Who I Support for President and Why.

the op evidently loves a dictator

No, of course not.

But, I know when I'm watching a candidate lie to my face and not even have the decency to correct himself.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsaf7tnnd1Y]VERY FUNNY VIDEO!!! Will The Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up LOL - YouTube[/ame]

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"
the op evidently loves a dictator

No, of course not.

But, I know when I'm watching a candidate lie to my face and not even have the decency to correct himself.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsaf7tnnd1Y]VERY FUNNY VIDEO!!! Will The Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up LOL - YouTube[/ame]

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

and your Dear Leader NEVER lied to you..
dumb! dumb! dumb!
OP spent his entire career jetting around dumping carbon in the atmosphere yet wants US to stop doing the very same thing.

Does OP know about Agenda 21? Based on his posts he favors most of it.
Your well thought out statements have no space in this swirling, turd bowel. They will only be viewed as spare change floating on the periphery of the porcelain reality of the far right wingers.

It is the blatant and intentional deception that bothers me so much. I left the Republican Party many years ago, because it did not truly represent real Conservatism. Real (genuine) Conservatism, is a really cool thing - it really is. But, the sliminess that has been allowed to slither its way into and among the Republican ranks, is truly UN-American to the core.

I predicted back in 2000, when this nation (with the tacit help of the Independents) elected someone they knew was AWOL from the TANG, and a Five Time Deferment seeking Neocon to the White House, that the Republican Party would begin to decay and self-destruct into an identity crisis unseen since the late 1800's. When this country then compounded its error, after seeing the WMD lies up close and personal, it became crystal clear to me that the Republican Party had lost all sense of reality and historical that historical context that once made true Conservatism valuable in our society.

Conservatism, is not supposed to be this nasty, grossly sickening and perpetually hateful venom that you now see being branded across the country. That is NOT real Conservatism. Real Conservatism seeks a true balance between the needs of the Common Good, and the needs of the Individual, not the exclusive needs of the Plutocrats, to the detriment of the nation's Citizenry and cherished treasure.

That has become the Neo-Conservative World View, but it is being passed off to these people as Traditional Conservative Values and that is PURE BULL. I love real and genuine Conservative values, but we have not seen that in this country for at least 135 years.

When Romney, tells claims that he's Pro-Life but found a way to govern as Pro-Choice in Massachusetts, or that he truly cares about Public Education, when all he can conceive of is a strategy that will ultimately drive up the cost of education for only those who can afford it, while those who can't will ultimately be forced into schools that have a permanent inability to rise above their own economic shortfalls, or when he flat out says that 47% of the country essentially doesn't want to improve its own lot in life and that he is not concerned with those people, while turning right around to look a camera in the lens the very next day and proclaim his love for "all Americans" and his "desire to see all American succeed," that is NOT real Conservatism. That is a fake, phony, pandering for votes attempt at playing people as though they were complete idiotic fools.

So, the Republican Party, instead of being genuinely concerned with the kind of Candidates they put before the American People, decide to cling to a very damaging ideological dig, that forces them deeper into the margins of society. Just listen to what Colin Powell, has to say about both Obama and Romney:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhQxsPYHEOE&feature=related]Powell on Romney: I have concerns about his foreign policy - YouTube[/ame]

Clearly, the vast majority of the Republican Party, is simply living in denial. Colin Powell, outlines what the real issue are and where there is a significant distinction between the two men running for President. Colin Powell, clearly points out how Romney, can't remain stable on almost any issue related to Domestic and Foreign Policy issues. Powell, also takes issue with the Neoconservatives embedded within the Romney Campaign Team and circle of Advisors.

So, Powell, nails it squarely on the head for me, as a former Republican myself. I will always hold real Conservative views. But, my views are NOT expressed within the Republican Party of today, because that party has allowed itself to be skyjacked and flown directly into the side of the United States of America, and down a very dark and hateful ideological path.

