Who Investigates The Investigators?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
So the shock troops are after Chris Christie because he might beat their candidate. And now the attack is because he had his folks investigate him and find him pure as the driven snow.

What is .....amusing?...no....astounding....is that every single DNC media outlet has attacked Christie on this issue because he set the investigators.

Let's take a trip down memory lane, and see how the media addressed the same issue on the Left.....

1. Was Obama involved with Blagojevich in the sale of is congressional seat?
"On Tuesday, Obama revealed that he, Emanuel and Jarrett had met with federal investigators about Blagojevich. He also released an internal review that found no inappropriate contact with the governor's office by him or his staff." Blagojevich lawyer asks to subpoena Obama staff - USATODAY.com

a. "Genson was also planning to submit the internal report released last week by Obama's transition team detailing contact between Obama aides and the office of the Illinois governor.

Obama aides said the report showed no inappropriate discussions with the governor regarding the filling of Obama's Senate seat. Genson says the document supports the governor's claims that he did nothing wrong. " Blagojevich Lawyer Says Threshold for Impeachment Has Not Been Met | Fox News

b. Of course there was this: "Axelrod told FOX News Chicago on Nov. 23: "I know he's talked to the governor, and there are a whole range of names, many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them." Obama: I Had No Contact With Blagojevich Over Vacated Senate Seat | Fox News

2. "President Barack Obama has asked his friend Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate Holder’s unprecedented investigation of a Fox News reporter..... On May 24, however, Obama reacted to growing alarm in the media by asking Holder to review the Justice Department’s procedures for investigating the media."
Obama asks Holder to investigate Holder's investigation | The Daily Caller

3. "Operation "Fast and Furious," the controversial undercover operation that allowed U.S. guns to be walked into Mexico, was a "risky strategy" that did not "adequately take into account the significant danger to public safety that it created."
That was the conclusion today from the Office of the Inspector General, Department of Justice,after an investigation that spanned more than a year and a half." 'Fast and Furious' Probe Clears Holder, Faults ATF and Justice - ABC News

a. The Senate Judiciary Committee held a confirmation hearing for [Michael] Horowitz on October 19, where the nominee said that his relationship with Department of Justice criminal division chief Lanny Breuer would not hinder the DOJ OIG investigation of Operation Fast and Furious, a botched gun-walking operation carried out by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
DOJ IG Nominee Worth $9.3 Million | Main Justice

b. And Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder are apparently leaving nothing to chance. On July 29, Obama nominated Michael Horowitz (who had previously worked at the Justice Department) to become the full-time inspector general. It turns out that in 2009, when Lanny Breuer was facing confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Horowitz had sent them a personal recommendation on Breuer's behalf. Articles: Fast and Furious in a Rotten Nutshell

c. Breuer’s “Project Gunwalker” .... his corroborates reports of Breuer involvement in the operationhttp://www.examiner.com/article/breuer-gunwalker-memo-gives-credence-to-examiner-and-sipsey-st-accounts

Bet the media jumped all over those incestuous relationships.......not.

4. "The lawmakers have been voicing concerns that a backer of President Barack Obama was chosen to lead the FBI's investigation into the IRS, and wrote in a letter to Inspector General Michael Horowitz Wednesday that they have many concerns, including recent claims from the Obama administration that criminal charges in the IRS case are not likely."
http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/darrell-issa-investigation abuse/2014/01/16/id/547494#ixzz2xGmvftEa

a. "...the decision to appoint Barbara Kay Bosserman to lead the FBI probe. Campaign finance records show Bosserman has given more than $6,000 to Obama's two presidential campaigns." Investigate the investigators? GOP lawmakers urge probe of IRS scandal review | Fox News

5. "Additionally, members of the independent Accountability Review Board (ARB) tasked with reviewing the events that led up to the Benghazi attack were rife with "actual and perceived conflicts of interest" with State, the committee's report adds.... top State Department officials tasked with selecting ARB members were also involved in managing the department's embassy and consulate security.

