Who is Accountable for Mall Brawls?

I don't know. I guess if your kid goes and does some shopping and is well behaved, then you might be upset about these kind of rules. It's probably the minority of kids who rampage at the mall. I'm sure most of them (especially the girls) are there for the shopping. :)
As a parent. I knew the boys and girls go to the mall to meet the opposite sex. If I had a teenage girl going to the mall right now, I would go with her to make sure she would be safe. If they can't take a parent, then get another adult.

Don't you want your children mingling with the opposite sex? They will be socially inept if you don't allow them to be independent sometimes. You teach them values and then you have to let them go.
Why in the fokk would you want to encourate teenee-weenies to interact like that?

The worst that could happen is that they start boinking and get pregnant.

The best that can happen is nothing.

School dances is when they can socialize, under close supervision.

Teens' main responsibility to society is to study and learn and do well in school.

Until what age are you going to confine and smother your child? Until they are 18, 20, 25?
At my Catholic school the popular answer was until college age, which is about 18.

Several of the Protestant kids in the neighborhood that did NOT have such adequate parenting ended up pregnant. Some of them got abortions while others had the kid.
I don't know. I guess if your kid goes and does some shopping and is well behaved, then you might be upset about these kind of rules. It's probably the minority of kids who rampage at the mall. I'm sure most of them (especially the girls) are there for the shopping. :)
As a parent. I knew the boys and girls go to the mall to meet the opposite sex. If I had a teenage girl going to the mall right now, I would go with her to make sure she would be safe. If they can't take a parent, then get another adult.

Don't you want your children mingling with the opposite sex? They will be socially inept if you don't allow them to be independent sometimes. You teach them values and then you have to let them go.
Why in the fokk would you want to encourate teenee-weenies to interact like that?

The worst that could happen is that they start boinking and get pregnant.

The best that can happen is nothing.

School dances is when they can socialize, under close supervision.

Teens' main responsibility to society is to study and learn and do well in school.

Until what age are you going to confine and smother your child? Until they are 18, 20, 25?
At my Catholic school the popular answer was until college age, which is about 18.

Several of the Protestant kids in the neighborhood that did NOT have such adequate parenting ended up pregnant. Some of them got abortions while others had the kid.

This is about religion to you? Okay, I can see I am wasting my time here. See ya!
As a parent. I knew the boys and girls go to the mall to meet the opposite sex. If I had a teenage girl going to the mall right now, I would go with her to make sure she would be safe. If they can't take a parent, then get another adult.

Don't you want your children mingling with the opposite sex? They will be socially inept if you don't allow them to be independent sometimes. You teach them values and then you have to let them go.
Why in the fokk would you want to encourate teenee-weenies to interact like that?

The worst that could happen is that they start boinking and get pregnant.

The best that can happen is nothing.

School dances is when they can socialize, under close supervision.

Teens' main responsibility to society is to study and learn and do well in school.

Until what age are you going to confine and smother your child? Until they are 18, 20, 25?
At my Catholic school the popular answer was until college age, which is about 18.

Several of the Protestant kids in the neighborhood that did NOT have such adequate parenting ended up pregnant. Some of them got abortions while others had the kid.

This is about religion to you? Okay, I can see I am wasting my time here. See ya!
The religion part is just a coincidence.

Catholic parents tend to watch over their kids closer. It is due in part because of the stricter rules of the Catholic church.

However it could be the Boy Scouts Of America or whatever.

The Protestant kids were not as closely watched. Maybe sometimes the Baptists were, but not usually the others.

The bottom line is that you as parents are responsible for your kids. The buck stops with you.

A permissive parent may end up with pregnant or dead kids.

C'est la vive.
Ugh confessions.... Alright, I admit it. I am guilty as sin. My kids weren't exactly allowed to wander freely until they moved out - and even now, with the 23 and 22 year old even, I worry about them living in the big city. I can't keep my nose out of their business even still.

