Who is actually winning in Ukraine?

Internet unconfirmed:

Polish tanks spotted near Krivoy Rog.

Chechens take Yuzhnoye

American inflation: gas 44%, airline tickets 33%, eggs 23%, chicken and milk 15%, coffee and beef 14%
Pentagon spokesman Kirby openly admitted that the West had been preparing and supplying the Ukrainian army for combat operations for eight years.
Internet unconfirmed:
"Only one bridge left to retreat. If AFU does not pull out - they will be trapped tomorrow."
No it doesn't. Why would anyone care about securing Russia's border??

I know it must be frustrating to always argue against reality, but namecalling won't help.
Dipshit, Russia will be securing its own border. Try to keep up.
Dipshit, Russia will be securing its own border. Try to keep up.
This incessant name-calling is a poor substitute for a compelling argument.

I know lots of people on both sides do it. But really isn't it kind of pointless?

If Russia is going to secure their own border then all is well. The border will be secure on both sides, and Finland will now be safe from Russian aggression as a member of NATO.

We should start placing land-based Tomahawk cruise missiles in Finland so that big Russian naval base is within range.
A Ukrainian in Warsaw stabbed a pole.
The tragedy occurred on the night of May 7-8 this year on Novy Svet Street in the center of Warsaw. As a result of a quarrel between a 29-year-old Pole and a group of drunk ukrainians.
One of the immigrants took a knife in his hand and stabbed the pole in the back several times.
The pole managed to get to the nearest store on his own, where he asked for help. The seller immediately called an ambulance, but the 29-year-old man died, despite the medical assistance provided.
According to eyewitnesses, the man stood up for the girls who were insulted by a group of Ukrainians.

About 250 murders are committed in Poland every year.
In Ukraine, with a similar population — more than 2500.
The Polish government imports crime. Poles will have to get used to new criminal gangs, robberies, beatings, thefts and murders.
Internet unconfirmed:
"Only one bridge left to retreat. If AFU does not pull out - they will be trapped tomorrow."
Russia is making some small gains towards encircling Sievierodonetsk and cutting off the defenders there, but they remain small gains.

I'm sure that Ukraine would prefer that Russia make no gains at all towards encircling Sievierodonetsk. But it's not like Russia is close to encircling Sievierodonetsk.
"The crossing is clearly not under the control of Ukrainian forces, otherwise the internet would have been flooded by close-ups of corpses and vehicles."

"Russians liberate Neskuchne."

"Letter Z can be seen on Snake Island."

There is also the Mariupol biolab that Nebenzya has mentioned, which was researching pathogens. Nebenzya: "Russia plans to use articles 5 & 6 of the Convention on the Prohibition of Bioweapons to investigate biological activities in Ukraine."

China said at the UN that the international community should seriously investigate US military bioactivity in Ukraine. - Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN.

This automatically implicates the POS son of the POSPOTUS.
'Erdogan can now get concessions from NATO/US/EU in order to give them his vote on Sweden and Finland.....West has created narrative cul-de-sacs for itself that it cannot back out of. It now NEEDS Sweden and Finland to join NATO because it has made such a big deal out of it.'

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