Who is actually winning in Ukraine?

He also told there was a Martian living in his bedroom he liked to be fucked by before going to sleep. Haven't you heard?
No, I had not heard that!

I did hear about the Russian missile scientists that jumped out of the windows of their burning research facility though. Probably unrelated...
Russia has likely thwarted a US-Ukraine plan to use novichok-like agents. Lugar would know about the novichok link to agriculture and then tell the Arab son, Obama, before they both went to Perm. Several organizations are mentioned:

US Has Moved on to WMD Provocations After Economic Pressure Against Russia Failed --Zakharova
As the Sputnik page suggests, Russian forces took out a weapons-storage facility near Odessa about 35 minutes ago.
Balakleya is the largest arsenal in Ukraine, the one at Transnistria is larger.

Russia deploys 4 improved Kilo attak subs near Odessa for shooting Kalibr cruise missiles because Harpoon anti-ship missile trucks cannot shoot subs.

Kilo-Class Submarine

US to Begin Supplying RSZO "Black Stallion" MLRS -- Nuland
'....Ob etom v interv'iu "Evropeiskoi pravde" rasskazal zamestitel' gosudarstvennogo sekretaria SShA po politicheskoi voprosam Viktoria Nuland.
Victoria Nuland, US Deputy Secretary of State for Political Affairs, spoke about this in an interview with European Pravda.'
2022 aprelia 23 Rossiya nanesla raketnyj udar po odesse.
Russia Launched a Missile Attack on Odessa.

Povrezhedny zhilye doma, est' pogibshie i rannye.
Residential buildings Damaged, There are Dead and Wounded.
'....Zhiteli goroda slychali vzryvy v raznykh raionakh.
Residents of the city heard explosions in different areas.

Eto byli kak prilety, tak i otlety nashego PVO.
These were both arrivals and departures of our air defense.

Seichas izvestno, chto neskol'ko raket udalos' sbit'.
It is now known that several missiles were shot down.

Gorozhane videli vzryvy v nebe i padiushchie goraishchie Oblomki.
Citizens saw explosions in the sky and falling, burning debris.

Kak minimum odna raketa upali i vzorvalas'.
At least one rocket fell and exploded.

Popali v zhilye Doma.
They got into houses.

Uzhe tochno izvestno ob odnom pogibshem.
It is already known, one dead.

On sgorel v svoei mashine vo dvore odnogo iz domov.
He burned to death in his car in the yard of one of his houses.


V nastoiashchee izvestno o pogishikh, sredi kotorykh 1 rebenok, postradalo 18 chelovek,
Currently 6 dead are known, including 1 child, 18 people were injured.

Iz-pod zavalov spaseny 2 cheloveka, evakuirovany 86 cheloveka.'
Two people were rescued from the rubble, 86 people were evacuated.'
Romanian Red Cross may suspend aid to Ukraine due to theft at Odessa.

Kiev May Fake Strike
'....Russian military has been forced to issue regular reports citing intelligence on potential provocations....'
What happens to a human skull when he meets a flower pot falling from a, say, fifth floor window? Do americans still like flowers?
We can see the shift westward, as Gonzalo Lira again starts to tweet. Lira believes Russia is correct about a forthcoming Ukrainian provocation and shows a Canadian document @ 17h:

Gonzalo Lira "Embassy of the Russian Federation in Canada"
The report title is "Russian Consulate General in New York Threatened with Molotov Cocktails"

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