Who is actually winning in Ukraine?

3 hr ago.
After the arms report the Sputnik page, is Gabbard's linking Ukraine biolabs connecting to another USMB thread in progress in the Conspiracy forum.
Internet: United Russia Duma member Zatulin says that Ukrainian cities and territory Russia occupied since Feb 24 will definitely not return to Kyiv control. According to him, they will either form new statelets like LNR and DPR, join them or be annexed by Russia outright.

Russian forces have advanced along east bank of Oskil River, and has made progress in direction of Novtoshkivsky and Popasna. Heavy fighting.
Internet: United Russia Duma member Zatulin says that Ukrainian cities and territory Russia occupied since Feb 24 will definitely not return to Kyiv control. According to him, they will either form new statelets like LNR and DPR, join them or be annexed by Russia outright.

Russian forces have advanced along east bank of Oskil River, and has made progress in direction of Novtoshkivsky and Popasna. Heavy fighting.
The Z-fucker was warned Ukraine might lose its statehood. He didn't want to listen. There are still others who don't listen either.
Moldova Applies to EU


"US intel warns revitalized Russian military can still win, which is now expected to last until the end of the year. Russian Army outnumbers Ukrainian Army 3-to-1 in the east and could encircle and destroy a significant proportion. They said Russia could even launch a new assault on Kyiv or deprive the Ukrainian capital of access to the Black Sea in a worst-case scenario."
Zelenskiy's warning to Kherson: "If they ask you to fill out some questionnaires, leave your passport data somewhere, you should know -- that this is not to help you. This is aimed to falsify the so-called referendum on your land.

If someone wants a new annexation, it can only lead to new powerful sanctions strikes on Russia. You will make your own country as poor as Russia has been since the 1917 civil war. So it is better to seek peace now."

Russian MoD: "Often, German propagandists carried out cruel manipulations on civilians to create fakes, just like the Ukrainian nationalists are currently doing using Western media."

Russian MP Nikolai Volkov says Russia invaded Ukraine to thwart this Western plan:

1. Destabilization of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.
2. Coup in Russia.
3. Theft of Russian resources.
4. Destruction of Russky Mir.
5. Strangulation of China.
This is an example of CIA-MI6 sanitized Western media, whereby the captive congregation sees a biased, one-sided soldier subjectivity. These insolent, effeminate Western media manipulators make sure the video has been translated for the people for more theological impact in the collective unconscious, as a non-existent god and a long-dead son do voyeurism over the battlefied:
This is an example of CIA-MI6 sanitized Western media, whereby the captive congregation sees a biased, one-sided soldier subjectivity. These insolent, effeminate Western media manipulators make sure the video has been translated for the people for more theological impact in the collective unconscious, as a non-existent god and a long-dead son do voyeurism over the battlefied:
No, the URL is correctly transcribed.

The Ukrainian Air Force Just Got Bigger. It Seems Someone Gave Kyiv More MiG-29s.​

Amazingly considering the odds against them, Ukraine’s airmen have more flyable fighters today than they did in early April, according to U.S. Defense Department spokesman John Kirby.

Kyiv’s air force has “more operable fighter aircraft than they had two weeks ago,” Kirby told reporters Tuesday.

Donations of airplanes, and airplane parts, made it possible. “I would just say, without getting into what other nations are providing, that they have received additional platforms and parts to be able to increase their fleet size,” Kirby said.

It’s not hard to guess what Kirby was referring to. The governments of Bulgaria, Poland and Slovakia weeks ago all signaled some degree of willingness to transfer to Ukraine old MiG-29s or spares for the same.
Zachistka at Azovstal

Group Alpha has been called into Azovstal to perform the zachistka:

'...."Aviatsi budet prodolzhat' "profilakticheskie" tochechnye bombardirovki.
Aviation will continue "preventive" point bombing.

Vsed za ognevymi udarami vpered budut prodvigat'sia nashi shturmovye gruppy.
Out assault groups will move forward behind the fire strikes.

Segodnia vot vziali zavodouprevlenie "Azovstal", tak i dal'she budet: pozitsii vvraga budut vygryzat'sia metr za metrom.
The positions of the enemy will be (taken) meter by meter.

Vremia seichas rabotaet na nas.
Time is now working for us." '
This photo shows a different condition of the captured Brit mercenary than shown in the video interview:

The name of the new republic may be called Tavriya.

'...."The proposal to recreate the Tavriya Province with the inclusion of Kherson region, part of the Nikolaev region and part of Zaporizhzhye can be supported," Crimean Senator Sergei Tsekov told RIA Novosti.
Earlier, the head of the regional National Cultural Autonomy of the Crimean Tatars, Eyvaz Umerov, proposed restoring the Crimean Federal District (KFD) in order to integrate the territories of southern Ukraine liberated from Ukrainian nationalists into the Russian economic sphere.'

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