ARB staffers "consisted of State Department employees" who later returned to their positions inside the department at the conclusion of the board's investigation..... board members and staff had prior connections to the officials they evaluated," according to the report."
House panel accuses State Dept. of obstructionism in Benghazi investigation | TheHill

a. "In recent days, the State Department's Accountability Review Board [ARB] has come under heavy criticism after it was revealed many senior Department officials, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, were not interviewed during their investigation. Chairman of the Benghazi ARB Ambassador Thomas Pickering and Admiral Michael Mullen will face tough questions from lawmakers about why more questions weren't asked about what led to the deadly terror attack." State Department Officials in the Hot Seat on Capitol Hill Thursday Over Benghazi - Katie Pavlich

b. "... the deputy chief of mission, Gregory Hicks, has testified that from Tripoli where the embassy is located, he briefed Hillary Clinton that night, not interviewing her does seem puzzling."
Thomas Pickering on the chain of command: Ambassador to secretary of State | TheHill

The above is the textbook example of thug politics.
Anyone who voted for this fraud should be ashamed of themselves.

Seems Obama specializes in taking a "selfie."
well we all know they are total hypocrites. but either way, what ever candidate they choose will be pro obamacare and anti gun, and that will kill them
So the shock troops are after Chris Christie because he might beat their candidate. And now the attack is because he had his folks investigate him and find him pure as the driven snow.

What is .....amusing?...no....astounding....is that every single DNC media outlet has attacked Christie on this issue because he set the investigators.

Let's take a trip down memory lane, and see how the media addressed the same issue on the Left.....

1. Was Obama involved with Blagojevich in the sale of is congressional seat?
"On Tuesday, Obama revealed that he, Emanuel and Jarrett had met with federal investigators about Blagojevich. He also released an internal review that found no inappropriate contact with the governor's office by him or his staff." Blagojevich lawyer asks to subpoena Obama staff - USATODAY.com

a. "Genson was also planning to submit the internal report released last week by Obama's transition team detailing contact between Obama aides and the office of the Illinois governor.

Obama aides said the report showed no inappropriate discussions with the governor regarding the filling of Obama's Senate seat. Genson says the document supports the governor's claims that he did nothing wrong. " Blagojevich Lawyer Says Threshold for Impeachment Has Not Been Met | Fox News

b. Of course there was this: "Axelrod told FOX News Chicago on Nov. 23: "I know he's talked to the governor, and there are a whole range of names, many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them." Obama: I Had No Contact With Blagojevich Over Vacated Senate Seat | Fox News

2. "President Barack Obama has asked his friend Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate Holder’s unprecedented investigation of a Fox News reporter..... On May 24, however, Obama reacted to growing alarm in the media by asking Holder to review the Justice Department’s procedures for investigating the media."
Obama asks Holder to investigate Holder's investigation | The Daily Caller

3. "Operation "Fast and Furious," the controversial undercover operation that allowed U.S. guns to be walked into Mexico, was a "risky strategy" that did not "adequately take into account the significant danger to public safety that it created."
That was the conclusion today from the Office of the Inspector General, Department of Justice,after an investigation that spanned more than a year and a half." 'Fast and Furious' Probe Clears Holder, Faults ATF and Justice - ABC News

a. The Senate Judiciary Committee held a confirmation hearing for [Michael] Horowitz on October 19, where the nominee said that his relationship with Department of Justice criminal division chief Lanny Breuer would not hinder the DOJ OIG investigation of Operation Fast and Furious, a botched gun-walking operation carried out by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
DOJ IG Nominee Worth $9.3 Million | Main Justice

b. And Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder are apparently leaving nothing to chance. On July 29, Obama nominated Michael Horowitz (who had previously worked at the Justice Department) to become the full-time inspector general. It turns out that in 2009, when Lanny Breuer was facing confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Horowitz had sent them a personal recommendation on Breuer's behalf. Articles: Fast and Furious in a Rotten Nutshell

c. Breuer’s “Project Gunwalker” .... his corroborates reports of Breuer involvement in the operationhttp://www.examiner.com/article/breuer-gunwalker-memo-gives-credence-to-examiner-and-sipsey-st-accounts

Bet the media jumped all over those incestuous relationships.......not.

4. "The lawmakers have been voicing concerns that a backer of President Barack Obama was chosen to lead the FBI's investigation into the IRS, and wrote in a letter to Inspector General Michael Horowitz Wednesday that they have many concerns, including recent claims from the Obama administration that criminal charges in the IRS case are not likely."
http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/darrell-issa-investigation abuse/2014/01/16/id/547494#ixzz2xGmvftEa

a. "...the decision to appoint Barbara Kay Bosserman to lead the FBI probe. Campaign finance records show Bosserman has given more than $6,000 to Obama's two presidential campaigns." Investigate the investigators? GOP lawmakers urge probe of IRS scandal review | Fox News

5. "Additionally, members of the independent Accountability Review Board (ARB) tasked with reviewing the events that led up to the Benghazi attack were rife with "actual and perceived conflicts of interest" with State, the committee's report adds.... top State Department officials tasked with selecting ARB members were also involved in managing the department's embassy and consulate security.

