Who is actually winning in Ukraine?

This compares with what Scott Ritter said about the US knowledge of where the Kramatorsk railroad missile strike came from due to radar:
Sure, like convicted pedo Ritter has any radar data. The good news for you is that Ritter and "Coach Red Pill" can give you relationship advice after the war, lol.

Kramatorsk was a Russian missile, fired as part of a salvo against multiple Ukranian infrastructure targets that day. Social media has videos of SRBM launches from Russian controlled territory right before the strike. There no videos of Ukrainian missile launches that day.

Just like the downing of MH17- shot down by Russians operating in Ukrainian territory, then tried to blame it on Ukraine forces when it turned out to be a civilian airliner...
No Homo sapiens can prove that the wheat to Cuba came from Ukraine. Reactionary automatons will mouth off about it in an attempt to win the fight to the death for pure prestige. Refreshing to see American arrogance and overconfidence get roughed up by shipments to Cuba after CIA-MI6 operatives and the West's mafia cult turn Ukraine into a decadent drug- and human-trafficking nazi piece of shit. What was once Ukrainian soil will now likely continue to supply wheat to Cuba in the future.

There is a flight restriction zone in effect until 2022 Jun 10 and Ukrainians are being warned not to disregard air raid possibilities
Sirius Report
'....Germany promised Ukraine a delivery of Gepard tanks. Switzerland produces the ammunition for them. Swiss law forbids the supply of weapons to warzones.
Taliban has regained control of Afghanistan and the opium trade. Now we find that Europe is growing significantly as a hub for production and trans-shipment of cocaine to other regions of the world, in addition to being a major consumption market.'

Because POSPOTUS is not only a catholic puppet but also a CIA puppet, sugested reading is McCoy, The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade.
Now to verify this:

' This is huge. If this statement by Medvedev is true - then Russia just signaled that it will accept Polish troops in Ukraine. If it is true, then it's happening - the dismemberment of Ukraine:

Medvedev: "Western Ukraine will be a welcome acquisition for Poland, which is hungry for the return of its lands." '

Unconfirmed: Russian forces have launched a flanking assault through the forest to the east of Rubizhne to cut off Ukrainian troops defending the southeast quarter of the city. If Russia can capture/pressure the 1 road to Severodonetsk, Ukraine will have to withdraw from Rubizhne or be cut off.'
Apparently, Vedomosti confirms Lira's claim as being true (post # 606). It now makes more sense why POSPOTUS sent his bitch to Romania. Translation is underway.
Medvedev: Pol'sha provozglasila razdel Ukrainy
Medvedev: Poland Proclaimed Partition of Ukraine
'Zampredsedatelia Sovbeza Rossii Dmitir Medvedev zaiavil, chot Pol'sha ob'iavila razdel Ukrainy posle togo, kak prezident strana Andzhei Duda ofitsial'no priznal territorial'nye pretenzii k Kievu.
Deputy chairman of the Security Council, Dmitri Medvedev said that Poland announced the partition of Ukraine after the country's President Andrzej Duda officially recognized the territorial claims to Kiev.

"Poliaki provozglasili razdel Ukrainy.
The Poles proclaimed the division of Ukraine.

Pol'skii prezident Andzhei Duda ofitsial'no priznal territorial'nye pretenzii k Ukraine.
Polish President Andrzej Duda officially recognized the Territorial claims to Ukraine.

Maksi sbrosheny.
The masks have been dropped.

On zaiavil, chto mezhdu pol'shei i ukrainoi na desiatiletiia, a to i stoletiia bol'she ne budet granitsy.
He stated that there would no longer be a border between Poland and Ukraine for decades, or even centuries.

O sancta simplicitas! zaiavil Medvedev.
O sancta simplicitas" said Medvvedev.

Po ego mneniiu, zapadnaia Ukraina budet zhelannym priobreteniem dlia Pol'she pod "zavesoi krasivykh slov o vechenom bratstve."
In his opinion, Western Ukraine will be a welcome acquisition for Poland under the "veil of beautiful words about eternal brotherhood." '
An example of how Ukrainian nazis use language against their scapegoats is here. Scroll to 18h:

' Ukrainian stabs another Ukrainian in a Brooklyn restaurant in New York for "being Russian" after test to say "Palianytsia."
3 May "I will veto the invitation to Finland and Sweden to become members of NATO." President of Croatia, Zoran Milanovic.
5 May Lavrov: "Unlike some Western countries, Russia does not see the Central Asian region as an area of geopolitical confrontation - In the spirit of the colonial concept of the "Great Game." " '
4h: 'A group of Ukrainian soldiers left Azovstal with a white flag. Russian military moved forward to meet them as parliamentarians. - Commander of "Vostok." '
"Ukraine's situation is much worse than is believed in the West. The bitter truth is: Putin can win the war." - Markus Reisner, Austria's top military strategist.
7h: "I can confirm existence of high ranking officers of Western countries in Avozstal. Presumably US, UK, France minimum."- Yan Gagin, DPR head advisor.'

'20 min. Popasna has fallen.'
Sure, like convicted pedo Ritter has any radar data. The good news for you is that Ritter and "Coach Red Pill" can give you relationship advice after the war, lol.

Kramatorsk was a Russian missile, fired as part of a salvo against multiple Ukranian infrastructure targets that day. Social media has videos of SRBM launches from Russian controlled territory right before the strike. There no videos of Ukrainian missile launches that day.

Just like the downing of MH17- shot down by Russians operating in Ukrainian territory, then tried to blame it on Ukraine forces when it turned out to be a civilian airliner...

Low IQs such as yours are especially attracted to the gayer-than-gay ad hominem bait. The location of manufacture of the precise Kramatorsk Tochka-U that was used in the attack has already been posted to USMB as well as the pertinent Lugar-Obama links.

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