Who is Accountable for Mall Brawls?

I think the larger issue here is that an alarming trend is growing where mob brawls are taking place at shopping malls. This impacts businesses and shoppers. I don't know if the answer is increased security. Is the answer to have more eyes in the sky cameras so that on staff security and local law enforcement can stop something before it escalates?
Actually, there is a mall a few towns away that has had some violence, but I never go to that mall. There are two malls I frequent, and both are pretty high end.
And you don't think that could be a target for those who want to get back at those in a better place than they are?

This seems rather paranoid, IMO. You have to live your life and you have to let your kids have lives too.
Keeping my kid from being arrested for being in the wrong place at the right time is not paranoid.

Boredom is supposedly the culprit. Teenagers are allegedly bored so they gather in mobs, go to shopping malls and infringe on the rights of shoppers and business owners by engaging in fights and violence. Mall owners and management have come up with a solution to bar youths under the age of 18 from entering without an adult during certain hours. However, some view this as discriminatory and/or racist.

Those calling the mall curfew racist, what is your solution to prevent the violence and how are you going to protect the rights of shoppers and business owners?
black thugs
yep no racism here
Your denial of the facts doesnt make them any less factual, but these false cries of "racism" are exactly why the republicans run the country now. Keep it up fucktard! :laugh:
Lack of proper upbringing and parenting
The sin of America. Homes without fathers

It's not only homes w/o fathers it's homes with two parents that don't take the time to teach their children how to behave, right from wrong and to be good citizens

What if your white son and a friend got jumped by a group of blacks? The first instinct is to fight back. Then the cops come in and arrest all of them. From what it appeared on the cameras, it is blacks that are fighting. Go to the movies or go bowling, kids! Why ignore the facts that teenage problems are taking place at our malls?

Raise your hand if, as a kid, you did any of the following:

Threw eggs at houses on Halloween.

Threw snowballs at cars or at houses in winter.

Lit off fireworks in mailboxes or other private property on the July 4th.

Got into a fistfight with someone.

Shoplifted something.

Shot a BB gun at someone or at someone's property.
I dont see mob violence, robbery and knocking out old people for a few laughs on that list. Sorry, but most people in this nation cannot relate to any of the shit we see happening in the black community.
Lack of proper upbringing and parenting
The sin of America. Homes without fathers

It's not only homes w/o fathers it's homes with two parents that don't take the time to teach their children how to behave, right from wrong and to be good citizens

What if your white son and a friend got jumped by a group of blacks? The first instinct is to fight back. Then the cops come in and arrest all of them. From what it appeared on the cameras, it is blacks that are fighting. Go to the movies or go bowling, kids!

Yeah, there is a common denominator in these mall brawls...it isn't rocket science figuring out what it is
All kids have phones and participate on Facebook. That is where they are organizing problems. It can happen at any mall.

Boredom is supposedly the culprit. Teenagers are allegedly bored so they gather in mobs, go to shopping malls and infringe on the rights of shoppers and business owners by engaging in fights and violence. Mall owners and management have come up with a solution to bar youths under the age of 18 from entering without an adult during certain hours. However, some view this as discriminatory and/or racist.

Those calling the mall curfew racist, what is your solution to prevent the violence and how are you going to protect the rights of shoppers and business owners?

I don't see why that would be considered discriminatory if they are minors. :dunno: The mall is not a babysitter.
Amen to this. The place is a business, not a day care center. If certain people can't get along while on the property, out on their butt is where they should be no matter what their age is.

God bless you always!!!

Actually, there is a mall a few towns away that has had some violence, but I never go to that mall. There are two malls I frequent, and both are pretty high end.
And you don't think that could be a target for those who want to get back at those in a better place than they are?

This seems rather paranoid, IMO. You have to live your life and you have to let your kids have lives too.
Keeping my kid from being arrested for being in the wrong place at the right time is not paranoid.

I was referring to your post that I addressed quoted below.

"you don't think that could be a target for those who want to get back at those in a better place than they are?"

Sorry, but I don't think it's right to not let your kids out by themselves/with their friends when they are teenagers because you fear a shoot out or something, to the mall, to the movies, the local high school/college football games, etc. They have to be able to live their lives too.
I think this is really where good parenting is important because really, you have to let your kids do their own thing eventually. You teach them the best you can to be the best they can and then you have to let them go once they are teens (to an extent of course, like going shopping, to the movies, out with friends, etc.). I'm not trying to offend anyone, just saying. :)

Boredom is supposedly the culprit. Teenagers are allegedly bored so they gather in mobs, go to shopping malls and infringe on the rights of shoppers and business owners by engaging in fights and violence. Mall owners and management have come up with a solution to bar youths under the age of 18 from entering without an adult during certain hours. However, some view this as discriminatory and/or racist.