We had the kids over for dinner on Tuesday night and our 23 year old was griping about the heat having gone out at his apartment and there being a broken window in one of the bedrooms (shattered by hooligans.) I am not at all ashamed that I went after the apartment owner... He responded to reporters that the repair crews will be there tomorrow and were simply lagging because of the holiday ~growls faintly~ Well played to plead family ties this time of year, well played. My son yelled at me for not letting him handle the apartment thing :( He doesn't even know that I've pleaded shamelessly of our police department neighbors to "spy" on the place as a personal favor as well >.<

I cannot help it, they're my boys. I would, and will, do anything to protect them, even if they don't want the attention. To hell with their macho bullshit. I totally gave them all fat checks for Xmas because they refuse my financial help - they can't give back a gift you know, it's rude and against family rules. This trick I learned from my mother, who to this day sends me money I have to accept every holiday and birthday. So... my almost 18 year old son is finally home from his visit to his friends house; is it wrong that I paid my driver to come out here and ensure he made it there? It is wrong that I "just so happened" to run to the store when he left and picked him up on the way home?

Perhaps it is wrong that I conspire against my boys... I cannot help myself. I won't stop either. Let them hate me if they wish, I only care that they are okay and I will do anything in my power to protect them. They'll just have to live with their cray cray helicopter mom. I'll confess it all, my guilt laid bare to the social judgement of random nobodies on the internet. I'm not in the slightest ashamed either, like a damned child my only concerned that I'll get caught and get in trouble with them... I made my husband join my sons dart team to keep an eye on him because he's terrible about texting. I paid one of my minions to quit their job and go work with, and become friends with, my other son who is refueling airplanes at the airport... Yes, I have investigated their girlfriends and undermined those I didn't approve of. [ Yes, dear Andrew, it is my fault your last GF left you; and for that pain I am only mildly sorry, she was a POS and was just using you. ] Yes, I have at times conspired with my elitist friends to ensure they were kept over other peon workers. Yes, I dropped my political and social weight to get them into a lottery school. Yes, I had them removed from classes where their teachers were not teaching what I consider to be proper ideals, and yes I did try to get one teacher fired for defying me ( I failed there, her union protected her from me Tis a real shame she had to request a transfer to a different school due to the religious wing nuts, not that it surprised me the fruits persecuted her stupid ass. I did grow up out here after all, I know all too well the vengeance meted out by the churches out here... ) Yes, I have conspired to keep them from moving into Fairview by paying off the "slum lords" to turn them away. Yes, I did attempt to force the little shits to go to college, the eldest two defied me, but I have turned the third through psychological manipulation - he intends to be better than his brothers on that regard. Yes, I do force them to take money; anonymous tips where I can, I conspire with their bosses to give everyone "bonuses," I conspire with their bosses to get them extra hours. Yes, I lie, I cheat, and I take full advantage of my reputation and status to covertly affect them.

No, I will not "let them go." They are my legacy and my responsibility; I will take care of them, regardless of their opinions, regardless of societies opinions, regardless of everything, I will pull every string within my grasp to ensure that my children are fat and happy. The less fortunate can curse me for it and the powers that be can punish me for it later, I don't care about such worthless opinions. Consequences and "doing whats right" be damned, I will /never/ let them go.

I feel better now. Thanks!

As for the OP... No, I'd never let my kids go to the mall without some form of watch dog, it'd almost be derelict for me to let such low lying fruit as crowded malls to hang unhindered. I know far too many people who work at them anyway, they'd report to me even if I didn't get ODO engaged. ( Off Duty Officers | Premier Private Security Guards by the way, highly recommended outfit if you need such services. Though I suppose that reveals one of the reasons I am a staunch supporter of the boys in blue around here... C est la vie. )

Boredom is supposedly the culprit. Teenagers are allegedly bored so they gather in mobs, go to shopping malls and infringe on the rights of shoppers and business owners by engaging in fights and violence. Mall owners and management have come up with a solution to bar youths under the age of 18 from entering without an adult during certain hours. However, some view this as discriminatory and/or racist.

