Who here really thinks that we can go on like this for another 32 months?

Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals surrounding this corrupt and inept administration, the constant lying by Trump and Hickabee, the ethical flaws of Trump's cabinet, the constant firings and resignations of WH staff and, most of all, the pending Mueller findings........WHO here thinks this country can put up with this crap for another 32 months?

Most likely, after the 2018 midterms, some measure of sanity will resurface among the Trump cult membership......at least among those cult members in elected positions

We had 96 months of ineptitude, lies, deceit, failed foreign and domestic policy from the previous president. We'll do just fine for another 64 months.
The question is, can YOU make it another 32 months without an impeachment (because there ain't gonna be one).

I don't want trump impeached......Impeachment would just make the idiot a "victim" to his cult members......

No, I want him to resign and only AFTER he has thoroughly fucked up the GOP.

He'll give you your first request, at 12:00 PM Jan 20 2025. You can watch it on the TV.
The question is, can YOU make it another 32 months without an impeachment (because there ain't gonna be one).

I don't want trump impeached......Impeachment would just make the idiot a "victim" to his cult members......

No, I want him to resign and only AFTER he has thoroughly fucked up the GOP.
Less chance of THAT happening than impeachment. But you keep fantasizing and we'll keep laughing. :laugh2:
Why do you lie? Who do you think you are fooling? Are you trying to be like your hero Trump?

I didn't lie. That's an obvious fact.
Okay. Then provide the evidence for your claim.

I'll wait here.

Lisa Bloom ADMITS Arranging for Trump Accusers Up to $750k in Compensation

A woman named Lisa Bloom who talked about compensating accusers does not equal "Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump", retard.

Just how stupid are you? Holy shit!

"The women’s accounts were chronicled in contemporaneous contractual documents, emails and text messages reviewed by The Hill, including an exchange of texts between one woman and Bloom that suggested political action committees supporting Hillary Clinton were contacted during the effort."

Gorsh, who'da ever thought such goin's on? :auiqs.jpg:

So if you support Trump does that mean Trump is directing what you do, retard?

Some groups which support Hillary were CONTACTED. It doesn't even say if they contributed.

Not RUN by Hillary, idiot. In fact, it is illegal for PACs to coordinate with the candidate they support.

And only TWO women agreed to go on record. Not 13.

And the compensation was in expectation of their being sued by Trump, as he is wont to do against his victims.

So bripat's lie is totally and completely exploded. Every single word of "Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump" has been debunked.

As expected, as he is a retard who probably doesn't even understand a single thing I just wrote. That's why he and you are so vulnerable to manufactured bullshit. Because you have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker and only capable of parroting stupid made up shit like "Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump".

I will bet dollars to donuts he will continue to parrot the lie ""Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump" regardless.
I didn't lie. That's an obvious fact.
Okay. Then provide the evidence for your claim.

I'll wait here.

Lisa Bloom ADMITS Arranging for Trump Accusers Up to $750k in Compensation

A woman named Lisa Bloom who talked about compensating accusers does not equal "Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump", retard.

Just how stupid are you? Holy shit!

"The women’s accounts were chronicled in contemporaneous contractual documents, emails and text messages reviewed by The Hill, including an exchange of texts between one woman and Bloom that suggested political action committees supporting Hillary Clinton were contacted during the effort."

Gorsh, who'da ever thought such goin's on? :auiqs.jpg:

So if you support Trump does that mean Trump is directing what you do, retard?

Some groups which support Hillary were CONTACTED. It doesn't even say if they contributed.

Not RUN by Hillary, idiot. In fact, it is illegal for PACs to coordinate with the candidate they support.

And only TWO women agreed to go on record. Not 13.

And the compensation was in expectation of their being sued by Trump, as he is wont to do against his victims.

So bripat's lie is totally and completely exploded. Every single word of "Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump" has been debunked.

As expected, as he is a retard who probably doesn't even understand a single thing I just wrote. That's why he and you are so vulnerable to manufactured bullshit. Because you have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker and only capable of parroting stupid made up shit like "Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump".

I will bet dollars to donuts he will continue to parrot the lie ""Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump" regardless.

I don't think she bribed those women. I think they volunteered to lie.
I didn't lie. That's an obvious fact.
Okay. Then provide the evidence for your claim.

I'll wait here.

Lisa Bloom ADMITS Arranging for Trump Accusers Up to $750k in Compensation

A woman named Lisa Bloom who talked about compensating accusers does not equal "Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump", retard.

Just how stupid are you? Holy shit!