The Republican Party is on a path "to the dark side." It MUST purge itself of Hate and Neocon influence. It must then study history and figure out what true Conservative values really mean. It is not "smaller government" for the sake of Plutocrats. It is smaller government for the benefit of ALL The People, not just a few at the top. That's part of the twisted nature of the Republican Party today.

This party has completely LOST its true Identity!
336th just a quick question: What do you think about people who keep investments in the Cayman Islands? Romney was crucified for his yet Obama has investments there as well.
and your Dear Leader NEVER lied to you..
dumb! dumb! dumb!

Has "Dear Leader" made gaffes? Sure. Has "Dear Leader" changed his stance on an issue? Yes. All of the above is true.

This is another example of intellectual dishonesty. Either you do not know what Gaffe means, or you are claiming that a Gaffe, or a straight swap in position, is the same thing as telling an outright lie where you make one statement one day, a completely different statement on the same issue the next day AND never do anything to correct yourself. That is what Romney, has done on:

- Social Security
- National Health Care
- Preconditions
- Individual Mandates
- Public Education
- Medicare
- Abortion
- Afghanistan Withdrawal
- Afghanistan Troop Surge
- Targeting Osama Ben Forgotten
- The Israeli/Palestinian Conflict
- Not Cutting Taxes to 20% across the board
- Immigration
- Not Taking Donations from Big Money Corporations
- Not Allowing Lobbyists to Run His Campaign
- Federal Stimulus
- Federal Auto Company Loans
- Federal Foreclosure Assistance
- Gun Control Laws

This man has been duplicitous and has left so many of these issues wide open to interpretation, depending on which crowed he happens to be speaking in front of at the moment.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2x2W4GhSLlQ&feature=related]The Ultimate Mitt Romney Flip-Flop Collection - YouTube[/ame]

That's the difference between these two men. Obama, flipped on Gay Rights, but he remained consistent thereafter. That's called having a change of heart and then standing by your own decision, in front of EVERYBODY so that the entire world knows WHY you changed your position and WHEN you did it. We can look back at WHEN Obama, changed his position and we can see that he remained consistent to this very day. We cannot say that about Romney.

Now, please post the lies that Obama told you and we will examine them one-by-one, right here and right now.
No one enrages a cultist (often to the point of violence) than an apostate, someone who has dared leave the cult. Hence the rage at 336th. Hence the constant stream of obscenities in my message box each day, from those "moral" conservatives here.

336th, get ready for the bully brigade here -- the Conservatives -- to go on a permanent hate-crusade against you. Being a grownup, you've probably never even considered the concept of neg-rating someone and screaming obscenities at them simply for disagreeing with you. Guess what, that's SOP for most of the fine moral conservatives here. Any dissent at all from their cult dogma tends to send them over the edge.
I forgot one more:

- Cap & Trade

Mitt Romney, has not actually flipped on this issue, because he refuses to even answer the question! Don't the American People have the right to know where a Presidential Candidate stands on all the issues and not just those that he/she want to address in public? Romney, in 2011, clearly stated that it would be best for the country that it not spend Federal tax dollars on things that the country cannot afford, because it raises the national debt. He said that it would better to push off disaster relief responsibility to the States and that it would be even more desirable to Privatize those same functions. He specifically said that it was "Immoral" to spend Federal tax dollars while raising the debt on such spending.

On Cap & Trade. I don't know how I forgot that one. He lied through his teeth several times on this issues - flipping and flopping between being in favor of Cap & Trade, to not being in favor of Cap & Trade. To this day - I don't know where this man stands on Cap & Trade. Does anybody else know?

This man is simply unsupportable as President of the United States of America. He has no position on anything, because he keeps changing his position and denying that he ever had a position in the first place.

In my view, telling so many lies and constantly changing your storyline from venue to venue like that - automatically disqualifies you to be fit for the Presidency. I question Romney's Presidential Competency, based on his continual misrepresentation of the facts that he establishes himself. How can he possibly govern like that in the White House? He's literally all over the place on a myriad of different issues. You don't really know where he stands on the issues, because he keeps changing his mind and then denying that he ever changed his mind.

