Who Is Going To Tell The GOP They’ve Been on the Wrong Side of History?

Who will break the news to the GOP that they have been on the wrong side of history for too long?

  • Liz Cheney

  • Susan Collins

  • Larry Hogan

  • Roger Marshall

  • Joni Ernst

  • Other

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Gas light much?

Biden has absolutely supported Israel.

The fact that the Israelis are using less effective tactics that are causing massive amounts of non-combatant deaths in Gaza is a very valid reason to withhold certain weapons.

It does not mean that Biden supports Hamas in any way.

Thanks for trying! Dumbass!

The fact that the Israelis are using less effective tactics that are causing massive amounts of non-combatant deaths in Gaza is a very valid reason to withhold certain weapons.

You bet. If a bunch of Hamas are hiding behind some civilians, they're untouchable.

It does not mean that Biden supports Hamas in any way.

Right. His talk of pushing a two-state solution doesn't reward Hamas barbarism one bit.
I haven't heard him mention, even once, the American hostages taken by Hamas.
I wonder why?
Maybe in some cases.

I don’t think you’ll find many people who think (today) that the OH National Guard was justified in shooting college kids dead at Kent State. Perhaps the lesser lights among us but the overall sensibility is that it was flat out wrong. However On the documentary I watched, polling done right after the incident had about 58% thinking the Guard was justified. So there is also a time element involved. Put another way, I’m talking more about the climate than the daily weather.

But one would hope that there would be some learning from history to know that mowing down unarmed college students is wrong. Yet you see that recommended here.

I don’t think its regression. I really don’t think most MAGA cares much for politics or any issues that are not narrowly personal. What they like is the professional wrestling aspect that Trump brings to it. This is their IQ at work. What is dangerous is that most of the GOP has began to acquiesce to this pervert. I pointed out how in 2020, there was no GOP platform.

Well put.
The difference being that most of the riots in the 60s were organic.

These riots are organized by the Communist Party wing of the DNC.
The fact that the Israelis are using less effective tactics that are causing massive amounts of non-combatant deaths in Gaza is a very valid reason to withhold certain weapons.

You bet. If a bunch of Hamas are hiding behind some civilians, they're untouchable.

It does not mean that Biden supports Hamas in any way.

Right. His talk of pushing a two-state solution doesn't reward Hamas barbarism one bit.
I haven't heard him mention, even once, the American hostages taken by Hamas.
I wonder why?
Less effective, meaning killing instead of winning hearts and minds in the media.
Not DEMS, just MAGATS like you.

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So what does Travis kelce have to do with me. You just assumed I hate him because……?

I don’t know anything about Travis or his politics. Never even heard of him until the whole Taylor swift thing. So..again, are you just pulling assumptions out of thin air? Kinda sounds like you are.

Oh…and you calling me a “magat”. lol, you must not have read…any of my posts regarding Trump. 😏
No, you're still pointless.
But then as a MAGAT it is to be expected.
View attachment 946720

Nah, it has a point…and it’s clear..




If the GOP wins the 2024 Presidential election, the day of reckoning will be postponed. Much like it was postponed when they won the 2016 election. However the day is coming where they will have to soberly look at their party’s stances in comparison where the nation is and come to the all-too-obvious conclusion that they have lined up time and again on the wrong side of history. The stances run the gamut from siding with corrupt police to the misogyny to actual polices such as opposing women being able to make their own health care decisions.

So the question has to be asked...who is going to break the news to the rank and file that they have been sold a bill of goods for several decades. As was famously said: "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term."

I wonder if they’ll listen?
Says Hamas, true.
The fact that the Israelis are using less effective tactics that are causing massive amounts of non-combatant deaths in Gaza is a very valid reason to withhold certain weapons.

You bet. If a bunch of Hamas are hiding behind some civilians, they're untouchable.

It does not mean that Biden supports Hamas in any way.

Right. His talk of pushing a two-state solution doesn't reward Hamas barbarism one bit.
I haven't heard him mention, even once, the American hostages taken by Hamas.
I wonder why?

If a bunch of Hamas are hiding behind some civilians, that's exactly when Israelis need to use precision tactics. Snipers, not artillery.

Long before Biden decided to withhold some munitions, I saw an American general on CNN saying that the Israelis should use the same type of tactics that the American Marines used in Fallujah. The tactical situation was similar. American MArines successfully destroyed the insurgents without annihilating the civilian population. That's what Biden is asking the Israelis.

A two-state solution is exactly what Hamas (and Netanyahu) does NOT want. Most Israeli governments have supported the two-state solution - it's been the Palestinians - especially Hamas - that have refused.

If you haven't heard of Biden talking about the hostages, its because you only hear what you want to hear.
Hence the term, "you guys", in case you missed it.

Unlike you MAGA Idiots, liberals are very independently minded. You can find many differing opinions among liberals - so whatever you want to cherry-pick is up to you.

Just don't put words into my mouth, then expect me to defend them.
If a bunch of Hamas are hiding behind some civilians, that's exactly when Israelis need to use precision tactics. Snipers, not artillery.

Long before Biden decided to withhold some munitions, I saw an American general on CNN saying that the Israelis should use the same type of tactics that the American Marines used in Fallujah. The tactical situation was similar. American MArines successfully destroyed the insurgents without annihilating the civilian population. That's what Biden is asking the Israelis.

A two-state solution is exactly what Hamas (and Netanyahu) does NOT want. Most Israeli governments have supported the two-state solution - it's been the Palestinians - especially Hamas - that have refused.

If you haven't heard of Biden talking about the hostages, its because you only hear what you want to hear.

If a bunch of Hamas are hiding behind some civilians, that's exactly when Israelis need to use precision tactics. Snipers, not artillery.

And if Hamas is in a tunnel underneath the civilians?

A two-state solution is exactly what Hamas (and Netanyahu) does NOT want.

A two-state solution would be punishing Hamas?

If you haven't heard of Biden talking about the hostages,

When did he mention the American hostages? Why no
comments pressuring Hamas to release Americans?

Republicans are on the wrong side of history in their unwarranted blind support of Israel’s reckless, irresponsible military response in Gaza.

Reckless? With fewer than one civilian death per bomb dropped?
A moron like IM2 could target Hamas wearing a blindfold and kill multiples
of the Arab dead in Gaza.

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