Who is being intolerant here?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
No really! Who is being the more intolerant party here? Is it Christians? Is it Gays?

From the reaction I've seen from the pro-gay rights crowd against Christian business owners, they seem to be the most intolerant of the two. Are Christians intolerant? Only if they refuse to believe what you believe. Hold it! I'm not saying that there aren't any, I'm simply stating that there are some who simply don't agree with gay marriage or with homosexuality in general. They shouldn't be destroyed for it.

For example, instead of civil discourse, so called supporters of "gay rights" are more interested in engaging in ambush tactics against businesses who stand up for their religious beliefs launching smear tactics, death threats, you name it, all things Saul Alinsky would be proud of. What I am hearing these days is an outrage. Let me be blunt: I support gay marriage, and I made that deadly clear a couple of weeks ago, but I'll be damned before I stand here and let people of my faith be snuffed out and vilified in the public square because they believe a certain way. This is patently ludicrous.

Let me ask any homosexual on this board a couple of questions: if at any point you felt like an outcast in society for being gay or lesbian, would it be right to make those of faith feel the same way? At some point America will reach this point, and those with religious beliefs will be forced into obscurity. But why? If you knew the pain and anguish of being an obscure minority, an outcast, why would you inflict the same type of pain and anguish on those who think your sexual orientation is a sin? It's one thing to have passion, its another to be zealous.

So, I heard a story tonight about Memories Pizza, a small Pizzeria in Walkerton, Indiana. The owners are strong Christians. Yesterday, a local TV station walks in to the restaurant and asks the owners their opinions on Indiana's new RFRA law, along with a purely hypothetical question on whether they would cater same sex weddings. To the former, they replied that they supported Pence, and the law; to the latter, they answered that they would not in fact cater to gay weddings.

The backlash was overly vicious to say the least, so vicious in fact that the Pizzeria was forced to close, leading one local high school coach to tweet that he wanted to burn the establishment to the ground, there were so many death threats as a result, that the local police had to get involved for the protection of the owner and his employees. But, I'll just let you see for yourself:

The owners of an Indiana pizza restaurant have closed their doors after receiving backlash for stating that they wouldn't cater a gay wedding.

Trace Gallagher reported on "The Kelly File" tonight that the owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Ind., have strong Christian values and said they supported Gov. Mike Pence for signing the controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Gallagher said that yesterday a local TV station came into the restaurant to get the owners' opinion about the new law.

“We’re not discriminating against anyone, that’s just our belief, and anyone has the right to believe in anything,” Crystal O'Connor, the restaurant owner's daughter, said.

Indiana Pizzeria Forced to Close After Backlash for Refusal to Cater Gay Wedding

The story went national, with coverage from outlets like Mediaite, MSNBC, Mother Jones, Gawker, ABC News, and yes, The Daily Caller. #MemoriesPizza went viral on Twitter, and outraged Internet denizens responded by bombarding the pizzeria’s Yelp page with one-star reviews.

Conservative radio host Dana Loesch claimed on Twitter to have spoken to the owners, who said they were considering closing up shop and had even received death threats.

Loesch’s claim seems to backed up by a (now-deleted) tweet by the local reporter who broke the story, which showed a South Bend Police Department car parked outside of Memories Pizza. Likewise, an Indiana high school coach on Twitter spoke openly about burning the pizzeria to the ground.

Anti-Gay Marriage Pizzeria Owners Receive Death Threats The Daily Caller

I've had enough. Enough. There is a big difference between discrimination and discretion But when someone has a closely held belief and happens to be a business owner, it isn't the right of anyone else to seek out and destroy them for their opinions as long as they are complying with the law.

This Pizzeria had no history of discriminating against anyone, nor did they advertise themselves as a catering service. But for one simple, honest answer, which happened not to mesh with the beliefs of gay rights supporters, the full wrath of the movement was brought to bear on a small pizzeria who stood no chance of surviving the rabid deluge. People should be able to have an opinion, and as long as they aren't discriminating against gays in the first place, why come down on them so unmercifully? Who, in fact, is being more intolerant here? What honor is there in this kind of behavior? If Christians are supposedly dishonorable for discriminating against gays, what honor is there in this? What honor is there in someone making terroristic threats against someone else who doesn't agree with them?

I'm done. This kind of behavior is something I would expect from Islamic Extremists or ISIS, but from American citizens? There is no shame. No remorse. Only intolerance.
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No really! Who is being the more intolerant party here? Is it Christians? Is it Gays?