"The women’s accounts were chronicled in contemporaneous contractual documents, emails and text messages reviewed by The Hill, including an exchange of texts between one woman and Bloom that suggested political action committees supporting Hillary Clinton were contacted during the effort."

Gorsh, who'da ever thought such goin's on? :auiqs.jpg:

So if you support Trump does that mean Trump is directing what you do, retard?

I am not nor have I ever been a member of any political party, PAC, cheerleading organization or koffee-klatch, thou cretinous jelly.

I answer to no one. I support Trump because in the main he agrees with me, not vice-versa.

Some groups which support Hillary were CONTACTED. It doesn't even say if they contributed.

Not RUN by Hillary, idiot. In fact, it is illegal for PACs to coordinate with the candidate they support.

You made a funny! Good job!
Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals surrounding this corrupt and inept administration, the constant lying by Trump and Hickabee, the ethical flaws of Trump's cabinet, the constant firings and resignations of WH staff and, most of all, the pending Mueller findings........WHO here thinks this country can put up with this crap for another 32 months?

Most likely, after the 2018 midterms, some measure of sanity will resurface among the Trump cult membership......at least among those cult members in elected positions

Your imagination and what you've borrowed from stink liberal interests is not a reality. The more liberals progress the further they are from natural thought, common sense intellectual honesty. Trump is doing a GREAT job in-spite of your adopted plan to disrupt his effectiveness.

A woman named Lisa Bloom who talked about compensating accusers does not equal "Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump", retard.

Just how stupid are you? Holy shit!

"The women’s accounts were chronicled in contemporaneous contractual documents, emails and text messages reviewed by The Hill, including an exchange of texts between one woman and Bloom that suggested political action committees supporting Hillary Clinton were contacted during the effort."

Gorsh, who'da ever thought such goin's on? :auiqs.jpg:

So if you support Trump does that mean Trump is directing what you do, retard?

Some groups which support Hillary were CONTACTED. It doesn't even say if they contributed.

Not RUN by Hillary, idiot. In fact, it is illegal for PACs to coordinate with the candidate they support.

And only TWO women agreed to go on record. Not 13.

And the compensation was in expectation of their being sued by Trump, as he is wont to do against his victims.

So bripat's lie is totally and completely exploded. Every single word of "Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump" has been debunked.

As expected, as he is a retard who probably doesn't even understand a single thing I just wrote. That's why he and you are so vulnerable to manufactured bullshit. Because you have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker and only capable of parroting stupid made up shit like "Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump".

I will bet dollars to donuts he will continue to parrot the lie ""Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump" regardless.

I don't think she bribed those women. I think they volunteered to lie.

Key words, "I think". Which is just another way of saying, "I like to manufacture bullshit".

A woman named Lisa Bloom who talked about compensating accusers does not equal "Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump", retard.

Just how stupid are you? Holy shit!

"The women’s accounts were chronicled in contemporaneous contractual documents, emails and text messages reviewed by The Hill, including an exchange of texts between one woman and Bloom that suggested political action committees supporting Hillary Clinton were contacted during the effort."

Gorsh, who'da ever thought such goin's on? :auiqs.jpg:

So if you support Trump does that mean Trump is directing what you do, retard?

I am not nor have I ever been a member of any political party, PAC, cheerleading organization or koffee-klatch, thou cretinous jelly.

Way to miss the point, retard! :lol:
A woman named Lisa Bloom who talked about compensating accusers does not equal "Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump", retard.

Just how stupid are you? Holy shit!

"The women’s accounts were chronicled in contemporaneous contractual documents, emails and text messages reviewed by The Hill, including an exchange of texts between one woman and Bloom that suggested political action committees supporting Hillary Clinton were contacted during the effort."

Gorsh, who'da ever thought such goin's on? :auiqs.jpg:
So if you support Trump does that mean Trump is directing what you do, retard?

I am not nor have I ever been a member of any political party, PAC, cheerleading organization or koffee-klatch, thou cretinous jelly.
Way to miss the point, retard! :lol:

Oh, that was the point, glutinous polyp.
Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals....
You mean like...

Hillary's proven crimes...

Strozk's proven crimes....

McCabe's proven crimes and pending indictment...

Comey's proven crimes & coming IG recommendation for Indictment...

Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and Lynch's proven Obstruction...

The more the Witch Hunters have tried to dig up evidence against Trump the more evidence of crimes they committed is unearthed.

The only 'scandal' regarding Trump is that this evidence-less, treasonous Conspiracy has been allowed to continue for so long without evidence being presented proving there was ever a crime committed warranting an investigation....
Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals surrounding this corrupt and inept administration, the constant lying by Trump and Hickabee, the ethical flaws of Trump's cabinet, the constant firings and resignations of WH staff and, most of all, the pending Mueller findings........WHO here thinks this country can put up with this crap for another 32 months?