I've never seen a Presidential Candidate do what Romney, is attempting to do in different parts of the country, to the same depth and degree that he's attempting to do it. Lot's of politicians change their story - but then they KNOW that they must stick to their position afterwards. Not, Mitt. Nope. This man alters his position at 1030 hrs and by 1130 hrs, he's denying questions from the Media about what he just said at 1030 hrs, as it conflicts with what he is now saying at 1130 hrs.

He's taken the whole flip-flop thing and made it Pathological. This is not a man who is forgetting what he says. He is intentionally being misleading and I cannot understand how anybody can get behind that kind of sick pathology. He has proven himself to be a Pathological Liar of epic proportions - bar none.

I challenge anyone to prove what I am saying to be wrong. I will correct ANY statement I make in error about this man's pathological examples, if someone can show me where I simply got it wrong.
No one enrages a cultist (often to the point of violence) than an apostate, someone who has dared leave the cult. Hence the rage at 336th. Hence the constant stream of obscenities in my message box each day, from those "moral" conservatives here.

336th, get ready for the bully brigade here -- the Conservatives -- to go on a permanent hate-crusade against you. Being a grownup, you've probably never even considered the concept of neg-rating someone and screaming obscenities at them simply for disagreeing with you. Guess what, that's SOP for most of the fine moral conservatives here. Any dissent at all from their cult dogma tends to send them over the edge.

Thanks for the heads-up, but things like "Internet Credibility" and "Threats from Internet Tough Guys," are things that I find rather amusing to some extent. I'm only speaking the truth and anyone approaching this election with and open and honest mind can read between the lines and figure that out for themselves.

I've taken real fire in real combat, from real surface to air weapons platforms. So, I understand what it is like getting shot at in the real world.

The truth is worth every minute of it.
I forgot one more:

- Cap & Trade

Mitt Romney, has not actually flipped on this issue, because he refuses to even answer the question! Don't the American People have the right to know where a Presidential Candidate stands on all the issues and not just those that he/she want to address in public? Romney, in 2011, clearly stated that it would be best for the country that it not spend Federal tax dollars on things that the country cannot afford, because it raises the national debt. He said that it would better to push off disaster relief responsibility to the States and that it would be even more desirable to Privatize those same functions. He specifically said that it was "Immoral" to spend Federal tax dollars while raising the debt on such spending.

On Cap & Trade. I don't know how I forgot that one. He lied through his teeth several times on this issues - flipping and flopping between being in favor of Cap & Trade, to not being in favor of Cap & Trade. To this day - I don't know where this man stands on Cap & Trade. Does anybody else know?

This man is simply unsupportable as President of the United States of America. He has no position on anything, because he keeps changing his position and denying that he ever had a position in the first place.

In my view, telling so many lies and constantly changing your storyline from venue to venue like that - automatically disqualifies you to be fit for the Presidency. I question Romney's Presidential Competency, based on his continual misrepresentation of the facts that he establishes himself. How can he possibly govern like that in the White House? He's literally all over the place on a myriad of different issues. You don't really know where he stands on the issues, because he keeps changing his mind and then denying that he ever changed his mind.

I've never seen a Presidential Candidate do what Romney, is attempting to do in different parts of the country, to the same depth and degree that he's attempting to do it. Lot's of politicians change their story - but then they KNOW that they must stick to their position afterwards. Not, Mitt. Nope. This man alters his position at 1030 hrs and by 1130 hrs, he's denying questions from the Media about what he just said at 1030 hrs, as it conflicts with what he is now saying at 1130 hrs.

He's taken the whole flip-flop thing and made it Pathological. This is not a man who is forgetting what he says. He is intentionally being misleading and I cannot understand how anybody can get behind that kind of sick pathology. He has proven himself to be a Pathological Liar of epic proportions - bar none.

I challenge anyone to prove what I am saying to be wrong. I will correct ANY statement I make in error about this man's pathological examples, if someone can show me where I simply got it wrong.

So, why do you think that nearly 50% of the American people are willing to overlook all the lies and misrepresentations put forth by Romney?

