Who here really thinks that we can go on like this for another 32 months?

Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals surrounding this corrupt and inept administration, the constant lying by Trump and Hickabee, the ethical flaws of Trump's cabinet, the constant firings and resignations of WH staff and, most of all, the pending Mueller findings........WHO here thinks this country can put up with this crap for another 32 months?

Most likely, after the 2018 midterms, some measure of sanity will resurface among the Trump cult membership......at least among those cult members in elected positions

More Russian dressing on your salad my Dear?

But seriously, wake me up when that TOP NOTCH investigator finally finishes his investigation, K/ Cuz damn, the dude is slowwwwwwwwwwwwww.
It took Ken Starr four years to investigate a blowjob.

Sit back and enjoy the karma, baby!

Hell yes, a four year blow job...........
Ouch. Think of the chafing...
Incoming impeachment for Obstruction of Justice at very least, but that's just what's already clear.

Exactly what did Trump do to obstruct justice? He's been in office for fifteen months, and there is still no evidence, nor facts to support anything the Media, and their Democrat handlers come up with. Constant noise trying to undermine this Administration, and our country. It may not be treason, but it is sedition.

Tried to influence FBI Director to drop the case into Flynn, when that failed he fired him under bogus excuses and eventually publicly admitted it was over Russia thing.

So what, Flynn did nothing wrong.
Even the FBI says they don't believe he lied to them.
'Who here really thinks that we can go on like this for another 32 months?'

You underestimate the power of Liberal 'Butt-hurt' and the stubbornness of ignorant, partisan, hate-driven snowflakes.
if they can, they will sustain this level of division (that the Russians only hoped to have caused themselves but failed to do) for the President's entire 8 (EIGHT) years. :p
"The women’s accounts were chronicled in contemporaneous contractual documents, emails and text messages reviewed by The Hill, including an exchange of texts between one woman and Bloom that suggested political action committees supporting Hillary Clinton were contacted during the effort."

Gorsh, who'da ever thought such goin's on? :auiqs.jpg:
So if you support Trump does that mean Trump is directing what you do, retard?

Some groups which support Hillary were CONTACTED. It doesn't even say if they contributed.

Not RUN by Hillary, idiot. In fact, it is illegal for PACs to coordinate with the candidate they support.

And only TWO women agreed to go on record. Not 13.

And the compensation was in expectation of their being sued by Trump, as he is wont to do against his victims.

So bripat's lie is totally and completely exploded. Every single word of "Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump" has been debunked.

As expected, as he is a retard who probably doesn't even understand a single thing I just wrote. That's why he and you are so vulnerable to manufactured bullshit. Because you have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker and only capable of parroting stupid made up shit like "Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump".

I will bet dollars to donuts he will continue to parrot the lie ""Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump" regardless.
Only a monumental sucker believes any of the shit you posted.
See? You will continue to spew the lie even though you have been thoroughly thrashed.

Color me not surprised. You are the epitome of a willfully blind monkey. You have provided NOTHING to support a single word of your lie that "Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump".

Wrong again:

Lisa Bloom ADMITS Arranging for Trump Accusers Up to $750k in Compensation
Notice the name BLOOM. Not HILLARY.

So, literally, from the very first word of your claim you were lying.

But that won't stop you from continuing to spew the lie. That's your character.
ROFL! Only a fool believes her activities weren't carefully coordinated with the Hillary campaign.
Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals surrounding this corrupt and inept administration, the constant lying by Trump and Hickabee, the ethical flaws of Trump's cabinet, the constant firings and resignations of WH staff and, most of all, the pending Mueller findings........WHO here thinks this country can put up with this crap for another 32 months?

Most likely, after the 2018 midterms, some measure of sanity will resurface among the Trump cult membership......at least among those cult members in elected positions

More Russian dressing on your salad my Dear?

But seriously, wake me up when that TOP NOTCH investigator finally finishes his investigation, K/ Cuz damn, the dude is slowwwwwwwwwwwwww.
It took Ken Starr four years to investigate a blowjob.

Sit back and enjoy the karma, baby!

Hell yes, a four year blow job...........
Ouch. Think of the chafing...

I'll let you know
Incoming impeachment for Obstruction of Justice at very least, but that's just what's already clear.