From the reaction I've seen from the pro-gay rights crowd against Christian business owners, they seem to be the most intolerant of the two. Are Christians intolerant? Only if they refuse to believe what you believe. Hold it! I'm not saying that there aren't any, I'm simply stating that there are some who simply don't agree with gay marriage or with homosexuality in general. They shouldn't be destroyed for it.

For example, instead of civil discourse, so called supporters of "gay rights" are more interested in engaging in ambush tactics against businesses who stand up for their religious beliefs launching smear tactics, death threats, you name it, all things Saul Alinsky would be proud of. What I am hearing these days is an outrage. Let me blunt: I support gay marriage, and I made that deadly clear a couple of weeks ago, but I'll be damned before I stand here and let people of my faith be snuffed out and vilified in the public square because they believe a certain way. This is patently ludicrous.

Let me ask any homosexual on this board a couple of questions: if at any point you felt like an outcast in society for being gay or lesbian, would it be right to make those of faith feel the same way? At some point America will reach this point, and those with religious beliefs will be forced into obscurity. Why? If you knew the pain and anguish of being an obscure minority, an outcast, why would you inflict the same on those who think your sexual orientation is a sin? It's one thing to have passion, its another to be zealous.

So, I heard a story tonight about Memories Pizza, a small Pizzeria in Walkerton, Indiana. The owners are strong Christians. Yesterday, a local TV station walks in to the restaurant and asks the owners their opinions on Indiana's new RFRA law, along with a purely hypothetical question on whether they would cater same sex weddings. To the former, they replied that they supported Pence, and the law; to the latter, they answered that they would not in fact cater to gay weddings.

The backlash was overly vicious to say the least, so vicious in fact that the Pizzeria was forced to close, leading one local high school coach to tweet that he wanted to burn the establishment to the ground, there were so many death threats as a result, that the local police had to get involved for the protection of the owner and his employees. But, I'll just let you see for yourself:

The owners of an Indiana pizza restaurant have closed their doors after receiving backlash for stating that they wouldn't cater a gay wedding.

Trace Gallagher reported on "The Kelly File" tonight that the owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Ind., have strong Christian values and said they supported Gov. Mike Pence for signing the controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Gallagher said that yesterday a local TV station came into the restaurant to get the owners' opinion about the new law.

“We’re not discriminating against anyone, that’s just our belief, and anyone has the right to believe in anything,” Crystal O'Connor, the restaurant owner's daughter, said.

Indiana Pizzeria Forced to Close After Backlash for Refusal to Cater Gay Wedding

The story went national, with coverage from outlets like Mediaite, MSNBC, Mother Jones, Gawker, ABC News, and yes, The Daily Caller. #MemoriesPizza went viral on Twitter, and outraged Internet denizens responded by bombarding the pizzeria’s Yelp page with one-star reviews.

Conservative radio host Dana Loesch claimed on Twitter to have spoken to the owners, who said they were considering closing up shop and had even received death threats.

Loesch’s claim seems to backed up by a (now-deleted) tweet by the local reporter who broke the story, which showed a South Bend Police Department car parked outside of Memories Pizza. Likewise, an Indiana high school coach on Twitter spoke openly about burning the pizzeria to the ground.

Anti-Gay Marriage Pizzeria Owners Receive Death Threats The Daily Caller

I've had enough. Enough. There is a big difference between discrimination and discretion. But hen someone has a closely held belief and happens to be a business owner, it isn't the right of anyone else to seek out and destroy them for their opinions as long as they are complying with the law.

This Pizzeria had no history of discriminating against anyone, nor have they advertised themselves as a catering service. But for one simple, honest answer, which happened not to mesh with the beliefs of gay rights supporters, the full wrath of the movement was brought to bear on a small pizzeria who stood no chance of surviving the rabid deluge. People should be able to have an opinion, and as long as they aren't discriminating against gays in the first place, why come down on them so unmercifully? Who, in fact, is being more intolerant here? What honor is there in this kind of behavior? If Christians are supposedly dishonorable for discriminating against gays, what honor is there in this?

Who is being the more intolerant party here? Is it Christians? Is it Gays?

The Christian Party
The Gay Party

seriously ?


Left wing pop-politics has to be scraping the bottom of barrel if the most important issue of our times is whether or not bakers can put two Ken dolls on a cake.

Moonbat politics.


No really! Who is being the more intolerant party here? Is it Christians? Is it Gays?

From the reaction I've seen from the pro-gay rights crowd against Christian business owners, they seem to be the most intolerant of the two. Are Christians intolerant? Only if they refuse to believe what you believe. Hold it! I'm not saying that there aren't any, I'm simply stating that there are some who simply don't agree with gay marriage or with homosexuality in general. They shouldn't be destroyed for it.