Do they hate Obama that much that they are willing to believe ANYTHING the man (Mitt) says as long as they think he might win?

As you can tell, there is not a lot of serious thought Rethugs on here. The ablsolute best response they can come up with is; well, what did Obama do. They seem to think that answers any and all questions about Mitt.

Interesting that a former military man with serious income would support Obama. Flies in the face of EVERYTHING the Rethugs on here believe. These folks think only welfare recipients vote for Obama.

You willing to pay more in Federal Income tax? If you say yes, good God, you must be the anti christ.

Nice job on the posts. The repub party lost a good man. And we all suffer when the rethugs lose good people. You end up with a party filled with the likes of the fools in here.

What do you think of our "plutocracy"?
According to Politifact.com, Obama, made some 500 promises as a Candidate for President. That's a lot of promises to keep and whether or not Politifact.com interpreted every single promise correctly, the aggregate Promised Kept -vs- Promises Broken by the President according to Politifact.com, pretty much tells the story in general about this President's tenure in office during his first term.

Hyper-Partisan Politics in the Political Blogosphere being what it is on the net these days and the Main Stream Media attempt to keep "hot stories" smoldering for as long as they possibly can, even when the fire has long since burned out, will often times result in skewed or slanted readings of history. However, genuine facts are not up for revision and real history cannot be changed. They are the immutable objects that intellectually honest people can refer to in order to obtain proper framework for understanding and to be consistently on the right side of history when all the political fighting dust has long settled back down to earth. So, let's take a look inside Politifact.com evaluation of this current President of the United States.

Politifact.com claims that President Obama, has he's kept 162 promises and broke 56 promises, with 218 either compromised, stalled or still pending. That's 218 combined Presidential Actions (according to Politifact.com) from Obama, as President, that went to the heart of his campaign pledges. That's an 11.2% dynamic failure rate with a 32.4% dynamic success rate, and 282 or 56.4% either compromised, stalled or still pending.

Those are simply the facts of this Administration success and failure. No matter how much the President's rivals attempt to add to his failures, and no matter how much the President's supporters attempt to add to his successes, the history and the facts about what this President has promised and what he's actually accomplished with respect to his campaign promises, cannot be overridden and/or written off as if not to exist. This applies to the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Three outcomes that all Presidents have seen since the down of our Democratic Republic, and the birth of George Washington, as the United States very first Commander in Chief.

This particular President has had critics that have said that his entire Presidency was a failure, even before the end of his first year in office. Those statements are etched in history and can never be omitted, re-written and/or taken away. This particular President, has also had opposition in the United States Congress, who have publicly stated that their only task as legislators, was to make sure that Obama, was a a one term President.

Others in Congress, standing in opposition to the President, have publicly stated that their task is to make sure that the President's agenda for the country fails, despite whether or not the President's policies were good or bad for the country. Yet, others who stand in current opposition to the President's re-election efforts claim that the President has failed in all things, has achieved absolutely no thing of value and has corrupted the very seat of the Office of the Presidency by his merely existence in the White House.

However, if one were to observe actual history, in lieu of actual hyper-partisan rhetoric about the President, then one would have to conclude that a massive amount of accomplishment has indeed been overlooked by many of the President's political adversaries. President Obama's political adversaries, who predicate their arguments on hyper-partisan rhetoric design to win elections, almost never speak about the President's real record from 2008 through 2012.

Despite two (2) ongoing Wars and the nation reaching the point of a Great Economic Recession prior to coming to office, after his inauguration, President Obama, went to work and was able to lead the country through many key levels of accomplishment - some of then were so significant, that historians are already proclaiming them to be Landmark Achievements in the history of the United States of America:

- Created A National Healthcare Framework after 100+ years of Failure
- The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
- Prevented Economic Depression and put a floor under very weak economy
- Cleaned-up TARP I Re-Payments Problems
- Instantiated TARP II and Prevented a Core Financial Institution Meltdown
- Prevented the U.S. Auto Industry from Collapsing and Forced its Restructuring
- Expanded Children's Health Insurance
- Signed the Mathew Sheppard Hate Crimes Act, Senate S.909
- Repealed DADT
- Signed Financial Regulatory Reform
- Signed Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
- Signed The New Post-911 G.I. Bill
- Signed Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD) Act
- Signed 2010 Hire Act: Tax Breaks for Small Businesses (16 Tax Cuts for Small Businesses)
- Signed 2010 START Treaty & Protocol with Russia
- Ended the War in Iraq
- Ending the War in Afghanistan
- Dealt with Osama Bin Laden in his own home
- Worked with Congress and signed the Transportation & Student Loan Interest Rate Bill, HR 4348

These are some of the major highlights and accomplishments of President Obama, during his first term in office. Whether his self-proclaimed political adversaries wish to accept this reality, this history and these facts or not, is irrelevant when it comes to the facts that history must record. By any definition, this President's first term in office has been nothing short of a miracle and nothing less than a resounding success, given the massive negativity that he had to deal with in the Economy and in a Congress that was publicly committed to seeing him fail. Despite all of that negativity, this President went on to accomplish some fairly amazing things as the nations Executive Officer.

Still, critics of the President will counter by using negative or slow economic data and never once account for the fact that under any President, the economy would have needed time to reach its maximum point of negative inflection at the bottom of a U-Shaped recovery, given the damage that had already been done to the economy, long before President Obama took office.

Other critics lay false blame for the lack of spirited job creation at the door step of Healthcare legislation that has not even been fully implemented and that was tied up in the court system long before it could have an impact on the small businesses they claim would be adversely affected by its existence. These critics of the President claim that National Healthcare, which is partly designed to lower overall costs to the system once fully implemented, thereby helping to reduce the national debt and deficits, was the "cause" for the sluggish recovery. And, they never once tell you that this recovery would be this sluggish, no matter who sat in the White House, simply because of the serious infrastructural damage that was done to our liquidity based economy.

While President Obama's specific Executive accomplishments have been outstanding for a President with or without the harsh realities of a broken economy in need of repair, the President's specific Economic Record related to the Recovery, has been perceptibly slow since 2008. However, much of this slowness in the job recovery is due to the fallout from the instantiation of the 2008 economic implosion that took place, before President Obama came to office:

Research at The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that: BLS

- The Private Sector has added jobs for 32 consecutive months
- More than 5,000,000 new jobs were created (under Obama's Presidency - note added)
- The Unemployment rate went down to 7.8% in September 2012
- Latest Household Survey shows that 873,000 people found employment
- Metropolitan Area Reporting shows a decline in the number of higher unemployment areas surveyed (2011 through Sept 2012)
- Metropolitan Area Reporting shows a decline in the rate of unemployment per area surveyed (2011 through Sept 2012)

Clearly, there is much more that need to be accomplished on the jobs front and like it or not, President Obama, now owns the United States Economy. However, that in no way diminishes the fact that he took on a patient that was on life-support, and gave that patient a second chance at life through prompt and immediate Executive level decisions that no serious economist is now claiming to have been unnecessary.

The facts should be clear. To conclude as many of the President's detractors have concluded, that an economy as massive as our own ($13.3 trillion), would be able to turn on a dime and pivot into a V-Shaped recovery, after having seen Real GDP drop to below -3.0% before the President took office and then below -8.0% shortly after the President assumed office, is simply unrealistic no matter which fiction novel you base the storyline upon. A Real GDP economy that large, throwing of negative growth spike that large, is going to see real tight compression in continue GDP growth for quite some time, before enough jobs are added back to the economy that lost them.

Millions of jobs had been lost by the time President Obama, got to office and hundreds of thousands per month were being lost before he could put any plans for a recovery into place, or do anything to halt the financial industry melt-down, or to restrain the banking crisis, or the foreclosure crisis, or the real threat that the auto industry would be severely damaged and possibly lost forever. During that same time period, an economy as large as ours, had to have room to bottom out before finding a floor upon which is could establish a recovery.