Exactly what did Trump do to obstruct justice? He's been in office for fifteen months, and there is still no evidence, nor facts to support anything the Media, and their Democrat handlers come up with. Constant noise trying to undermine this Administration, and our country. It may not be treason, but it is sedition.

Tried to influence FBI Director to drop the case into Flynn, when that failed he fired him under bogus excuses and eventually publicly admitted it was over Russia thing.

So what, Flynn did nothing wrong.
Even the FBI says they don't believe he lied to them.

So if you support Trump does that mean Trump is directing what you do, retard?

Some groups which support Hillary were CONTACTED. It doesn't even say if they contributed.

Not RUN by Hillary, idiot. In fact, it is illegal for PACs to coordinate with the candidate they support.

And only TWO women agreed to go on record. Not 13.

And the compensation was in expectation of their being sued by Trump, as he is wont to do against his victims.

So bripat's lie is totally and completely exploded. Every single word of "Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump" has been debunked.

As expected, as he is a retard who probably doesn't even understand a single thing I just wrote. That's why he and you are so vulnerable to manufactured bullshit. Because you have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker and only capable of parroting stupid made up shit like "Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump".

I will bet dollars to donuts he will continue to parrot the lie ""Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump" regardless.
Only a monumental sucker believes any of the shit you posted.
See? You will continue to spew the lie even though you have been thoroughly thrashed.

Color me not surprised. You are the epitome of a willfully blind monkey. You have provided NOTHING to support a single word of your lie that "Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump".

Wrong again:

Lisa Bloom ADMITS Arranging for Trump Accusers Up to $750k in Compensation
Notice the name BLOOM. Not HILLARY.

So, literally, from the very first word of your claim you were lying.

But that won't stop you from continuing to spew the lie. That's your character.
ROFL! Only a fool believes her activities weren't carefully coordinated with the Hillary campaign.
Translation: "I like to make shit up in my head and then state it as fact. The more I repeat it, the truer it becomes!"
So what, Flynn did nothing wrong.
Even the FBI says they don't believe he lied to them.

IF he lied to them it was about something that wasn't even illegal.

If you compare Flynn's 'Lying to the FBI' to Hillary's, Abedin's, and Mills', either they all broke the law or none of them broke the law..... Let the FBI leadership decide whether to go arrest, indict, and charge Abedin and Mills,
where she can join Flynn on trial OR release Flynn....
Only a monumental sucker believes any of the shit you posted.
See? You will continue to spew the lie even though you have been thoroughly thrashed.

Color me not surprised. You are the epitome of a willfully blind monkey. You have provided NOTHING to support a single word of your lie that "Hillary bribed 13 women to smear Trump".

Wrong again:

Lisa Bloom ADMITS Arranging for Trump Accusers Up to $750k in Compensation
Notice the name BLOOM. Not HILLARY.

So, literally, from the very first word of your claim you were lying.

But that won't stop you from continuing to spew the lie. That's your character.
ROFL! Only a fool believes her activities weren't carefully coordinated with the Hillary campaign.
Translation: "I like to make shit up in my head and then state it as fact. The more I repeat it, the truer it becomes!"
Translation: You are a gullible snowflake who refuses to believe anything negative about the criminal you worship.
Comey declared Hillary broke laws...but that she was SO STUPID SHE DIDN'T KNOW SHE WAS DOING (a great testimony for a felon looking to be President: 'Vote For Hillary - She's STUPID').

Hillary knew what the hell she was doing. FLYNN was / is the one who is stupid. Yeah, he admitted to lying to the FBI...ABOUT SOMETHING THAT WASN'T EVEN ILLEGAL! :p
Incoming impeachment for Obstruction of Justice at very least, but that's just what's already clear.

Exactly what did Trump do to obstruct justice? He's been in office for fifteen months, and there is still no evidence, nor facts to support anything the Media, and their Democrat handlers come up with. Constant noise trying to undermine this Administration, and our country. It may not be treason, but it is sedition.

Tried to influence FBI Director to drop the case into Flynn, when that failed he fired him under bogus excuses and eventually publicly admitted it was over Russia thing.

So what, Flynn did nothing wrong.
Even the FBI says they don't believe he lied to them.