For example, instead of civil discourse, so called supporters of "gay rights" are more interested in engaging in ambush tactics against businesses who stand up for their religious beliefs launching smear tactics, death threats, you name it, all things Saul Alinsky would be proud of. What I am hearing these days is an outrage. Let me blunt: I support gay marriage, and I made that deadly clear a couple of weeks ago, but I'll be damned before I stand here and let people of my faith be snuffed out and vilified in the public square because they believe a certain way. This is patently ludicrous.

Let me ask any homosexual on this board a couple of questions: if at any point you felt like an outcast in society for being gay or lesbian, would it be right to make those of faith feel the same way? At some point America will reach this point, and those with religious beliefs will be forced into obscurity. Why? If you knew the pain and anguish of being an obscure minority, an outcast, why would you inflict the same on those who think your sexual orientation is a sin? It's one thing to have passion, its another to be zealous.

So, I heard a story tonight about Memories Pizza, a small Pizzeria in Walkerton, Indiana. The owners are strong Christians. Yesterday, a local TV station walks in to the restaurant and asks the owners their opinions on Indiana's new RFRA law, along with a purely hypothetical question on whether they would cater same sex weddings. To the former, they replied that they supported Pence, and the law; to the latter, they answered that they would not in fact cater to gay weddings.

The backlash was overly vicious to say the least, so vicious in fact that the Pizzeria was forced to close, leading one local high school coach to tweet that he wanted to burn the establishment to the ground, there were so many death threats as a result, that the local police had to get involved for the protection of the owner and his employees. But, I'll just let you see for yourself:

The owners of an Indiana pizza restaurant have closed their doors after receiving backlash for stating that they wouldn't cater a gay wedding.

Trace Gallagher reported on "The Kelly File" tonight that the owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Ind., have strong Christian values and said they supported Gov. Mike Pence for signing the controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Gallagher said that yesterday a local TV station came into the restaurant to get the owners' opinion about the new law.

“We’re not discriminating against anyone, that’s just our belief, and anyone has the right to believe in anything,” Crystal O'Connor, the restaurant owner's daughter, said.

Indiana Pizzeria Forced to Close After Backlash for Refusal to Cater Gay Wedding

The story went national, with coverage from outlets like Mediaite, MSNBC, Mother Jones, Gawker, ABC News, and yes, The Daily Caller. #MemoriesPizza went viral on Twitter, and outraged Internet denizens responded by bombarding the pizzeria’s Yelp page with one-star reviews.

Conservative radio host Dana Loesch claimed on Twitter to have spoken to the owners, who said they were considering closing up shop and had even received death threats.

Loesch’s claim seems to backed up by a (now-deleted) tweet by the local reporter who broke the story, which showed a South Bend Police Department car parked outside of Memories Pizza. Likewise, an Indiana high school coach on Twitter spoke openly about burning the pizzeria to the ground.

Anti-Gay Marriage Pizzeria Owners Receive Death Threats The Daily Caller

I've had enough. Enough. There is a big difference between discrimination and discretion. But hen someone has a closely held belief and happens to be a business owner, it isn't the right of anyone else to seek out and destroy them for their opinions as long as they are complying with the law.

This Pizzeria had no history of discriminating against anyone, nor have they advertised themselves as a catering service. But for one simple, honest answer, which happened not to mesh with the beliefs of gay rights supporters, the full wrath of the movement was brought to bear on a small pizzeria who stood no chance of surviving the rabid deluge. People should be able to have an opinion, and as long as they aren't discriminating against gays in the first place, why come down on them so unmercifully? Who, in fact, is being more intolerant here? What honor is there in this kind of behavior? If Christians are supposedly dishonorable for discriminating against gays, what honor is there in this?

Who is being the more intolerant party here? Is it Christians? Is it Gays?

The Christian Party
The Gay Party

seriously ?


Nice. Someone who doesn't know that the word "party" is not strictly used for politics. Party, as in participant. Not political party. Please, ditch your common core knowledge of the English language and pick up a dictionary.
The right wing "Christians" using Jesus as an excuse to exclude and hate people are the intolerant ones. They need to come to terms with the fact that there is no constitutional way to keep them second-class citizens any longer and move on.
The right wing "Christians" using Jesus as an excuse to exclude and hate people are the intolerant ones. They need to come to terms with the fact that there is no constitutional way to keep them second-class citizens any longer and move on.

Left wing moonbat politics is the intolerant elephant in the room. The issue of the day is immaterial. They just make something up and run with it. Next week or month, it will be something else.

