Who is actually winning in Ukraine?

A zachistka 'cleansing' is now happening in the Donbas. Since the nazi-dem POSPOTUS and his POS son want the gas that's under the battlefield, Russia is responding. This is a map of the Yuzivka (Yuzivska) gas field. The rocket strike occurred at Kramatorsk train station just inside the gas-field perimeter:

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Lynching a Bear Presents Difficulties

I distrust the resource factor. Vietnam was supposed to be about "tin and tungsten." Iraq, about oil—only about keeping Big Oil's price-gouging, which Saddam was working against. In the Ukraine, it's about positioning, breaking the noose that NYETO has put around Russia's neck.

Afghanistan, too, was part of the noose, not about whatever minerals are there. A clue was that Bush had hired Neo-Condi, who was strictly a Russian-Studies academic and knew little about anything else. She was totally ignorant of Al Qaida, so that blows away the Truthie Traitors simple-minded explanations.
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Sure, like convicted pedo Ritter has any radar data. The good news for you is that Ritter and "Coach Red Pill" can give you relationship advice after the war, lol.

Kramatorsk was a Russian missile, fired as part of a salvo against multiple Ukranian infrastructure targets that day. Social media has videos of SRBM launches from Russian controlled territory right before the strike. There no videos of Ukrainian missile launches that day.

Just like the downing of MH17- shot down by Russians operating in Ukrainian territory, then tried to blame it on Ukraine forces when it turned out to be a civilian airliner...

The Dutch? Not Much.

The media always want us to miss the point, which on Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was greed, ignorance, indifference, and incompetence (as was the 9/11 Surprise). An independent mind would have concluded that it was the fault of the airline and Dutch air-traffic control for flying over a combat zone because it was cheaper to do so.
An independent mind would have concluded that it was the fault of the airline and Dutch air-traffic control for flying over a combat zone because it was cheaper to do so.
The airspace restrictions in place were obviously not sufficient, but the responsibility is on the ones who shot it down.

It was a standard commercial flight path, there were several flights that day at that altitude, and nothing had been shot down that high previously. It made them complacent.

I'm not saying the Russian operators intentionally targeted a civilian airliner. I think they made an error in their target identification, and that happens sometimes in war.

Kramatorsk was not an accident, it was one of a series of Russian attacks on railway infrastructure that day.
Post #619:
'Der Konflikt werde aber im Sommer noch nicht zu Ende sein
But the conflict will not be over in the summer.

Sollten die russischen Truppen den Donbas einnehmen, geht Reisner nur von einer voruebergehenden Kampfpause aus.
If the Russian troops take the Donbas, Reisner only assumes there will be a temporary lull in the figthing.

Beide Seiten wuerden sich in dieser Zeit regenerieren und neu aufstellen.
Both sides would regenerate and reposition themselves during this time.'
As Odessa gets pounded with rockets:

WFP Chief Odessa Grain Port

'5h: Control over Popasna allows you to shoot and view a vast area in all directions for more than 30 km. The occupation of Popasna will lead to the interruption of the provision of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Svetlodarksaya Bulge and the agglomeration of Severodonetsk, Lisichansk and Rubizhne. Also, control of this settlement becomes possible for Russian and Luhansk troops to reach a large transport hub in Bakhmut.
A Ukrainian corvette has also been destroyed at Snek Isle, an SU-24 and Mi-24 were shot down.'
I actually think that Ukraine will end up being a disastrous blunder for the US-EU. Russia doesn't really have to accomplish anything further. Military defeat is unlikely. Putin's narrative has ALWAYS been to secure the Donbass and Crimea regions into autonomous or wholly Russian Oblasts. It looks like Russia's moving to secure those interests now. Anything else for them would be gravy.

But I think there's a "Great Game" here that they anticipated, because they've been preparing for it for 7 years.

Russia wants to deal a death blow to EU-US "Eurodollar" reserve currency and SWIFT. And they have. The entire world watches as the EU begs and blatantly refuses to pay Russia for gas in Rubles (a deadline which ends with the April Futures contract and payments must begin April 1st for all later Futures contracts: Nuances).

What this does for China, India, African nations we prey upon, South America, everyone else not in the elite OECD club is show that they are slaves to the Eurodollar. An expensive, controlled and abused currency. Whenever the US takes too much debt, the US prints more dollars, European Union does the same.

But when crushing trade and unfair financial practices forces Nigeria into debt, in comes the IMF, the US Aircraft Carriers, and the tools of Empire, to force Nigeria, or whoever, to bow to the Eurodollar.

How is that fair? How is that free? How is that DEMOCRATIC?

It's not.

And with the simple refusal to pay a sovereign nation in their sovereign currency for their national resources......Russia has exposed the US-EU as an impotent imperialist power that has been bloodsucking the world for decades.

