Who is actually winning in Ukraine?

As the mafiosa, Pelosi visits the cocaine addict in Kyiv, one must watch both hands in the shell game:

Kinzinger Pushes 'Red Line' Resolution for US Force If Russia Deploys WMDs
Kinzinger Pushes 'Red Line' Resolution for US Force If Russia Deploys WMDs
Adam Kinzinger, who personally introduced a bill on the use of the US military to protect Ukraine, is a very conditional Republican. He is what is called RINO. Together with Cheney's daughter Liz Cheney, both, for example, sit on the committee on January 6, which is investigating the storming of the Capitol. Both are hated by Trump.
Moreover. Kinzinger, who has served in the House of Representatives for 12 years, will not be re-elected this year, which he announced last year. There's no chance anyway. Darin LaHood, an outspoken Trump supporter, is represented in his district.
Apparently, in the end, Kinzinger agreed to do some very dirty legislative work for Biden.
So this arrogant, Kinzinger, is xian mafia. This means that the Pelosi-Kinzinger collusion is mutual regardless of political party. Pelosi's protection racket coincides with Kinzinger's christian-soldier family ministries. This Kinzinger family racket can be traced back to the Neolithic.
Adam Kinzinger, who personally introduced a bill on the use of the US military to protect Ukraine, is a very conditional Republican. He is what is called RINO. Together with Cheney's daughter Liz Cheney, both, for example, sit on the committee on January 6, which is investigating the storming of the Capitol. Both are hated by Trump.
Moreover. Kinzinger, who has served in the House of Representatives for 12 years, will not be re-elected this year, which he announced last year. There's no chance anyway. Darin LaHood, an outspoken Trump supporter, is represented in his district.
Apparently, in the end, Kinzinger agreed to do some very dirty legislative work for Biden.
Yes, no surprise where this christian soldier psychopath is coming from. Kinzinger's family brought him up on protection-racketism married to religion: Home Sweet Home Ministries, a parasitical organization fronting as Florence Nightingale. HSH has $8 million in assets:

Kinzinger, CEO of Home Sweet Home Ministries Annual Reports

So, retaining the Dem-GOP duo, Pelosi-Kinzinger, their real modus operandi is exposed:

2022 Ap 28
'...."According to the Department of Housing it would cost $20 billion to end homelessness in the US, which is less than the $33 billion in weapons that Biden and the Democrats are sending Ukraine. They could be ending homelessness. Instead they're funding a proxy war with Russia."

2022 Jan 19: "The Democrats opposition to Republicans is not real. It's political theater to deceive the public into thinking we have a functional democracy when the undeniable truth is Democrats collaborate with Republicans to enrich the ruling class and preserve our dysfunctional oligarchy."
In today's Russian media, Kinzinger:
' "Побеседовав с россекретарем (Ентони) Блинкеном и выслушав его серьезную озабоченность насчет возможности применения (президентом РФ) Путиным xимического оружияб я умерен США продемонстрируют мировому сообществ, что не потерпият бессмысленного наcилия," прокомментаровал Кинзингер.
After talking with the Secretary of State (Anthony) Blinken and listening to his serious concern about the possibility of the use of chemical weapons by (Russian President) Putin, I am confident that the United States will demonstrate to the world community that they will not tolerate senseless violence," commented Kinzinger.'
2022 mai 1, Герои спецоперации "З": старшии лиетенант Сапегин не дал противнику прораться из " лотла "
Heroes of the Special Operation "Z": Lieutenant Sapegin Did Not Let the Enemy Break Out of the "Cauldron"
'Большия часть из 90-тысиачнои украинскои армии сложит оружие, а наиболее недальновидная будет уничтожена.
Most of the 90,000-strong Ukrainian Army will lay down their arms, and the most short-sighted will be destroyed.

Уже сегодня очевидно, что боицы готовят на Донбассе несколько "лотлов," в которыx собираяутся "cварит" ресервистов Вooруженныx cил украины.
It is already obvious that the fighters are preparing several "cauldrons" in the Donbas in which they are going to "cook" the reservists of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.'
2022 May 2
'....On May 2nd 2014, Ukrainian radicals murdered at least 42 people in Odessa for the crime of being Russian. They burned them alive. West forgets but Russia doesn't. Arthur Saveliev, one of the nazis from Azov, who participated in the burning of Russians at Odessa was DENAZIFIED.'
Internet unerified:

"The fiercest of all skirmishes is at Bogorodichny (Богородичны).

Transfer of most combat-ready units to Kharkov continues to carry out sabotage. According to our information, the tasks of coordinating the DRG and sabotage operations in the zone bordering Russia are assigned to officers of the British Special Airborne Service (SAS). At the same time, reinforcements of mercenaries from the "International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine" arrived in the regional center. This time we are talking about the German unit.

A group of 1,000 servicemen of the AFU have been "boiling in a cauldron" near Oskol reservoir for several days now.

Withdrawal of forces to Russkaya Lozovaya (Русская Лозовая) and Tsirkuny (Циркуны) exposed the front at Kazachya Lopan (Казачя Лопан). Russian forces managed to recapture two villages, Turovo and Makarovo (Турово и Макарово) south of the settlement.

Units of AFU tried to drive Russian armed forces out of the fortified area of Tsirkuny and Cherkasskiyе Tishki (Циркуны и Черкасскиые Тишки) two days ago, but suffered losses. Now the AFU command is making every effort to gain a foothold at the achieved milestone and are suffering heavy losses. To date, several hundred killed and wounded."

"Fierce battles continue @ Popasnaya (Попасная). Allied forces (Russia and DPR) are starving the enemy, methodically grinding the arriving reinforcements. On average, the losses of the AFU per day reach 50-70 people killed and wounded, and morale of the military personnel is dipping.

After the capture of Alexsandrivka (Александривка), fighting shifted to the forest belt @ the turn of Bogorodichnya - Pine (Пине) - Yarovaya (Яаровая).
A group of 1,000 servicemen of the AFU have been "boiling in a cauldron" near Oskol reservoir for several days now.
I would direct you to rational analysis of the situation north of the Donetsk river and the Izium offensive, but I don't think you would be able to assimilate it.

The claim is only found in Russian propaganda. The Ukrainians on that side of the river (there are 3 pockets) are there to harass the Russian LOC. Nothing strategic on that side for Ukraine- they left a bridge intact to retreat across when the time comes.

They will blow that remaining bridge and the dam on the Oskil Reservoir, and the Russians will be stuck in the mud again.

The Russian forces on the east side of the reservoir took 12 days to advance 8km, and that was before the command HQ was blown to bits....
I would direct you to rational analysis of the situation north of the Donetsk river and the Izium offensive, but I don't think you would be able to assimilate it.

The claim is only found in Russian propaganda. The Ukrainians on that side of the river (there are 3 pockets) are there to harass the Russian LOC. Nothing strategic on that side for Ukraine- they left a bridge intact to retreat across when the time comes.

They will blow that remaining bridge and the dam on the Oskil Reservoir, and the Russians will be stuck in the mud again.

The Russian forces on the east side of the reservoir took 12 days to advance 8km, and that was before the command HQ was blown to bits....
Once again, your discourse should only be taken as heresay, and you fail to find the stones to link your claim, as if it were SARS-CoV-2 esoterica.

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