No really! Who is being the more intolerant party here? Is it Christians? Is it Gays?

From the reaction I've seen from the pro-gay rights crowd against Christian business owners, they seem to be the most intolerant of the two. Are Christians intolerant? Only if they refuse to believe what you believe. Hold it! I'm not saying that there aren't any, I'm simply stating that there are some who simply don't agree with gay marriage or with homosexuality in general. They shouldn't be destroyed for it.

For example, instead of civil discourse, so called supporters of "gay rights" are more interested in engaging in ambush tactics against businesses who stand up for their religious beliefs launching smear tactics, death threats, you name it, all things Saul Alinsky would be proud of. What I am hearing these days is an outrage. Let me be blunt: I support gay marriage, and I made that deadly clear a couple of weeks ago, but I'll be damned before I stand here and let people of my faith be snuffed out and vilified in the public square because they believe a certain way. This is patently ludicrous.

Let me ask any homosexual on this board a couple of questions: if at any point you felt like an outcast in society for being gay or lesbian, would it be right to make those of faith feel the same way? At some point America will reach this point, and those with religious beliefs will be forced into obscurity. But why? If you knew the pain and anguish of being an obscure minority, an outcast, why would you inflict the same type of pain and anguish on those who think your sexual orientation is a sin? It's one thing to have passion, its another to be zealous.

So, I heard a story tonight about Memories Pizza, a small Pizzeria in Walkerton, Indiana. The owners are strong Christians. Yesterday, a local TV station walks in to the restaurant and asks the owners their opinions on Indiana's new RFRA law, along with a purely hypothetical question on whether they would cater same sex weddings. To the former, they replied that they supported Pence, and the law; to the latter, they answered that they would not in fact cater to gay weddings.

The backlash was overly vicious to say the least, so vicious in fact that the Pizzeria was forced to close, leading one local high school coach to tweet that he wanted to burn the establishment to the ground, there were so many death threats as a result, that the local police had to get involved for the protection of the owner and his employees. But, I'll just let you see for yourself:

The owners of an Indiana pizza restaurant have closed their doors after receiving backlash for stating that they wouldn't cater a gay wedding.

Trace Gallagher reported on "The Kelly File" tonight that the owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Ind., have strong Christian values and said they supported Gov. Mike Pence for signing the controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Gallagher said that yesterday a local TV station came into the restaurant to get the owners' opinion about the new law.

“We’re not discriminating against anyone, that’s just our belief, and anyone has the right to believe in anything,” Crystal O'Connor, the restaurant owner's daughter, said.

Indiana Pizzeria Forced to Close After Backlash for Refusal to Cater Gay Wedding

The story went national, with coverage from outlets like Mediaite, MSNBC, Mother Jones, Gawker, ABC News, and yes, The Daily Caller. #MemoriesPizza went viral on Twitter, and outraged Internet denizens responded by bombarding the pizzeria’s Yelp page with one-star reviews.

Conservative radio host Dana Loesch claimed on Twitter to have spoken to the owners, who said they were considering closing up shop and had even received death threats.

Loesch’s claim seems to backed up by a (now-deleted) tweet by the local reporter who broke the story, which showed a South Bend Police Department car parked outside of Memories Pizza. Likewise, an Indiana high school coach on Twitter spoke openly about burning the pizzeria to the ground.

Anti-Gay Marriage Pizzeria Owners Receive Death Threats The Daily Caller

I've had enough. Enough. There is a big difference between discrimination and discretion But when someone has a closely held belief and happens to be a business owner, it isn't the right of anyone else to seek out and destroy them for their opinions as long as they are complying with the law.

This Pizzeria had no history of discriminating against anyone, nor did they advertise themselves as a catering service. But for one simple, honest answer, which happened not to mesh with the beliefs of gay rights supporters, the full wrath of the movement was brought to bear on a small pizzeria who stood no chance of surviving the rabid deluge. People should be able to have an opinion, and as long as they aren't discriminating against gays in the first place, why come down on them so unmercifully? Who, in fact, is being more intolerant here? What honor is there in this kind of behavior? If Christians are supposedly dishonorable for discriminating against gays, what honor is there in this? What honor is there in someone making terroristic threats against someone else who doesn't agree with them?

I'm done. This kind of behavior is something I would expect from Islamic Extremists or ISIS, but from American citizens? There is no shame. No remorse. Only intolerance.
Bears repeating.
Bigots weren't hampered by social media in the 12th century.

Of course not, in some cases these bigots were killed. I'd wager that's something you approve of. Do you? Approve of this 12th century barbarism the Gay mafia employs to batter someone into submission? Oh by the way, they use the same tactics, using the same methods.