Most likely, after the 2018 midterms, some measure of sanity will resurface among the Trump cult membership......at least among those cult members in elected positions

Republicans will come to their senses following a shellacking in November. Until then, they're likely to remain invertebrate sycophants.
Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals surrounding this corrupt and inept administration, the constant lying by Trump and Hickabee, the ethical flaws of Trump's cabinet, the constant firings and resignations of WH staff and, most of all, the pending Mueller findings........WHO here thinks this country can put up with this crap for another 32 months?

Most likely, after the 2018 midterms, some measure of sanity will resurface among the Trump cult membership......at least among those cult members in elected positions

I just don't see how this clown show can be sustained past 2019.

Trump will resign and get pardoned by Pence, that's my prediction.
Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals surrounding this corrupt and inept administration, the constant lying by Trump and Hickabee, the ethical flaws of Trump's cabinet, the constant firings and resignations of WH staff and, most of all, the pending Mueller findings........WHO here thinks this country can put up with this crap for another 32 months?

Most likely, after the 2018 midterms, some measure of sanity will resurface among the Trump cult membership......at least among those cult members in elected positions

Republicans will come to their senses following a shellacking in November. Until then, they're likely to remain invertebrate sycophants.

Counting expected chickens is unwise.
Trump will resign and get pardoned by Pence, that's my prediction.

Resign for WHAT?

You clowns still can't produce any evidence a crime was committed warranting the Witch Hunt to begin with let alone evidence of any crime committed By Trump involving non-existent Russian Collusion.

This whole thing is the biggest case of treason based on sour grapes butt-hurt in the history of the US, if not mankind.

(THIS is what happens when you give every kid a trophy instead of teaching them there are winners and losers in every competition and how to both sin and lose graciously!)
Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals surrounding this corrupt and inept administration, the constant lying by Trump and Hickabee, the ethical flaws of Trump's cabinet, the constant firings and resignations of WH staff and, most of all, the pending Mueller findings........WHO here thinks this country can put up with this crap for another 32 months?

Most likely, after the 2018 midterms, some measure of sanity will resurface among the Trump cult membership......at least among those cult members in elected positions

Republicans will come to their senses following a shellacking in November. Until then, they're likely to remain invertebrate sycophants.

Counting expected chickens is unwise.

I've been eating free roasted chickens at y'alls expense for many months now.

But I take nothing for granted - I and a 150 million or so others will be at the voting booth with bells on.
Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals surrounding this corrupt and inept administration, the constant lying by Trump and Hickabee, the ethical flaws of Trump's cabinet, the constant firings and resignations of WH staff and, most of all, the pending Mueller findings........WHO here thinks this country can put up with this crap for another 32 months?

Most likely, after the 2018 midterms, some measure of sanity will resurface among the Trump cult membership......at least among those cult members in elected positions

I think there's a fundamental misunderstanding at the core of this post. I don't think it's a question of sanity, not in the way that you mean. I also don't see any reason to suppose that everything isn't going quite according to plan.

"Inept" would suggest that the goal is to actually be a public servant, trying to do things that benefit the people, etc. This is a bizarre, though commonly accepted, proposition. Why on earth would anyone suppose that a person who takes a position of domination over 325 million people does so for the dominated party's benefit? The job is a real pain in the ass, but has tremendous personal perks - both for the pocket, and for the ego. There is little reason to believe that people enter into this position selflessly.

"Corrupt" would again imply that the organization is designed to achieve the purported goal of service. The organization is inherently one of dominance, not service. In what other scenario would you accept the idea that the guy making all the rules is the servant, and the one called upon to obey is the master? That the master works, and the servant takes part of his pay by threat of violence? This is the only questionable sanity I see here.

Trump is a puppet of old-money capitalists, and descendants of wealthy houses, just like all politicians. He's there to distract people with his antics, create division to weaken the target victims' unity, and present the image of an "outsider" to prop up the facade of "a government of the people". All this is to keep people stupidly bewildered while thieves rob everyone blind. There's nothing going wrong here, as far as I can tell. Everything is right as rain.
Incoming impeachment for Obstruction of Justice at very least, but that's just what's already clear.

Exactly what did Trump do to obstruct justice? He's been in office for fifteen months, and there is still no evidence, nor facts to support anything the Media, and their Democrat handlers come up with. Constant noise trying to undermine this Administration, and our country. It may not be treason, but it is sedition.

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