Who is actually winning in Ukraine?

The world economic forum is winning and just about every billionaire in the United States and Europe

everybody else (9.9999% of the population ) is losing
Did the Germans let the V-2 through their cities occupied by the Red Army?
No, the Germans didn't do that.
Even the SS did not launch rockets at their cities.
And Ukrainians do.
Tochka-U — wunderwaffe, a miracle weapon of Banderovites.
Maybe they don't consider all these territories their own?
Or, according to the precepts of their Bandera, they agree to destroy most of their people, just to preserve their power?
Did the Germans let the V-2 through their cities occupied by the Red Army?
No, the Germans didn't do that.
Even the SS did not launch rockets at their cities.
And Ukrainians do.
Tochka-U — wunderwaffe, a miracle weapon of Banderovites.
Maybe they don't consider all these territories their own?
Or, according to the precepts of their Bandera, they agree to destroy most of their people, just to preserve their power?
But the Kramatorsk Tochka that Ukraine used was made at Votinsk, Russia, not far from where the American punks, Obama and Lugar visited. When banderites run out of Tochkas, they only need ask the US for more weapons with which to kill their own.
The current POSPOTUS administration is, according to Sputnik News and Bloomberg, studying the possibility of easing visa requirements for high-tech Russians, which proposal will be present to Congress, envisages the drop of the rule that Russian professionals must have an employer to apply for an employment-based visa. Has anyone yet asked Hunter if this is ok?
Russia is taking out Ukrainian Tochkas:

'....V Министерстве обороны РФ в зыиатницу, 29 апрелиаб заиавил, что россииские военные за ден сбили три украинские ракеты "Точка-У", а также шесть беспилотников и снаряды ракетнои системы залпового огния (РСЗО) "смерч."
Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on Friday, 29 Ap said that the Russian military had shot down 3 Ukrainian Tochka-U missiles as well as 6 drones and shelled the Smerch multiple rocket launch system (MLRS).'

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