Who is actually winning in Ukraine?

Putin authorizes volunteers.

'....Крымские татары готовы участвовать в росиискои спецоперации на Украине в качестве добровольцев' заявил РИА Нобости глава региональнои национально-культурнои автономи Зиваз Умеров.
Crimean Tatars are ready to participate in the Russian special operation in Ukraine as volunteers' the head of the regional National Cultural Autonomy' Eyvaz Umerov told RIA Novosti.'
2022 30 aprelia " Победы bez потерь! "
"Victory Without Loss!"
Жителеи России присали по почте в адрес Главы ДНР коптеры для защитников Республикы.
Residents of Russia sent copters for the defenders of the Republic by mail to the Head of the DPR.

Россияне прикрепели письма со слвами поддержки
Russians attached letters with words of support to the parcels of equipment.

Теxника пришла от обычныx людеи из Красногорска' Нижнего Новгорода, Москвы и Московского округа, Вологды, Твери, Ярославскои, Иркутскои, Ростовскои областеи и Республики Марии Ел, написал Пушилин.
The equipment came from ordinary people from Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow and the Moscow district, Vologda, Tver, Yaroslav, Irkutsk, Rostov regions, and the Republic of Mari El, Pushilin wrote.'
AZmilitary1: 'From the field, it is reported that Russian troops have almost completed the encirclement of the AFU group near the village of Oskil near Izyum.'
Gonzalo Lira also mentions the Oskol pocket and says:

"Only difference is, Afghanistan was far away -- Lviv Oblast is right on Europe's front yard....Russia will actually want conflict in the far west of Ukraine. Why? Because crazy neo-nazis can never be fully eliminated -- they will always cause violence. So better give them a cordoned off playpen than fight them. Poles will be stuck fighting them, not the Russians."
I suspect who is winning depends on who you are listening to. I was just listening and watching Russian Missiles going off to various places in Ukraine. They have at least temporarily made the airport at Odesa unusable and have also been firing rockets into the place they were apparently going to leave 1,000 civilians who they are apparently not letting out and 2,000 soldiers to die. What I think is true is what Mearsheimer said would happen. If Russia did not get what it wanted then it would destroy Ukraine leaving it pretty much a no win situation for Ukraine. If, as looks likely, Russia takes all of Ukraine's coast and leaves them land locked then Ukraine's economic position is completely ruined. I was hearing they would need to live on handouts from Europe and the US, possibly for decades...or until people get fed up with them.

Russia looks like after a miserable start it is now putting everything into destroying Ukraine and taking its waters.

.....as to how it ends. Lavrov is demanding sanctions end as part of negotiations and can't remember who said Putin would go for nuclear war rather than lose.

Oh yes and they are still going on about denazification which presumably means somehow ending Azov and similar battalions. I am not sure they will manage that.

I suspect who is winning depends on who you are listening to. I was just listening and watching Russian Missiles going off to various places in Ukraine. They have at least temporarily made the airport at Odesa unusable and have also been firing rockets into the place they were apparently going to leave 1,000 civilians who they are apparently not letting out and 2,000 soldiers to die. What I think is true is what Mearsheimer said would happen. If Russia did not get what it wanted then it would destroy Ukraine leaving it pretty much a no win situation for Ukraine. If, as looks likely, Russia takes all of Ukraine's coast and leaves them land locked then Ukraine's economic position is completely ruined. I was hearing they would need to live on handouts from Europe and the US, possibly for decades...or until people get fed up with them.

Russia looks like after a miserable start it is now putting everything into destroying Ukraine and taking its waters.

.....as to how it ends. Lavrov is demanding sanctions end as part of negotiations and can't remember who said Putin would go for nuclear war rather than lose.

Oh yes and they are still going on about denazification which presumably means somehow ending Azov and similar battalions. I am not sure they will manage that.

You have not read what we posted of Lira's take on the situation (above). So to catch up, you should see the map of the Oskil pocket that holds 1000 neo-nazis. This is not Azovstal:

Next, the last 12 hours of Lira's posting and extrapolations concerning the coming rump Ukraine:
Two names of Maidan Snipers are apparently known. Both are Lithuanians. The Poland-Lithuania gas link passes through Suwalki Gap. It is within range of Russian artillery from Kaliningrad and Belarus.
Report is being composed.

Sputnik 9 min ago: 80 Civilians Leave Azovstal Thanks to Putin's Initiative

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