Who is actually winning in Ukraine?

Lira's blog seems to be tampered with. Prompts are coming on the screen that were not there before, and Ritter's video has disappeared. USMB prisoners may wish to try to retrieve Ritter's latest video dealing with NATO and Finland.
You mean this one?
Scott Ritter on NATO @ 45m
If Finland joins NATO, and Russia then nukes cities in Finland, Moscow and Leningrad will burn.

Militarizing the Finish border with Russia will not be a problem. NATO will provide the necessary troops to ensure that Finland is safe.
If Finland joins NATO, and Russia then nukes cities in Finland, Moscow and Leningrad will burn.

Militarizing the Finish border with Russia will not be a problem. NATO will provide the necessary troops to ensure that Finland is safe.
Yeah, a faggot + another faggot, hmm, how many warriors does that make?
If Finland joins NATO, and Russia then nukes cities in Finland, Moscow and Leningrad will burn.

Militarizing the Finish border with Russia will not be a problem. NATO will provide the necessary troops to ensure that Finland is safe.
It will be a major problem. This will produce an opposing militarization of that same Russian border: TOPOL.
The French volunteer was not afraid to tell the truth about Ukraine
Former French special forces fighter Adrien Boke has returned to France from Ukraine. He told about the war crimes of Ukraine, about the neo-Nazis from "Azov" and the supply of Western weapons to them. Separately, he noted the events in Bucha.
For those who do not speak French or Russian, a summary of the interview:
1) He was there (Kiev, Bucha) for 16 days as an assistant in the organization of logistics of medical equipment and medicines for civilians;
2 )He saw a lot of evidence of war crimes by the Ukrainian military;
3) Returned back, shocked by the lies on French TV shows, 80% of the participants of which were not even in Ukraine;
4) He has seen outspoken neo-Nazis in Ukraine, communicated with them, sees them in Europe, is shocked that Europe is helping them with weapons;
5) I have seen captured Russian military, has a video of how they are shot through the knees, knows that the identified captured officers are killed (with a bullet in the head), believes that these are not excesses, but a system;
6) Knows and has seen personally that American journalists shooting videos there are giving out mortar attacks by neo-Nazis for shelling by Russians;
7) Was in Lviv in a hotel when 4 Russian missiles flew 500 m away from him to the storage sites of weapons from Europe, the storage sites were civilian objects, and everyone knows about it

With French captions, more people are able to translate it. French-to-English is easier than Russian-to-English, because the English speaker can see some words they recognize.
Caution, Not Wisdom

Before Musk can take over Twitter, its fascist-nazi machine is now trying to castrate internet prisoners from being informed. AZmilitary1 page will now come with a coercive either-or prompt: "log in/register." The prompt cannot now be taken offscreen as it could have been yesterday, and further scrolling will now be thwarted by this nazi software, leaving the prisonser no alternative but to leave the page.

So enjoy AZmilitary1 and the maps while you can, because Twitter is now doing an indignant Ukraine imitation.
It will be a major problem. This will produce an opposing militarization of that same Russian border: TOPOL.
That's not a problem. NATO can spare the troops. Plus we can base ground-launched Tomahawk cruise missiles in Finland. Russia's big naval base will be in range.
That's not a problem. NATO can spare the troops. Plus we can base ground-launched Tomahawk cruise missiles in Finland. Russia's big naval base will be in range.
Ex-President of Russia Medvedev says it's a problem.
The anti-American loon Scott Ritter


In the meantime

It will probably come as a surprise to you, but Russia has a lot of pontoon crossings that are installed within minutes, and all other crossings in this area have been successful. But you can continue to enjoy the "victories" of the Ukro-Reich while you can.
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It will probably come as a surprise to you, but Russia has a lot of pontoon crossings that are installed within minutes, and all other crossings in this area have been successful. But you can continue to enjoy the "victories" of the Ukro-Reich while you can.
There are also snorkelers and frogmen who can cross with their weapons.
Only because their towns and villages came under the control of Russian troops, the local population began to be perceived by the Ukrainian authorities as traitors. Yes, another question is why the Russians left several settlements, but this will be sorted out after the victory. And in general, there is no war without failures.

Local residents were scared to death by threats of repression and executions, because of "cooperation with the occupiers." People were promised (literally) the "new Bucha" – executions without trial only for suspicion of cooperation with the Russian authorities.

Unfortunately, the Russian authorities were unable to organize the evacuation of the population of Staraya Saltovka and the locality around in time.
This forced the residents of Staraya Saltovka, Rubezhnoye, Ternovaya to try to leave for Ukrainian territory in the direction of Kharkiv, thus demonstrating loyalty to the Kiev authorities. It was a tragic mistake.

On the morning of May 4, the column left for the south, in the direction of Kharkov. A convoy of civilian cars with civilians, was shot by ukro-nazis near the first checkpoint on the highway from Rubezhnoye. Without warning, ukrainian soldiers destroyed the first five vehicles, killing all those who were there – these are civilians, including women and children. The rest of the cars were not allowed to enter Ukrainian territory under threat of destruction.

The shot cars remained on the highway, the ukrainian soldiers did not even allow them to pick up and bury the dead. They remained on the road in burnt-out, shot cars.

What happened proves that Kiev considers the South–Eastern territories as alien to itself, and the "liberation" operation immediately turns into a punitive one.
In the case of the "liberation" by the Ukro Armed Forces of the South–East of Ukraine, residents of Kharkiv and other regions are waiting for mass executions, which Kiev implemented a little earlier in the Kiev region.

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