He pled guilty to stop them from entirely ruining his life and the lives of his family.
80 months....you may as well throw yourselves off a parking garage now instead of the mental waterboarding you're going through.....go ahead and JUMP! :bye1:
He pled guilty to stop them from entirely ruining his life and the lives of his family.
According to the media Flynn's life has already been destroyed. The cost of lawyers and all to defend himself from Mueller's witch hunt has already cost him his house, all his money etc....

Mueller, as his past shows, is only interested in 'getting his man', even if it is the wrong man, and he will destroy anyone he sees the need to in order to get the job done.

In one case Mueller ignored evidence and went after an American instead of the Muslims all the evidence pointed to. he was relentless and ruthless, eventually badgering the man until he committed suicide because Mueller ruined his life. After it turned out to be the Muslim Extremists who were guilty, when asked, Mueller told the reporters that he was NOT APOLOGETIC for his treatment of the man he had targeted...'Justice was done in the end', he explained.

Both he and Rosenstein, as documented, have hidden evidence, bullied witnesses, and even manufactured crimes - sending innocent people to jail - to get what they want. THEY should be in jail...
K/ Cuz damn, the dude is slowwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Here, so that you don't kick the bucket being as dumb as you are now.

The average investigation lasts 2 years and 4 months plus..

Incoming impeachment for Obstruction of Justice at very least, but that's just what's already clear.

Exactly what did Trump do to obstruct justice? He's been in office for fifteen months, and there is still no evidence, nor facts to support anything the Media, and their Democrat handlers come up with. Constant noise trying to undermine this Administration, and our country. It may not be treason, but it is sedition.

Tried to influence FBI Director to drop the case into Flynn, when that failed he fired him under bogus excuses and eventually publicly admitted it was over Russia thing.

So what, Flynn did nothing wrong.
Even the FBI says they don't believe he lied to them.
Meanwhile, out here in reality:
Michael Flynn Pleads Guilty to Lying to the F.B.I.
Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals surrounding this corrupt and inept administration, the constant lying by Trump and Hickabee, the ethical flaws of Trump's cabinet, the constant firings and resignations of WH staff and, most of all, the pending Mueller findings........WHO here thinks this country can put up with this crap for another 32 months?

Most likely, after the 2018 midterms, some measure of sanity will resurface among the Trump cult membership......at least among those cult members in elected positions
But since everything you mention is coming from 1600 Pennsylvania, the elections won't affect this at all.
I disagree. The Republicans, especially in the House are connected at the hip with Trump. They read the polling that says a vast majority of Republican voters still support Trump.

When they run in November, they will tighten their allegiance to Trump. But, if as anticipated, a Blue Wave wipes them out of their seats, the remaining Republicnas will read the handwriting on the wall and distance themselves from the administration.

So the midterms have a great deal to do with this.

Too funny.

The only Blue Wave you'll see in November -

History coupled with karma can be a bitch.
Incoming impeachment for Obstruction of Justice at very least, but that's just what's already clear.

Exactly what did Trump do to obstruct justice? He's been in office for fifteen months, and there is still no evidence, nor facts to support anything the Media, and their Democrat handlers come up with. Constant noise trying to undermine this Administration, and our country. It may not be treason, but it is sedition.

Tried to influence FBI Director to drop the case into Flynn, when that failed he fired him under bogus excuses and eventually publicly admitted it was over Russia thing.

So what, Flynn did nothing wrong.
Even the FBI says they don't believe he lied to them.
Meanwhile, out here in reality:
Michael Flynn Pleads Guilty to Lying to the F.B.I.

No underlying crime.
Incoming impeachment for Obstruction of Justice at very least, but that's just what's already clear.

Exactly what did Trump do to obstruct justice? He's been in office for fifteen months, and there is still no evidence, nor facts to support anything the Media, and their Democrat handlers come up with. Constant noise trying to undermine this Administration, and our country. It may not be treason, but it is sedition.

Tried to influence FBI Director to drop the case into Flynn, when that failed he fired him under bogus excuses and eventually publicly admitted it was over Russia thing.

So what, Flynn did nothing wrong.
Even the FBI says they don't believe he lied to them.
Meanwhile, out here in reality:
Michael Flynn Pleads Guilty to Lying to the F.B.I.

No underlying crime.
Getting a blowjob in the Oval Office wasn't a crime, either.

But we impeached anyway.

Enjoy the karma, baby!

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