The world has watched and listened.

And the world will turn to China for a neutral 3rd party, as Putin has foretold.

A world with a basket of currencies, where each nation pays for a nation's goods/services in their currency, not in some global Empire currency.

This is the death blow to the US-EU.

The question is, is it working? I think we see the cracks, but it's too early for any columns to crumble. The US-EU empire can limp on, or even recover, if it plays its cards right.

No one thinks the idiots in charge now are competent enough, however.
8 May Hungary Continues to Block EU Oil Sanctions Against Russia
'....The EU had been pushing to have the sanctions concluded by Russia's May 9 Victory Day.'
We exposed the stupidity of the CIA on 2022 Ap 6, showing that the source of Ukrainian propaganda about Bucha came from RFERL:

Post #20

71 Years of RFE/RL: How the CIA Funded American State Run Media Outlet Survived the Soviet Collapse to Fight Cold War 2.0
As we have already shown at USMB, both Lugar and Obama visited Perm, and the Tochka-U rocket that struck Kramatorsk railway station, as shown by its serial number, came from a factory south of Perm.

Soledar is se of Kramatorsk, near Bakhmut:
' 1h: Russian Air Force has destroyed weapons and military equipment from USA and Western countries as well as personnel of the AFU reserve units delivered to Sol railway near Soledar.'
Goods by train are now flowing from Russia to China:

2022 May 9
' Первыи регулярные интермодал поезд из 25 контеинеров с товарами россииского производства отправился в Гуанси на югозападе Китая.
The first regular intermodal train of 25 containers of Russian-made goods left for Guanxi in southwest China.'

UAVs sent to Ukraine are being trashed as it loses the war:
'60 min. ago: 'Pro-Ukrainian Channel: Our source in the OP said that in the last two weeks we have lost more Bayraktar TB2s than in the entire war. The failure of the operation at Snake Island and unsuccessful flights to military facilities in Russia cost us 50 TB2s.'
'1-2 h: Gazprom has received notification from Ukraine that it will stop gas transit to Europe via Sokranivka. Transmission operator of Ukraine announced termination of gas transit due to loss of control over the Novopskov compressor station. Almost a third of the transit gas to Europe passed through it.'
Russia is winning their objectives but I see the situation becoming one in which Russian territory will be subjected to continuous and ongoing bombardment and attacks by the Ukraine.

America maintains that the war will end when Russia retreats from Ukraine's territories and we can assume that includes the Crimea.

It's now starting to look like both sides are boxing themselves in to an unwinnable situation.

Is America in the process of asking Russia to resort to tactical nuclear weapons?

Everybody must eventually lose their fear of continuing the conversation to it's logical conclusion. Propaganda isn't powerful enough to keep Americans from thinking of the worst for much longer!

Would America accept Russia using tactical nuclear weapons without starting a full scale nuclear war?

Do Americans believe a nuclear is winnable against Russia?
Russia is winning their objectives but I see the situation becoming one in which Russian territory will be subjected to continuous and ongoing bombardment and attacks by the Ukraine.

America maintains that the war will end when Russia retreats from Ukraine's territories and we can assume that includes the Crimea.

It's now starting to look like both sides are boxing themselves in to an unwinnable situation.

Is America in the process of asking Russia to resort to tactical nuclear weapons?

Everybody must eventually lose their fear of continuing the conversation to it's logical conclusion. Propaganda isn't powerful enough to keep Americans from thinking of the worst for much longer!

Would America accept Russia using tactical nuclear weapons without starting a full scale nuclear war?

Do Americans believe a nuclear is winnable against Russia?

Thank you for that Russian propaganda, troll. Hope your masters pay you well in stale bread and cold borscht.

Russia is winning their objectives but I see the situation becoming one in which Russian territory will be subjected to continuous and ongoing bombardment and attacks by the Ukraine.
Russia has been repelled from both Kyiv and Kharkiv so far. What objectives are Russia supposed to be winning?

Would America accept Russia using tactical nuclear weapons without starting a full scale nuclear war?
If Russia nukes a NATO country, America will nuke Russia.

Ukraine is not a NATO country.

Ukraine is, however, a non-nuclear weapon state.

If Russia nukes a non-nuclear weapon state (especially when Russia's existence is not even threatened), the entire world will do something bad to Russia. Probably Russia would be subjected to universal crushing sanctions or something similar, with even China cutting ties with them, while at the same time Ukraine would get tons of support from all over the world.

The International Criminal Court would also issue an arrest warrant for Putin, and would imprison him for life if they ever got their hands on him. His days of traveling outside Russia would be done.

Do Americans believe a nuclear is winnable against Russia?
No. But we are willing to subject Russia to mutual extermination if it comes to that.
A shrewd observation!



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