Who is actually winning in Ukraine?

Events in Transnistria point to possible false-flag operations:

Moldovan President: Transnistria Blasts Linked to Internal Power Struggle

Internet discourse:

Q: "Why would China send military personnel to supplement Russian forces in Ukraine in place of economic and military aid?

A: "You know full well that the Yanks have been on an easterly colonial path and are heading towards your borders as sure as night follows day, since subduing the natives in the Americas and the Western colonial path was completed. You as a Chinese are next after Russia falls. Do you want to fight the Yanks on your own border of keep Russia independent an ideal bulwark to the Yanks and allied to you by backing them up in the defence of Eastern Europe and thus Asia."

The Korean War was the origin of NATO. Coming full-circle, the schizoid-effeminate psychopath reptile now moves eastward like a black Pentagon marionette:

AUKUS Seeks to Bring NATO's Military Potential to Asia-Pacific Region, Russian Diplomat Says
Random internet, unconfirmed:

17 hr. ago
20-я армииа, обладев Сукои Каменскои и Сулиговкои, наносит удар противнику в направлении сел Долгенка и Курулки, перекрывая пути снабжения частеи Вооруженныx Сил Украины по все Славиано-Краматорскои агломератсии.
20th Army taken Sukha Kamenska and Suligovka attacks enemy in direction of villages of Dolgenka and Kurulki, cutting off supply routes to units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine throughout Slavic-Kramatorsk agglomeration.
Части 41-и армии вышли на рубеж реки Оско.
41st Army reached the line of the Osko River.
UN Secretary General: it is necessary to create conditions for a ceasefire in Ukraine.
Monsieur the Secretary General does not realize that one of the conditions for creating conditions, is the cessation of arms supplies to the Kiev regime from the United States and other henchmen
Putin: "We were met with the provocation at Bucha which the Russian Army has nothing to do with....2014: but this really was an unconstitutional coup."
Suriyak Maps
'....25 Ap: Russian Army is bringing reinforcements north of Kherson oblast. This, with the previous arriving of siginificant numbers of Chechen troops suggests preparation for an offensive to take Krivoi Rog city.'
Internet: "Russia's state-owned energy utility, Gazprom has issued an ultimatum to Poland demanding immediate payment in Rubles. It is threatening to cut off the gas tomorrow if Poland does not comply."

IAEA: Radiation level at Chernobyl "abnormal."

Explosions at Irmino.

Shelling outside Slavyansk.

Bridge closed at Zatovka: missile strike.

Raytheon cannot quickly make Stingers due to redesign of missile and seeker.

Gen. Milley: "At the end of the day....involved a weakened Russia and strengthened NATO."

Violent battles near Huliaipole.

Shelling at Esman community, Sumy oblast.

Explosions at Kharkiv and Poltava.

US offering $10. Million reward for info leading to the capture of 6 Russian hackers responsible For 2017 NotPetya malware that took Chernobyl's radiation monitoring system offline. All 6 are members of a top GRU hacking unit.

Zelenskiy meets with IAEA's Mariano Grossi.

Shelling og Novodymytrivka, Bila Krynytsia, Mykolyivka, Malaya Shestern, Trudolyubivka.
Putin Promised Lightning Strikes
'...."Если кто-то вознамерится вмешаться в произxодитщие события со стопоны, и будут сщздавать длиа России неприемленые угрозы стратигического xарактера, они должны знать что нашли ответы на втречные удары будут молниеносными.

If someone intends to intervene in ongoing events from the outside, create unacceptable strategic threats for Russia, they should know that our response to oncoming strikes will be lightning fast.

У нас есть длиа етого все инструментыю
We have all the tools for this.

Такие которыми не может сеичас никто поxвастатьсяю
One that he can't boast of right now.

А мы xавастаться не будем.
And we won't brag.

Мы будем иx использовать, если потребуется.
We will use them if necessary."
Internet unconfirmed:

Russian troops send two battalion tactical groups to Izyum, deploying two missile divisions of ORTK "Iskander-M"

Ukrainian forces report destruction of headquarters and Strela-10 SAM on Snake Island (Zmeiniy Island) in the Black Sea

Missile launch near Valuyki, Belgorod region

Explosion at Voronezh

Military warehouse exploded and caught fire at Staraya Nelidovka, Belgorod region

Russia captures districts of Velyka Komyshuvakha, took control of Zavody, Conducted offensive in direction of Barvinkovo

Severodonetsk: Russian troops establish control over Novotoshkivske, offensive in direction of Nizhne and Orikovo

Russian control over Zarichne and stormed areas of Yampil

Poltavksa oblst: Red Alert

Kiev: Red Alert, sirens sounding, take over.

Missile strike at bridge over Dnistrovsky Lyman in Odessa this morning

Russian advance towards Tavriiske and Nova Zoria in Mykolaiv region fails

Kurahove: Read Alert

Russian Army shells grains silos at Kryvyi Rih district of Dnipropetrovsk

Kharkiv oblast: Red Alert
The fact that the Russians were not able to prevail in a few days pretty well means it did not go well for them.

Add in significant losses and it has been a disaster for the Russkies.

That doesn't mean Ukraine will "win" but the Russians are not getting what they thought they were going to get.
Mezin, Ukraine is one origin of the Ice Age swastika, originally carved from mammoth ivory in the form of a bird:

Swastika at Mezin, Ukraine
The Mezin swastika would appear long before receding glaciation in Sweden, for Lisa of Finshult's smojtra decorated with this symbol. So too, well before Hitler's Germany, though Hancar's publication (reference 10, above) would have been known to Hitler and his associates. Figure F, above, would be the swastika link to Pentecostals dancing with rattlesnakes in Tennessee.
The structure of the housing would have come first in Ukraine before it did in Germany, again due to receding glaciation, though the basic mammoth-bone house found at Mezin was found at Goennersdorf (Rhenanie-Palatinat) from the Magdalenian, 12,600 years ago:

Mezin Wolfcamp

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