who holds the moral highground : Israel, or Muslims?

Seems somewhat an apple-oranges comparison in your thread title. You are comparing a country to a religion.
They don’t grant them citizenship because ingrates ingrates turned on the country that let them in. Imagine being the lowest Arab on the Arab totem pole.

Depends. There's a path to citizenship, but most want to maintain their Palestinian identity. All countries in the Middle East are not alike.

Palestinians have an exceptionally high rate of PhDs.
Morality is what a culture says it is. The Native Americans prior to the late 19th Century were highly immoral by 21st Century standards--they tortured their victims to death, enslaved other people, stole, murdered (by our definition), kidnapped and otherwise were not nice people. But by their own code of ethics, standards of what was noble and expected of themselves, they were just fine.

Many ancient peoples lived by standards we--including modern day Native Americans--consider wrong, barbaric, unjust, unacceptable, contemptible.

Distinguishing between mainstream Muslims who are decent people and Hamas who are not:

Radical militant Islam is far more 'ancient' than modern and many of its beliefs are largely unacceptable to modern day Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists etc., even Atheists. But for those who embrace that religion, their intent to kill all Jews, destroy Israel, destroy the United States is Allah's will and therefore moral and just. I don't how they justify their undescribably savage, vicious, cruel means of doing that, but they do.

Judaism has a much longer history than Christianity or Islam, but it does come with a long tradition/moral code that has evolved into something very good for both the Jews and all of humankind. Christianity which came out of Judaism took much of that moral code with it.

To ask which is the most moral isn't the right question. To ask which code of morality produces goodness and mercy for all and which produces that which is evil, regressive, cruel, savage, destructive is the right question.

What a crock.
And yet if Jews say they don’t want these Jew-haters here, WE are the ones criticized….while they welcome in the Jew-haters.

So we are criticized.

Eventually it weakens them, not us,
we have to do our thing, nothing else matters.
Look at the UN, founded for Israel, what other accomplishments?

Once the fruit is eaten,
the peel is left for decay.

Egypt gave us Mosheh Rabbenu,
Europe gave us Dr. Herzl,

now the peel decays.

who holds the moral highground : Israel, or Muslims?​

That is like asking who holds the moral high ground...Trump or Stormy.

Sometimes there is just not moral high ground to be had.
That is like asking who holds the moral high ground...Trump or Stormy.

Sometimes there is just not moral high ground to be had.

A prostitute,

and a president who improved
the economic situation of Afro-Americans,
and assisted in initiating the Abrahamic Accords?
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A prostitute,

and a president who improved
the economic situation of Afro-Americans
and assisted in initiating the Abrahamic Accords?

A prostitute,

and a who cheated on every wife he has ever had and fucked the prostitute while his wife was recovering from child birth.

So, yep neither one can claim any moral high ground.
A prostitute,

and a who cheated on every wife he has ever had and fucked the prostitute while his wife was recovering from child birth.

So, yep neither one can claim any moral high ground.

Exquisite moral clarity...

to say the least, for a Herpes fly.

Maybe you should look at life outside other people's pants.
A prostitute,

and a who cheated on every wife he has ever had and fucked the prostitute while his wife was recovering from child birth.

So, yep neither one can claim any moral high ground.
FDR & JFK & LBJ & Clinton make Trump look like a Piker ( As far as Extra marital Sexual escapades go ) oh and W and Reagan were like Eunuchs .
Israel, of course!

Living in any other country in the Middle East would be a nightmare for anyone accustomed to democracy.
The IDF could've wiped a dozen Muslim countries on Oct 8th...

Not to mention Gaza, simply wipe them off.

Would that be more moral than,

endangering your soldiers?
The IDF could've wiped a dozen Muslim countries on Oct 8th...

Not to mention Gaza, simply wipe them off.

Would that be more moral than,

endangering your soldiers?

That's how you think. Sick and savage.

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