Those calling the mall curfew racist, what is your solution to prevent the violence and how are you going to protect the rights of shoppers and business owners?

Mall Brawls: Youth + Boredom + Testosterone.

Curfews are fine if folks can't behave.
99% of "mall brawls" involve young negroes.
It's in their genetics to fight in groups like back in africa.
'Fuck, fight and steal' what doesn't belong to you. What you can't steal destroy.
One day decent people will say ENOUGH and a reckoning will happen.

Boredom is supposedly the culprit. Teenagers are allegedly bored so they gather in mobs, go to shopping malls and infringe on the rights of shoppers and business owners by engaging in fights and violence. Mall owners and management have come up with a solution to bar youths under the age of 18 from entering without an adult during certain hours. However, some view this as discriminatory and/or racist.

Those calling the mall curfew racist, what is your solution to prevent the violence and how are you going to protect the rights of shoppers and business owners?

I've seen movie theaters change their rules to address this same problem. I do not have an issue with this.
Boredom is supposedly the culprit. Teenagers are allegedly bored so they gather in mobs, go to shopping malls and infringe on the rights of shoppers and business owners by engaging in fights and violence. ...
Simple solution; reinstitute the draft. Not necessarily to send them to war. Put a shovel in their hands and send them to some Third World shithole to dig shitholes, ditches and canals.
Ugh confessions.... Alright, I admit it. I am guilty as sin. My kids weren't exactly allowed to wander freely until they moved out - and even now, with the 23 and 22 year old even, I worry about them living in the big city. I can't keep my nose out of their business even still.

We had the kids over for dinner on Tuesday night and our 23 year old was griping about the heat having gone out at his apartment and there being a broken window in one of the bedrooms (shattered by hooligans.) I am not at all ashamed that I went after the apartment owner... He responded to reporters that the repair crews will be there tomorrow and were simply lagging because of the holiday ~growls faintly~ Well played to plead family ties this time of year, well played. My son yelled at me for not letting him handle the apartment thing :( He doesn't even know that I've pleaded shamelessly of our police department neighbors to "spy" on the place as a personal favor as well >.<

I cannot help it, they're my boys. I would, and will, do anything to protect them, even if they don't want the attention. To hell with their macho bullshit. I totally gave them all fat checks for Xmas because they refuse my financial help - they can't give back a gift you know, it's rude and against family rules. This trick I learned from my mother, who to this day sends me money I have to accept every holiday and birthday. So... my almost 18 year old son is finally home from his visit to his friends house; is it wrong that I paid my driver to come out here and ensure he made it there? It is wrong that I "just so happened" to run to the store when he left and picked him up on the way home?

Perhaps it is wrong that I conspire against my boys... I cannot help myself. I won't stop either. Let them hate me if they wish, I only care that they are okay and I will do anything in my power to protect them. They'll just have to live with their cray cray helicopter mom. I'll confess it all, my guilt laid bare to the social judgement of random nobodies on the internet. I'm not in the slightest ashamed either, like a damned child my only concerned that I'll get caught and get in trouble with them... I made my husband join my sons dart team to keep an eye on him because he's terrible about texting. I paid one of my minions to quit their job and go work with, and become friends with, my other son who is refueling airplanes at the airport... Yes, I have investigated their girlfriends and undermined those I didn't approve of. [ Yes, dear Andrew, it is my fault your last GF left you; and for that pain I am only mildly sorry, she was a POS and was just using you. ] Yes, I have at times conspired with my elitist friends to ensure they were kept over other peon workers. Yes, I dropped my political and social weight to get them into a lottery school. Yes, I had them removed from classes where their teachers were not teaching what I consider to be proper ideals, and yes I did try to get one teacher fired for defying me ( I failed there, her union protected her from me Tis a real shame she had to request a transfer to a different school due to the religious wing nuts, not that it surprised me the fruits persecuted her stupid ass. I did grow up out here after all, I know all too well the vengeance meted out by the churches out here... ) Yes, I have conspired to keep them from moving into Fairview by paying off the "slum lords" to turn them away. Yes, I did attempt to force the little shits to go to college, the eldest two defied me, but I have turned the third through psychological manipulation - he intends to be better than his brothers on that regard. Yes, I do force them to take money; anonymous tips where I can, I conspire with their bosses to give everyone "bonuses," I conspire with their bosses to get them extra hours. Yes, I lie, I cheat, and I take full advantage of my reputation and status to covertly affect them.

