Who is an anti semite ? Does the phrase have meaning when it is used so much ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
It seems like any criticism of the actions of the Israeli state brings a response of anti semitism ..

I cannot believe that is right. It would mean that the Israeli state is not subject to the norms of civilised behaviour. Most of which relate back to the treament of Jewish people by the Nazis.

The concept of collective punishment never existed before the Holocaust.

I have been accused of anti semitism on very spurious grounds and I have seen other posters accused of the same.

I just dont get it. It makes the slur meaningless when it is used and is an insult to those who have suffered.

There is a grand canyon between someone like Nick Fuentes denying the Holocaust and someone who thinks bombing babies is a bad thing.

Ive seen similar tactics used by the same people in other areas. For example, older posters may remember when Drag Story Hours were going to end civilisation.Anyone who deumrred frrom that nonsense was called a "groomer".
Even someone calling for a ceasefire is tarred with the same brush. Isnt it better to talk than kill ?
It seems a boneheaded approach and risks alienating friends of jewish people.
When is it OK to criticise the Israeli state ?
You've been caught red-handed, taking the side of subhuman terrorist filth that just want to murder Jews, and are willing to commit serious war crimes in order to do so.

And now you're whining because people are rightfully calling you out for being blatantly anti-Semitic.

And hiding behind a wrongful use of Zone 1, the way the Palestinian terrorists hide behind women and children and other noncombatants.
I dont know where to start with this nonsense. It doesnt even consider the OP. just your animosity to me.
It seems like any criticism of the actions of the Israeli state brings a response of anti semitism ..

I cannot believe that is right. It would mean that the Israeli state is not subject to the norms of civilised behaviour. Most of which relate back to the treament of Jewish people by the Nazis.

The concept of collective punishment never existed before the Holocaust.

I have been accused of anti semitism on very spurious grounds and I have seen other posters accused of the same.

I just dont get it. It makes the slur meaningless when it is used and is an insult to those who have suffered.

There is a grand canyon between someone like Nick Fuentes denying the Holocaust and someone who thinks bombing babies is a bad thing.

Ive seen similar tactics used by the same people in other areas. For example, older posters may remember when Drag Story Hours were going to end civilisation.Anyone who deumrred frrom that nonsense was called a "groomer".
Even someone calling for a ceasefire is tarred with the same brush. Isnt it better to talk than kill ?
It seems a boneheaded approach and risks alienating friends of jewish people.
When is it OK to criticise the Israeli state ?

No......you think Israel is wrong for going after Hamas...

Please, tell us exactly how they should make hamas stop.....because you guys seem to think you have the answers.

And drag story hours are grooming events.....

How can there be a ceasefire when hamas still exists in Gaza? They rule Gaza, their leaders are in Qatar.....if you don't end them, they will do this again...

Here.....Larry Correia explains it for you........

For all the people on social media crying about Israelis blowing up innocents this week, yep, that sucks, but why do terrorists hide behind civilians?You. That's it. You make it an effective tactic for them.
I see people saying that anything that harms innocents should be a war crime. Congratulations. You just ensured that's the tactic every evil bastard out there will use from now on. Hiding under a church or school or hospital becomes a get out of jail free card. Go do terrorist shit. Then hide behind your kids. Kids die.

Wait for the world to freak out and pressure the people you murdered to give up and leave you alone. Do more terrorist shit to them again tomorrow. Your naivete about the nature of evil ensures that hiding behind civilians is a winning tactic for them. You get sad for their human shields, governments cave, the evil doers get to live to rape and murder again tomorrow.

There is nothing nice or kind or merciful about war. It's miserable. Innocent people suffer and die. It's total bullshit. And it's been part of human nature forever and will never ever stop, regardless of how hard you virtue signal your angst on Twitter. Letting aggressor barbarians hit you but get away just ensures that they'll do the same shit tomorrow. Every nation in history has understood this. It isn't about being mean. It is about being punitive.

There aren't diplomatic solutions with barbarians who are willing to go house to house, raping people to death.

That ship has sailed.

The people who got hit are going to respond. We would. In fact, we did. Did we do it smartly? Nope. We did a lot of pointless shit for the next 20 years, but on 9-11 we didn't give a shit what any other country had to say, and anybody who talked to us about "proportional response" got told to **** off. This is the same thing, but approximately 30 times worse adjusted for relative population size. So they're going to do what they're going to do, in the hope that they can stop it from happening again. Will it work? Beats me. This shit's complicated and anybody who pretends it isn't is trying to sell you something. But what I do know is that if you reward the enemy and give them what they want for hiding behind human shields, that just ensures they are going to do it more.

Because when you're evil, life is cheap, even your own kids, and everybody is expendable to get what you want. So when Hamas hides under a school, they're doing it for you.
The American right has a big problem w/antisemitism.

No, they don't......the people holding rallies supporting hamas...in the 10s of thousands across the U.S., at our Ivy League universities are hard core left wingers...

At any rally of "white supremacists," you have the majority being FBI, Blm and antifa pretending to be members of that group.......

In the weeks after hamas raped, tortured, murdered and mutiliated men, women and children, including babies and young children, you had 10s of thousands of left wing democrats marching in support of hamas....openly supporting these terrorists and the murder of Jews and Americans.....tearing down the flyers showing the hostages taken.....

Sell that B.S. to biden voters.....
Some of the same people claiming the term antisemitism is being overused are the same people who spent decades calling anyone disagreeing with them racist

And they are actual anti-semites too......they are just ducking right now because their brothers in arms marched in support of hamas, and they don't want the stink of that to cling to them....
The American right has a big problem w/antisemitism.
Sorry pal.
You own this shit.
download (49).jpeg
It seems like any criticism of the actions of the Israeli state brings a response of anti semitism ..

I cannot believe that is right. It would mean that the Israeli state is not subject to the norms of civilised behaviour. Most of which relate back to the treament of Jewish people by the Nazis.

The concept of collective punishment never existed before the Holocaust.

I have been accused of anti semitism on very spurious grounds and I have seen other posters accused of the same.

I just dont get it. It makes the slur meaningless when it is used and is an insult to those who have suffered.

There is a grand canyon between someone like Nick Fuentes denying the Holocaust and someone who thinks bombing babies is a bad thing.

Ive seen similar tactics used by the same people in other areas. For example, older posters may remember when Drag Story Hours were going to end civilisation.Anyone who deumrred frrom that nonsense was called a "groomer".
Even someone calling for a ceasefire is tarred with the same brush. Isnt it better to talk than kill ?
It seems a boneheaded approach and risks alienating friends of jewish people.
When is it OK to criticise the Israeli state ?
Any term loses meaning when it is applied broadly and liberally. This is why free speech is so vital, one can really understand anothers intentions and educate them if ignorant.
Tommy the two-bit twat is at it again. I never thought I would live to see Jew hating going mainstream in America. This is vile and disgusting.
Thank you. As someone with a grandfather who survived the Holocaust, and who lost his first wife and child there, what I see happening is beyond nauseating.

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