Source: BEA | Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Graph

The Real Problem with the United States Jobs Recovery: American Companies Hoarding Over $5 Trillion in Cash

The real problem with the slowness of the jobs recovery is that many American companies simply refuse to Invest in America and Hire American Workers - Source: The $5 Trillion Stash.

Once again, the United States Mainstream Media has failed to accurately report the problem, as vociferously as it does hyper-partisan political stories that dominate each so-called news cycle. These facts have been known about ever since 2009, and back then the "cash held" in the aggregate figure was estimated at over $5 Trillion. This marks the final quarter of 2012, so one can only guess that the this $5 trillion "cash held" figure has grown substantially. Why? A very significant recovery in the Stock Market took place between 2009 and 2012. The U.S. stock market is now trading once again above the 13,400+ level. So, the post-Great Recession Recovery has worked out tremendously well for Corporations and their respective earnings per share ratios.

So, what happened to the Re-Investment in America - why is real job growth so slow?

The $5 trillion estimated to be held by American Companies, is a figure reported by Reuters (above) but is actually a composite report containing data from the Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Census Bureau and the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics in the year 2009. These reports are from Non-Financial Companies. So, these were not the companies allegedly involved in the TARP I and TARP II rescue. However, it is extremely doubtful that all of them can claim that they did not benefit at least indirectly from TARP I and TARP II, as well as the President's Stimulus Plan.

In either case, these are American Companies for the most part and should be interested in the full recovery of the United States Recovery. If these companies had spend a fraction of their total hoarded cash holdings, the United States would experience near full recovery virtually over night, as the unemployment rates would plummet across the board, consumer confidence would soar and more money would be circulated throughout the entire economy from the the Supply Chain through Retail Point of Sale.

This story has been under-reported, hardly discussed by many and overlooked by most as being the primary causation for holding the economy back into a sluggish recovery profile, when unleashing the power of Investment Capital internally, would do more to solve our economic problems than nearly anything that any President could ever do at this point.

That's a huge component to the back-story that has not been adequately told about President Obama's Record and one that needs to be fully understood in its proper context. Recovery could be over and done with by now, had American Companies simply participated in that recovery, without coming anywhere near depleting all of their cash reserves.

Nice cut and pace job, do you ever have an independant thought?
According to Politifact.com, Obama, made some 500 promises as a Candidate for President. That's a lot of promises to keep and whether or not Politifact.com interpreted every single promise correctly, the aggregate Promised Kept -vs- Promises Broken by the President according to Politifact.com, pretty much tells the story in general about this President's tenure in office during his first term.

Hyper-Partisan Politics in the Political Blogosphere being what it is on the net these days and the Main Stream Media attempt to keep "hot stories" smoldering for as long as they possibly can, even when the fire has long since burned out, will often times result in skewed or slanted readings of history. However, genuine facts are not up for revision and real history cannot be changed. They are the immutable objects that intellectually honest people can refer to in order to obtain proper framework for understanding and to be consistently on the right side of history when all the political fighting dust has long settled back down to earth. So, let's take a look inside Politifact.com evaluation of this current President of the United States.

Politifact.com claims that President Obama, has he's kept 162 promises and broke 56 promises, with 218 either compromised, stalled or still pending. That's 218 combined Presidential Actions (according to Politifact.com) from Obama, as President, that went to the heart of his campaign pledges. That's an 11.2% dynamic failure rate with a 32.4% dynamic success rate, and 282 or 56.4% either compromised, stalled or still pending.

Those are simply the facts of this Administration success and failure. No matter how much the President's rivals attempt to add to his failures, and no matter how much the President's supporters attempt to add to his successes, the history and the facts about what this President has promised and what he's actually accomplished with respect to his campaign promises, cannot be overridden and/or written off as if not to exist. This applies to the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Three outcomes that all Presidents have seen since the down of our Democratic Republic, and the birth of George Washington, as the United States very first Commander in Chief.

