who holds the moral highground : Israel, or Muslims?

That's how you think. Sick and savage.

Stating facts makes one "sick and savage" - according to Fatma.

Yet, wonder why Islamism is the largest
source mass illiteracy in the world?

Anyone is better than that,
Islamism is the disgrace
of humanity.

Greece annually translates five times more books from English than the entire Arab world, and currently, 65 million Arab adults are illiterate.
A Note on Arabic Literacy and Translation
I have to side with Israel.

They don’t fly airplanes into our buildings.

They don’t throw people off rooftops for being different.

They don’t make their women wear beekeeper outfits.

They’re allowed to listen to music.

And they’re not nearly as crazy as Muslims.
I have to side with Israel.

They don’t fly airplanes into our buildings.

They don’t throw people off rooftops for being different.

They don’t make their women wear beekeeper outfits.

They’re allowed to listen to music.

And they’re not nearly as crazy as Muslims.
The also don’t….

….tie toddlers to their parents and burn them all alive
…cut a fetus out of a woman and cut off its head
…decapitate babies or bake them to death in an oven
…force a gun up a girl’s vagina and pull the trigger
…rape women until they die from the trauma
…take innocent civilians hostage and subject them to 7 months of abuse
The also don’t….

….tie toddlers to their parents and burn them all alive
…cut a fetus out of a woman and cut off its head
…decapitate babies or bake them to death in an oven
…force a gun up a girl’s vagina and pull the trigger
…rape women until they die from the trauma
…take innocent civilians hostage and subject them to 7 months of abuse
Neither do most Muslims.
i'd say it's Israel.

Israelis number only 8 million, in a world that holds well over a billion(!) Muslims, many of whom will privately and even publicly support Hamas.
now, Hamas is a death cult.
and i doubt they have Allah's approval for real.
i'm thinking Allah prefers moderate fundamentalists.

feel free to squeeze more of what i consider the truth out there, out of me.
but be prepared for a challenging discussion...
At this point they are fighting at the bottom of a well. There is no high ground here to be had.
But NO Jews do, and most of the Palestinian Muslims supported these actions of October 7.
The reality is far more nuanced than that. How do you know no Jews did that sort of thing? Buddhists have. Christians have. Hindus have. They don’t get special hate rants though.
Depends. There's a path to citizenship, but most want to maintain their Palestinian identity. All countries in the Middle East are not alike.

Palestinians have an exceptionally high rate of PhDs.
Nah, tell the truth convert, they won’t grant them citizenship, and they sure as hell don’t want anything to do with them.
The reality is far more nuanced than that. How do you know no Jews did that sort of thing? Buddhists have. Christians have. Hindus have. They don’t get special hate rants though.
The Muslims are the absolute worst. There are at least half-a-dozen savage Islamic terrorists groups. When was the last time you heard of a Hindu terrorist group?

And the special hate rants are against the Jews, as are the hate crimes. Much moreso than the Muslims you side with.

And finally, after what the Muslim savages did on October 7th, and the majority of Palestinians in support of it, I don’t feel like singing their praises.
The Muslims are the absolute worst. There are at least half-a-dozen savage Islamic terrorists groups. When was the last time you heard of a Hindu terrorist group?
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
Abhinav Bharat
BJP Hindus Nationalist Party which quietly supports terrorism against non-Hindus

You don’t hear about because people aren’t blowing it up in the media.

And the special hate rants are against the Jews, as are the hate crimes. Much moreso than the Muslims you side with.
Untrue. You are either willfully blind to hate rants against Muslims or you agree with them and think they deserve it..

And finally, after what the Muslim savages did on October 7th, and the majority of Palestinians in support of it, I don’t feel like singing their praises.
You don’t need to. Your rhetoric isn’t much different than other rhetoric broadbrushing and scapegoating huge swathes of people.
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And ( Not Every Kluxer that ever lived attended or participated in a Lynching ) ?
Are you saying that the 30,000 or so KKK members are representative of 2.4 billion Christians?
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
Abhinav Bharat
BJP Hindus Nationalist Party which quietly supports terrorism against non-Hindus

You don’t hear about because people aren’t blowing it up in the media.

Maybe I don’t hear about them because they are not as savage and vile as the Muslim terrorists. Have they flown planes into buildings to kill 3000 Americans? Have they snuck into a concert and tortured and raped to death 250 girls? Have they cut off babies’ heads, put them in the oven, and cut them out while they were still a fetus?

NOTHING comparea to the barbarism the Muslims committed on October 7th.

Untrue. You are either willfully blind to hate rants against Muslims or you agree with them and think they deserve it..

Of course it’s true. Antisemitic hate crimes and hate speech is much more than those against Muslims. The bigger concern is Jew-hate because there’s more of it.
You don’t need to. Your rhetoric isn’t much different than other rhetoric broadbrushing and scapegoating huge swathes of people.
Nope. I point out that the Palestinians have been taught to want to kill Jews, and most of them approved of October 7th.

I don’t want Palestinians dead, the way most do of Jews. I just don’t want any more of them in this country, given the raging antisemitism sweeping the country. Why in the world should we bring in MORE antisemites?..
Maybe I don’t hear about them because they are not as savage and vile as the Muslim terrorists. Have they flown planes into buildings to kill 3000 Americans? Have they snuck into a concert and tortured and raped to death 250 girls? Have they cut off babies’ heads, put them in the oven, and cut them out while they were still a fetus?

NOTHING comparea to the barbarism the Muslims committed on October 7th.
Similar atrocities were inflicted on the Rohinga by the Bhuddists.

The 50 (?) Congo Civil War…same...women, children, infants raped with implements so brutality that if they didn’t die, they had sewn back together.

Families burned alive, people horrifically tortured, infants tossed alive into bonfires. Those atrocities and tbe capacity for evil is not unique to Muslims or Oct 7.

You just don’t care what happens elsewhere.
Of course it’s true. Antisemitic hate crimes and hate speech is much more than those against Muslims. The bigger concern is Jew-hate because there’s more of it.

You only notice one and ignore the other.
Nope. I point out that the Palestinians have been taught to want to kill Jews, and most of them approved of October 7th.

I don’t want Palestinians dead, the way most do of Jews. I just don’t want any more of them in this country, given the raging antisemitism sweeping the country. Why in the world should we bring in MORE antisemites?..

Why would we bring in more racists? Or Islamophobes? Or misogynists? Have you devised some of litmus test to screen them or is it 100% based on ethnicity?
Similar atrocities were inflicted on the Rohinga by the Bhuddists.

The 50 (?) Congo Civil War…same...women, children, infants raped with implements so brutality that if they didn’t die, they had sewn back together.

Families burned alive, people horrifically tortured, infants tossed alive into bonfires. Those atrocities and tbe capacity for evil is not unique to Muslims or Oct 7.

You just don’t care what happens elsewhere.

You only notice one and ignore the other.

Why would we bring in more racists? Or Islamophobes? Or misogynists? Have you devised some of litmus test to screen them or is it 100% based on ethnicity?
1) I’ve brought up the atrocities against the Rohinga before, pointing out that it’s never mentioned. And that is because it isn’t being committed by Jews. Double standards driven by antisemitism.

2) Whenever Jew-hate is brought up, you ALWAYS counter with but…,but….but….Islamophoba! THAT is not the main concern.

2) Antisemitism is much more of a concern than AntiMuslimism. Even BEFORE the rampant increase (400%) in anti-Jew hate crimes since October 7th, there were more than 6x as many hate crimes against Jews than against Muslims.


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