No, I will not "let them go." They are my legacy and my responsibility; I will take care of them, regardless of their opinions, regardless of societies opinions, regardless of everything, I will pull every string within my grasp to ensure that my children are fat and happy. The less fortunate can curse me for it and the powers that be can punish me for it later, I don't care about such worthless opinions. Consequences and "doing whats right" be damned, I will /never/ let them go.

I feel better now. Thanks!

As for the OP... No, I'd never let my kids go to the mall without some form of watch dog, it'd almost be derelict for me to let such low lying fruit as crowded malls to hang unhindered. I know far too many people who work at them anyway, they'd report to me even if I didn't get ODO engaged. ( Off Duty Officers | Premier Private Security Guards by the way, highly recommended outfit if you need such services. Though I suppose that reveals one of the reasons I am a staunch supporter of the boys in blue around here... C est la vie. )
You are going too far. You have a responsibility to allow your kids to mature. That means making decisions on their own. You are suffocating them. Trust them to make the wise decisions and apply the values which you instilled in them.
The concept of their suffocation would require me getting caught, which I rarely do. I do allow them to make the mistakes, I merely ensure that their mistakes are resolved to their best interest. As with the GF, I let him date her a good while, nearly a year... I trust them, but I know far too much about the nature of humans to trust anyone else.

Meh! ~makes a pouty face~ Well as I said, like I child I am only concerned that I might get in trouble with them should I get caught. I will do what I must to ensure my family's well being. My mother does similar and I've come to understand and accept it just as they would even if they were to find out about it all - highly unlikely. I've no regrets for my sins on their behalf. ~sticks out tongue~
The concept of their suffocation would require me getting caught, which I rarely do. I do allow them to make the mistakes, I merely ensure that their mistakes are resolved to their best interest. As with the GF, I let him date her a good while, nearly a year... I trust them, but I know far too much about the nature of humans to trust anyone else.

Meh! ~makes a pouty face~ Well as I said, like I child I am only concerned that I might get in trouble with them should I get caught. I will do what I must to ensure my family's well being. My mother does similar and I've come to understand and accept it just as they would even if they were to find out about it all - highly unlikely. I've no regrets for my sins on their behalf. ~sticks out tongue~

Yes, I'm alright with that. Though I'll note that I have synesthesia not NPD ;)

Narcissistic personality disorder is different from having a strong sense of self-confidence; people with NPD typically value themselves over others to the extent that they disregard the feelings and wishes of others and expect to be treated as superior regardless of their actual status or achievements.


Though often stereotyped in the popular media as a medical condition or neurological aberration, many synesthetes themselves do not perceive their synesthetic experiences as a handicap. To the contrary, some report it as a gift—an additional "hidden" sense—something they would not want to miss. Most synesthetes become aware of their distinctive mode of perception in their childhood. Some have learned how to apply their ability in daily life and work.
It's in their genetics to fight in groups like back in africa [sic].
'Fuck, fight and steal' what doesn't belong to you. What you can't steal destroy.
One day decent people will say ENOUGH and a reckoning will happen.

More stormfront 'science' from dopeyboy. Human beings in general are inherently violent.

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