This particular President has had critics that have said that his entire Presidency was a failure, even before the end of his first year in office. Those statements are etched in history and can never be omitted, re-written and/or taken away. This particular President, has also had opposition in the United States Congress, who have publicly stated that their only task as legislators, was to make sure that Obama, was a a one term President.

Others in Congress, standing in opposition to the President, have publicly stated that their task is to make sure that the President's agenda for the country fails, despite whether or not the President's policies were good or bad for the country. Yet, others who stand in current opposition to the President's re-election efforts claim that the President has failed in all things, has achieved absolutely no thing of value and has corrupted the very seat of the Office of the Presidency by his merely existence in the White House.

However, if one were to observe actual history, in lieu of actual hyper-partisan rhetoric about the President, then one would have to conclude that a massive amount of accomplishment has indeed been overlooked by many of the President's political adversaries. President Obama's political adversaries, who predicate their arguments on hyper-partisan rhetoric design to win elections, almost never speak about the President's real record from 2008 through 2012.

Despite two (2) ongoing Wars and the nation reaching the point of a Great Economic Recession prior to coming to office, after his inauguration, President Obama, went to work and was able to lead the country through many key levels of accomplishment - some of then were so significant, that historians are already proclaiming them to be Landmark Achievements in the history of the United States of America:

- Created A National Healthcare Framework after 100+ years of Failure
- The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
- Prevented Economic Depression and put a floor under very weak economy
- Cleaned-up TARP I Re-Payments Problems
- Instantiated TARP II and Prevented a Core Financial Institution Meltdown
- Prevented the U.S. Auto Industry from Collapsing and Forced its Restructuring
- Expanded Children's Health Insurance
- Signed the Mathew Sheppard Hate Crimes Act, Senate S.909
- Repealed DADT
- Signed Financial Regulatory Reform
- Signed Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
- Signed The New Post-911 G.I. Bill
- Signed Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD) Act
- Signed 2010 Hire Act: Tax Breaks for Small Businesses (16 Tax Cuts for Small Businesses)
- Signed 2010 START Treaty & Protocol with Russia
- Ended the War in Iraq
- Ending the War in Afghanistan
- Dealt with Osama Bin Laden in his own home
- Worked with Congress and signed the Transportation & Student Loan Interest Rate Bill, HR 4348

These are some of the major highlights and accomplishments of President Obama, during his first term in office. Whether his self-proclaimed political adversaries wish to accept this reality, this history and these facts or not, is irrelevant when it comes to the facts that history must record. By any definition, this President's first term in office has been nothing short of a miracle and nothing less than a resounding success, given the massive negativity that he had to deal with in the Economy and in a Congress that was publicly committed to seeing him fail. Despite all of that negativity, this President went on to accomplish some fairly amazing things as the nations Executive Officer.

Still, critics of the President will counter by using negative or slow economic data and never once account for the fact that under any President, the economy would have needed time to reach its maximum point of negative inflection at the bottom of a U-Shaped recovery, given the damage that had already been done to the economy, long before President Obama took office.

Other critics lay false blame for the lack of spirited job creation at the door step of Healthcare legislation that has not even been fully implemented and that was tied up in the court system long before it could have an impact on the small businesses they claim would be adversely affected by its existence. These critics of the President claim that National Healthcare, which is partly designed to lower overall costs to the system once fully implemented, thereby helping to reduce the national debt and deficits, was the "cause" for the sluggish recovery. And, they never once tell you that this recovery would be this sluggish, no matter who sat in the White House, simply because of the serious infrastructural damage that was done to our liquidity based economy.