Don't lecture me about bigotry.
No really! Who is being the more intolerant party here? Is it Christians? Is it Gays?

From the reaction I've seen from the pro-gay rights crowd against Christian business owners, they seem to be the most intolerant of the two. Are Christians intolerant? Only if they refuse to believe what you believe. Hold it! I'm not saying that there aren't any, I'm simply stating that there are some who simply don't agree with gay marriage or with homosexuality in general. They shouldn't be destroyed for it.

For example, instead of civil discourse, so called supporters of "gay rights" are more interested in engaging in ambush tactics against businesses who stand up for their religious beliefs launching smear tactics, death threats, you name it, all things Saul Alinsky would be proud of. What I am hearing these days is an outrage. Let me be blunt: I support gay marriage, and I made that deadly clear a couple of weeks ago, but I'll be damned before I stand here and let people of my faith be snuffed out and vilified in the public square because they believe a certain way. This is patently ludicrous.

Let me ask any homosexual on this board a couple of questions: if at any point you felt like an outcast in society for being gay or lesbian, would it be right to make those of faith feel the same way? At some point America will reach this point, and those with religious beliefs will be forced into obscurity. But why? If you knew the pain and anguish of being an obscure minority, an outcast, why would you inflict the same type of pain and anguish on those who think your sexual orientation is a sin? It's one thing to have passion, its another to be zealous.

So, I heard a story tonight about Memories Pizza, a small Pizzeria in Walkerton, Indiana. The owners are strong Christians. Yesterday, a local TV station walks in to the restaurant and asks the owners their opinions on Indiana's new RFRA law, along with a purely hypothetical question on whether they would cater same sex weddings. To the former, they replied that they supported Pence, and the law; to the latter, they answered that they would not in fact cater to gay weddings.

The backlash was overly vicious to say the least, so vicious in fact that the Pizzeria was forced to close, leading one local high school coach to tweet that he wanted to burn the establishment to the ground, there were so many death threats as a result, that the local police had to get involved for the protection of the owner and his employees. But, I'll just let you see for yourself:

The owners of an Indiana pizza restaurant have closed their doors after receiving backlash for stating that they wouldn't cater a gay wedding.

Trace Gallagher reported on "The Kelly File" tonight that the owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Ind., have strong Christian values and said they supported Gov. Mike Pence for signing the controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Gallagher said that yesterday a local TV station came into the restaurant to get the owners' opinion about the new law.

“We’re not discriminating against anyone, that’s just our belief, and anyone has the right to believe in anything,” Crystal O'Connor, the restaurant owner's daughter, said.

Indiana Pizzeria Forced to Close After Backlash for Refusal to Cater Gay Wedding

The story went national, with coverage from outlets like Mediaite, MSNBC, Mother Jones, Gawker, ABC News, and yes, The Daily Caller. #MemoriesPizza went viral on Twitter, and outraged Internet denizens responded by bombarding the pizzeria’s Yelp page with one-star reviews.

Conservative radio host Dana Loesch claimed on Twitter to have spoken to the owners, who said they were considering closing up shop and had even received death threats.

Loesch’s claim seems to backed up by a (now-deleted) tweet by the local reporter who broke the story, which showed a South Bend Police Department car parked outside of Memories Pizza. Likewise, an Indiana high school coach on Twitter spoke openly about burning the pizzeria to the ground.

Anti-Gay Marriage Pizzeria Owners Receive Death Threats The Daily Caller

I've had enough. Enough. There is a big difference between discrimination and discretion But when someone has a closely held belief and happens to be a business owner, it isn't the right of anyone else to seek out and destroy them for their opinions as long as they are complying with the law.

This Pizzeria had no history of discriminating against anyone, nor did they advertise themselves as a catering service. But for one simple, honest answer, which happened not to mesh with the beliefs of gay rights supporters, the full wrath of the movement was brought to bear on a small pizzeria who stood no chance of surviving the rabid deluge. People should be able to have an opinion, and as long as they aren't discriminating against gays in the first place, why come down on them so unmercifully? Who, in fact, is being more intolerant here? What honor is there in this kind of behavior? If Christians are supposedly dishonorable for discriminating against gays, what honor is there in this? What honor is there in someone making terroristic threats against someone else who doesn't agree with them?

I'm done. This kind of behavior is something I would expect from Islamic Extremists or ISIS, but from American citizens? There is no shame. No remorse. Only intolerance.
Bears repeating.


(P.S. I love that ballet waterbender gif in your sig.)

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