Those calling the mall curfew racist, what is your solution to prevent the violence and how are you going to protect the rights of shoppers and business owners?
Inadequate mall security is the real culprit.
I don't know. I guess if your kid goes and does some shopping and is well behaved, then you might be upset about these kind of rules. It's probably the minority of kids who rampage at the mall. I'm sure most of them (especially the girls) are there for the shopping. :)
As a parent. I knew the boys and girls go to the mall to meet the opposite sex. If I had a teenage girl going to the mall right now, I would go with her to make sure she would be safe. If they can't take a parent, then get another adult.

Until what age are you going to hold their hands though? I'm thinking these are probably 15-18 year old teens.
Until this mayhem is eliminated, I would have no problem with accompanying my teenager.
Then I hope you are armed.

And I also hope you can tell when you are hopelessly outnumbered too and it is time to make a bee line to the exit in a hurry before the natives/negroes get really restless.

Boredom is supposedly the culprit. Teenagers are allegedly bored so they gather in mobs, go to shopping malls and infringe on the rights of shoppers and business owners by engaging in fights and violence. Mall owners and management have come up with a solution to bar youths under the age of 18 from entering without an adult during certain hours. However, some view this as discriminatory and/or racist.

Those calling the mall curfew racist, what is your solution to prevent the violence and how are you going to protect the rights of shoppers and business owners?

Mall Brawls: Youth + Boredom + Testosterone.

Curfews are fine if folks can't behave.
I don't know. I guess if your kid goes and does some shopping and is well behaved, then you might be upset about these kind of rules. It's probably the minority of kids who rampage at the mall. I'm sure most of them (especially the girls) are there for the shopping. :)
As a parent. I knew the boys and girls go to the mall to meet the opposite sex. If I had a teenage girl going to the mall right now, I would go with her to make sure she would be safe. If they can't take a parent, then get another adult.

Don't you want your children mingling with the opposite sex? They will be socially inept if you don't allow them to be independent sometimes. You teach them values and then you have to let them go.
Why in the fokk would you want to encourate teenee-weenies to interact like that?

The worst that could happen is that they start boinking and get pregnant.

The best that can happen is nothing.

School dances is when they can socialize, under close supervision.

Teens' main responsibility to society is to study and learn and do well in school.

Raise your hand if, as a kid, you did any of the following:

Threw eggs at houses on Halloween.

Threw snowballs at cars or at houses in winter.

Lit off fireworks in mailboxes or other private property on the July 4th.

Got into a fistfight with someone.

Shoplifted something.

Shot a BB gun at someone or at someone's property.
I did not shoot at anybody nor shoplift.

Somehow I knew those were both really wrong.

Turns out those two are also gateway crimes that lead to worse thing.

But yes, I did all the others on your list except those.
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Ugh I must be like overprotective or something >.< My kid is turning 18 next month and I worry when he walks to his friends house on the other side of the lake...
By 18 boys are usually too big to abduct.

But girls are prime targets as are women/ladies of any age.
...It must be time for a nap, I completely forgot my statement addressing the OP lol

I'm still trying to wrap my head around them arguing that all these brawls were unrelated. Is that not weird to anyone else??

I just don't get it honestly, the whole fights at the mall thing I mean. Around here the fight still happens at the parking lot at school... maybe we're just too old fashioned up here.
The malls with their inadequate security are easy targets for these mouse packs.
Actually, there is a mall a few towns away that has had some violence, but I never go to that mall. There are two malls I frequent, and both are pretty high end.
And you don't think that could be a target for those who want to get back at those in a better place than they are?

This seems rather paranoid, IMO. You have to live your life and you have to let your kids have lives too.
Just because you are NOT paranoid does NOT mean that somebody is NOT out to get you.

I don't know. I guess if your kid goes and does some shopping and is well behaved, then you might be upset about these kind of rules. It's probably the minority of kids who rampage at the mall. I'm sure most of them (especially the girls) are there for the shopping. :)
As a parent. I knew the boys and girls go to the mall to meet the opposite sex. If I had a teenage girl going to the mall right now, I would go with her to make sure she would be safe. If they can't take a parent, then get another adult.

Don't you want your children mingling with the opposite sex? They will be socially inept if you don't allow them to be independent sometimes. You teach them values and then you have to let them go.
Why in the fokk would you want to encourate teenee-weenies to interact like that?

The worst that could happen is that they start boinking and get pregnant.

The best that can happen is nothing.

School dances is when they can socialize, under close supervision.

Teens' main responsibility to society is to study and learn and do well in school.

Until what age are you going to confine and smother your child? Until they are 18, 20, 25?

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