While President Obama's specific Executive accomplishments have been outstanding for a President with or without the harsh realities of a broken economy in need of repair, the President's specific Economic Record related to the Recovery, has been perceptibly slow since 2008. However, much of this slowness in the job recovery is due to the fallout from the instantiation of the 2008 economic implosion that took place, before President Obama came to office:

Research at The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that: BLS

- The Private Sector has added jobs for 32 consecutive months
- More than 5,000,000 new jobs were created (under Obama's Presidency - note added)
- The Unemployment rate went down to 7.8% in September 2012
- Latest Household Survey shows that 873,000 people found employment
- Metropolitan Area Reporting shows a decline in the number of higher unemployment areas surveyed (2011 through Sept 2012)
- Metropolitan Area Reporting shows a decline in the rate of unemployment per area surveyed (2011 through Sept 2012)

Clearly, there is much more that need to be accomplished on the jobs front and like it or not, President Obama, now owns the United States Economy. However, that in no way diminishes the fact that he took on a patient that was on life-support, and gave that patient a second chance at life through prompt and immediate Executive level decisions that no serious economist is now claiming to have been unnecessary.

The facts should be clear. To conclude as many of the President's detractors have concluded, that an economy as massive as our own ($13.3 trillion), would be able to turn on a dime and pivot into a V-Shaped recovery, after having seen Real GDP drop to below -3.0% before the President took office and then below -8.0% shortly after the President assumed office, is simply unrealistic no matter which fiction novel you base the storyline upon. A Real GDP economy that large, throwing of negative growth spike that large, is going to see real tight compression in continue GDP growth for quite some time, before enough jobs are added back to the economy that lost them.

Millions of jobs had been lost by the time President Obama, got to office and hundreds of thousands per month were being lost before he could put any plans for a recovery into place, or do anything to halt the financial industry melt-down, or to restrain the banking crisis, or the foreclosure crisis, or the real threat that the auto industry would be severely damaged and possibly lost forever. During that same time period, an economy as large as ours, had to have room to bottom out before finding a floor upon which is could establish a recovery.

Source: BEA | Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Graph

The Real Problem with the United States Jobs Recovery: American Companies Hoarding Over $5 Trillion in Cash

The real problem with the slowness of the jobs recovery is that many American companies simply refuse to Invest in America and Hire American Workers - Source: The $5 Trillion Stash.

Once again, the United States Mainstream Media has failed to accurately report the problem, as vociferously as it does hyper-partisan political stories that dominate each so-called news cycle. These facts have been known about ever since 2009, and back then the "cash held" in the aggregate figure was estimated at over $5 Trillion. This marks the final quarter of 2012, so one can only guess that the this $5 trillion "cash held" figure has grown substantially. Why? A very significant recovery in the Stock Market took place between 2009 and 2012. The U.S. stock market is now trading once again above the 13,400+ level. So, the post-Great Recession Recovery has worked out tremendously well for Corporations and their respective earnings per share ratios.

So, what happened to the Re-Investment in America - why is real job growth so slow?

The $5 trillion estimated to be held by American Companies, is a figure reported by Reuters (above) but is actually a composite report containing data from the Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Census Bureau and the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics in the year 2009. These reports are from Non-Financial Companies. So, these were not the companies allegedly involved in the TARP I and TARP II rescue. However, it is extremely doubtful that all of them can claim that they did not benefit at least indirectly from TARP I and TARP II, as well as the President's Stimulus Plan.

In either case, these are American Companies for the most part and should be interested in the full recovery of the United States Recovery. If these companies had spend a fraction of their total hoarded cash holdings, the United States would experience near full recovery virtually over night, as the unemployment rates would plummet across the board, consumer confidence would soar and more money would be circulated throughout the entire economy from the the Supply Chain through Retail Point of Sale.

This story has been under-reported, hardly discussed by many and overlooked by most as being the primary causation for holding the economy back into a sluggish recovery profile, when unleashing the power of Investment Capital internally, would do more to solve our economic problems than nearly anything that any President could ever do at this point.

That's a huge component to the back-story that has not been adequately told about President Obama's Record and one that needs to be fully understood in its proper context. Recovery could be over and done with by now, had American Companies simply participated in that recovery, without coming anywhere near depleting all of their cash reserves.

Nice cut and pace job, do you ever have an independant thought?[/QUOTE]

It is "paste" not "pace" you fuking idiot. Cut and pace. LMAO.
I only read the OP's post and just wanted to point out that Obama wanted to stay in Iraq, Iraq said GTFO.

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