Who Is Going To Tell The GOP They’ve Been on the Wrong Side of History?

Who will break the news to the GOP that they have been on the wrong side of history for too long?

  • Liz Cheney

  • Susan Collins

  • Larry Hogan

  • Roger Marshall

  • Joni Ernst

  • Other

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you know some people may not know you're playing stupid.
Like you for instance.
I'll restate.
"Figures lie, and liars figure."
"There are lies, damned lies, and statistics."

Crime is a product of liberal (lawless) thinking, regardless of political persuasion.
My hope is that the American people will make it clear that the GOP is wrong about everything in the 2024 election - that is if the Justice system completely fails to do its job.

However, being on the 'wrong side of history' depends on who gets to write history.

Unfortunately, many times civilizations evolve to a point then de-evolves. This usually happens when affluent spoiled brats get really, really stupid (MAGA).

If Trump is the GOP nominee for 2024, the American people's choice will be whether to continue the American enlightenment or to degenerate into a new dark age.

Trump, a friend to Israel or Biden, a friend to Hamas.

It must be a tough choice for you.
Trump, a friend to Israel or Biden, a friend to Hamas.

It must be a tough choice for you.

Gas light much?

Biden has absolutely supported Israel.

The fact that the Israelis are using less effective tactics that are causing massive amounts of non-combatant deaths in Gaza is a very valid reason to withhold certain weapons.

It does not mean that Biden supports Hamas in any way.

Thanks for trying! Dumbass!
If the GOP wins the 2024 Presidential election, the day of reckoning will be postponed. Much like it was postponed when they won the 2016 election. However the day is coming where they will have to soberly look at their party’s stances in comparison where the nation is and come to the all-too-obvious conclusion that they have lined up time and again on the wrong side of history. The stances run the gamut from siding with corrupt police to the misogyny to actual polices such as opposing women being able to make their own health care decisions.

So the question has to be asked...who is going to break the news to the rank and file that they have been sold a bill of goods for several decades. As was famously said: "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term."

I wonder if they’ll listen?

There is a problem...

The 'White Rage' is simply them getting screwed over by the people they elected... GOP is actually screwing them over and blaming anything bad in the world on Democrats... How do they get away with it? Media Bubble...
For years they pushed Democrats are evil.. They bought in, now they want the confermation bias...

Don't think they will see the light and see the errors of their ways... Look at UK and Brexit, it has been a proven unmitigated disaster... British know they were lied too and been conned... Yet still over 40% can't admit it's been a mistake. They would have to admit they are a fool to there enemy..
My hope is that the American people will make it clear that the GOP is wrong about everything in the 2024 election - that is if the Justice system completely fails to do its job.

However, being on the 'wrong side of history' depends on who gets to write history.

Unfortunately, many times civilizations evolve to a point then de-evolves. This usually happens when affluent spoiled brats get really, really stupid (MAGA).

If Trump is the GOP nominee for 2024, the American people's choice will be whether to continue the American enlightenment or to degenerate into a new dark age.
Hey, wait a minute. I thought you guys were screeching that MAGA was all about the poor, the riffraff that democrats hold in contempt, yet here you're saying they are the idle wealthy. Could you pick a horse and stay on it?
Hey, wait a minute. I thought you guys were screeching that MAGA was all about the poor, the riffraff that democrats hold in contempt, yet here you're saying they are the idle wealthy. Could you pick a horse and stay on it?

I never said that.

Apparently another one of your delusions.
People in large cities tend to be more liberal, vote for Dems, and are generally soft on crime.

I'll restate.
"Figures lie, and liars figure."
"There are lies, damned lies, and statistics."

Crime is a product of liberal (lawless) thinking, regardless of political persuasion.
Trump crimes are the result of liberal thinking?


My hope is that the American people will make it clear that the GOP is wrong about everything in the 2024 election - that is if the Justice system completely fails to do its job.

However, being on the 'wrong side of history' depends on who gets to write history.

Unfortunately, many times civilizations evolve to a point then de-evolves. This usually happens when affluent spoiled brats get really, really stupid (MAGA).

If Trump is the GOP nominee for 2024, the American people's choice will be whether to continue the American enlightenment or to degenerate into a new dark age.
Who cares about the GOP. The people know who is on the wrong side of history, and he's Joe Biden.

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Naa, I'm pretty sure the lefty democrats transing kids will be on the wrong side of history. What a ghoulish disgusting and evil thing to do to score social credit points with the establishment. Might as well sacrifice them to Baal.
I don’t suppose that if I were to try to enlighten you that there is no such thing as “transing” much less a political party who was doing it...it would matter right?
Democrats on the right side of History?

-Sigh inflation
  • Restrictive Domestic Oil Policies
  • Open Borders / Lax Immigration Enforcement

- Inconsistent COVID lockdown Policies
We see what Democrat policies have done over the last four years. That's why Biden has high disapproval numbers and 70% of Americans say the country is going in the wrong direction. Your day of reckoning is coming in November where you will have to soberly look at your party’s stances in comparison where the nation is and come to the all-too-obvious conclusion that you have lined up time and again on the wrong side of history.
Oh I doubt that.

