Who is actually winning in Ukraine?

In post #472 was mentioned current "violent battles at Hulyiapole," which is situated on the Hnylyi Tikych River. Following the river north a short distance leads to Katerynopils'kyi raion, also on this paleochannel. Mezhirich Mammoth Camp is nearby:

Mezhirich Mammoth Camp
As we have already stated in this thread, the River Desna at Mezin, 100km nw of Kyiv, itself forms a swastika design which an be faintly seen on today's Google map. This suggests that this swastika inscription on the Mezin bird was also a form of map.

Today, supporting evidence for this notion was found:

Mezhyrich, Cherkasy Oblast
'....a map inscribed onto a bone, presumably showing the area around the settlement.'
Noting that on the Mezhyrich wikipage, srcolling down to "Cities" to clik on "Monastyryshche" The Monastyryshche raion was abolished in Jul 2020 and links to the Holocaust and the nazi swastika:
Check up how many months it took the US Army to take one city of Fallujah in Iraq.
We always knew the Muslim fanatics were going to fight house to house somewhere. Remember we took Baghdad in a couple of weeks.

Everybody thought the mighty Russians were going to sweep over Ukraine.

A combination of the willingness of the Ukrainians to fight back and the fact the Russian military is not performing very well is what causing Putin's problems.

The Russians have the military hardware but they don't have the first rate training, maintenance or command structure. If it wasn't for all that Cold War left over stock their military would be a joke.

They will probably prevail in the long run but it will take a tremendous toll on the military.

Here is a great article by a senior American General who looked at the Russian military up close.

I Commanded U.S. Army Europe. Here's What I Saw in the Russian and Ukrainian Armies.

At the end of the visit, our State Department colleague asked us to record our observations, focusing on what struck us about leadership, equipment, training, facilities, and capabilities. I remember saying the Russian Army was “all show and no go.”

As for the Russians, their recent battlefield failures—their staged maneuvers, lack of leadership development, absence of a logistics plan to support operations, inability to coordinate and conduct air-ground-sea joint operations and continued use of conscript soldiers in critical missions—all indicate a larger failure to modernize their army. Just as Russia and Ukraine followed different political courses over the past 30 years, so did their armies, and it shows. While Ukraine’s democracy is still addressing issues of government corruption, those violations pale in significance and scope to the embezzlement, graft, and corruption of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, his predecessor Anatoly Serdyukov, and Vladimir Putin himself. Colonel-General Chirkin had, if nothing else, proved that he was acting in line with the role models in his senior leadership.
In post #478 was shown the Mezin, Ukraine swastika that no doubt Hitler knew of. This bird swastika from Mezin can be now be compared with the arm tattoo of an Azov soldier at timepoint 22 seconds in the video. Scroll down to 5h ago:
In post #478 was shown the Mezin, Ukraine swastika that no doubt Hitler knew of. This bird swastika from Mezin can be now be compared with the arm tattoo of an Azov soldier at timepoint 22 seconds in the video. Scroll down to 5h ago:
As the AZmilitary1 Twitter page says: 'Two American mercenaries were seriously injured in Orekhovo by artillery. Manus McCaffey and Paul Gray - former US Army servicemen - fought as part of the Javelin ATGM group on the side of the AFU.'

Orekhovo is incorrect. The location is Orikhiv, wsw of Hulyaipole. Hulyaipole(Hulyiapole) was mentioned in post #482.
I actually think that Ukraine will end up being a disastrous blunder for the US-EU. Russia doesn't really have to accomplish anything further. Military defeat is unlikely. Putin's narrative has ALWAYS been to secure the Donbass and Crimea regions into autonomous or wholly Russian Oblasts. It looks like Russia's moving to secure those interests now. Anything else for them would be gravy.

But I think there's a "Great Game" here that they anticipated, because they've been preparing for it for 7 years.

Russia wants to deal a death blow to EU-US "Eurodollar" reserve currency and SWIFT. And they have. The entire world watches as the EU begs and blatantly refuses to pay Russia for gas in Rubles (a deadline which ends with the April Futures contract and payments must begin April 1st for all later Futures contracts: Nuances).

What this does for China, India, African nations we prey upon, South America, everyone else not in the elite OECD club is show that they are slaves to the Eurodollar. An expensive, controlled and abused currency. Whenever the US takes too much debt, the US prints more dollars, European Union does the same.

But when crushing trade and unfair financial practices forces Nigeria into debt, in comes the IMF, the US Aircraft Carriers, and the tools of Empire, to force Nigeria, or whoever, to bow to the Eurodollar.

How is that fair? How is that free? How is that DEMOCRATIC?

It's not.

And with the simple refusal to pay a sovereign nation in their sovereign currency for their national resources......Russia has exposed the US-EU as an impotent imperialist power that has been bloodsucking the world for decades.

The world has watched and listened.

And the world will turn to China for a neutral 3rd party, as Putin has foretold.

A world with a basket of currencies, where each nation pays for a nation's goods/services in their currency, not in some global Empire currency.

This is the death blow to the US-EU.

