Who Is Funding The New Alternative To Twitter??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"In a bid to move away from the 'censorship' of Twitter and Facebook, conservatives are on the hunt for a new social media platform. It appears as if they have one with Gettr, an app launched on July 1 by Donald Trump adviser Jason Miller. However, this isn't your usual made-in-America network, investigations reveal that the app has strong ties to China, and is bankrolled by the fugitive billionaire Guo Wengui. If you were hoping the app was a champion of American values though, don't get too excited just yet - an investigation found that the app wasn't even the idea of Miller, but rather Wengui, who also helped fund the app."

Just because a Chinese national funded something doesn't automatically make it bad....I know most of the time its fun to just say China + Anything = Evil.....but that is only when you are trying prove that Fauci invented COVID to kill billions of people...but in reality, there is nothing wrong with Chinese funding.....plus, the reason this guy was considered a "fugitive" in the first place is because the corrupt regime in China declared him that...he was once the richest man in China until President Xi came to power....you don't get to be one of the richest men in the world by being corrupt or shady...unless you are George Soros of course....so if this guy wants to invest in something as worthwhile as Gettr, what's the problem?

"In a bid to move away from the 'censorship' of Twitter and Facebook, conservatives are on the hunt for a new social media platform. It appears as if they have one with Gettr, an app launched on July 1 by Donald Trump adviser Jason Miller. However, this isn't your usual made-in-America network, investigations reveal that the app has strong ties to China, and is bankrolled by the fugitive billionaire Guo Wengui. If you were hoping the app was a champion of American values though, don't get too excited just yet - an investigation found that the app wasn't even the idea of Miller, but rather Wengui, who also helped fund the app."

Just because a Chinese national funded something doesn't automatically make it bad....I know most of the time its fun to just say China + Anything = Evil.....but that is only when you are trying prove that Fauci invented COVID to kill billions of people...but in reality, there is nothing wrong with Chinese funding.....plus, the reason this guy was considered a "fugitive" in the first place is because the corrupt regime in China declared him that...he was once the richest man in China until President Xi came to power....you don't get to be one of the richest men in the world by being corrupt or shady...unless you are George Soros of course....so if this guy wants to invest in something as worthwhile as Gettr, what's the problem?

So does that mean the Monopoly won't be able to crush them they way they did Parlor?

What WILL you Nazis do? Slander like above? Guo Wengui doesn't have "ties to China" as you lied, he's a Hong Kong dissident that your master Xi is hunting to kill.

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