfunctions in the economy or the social order.

I don't know what you mean by "craters," but the reason a Ponzi scheme fails is its source of revenue expires. In the example of Social Security that would mean no more workers contributing to the fund. Do you foresee that happening?

If so, why?

Math challenged much? 60 people paying for the social security for 1 person means a smaller amount of tax per payer than 2 people playing for 1 person. That is what I mean by cratering. The original rate was 1% (2% including employer share). We're now at 6.2% (or 12.4% including employer share). Then add Medicare, the Medicare surcharge and extremely high income tax rates. These all add up to a marginal tax rate of over 50% for middle class people. At some point, the draft horses collapse from the weight of everyone riding them. We're pretty much there, bub.

And increasing the ceiling won't make a bit of difference to the insolvency problem as most jobs being created in our economy are low wage.
High tax rates?


Most people make less than 50K and pay less than 5% after all the deductions. That's for Fed Income Tax add another 2 - 3 % for state taxes and you're still under 10% which is paltry by European standards.

I didn't say median income people. I said middle class people. In high cost of living metro ares, families making $250K+ are merely middle class due to the cost of housing. CA is experiencing middle class flight to Texas due to high state, property and sales taxes. Raising the SS tax ceiling above the current $118K will just cause more people to move out of higher tax jurisdictions, or to decide to opt out of the labor force. It's not a coincidence that the Labor Force Participation Rate is at an extraordinarily low level, bub.
In case you forgot Social security gets a cost of living increase each year ... well thats the word on the street ... but the republicans keep blocking that increase each year for some reason ... so to answer your question go ask the republicans why they keep blocking your increase each year like they did this year to keep you from staying above poverty line

:lol: "republicans blocking increases"......another bonehead who just invents shit. The Bureau of Labor determines a COLA based on the consumer price index from the 3rd quarter of the year. If there's inflation afoot compared to the previous year, there's a COLA. There have been few since the muslim fake has been in the WH since he's done everything in his power to stop a real recovery.
Math challenged much?

Are you? Minimum wage, and most other wages, have lagged far behind the inflation rate; people are paying in less in inflation adjusted dollars even at the tripled percentage increase, that's why it higher now, for one.Raisng payrolls to reflect real inflation would make decreases more than possible without creating mass total poverty. There are many grandparents now having to feed and clothe kids these days, for one thing.

Does your math show that money paid in wages magically disappears into thin air, and only money that goes to bonus profits and capital gains for the boss and shareholders gets back into the economy, like Skull Pilot's 'math' does? If working for less money is such a great deal, then why aren't 1.9 billion Chinese, every single latino, every single African, or every single Indian just fantastically wealthy now? According to your 'math', working for pennies is the true road to wealth and happiness, isn't it?
How did you arrive at that interpretation? If raising pay lifts all tides then let's make the federal minimum $100/hr. We'll be booming in no time. But wait, no one can afford the increase in goods or services and the wealth generators, BUSINESS, will die.

Liberals see business as cash cows they can milk until they croak or move offshore and blame the business. There IS a lot of underpaying going on but government cannot fix it. Everything they do will/does make it worse. The only thing that can really fix the economy is a free marketplace (free being a relative term, not anarchy). Once people are free to breath and interact more freely you will see results, it's human nature.

Once the economy responds businesses have to compete for workers and competition is the true fuel that drives an economy.
As usual all we get out of the 'bizness Jeniuses' here is drivel and ad homs. Like I said, they're unable to discuss or show any real support for their claims, they're just repeating gibberish propaganda they read somewhere and then sallying forth to astro-turf the innernetz, and draw complete blanks when asked to show us all what their drivel means in real life, just keep repeating the tropes over and and over and over.
Uh-Huh, as opposed to the eclectic wisdom that flows forth from brainwashed, gub'mint worshiping partisan drones like yourself; please be sure and alert the media prior to your next display of perspicacity, after all wouldn't want to miss out on that. :rolleyes:

Now please excuse me while I get back to my /dev/null/ stockpiling duties.......

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