The question is, is it working? I think we see the cracks, but it's too early for any columns to crumble. The US-EU empire can limp on, or even recover, if it plays its cards right.

No one thinks the idiots in charge now are competent enough, however.
Are Russians dying? Yes? positive investment return to me.
While Ukraine’s democracy is still addressing issues of government corruption, those violations pale in significance and scope to the embezzlement, graft, and corruption of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, his predecessor Anatoly Serdyukov, and Vladimir Putin himself. Colonel-General Chirkin had,
I would say "you never learn", but, on the other hand, how can you learn if you get Goebbels' shit all your life as information about Russia. The danger of this idiocy is that the jerks in the Pentagon and the White House, like you, may think that you can try to defeat Russia. And then, goodbye to civilization. The USA is ruled mainly by bloody scoundrels. And I'm not talking about puppets in the White House.
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I actually think that Ukraine will end up being a disastrous blunder for the US-EU. Russia doesn't really have to accomplish anything further. Military defeat is unlikely. Putin's narrative has ALWAYS been to secure the Donbass and Crimea regions into autonomous or wholly Russian Oblasts. It looks like Russia's moving to secure those interests now. Anything else for them would be gravy.

But I think there's a "Great Game" here that they anticipated, because they've been preparing for it for 7 years.

Russia wants to deal a death blow to EU-US "Eurodollar" reserve currency and SWIFT. And they have. The entire world watches as the EU begs and blatantly refuses to pay Russia for gas in Rubles (a deadline which ends with the April Futures contract and payments must begin April 1st for all later Futures contracts: Nuances).

What this does for China, India, African nations we prey upon, South America, everyone else not in the elite OECD club is show that they are slaves to the Eurodollar. An expensive, controlled and abused currency. Whenever the US takes too much debt, the US prints more dollars, European Union does the same.

But when crushing trade and unfair financial practices forces Nigeria into debt, in comes the IMF, the US Aircraft Carriers, and the tools of Empire, to force Nigeria, or whoever, to bow to the Eurodollar.

How is that fair? How is that free? How is that DEMOCRATIC?

It's not.

And with the simple refusal to pay a sovereign nation in their sovereign currency for their national resources......Russia has exposed the US-EU as an impotent imperialist power that has been bloodsucking the world for decades.

The world has watched and listened.

And the world will turn to China for a neutral 3rd party, as Putin has foretold.

A world with a basket of currencies, where each nation pays for a nation's goods/services in their currency, not in some global Empire currency.

This is the death blow to the US-EU.

The question is, is it working? I think we see the cracks, but it's too early for any columns to crumble. The US-EU empire can limp on, or even recover, if it plays its cards right.

No one thinks the idiots in charge now are competent enough, however.

I doubt anyone will win. The US is probably going to be the least biggest loser, Russia will suffer, the Ukraine will suffer even more. The US can know Russia's power and economy will be damaged for decades. They don't care about the Ukraine, never have.
I would say "you never learn", but, on the other hand, how can you learn if you get Goebbels' shit all your life as information about Russia. The danger of this idiocy is that the jerks in the Pentagon and the White House, like you, may think that you can try to defeat Russia. And then, goodbye to civilization. The USA is ruled mainly by bloody scoundrels. And I'm not talking about puppets in the White House.
This was the opinion of the American General who was asked to evaluate the Russian military. The guy who was once the highest ranking American NATO officer in Europe.

He was talking about how Russian corruption in government has affected the readiness of their military. It is obvious that the piss poor performance of the Russian military in this invasion against a far inferior force has substantiated his findings.

Read the complete article at the link I posted.
This was the opinion of the American General who was asked to evaluate the Russian military. The guy who was once the highest ranking American NATO officer in Europe.
The expert opinion of the generals who fled, dropping their slippers, from Afghanistan is very interesting and important. Russians have already heard the opinion of one expert, that Russia is a "colossus on clay feet", he had to shoot himself in the end. Terrible russians drove an austrian artist to suicide...
The expert opinion of the generals who fled, dropping their slippers, from Afghanistan is very interesting and important. Russians have already heard the opinion of one expert, that Russia is a "colossus on clay feet", he had to shoot himself in the end. Terrible russians drove an austrian artist to suicide...
Did you read the complete article? Long beofre the invasion he predicted the poor performance of the Russians.
he predicted the poor performance of the Russians.
Poor performance? Russia does not use carpet bombing of the civilian population, as some civilized countries do. What can you do, they are barbarians!
But Russia will not learn from these civilizers, her character is not like that, not civilized.
Russians are also opposed by the same russians, only duped by the ukrainian nazi propaganda. It's hard to fight with the russians, I don't recommend you even try. They won't be so forgiving and patient, like with their lost and deceived brothers in Ukraine.
The Russian operation has nothing to compare with. I do not recall a single major military operation where the main task was to minimize casualties among the enemy's civilian population. Against the backdrop of Dresden, Hiroshima, Vietnam, Korea, Mosul, Raqqa and Felujah of the pale faces. Carpet bombing, napalm and depleted uranium.
Serbia, by the way, still has one of the highest levels of cancer in the world.

The price of "democratization" is very clear

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