I will say that the 2024 Democratic Party is starting to look like the 1984 Democratic Party. They had their correction in ’92 when they picked Clinton as their nominee. Its possible to lose an election and not be on the “wrong side of history”. In the case of the GOP, you guys are now supporting murdering a dog and paying a porn star for hush money. This says nothing to the violent rhetoric and actions concerning women and minorities and the LGBTQ Americans.
My hope is that the American people will make it clear that the GOP is wrong about everything in the 2024 election - that is if the Justice system completely fails to do its job.

However, being on the 'wrong side of history' depends on who gets to write history.
Maybe in some cases.

I don’t think you’ll find many people who think (today) that the OH National Guard was justified in shooting college kids dead at Kent State. Perhaps the lesser lights among us but the overall sensibility is that it was flat out wrong. However On the documentary I watched, polling done right after the incident had about 58% thinking the Guard was justified. So there is also a time element involved. Put another way, I’m talking more about the climate than the daily weather.

But one would hope that there would be some learning from history to know that mowing down unarmed college students is wrong. Yet you see that recommended here.
Unfortunately, many times civilizations evolve to a point then de-evolves. This usually happens when affluent spoiled brats get really, really stupid (MAGA).
I don’t think its regression. I really don’t think most MAGA cares much for politics or any issues that are not narrowly personal. What they like is the professional wrestling aspect that Trump brings to it. This is their IQ at work. What is dangerous is that most of the GOP has began to acquiesce to this pervert. I pointed out how in 2020, there was no GOP platform.
If Trump is the GOP nominee for 2024, the American people's choice will be whether to continue the American enlightenment or to degenerate into a new dark age.
Well put.
History is the study of past events, current events will become History in due time, yet it’s the events that unfold today and decisions made based on current information that should be the primary focus. The aforementioned individuals demonstrate no remorse in bankrupting the government and saddling future generations with unsustainable debt, yet they fail to recognize and acknowledge their misbegotten prior financial decisions only to wash their hands so they can say they were on the wrong side of the socially woke agenda?

There is a problem...

The 'White Rage' is simply them getting screwed over by the people they elected... GOP is actually screwing them over and blaming anything bad in the world on Democrats... How do they get away with it? Media Bubble...
For years they pushed Democrats are evil.. They bought in, now they want the confermation bias...

Don't think they will see the light and see the errors of their ways... Look at UK and Brexit, it has been a proven unmitigated disaster... British know they were lied too and been conned... Yet still over 40% can't admit it's been a mistake. They would have to admit they are a fool to there enemy..
Good post.

What I foresee happening is that there is a TEA party type abandonment. You never hear that discussed much any more do you....the TEA Party.

From Wikipedia:

"By 2016, Politico noted that the Tea Party movement was essentially completely dead; however, the article noted that the movement seemed to die in part because some of its ideas had been absorbed by the mainstream Republican Party.[31] By 2019, it was reported that the conservative wing of the Republican Party "has basically shed the tea party moniker."[32]”.

It’s hard to say you’re for responsible, smaller government when the guy you’re voting for is running up $8T in new debt. Of course it’s also hard to say you’re a Christian when the guy you’re voting for violates multiple commandments every day. But somehow the “christians” have no problem being that duplicitous.
If the GOP wins the 2024 Presidential election, the day of reckoning will be postponed. Much like it was postponed when they won the 2016 election. However the day is coming where they will have to soberly look at their party’s stances in comparison where the nation is and come to the all-too-obvious conclusion that they have lined up time and again on the wrong side of history. The stances run the gamut from siding with corrupt police to the misogyny to actual polices such as opposing women being able to make their own health care decisions.

So the question has to be asked...who is going to break the news to the rank and file that they have been sold a bill of goods for several decades. As was famously said: "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term."

I wonder if they’ll listen?
Why would they? None of that's true
Good post.

What I foresee happening is that there is a TEA party type abandonment. You never hear that discussed much any more do you....the TEA Party.

From Wikipedia:

"By 2016, Politico noted that the Tea Party movement was essentially completely dead; however, the article noted that the movement seemed to die in part because some of its ideas had been absorbed by the mainstream Republican Party.[31] By 2019, it was reported that the conservative wing of the Republican Party "has basically shed the tea party moniker."[32]”.

It’s hard to say you’re for responsible, smaller government when the guy you’re voting for is running up $8T in new debt. Of course it’s also hard to say you’re a Christian when the guy you’re voting for violates multiple commandments every day. But somehow the “christians” have no problem being that duplicitous.
Oh no!!! Wikipedia. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Oh I doubt that.

I will say that the 2024 Democratic Party is starting to look like the 1984 Democratic Party. They had their correction in ’92 when they picked Clinton as their nominee. Its possible to lose an election and not be on the “wrong side of history”. In the case of the GOP, you guys are now supporting murdering a dog and paying a porn star for hush money. This says nothing to the violent rhetoric and actions concerning women and minorities and the LGBTQ Americans.
LOL. You guys support boys in girl's bathrooms, the sexual mutilation of young children, allowing children to watch sexualized pride parades and the reading of pornographic books in schools, get all bent out of shape if we pass laws against teaching kindergartners about being gay, and you would rather murder babies than dogs.

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