ARB staffers "consisted of State Department employees" who later returned to their positions inside the department at the conclusion of the board's investigation..... board members and staff had prior connections to the officials they evaluated," according to the report."
House panel accuses State Dept. of obstructionism in Benghazi investigation | TheHill

a. "In recent days, the State Department's Accountability Review Board [ARB] has come under heavy criticism after it was revealed many senior Department officials, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, were not interviewed during their investigation. Chairman of the Benghazi ARB Ambassador Thomas Pickering and Admiral Michael Mullen will face tough questions from lawmakers about why more questions weren't asked about what led to the deadly terror attack." State Department Officials in the Hot Seat on Capitol Hill Thursday Over Benghazi - Katie Pavlich

b. "... the deputy chief of mission, Gregory Hicks, has testified that from Tripoli where the embassy is located, he briefed Hillary Clinton that night, not interviewing her does seem puzzling."
Thomas Pickering on the chain of command: Ambassador to secretary of State | TheHill

The above is the textbook example of thug politics.
Anyone who voted for this fraud should be ashamed of themselves.

Seems Obama specializes in taking a "selfie."

Will it ever be possible for you to research your endless blathering from sources OTHER than right wing opinion journalism? Or English yellow tabloids?

Oh, excuse me. I was thinking of the Daily Mail. The Daily Caller is Tucker Carlson's blog. Now there's an impartial source for ya'.
Last edited:
So the shock troops are after Chris Christie because he might beat their candidate. And now the attack is because he had his folks investigate him and find him pure as the driven snow.

What is .....amusing?...no....astounding....is that every single DNC media outlet has attacked Christie on this issue because he set the investigators.

Let's take a trip down memory lane, and see how the media addressed the same issue on the Left.....

1. Was Obama involved with Blagojevich in the sale of is congressional seat?
"On Tuesday, Obama revealed that he, Emanuel and Jarrett had met with federal investigators about Blagojevich. He also released an internal review that found no inappropriate contact with the governor's office by him or his staff." Blagojevich lawyer asks to subpoena Obama staff - USATODAY.com

a. "Genson was also planning to submit the internal report released last week by Obama's transition team detailing contact between Obama aides and the office of the Illinois governor.

Obama aides said the report showed no inappropriate discussions with the governor regarding the filling of Obama's Senate seat. Genson says the document supports the governor's claims that he did nothing wrong. " Blagojevich Lawyer Says Threshold for Impeachment Has Not Been Met | Fox News

b. Of course there was this: "Axelrod told FOX News Chicago on Nov. 23: "I know he's talked to the governor, and there are a whole range of names, many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them." Obama: I Had No Contact With Blagojevich Over Vacated Senate Seat | Fox News

2. "President Barack Obama has asked his friend Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate Holder’s unprecedented investigation of a Fox News reporter..... On May 24, however, Obama reacted to growing alarm in the media by asking Holder to review the Justice Department’s procedures for investigating the media."
Obama asks Holder to investigate Holder's investigation | The Daily Caller

3. "Operation "Fast and Furious," the controversial undercover operation that allowed U.S. guns to be walked into Mexico, was a "risky strategy" that did not "adequately take into account the significant danger to public safety that it created."
That was the conclusion today from the Office of the Inspector General, Department of Justice,after an investigation that spanned more than a year and a half." 'Fast and Furious' Probe Clears Holder, Faults ATF and Justice - ABC News

a. The Senate Judiciary Committee held a confirmation hearing for [Michael] Horowitz on October 19, where the nominee said that his relationship with Department of Justice criminal division chief Lanny Breuer would not hinder the DOJ OIG investigation of Operation Fast and Furious, a botched gun-walking operation carried out by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
DOJ IG Nominee Worth $9.3 Million | Main Justice

b. And Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder are apparently leaving nothing to chance. On July 29, Obama nominated Michael Horowitz (who had previously worked at the Justice Department) to become the full-time inspector general. It turns out that in 2009, when Lanny Breuer was facing confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Horowitz had sent them a personal recommendation on Breuer's behalf. Articles: Fast and Furious in a Rotten Nutshell

c. Breuer’s “Project Gunwalker” .... his corroborates reports of Breuer involvement in the operationhttp://www.examiner.com/article/breuer-gunwalker-memo-gives-credence-to-examiner-and-sipsey-st-accounts

Bet the media jumped all over those incestuous relationships.......not.

4. "The lawmakers have been voicing concerns that a backer of President Barack Obama was chosen to lead the FBI's investigation into the IRS, and wrote in a letter to Inspector General Michael Horowitz Wednesday that they have many concerns, including recent claims from the Obama administration that criminal charges in the IRS case are not likely."
http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/darrell-issa-investigation abuse/2014/01/16/id/547494#ixzz2xGmvftEa

a. "...the decision to appoint Barbara Kay Bosserman to lead the FBI probe. Campaign finance records show Bosserman has given more than $6,000 to Obama's two presidential campaigns." Investigate the investigators? GOP lawmakers urge probe of IRS scandal review | Fox News

5. "Additionally, members of the independent Accountability Review Board (ARB) tasked with reviewing the events that led up to the Benghazi attack were rife with "actual and perceived conflicts of interest" with State, the committee's report adds.... top State Department officials tasked with selecting ARB members were also involved in managing the department's embassy and consulate security.

ARB staffers "consisted of State Department employees" who later returned to their positions inside the department at the conclusion of the board's investigation..... board members and staff had prior connections to the officials they evaluated," according to the report."
House panel accuses State Dept. of obstructionism in Benghazi investigation | TheHill

a. "In recent days, the State Department's Accountability Review Board [ARB] has come under heavy criticism after it was revealed many senior Department officials, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, were not interviewed during their investigation. Chairman of the Benghazi ARB Ambassador Thomas Pickering and Admiral Michael Mullen will face tough questions from lawmakers about why more questions weren't asked about what led to the deadly terror attack." State Department Officials in the Hot Seat on Capitol Hill Thursday Over Benghazi - Katie Pavlich

b. "... the deputy chief of mission, Gregory Hicks, has testified that from Tripoli where the embassy is located, he briefed Hillary Clinton that night, not interviewing her does seem puzzling."
Thomas Pickering on the chain of command: Ambassador to secretary of State | TheHill

The above is the textbook example of thug politics.
Anyone who voted for this fraud should be ashamed of themselves.

Seems Obama specializes in taking a "selfie."

Will it ever be possible for you to research your endless blathering from sources OTHER than right wing opinion journalism? Or English yellow tabloids?

Once again, you are eight pawns short of a gambit.
I know you don't understand that, I said it for my own amusement.

Will it ever be possible for you to break free of your congenital imbecility?

The determining characteristic is truth, not source.

Intelligent and honest individuals understand this.....

...which explains why you do not.

Your avi should be the tail end of a horse.
1. The American ideal is that we are “a nation of laws, not of men,” as John Adams put it. Essentially, our ideal should be that laws apply equally to all men.

2. Thug politics applies the law in a very different manner.
If the thug were, oh....say, The President....then he makes sure his friends skate, no matter what the law says.

3. Then there was the case of Sacramento’s Democrat Mayor Kevin Johnson. An unfortunate government watchdog made the mistake of looking too closely at his misuse of government funds…and suddenly found himself out of a job.

Since inspectors genereal are supposed to be independent, ‘else how do they conduct investigations into federal agencies? In fact, Congress passed the Inspectors General Reform Act of 2008. (Public Law 110-409 : “To amend the Inspector General Act of 1978 to enhance the independence of the Inspectors General, to create a Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, and for other purposes.”) BTW, Barack Obama was a co-sponsor....remember him? The constitutional scholar.

4. Gerald Walpin was the inspector general who oversaw the AmeriCorps program, and he discovered evidence that Democrat Mayor Kevin Johnson had misused $850,000 of the AmeriCorps grant money and ‘used federally-funded AmeriCorps staff for, among other things, "driving [Johnson] to personal appointments, washing his car, and running personal errands." ‘Political Commentary and Opinion | Washington Examiner

a. BTW, did I mention that Kevin Johnson stated that he was ‘a personal friend of President Obama?

5. Walpin referred the matter for criminal prosecution to the US Attorney for the Eastern District of California, Lawrence Brown. Brown, who had taken over from a Bush appointee, instead entered into settlement talks with Johnson, and on terms very favorable to Johnson. Walpin objected.

a. Enter Obama, stage Left: On June 10, 2009, Walpin was given two options: resign immediately or be terminated.

6. How’s that Hope and Change workin’ for you?
"Gangster Government: Barack Obama and the New Washington Thugocracy" by David Freddoso

Imagine if Chris Christie had kept the folks responsible on because they were his pals?

So, who investigates the investigators?

Depends on whether they are Democrat or Republican.

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