Who Is Going To Tell The GOP They’ve Been on the Wrong Side of History?

Who will break the news to the GOP that they have been on the wrong side of history for too long?

  • Liz Cheney

  • Susan Collins

  • Larry Hogan

  • Roger Marshall

  • Joni Ernst

  • Other

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You've driven pro-lifers out.
You have no fiscal conservatives.
Who are your Constitutional originalists?

Just a few examples.

Now, I know it's hard for you to understand because you've bought the narrative from the fever swamp, but I have faith that you can. Here in the real world, there is no "orange god", that would be bad. And yes, we all know that Orange Man Bad covers pretty much your entire argument.

Out of what?

I'm Anti-Abortion, but I'm 'Liberal' on most other issues.

Bill Clinton was a huge Fiscal Conservative.

Conservatives have no 'Constitutional Originalists, so cut the BULLSHIT.

'Constitutional Originalism' is just an academic discussion. Conservative Judges blatantly ignore the Constitution when they don't like what it says.

Conservative Judges are far more activist than any 'Liberal' judges.

SCOTUS blatantly ignored Article 2 and A.14 Sec. 3 in their recent decision - as they do whenever they don't like what the Constitution says.

It's obvious what the writers of A. 14 Sec. 3 intended when they wrote it - but SCOTUS couldn't care less about original intent.

They relied on the legal technical wiggle, wiggle to overturn Colorado.

You do worship your orange god -despite the fact that he is a living contradiction of everything Conservatives claim to believe.

There are plenty of Conservatives that genuinely believe in Conservative principles, Trumpolini is not one of them - yet you obey him no matter what.

You are a CULT!
You've driven pro-lifers out.
You have no fiscal conservatives.
Who are your Constitutional originalists?

Just a few examples.

Now, I know it's hard for you to understand because you've bought the narrative from the fever swamp, but I have faith that you can. Here in the real world, there is no "orange god", that would be bad. And yes, we all know that Orange Man Bad covers pretty much your entire argument.
Not to mention those who oppose the homo agenda.

Out of what?

I'm Anti-Abortion, but I'm 'Liberal' on most other issues.

Bill Clinton was a huge Fiscal Conservative.

Conservatives have no 'Constitutional Originalists, so cut the BULLSHIT.

'Constitutional Originalism' is just an academic discussion. Conservative Judges blatantly ignore the Constitution when they don't like what it says.

Conservative Judges are far more activist than any 'Liberal' judges.

SCOTUS blatantly ignored Article 2 and A.14 Sec. 3 in their recent decision - as they do whenever they don't like what the Constitution says.

It's obvious what the writers of A. 14 Sec. 3 intended when they wrote it - but SCOTUS couldn't care less about original intent.

They relied on the legal technical wiggle, wiggle to overturn Colorado.

You do worship your orange god -despite the fact that he is a living contradiction of everything Conservatives claim to believe.

There are plenty of Conservatives that genuinely believe in Conservative principles, Trumpolini is not one of them - yet you obey him no matter what.

You are a CULT!
No, you are. ALL Liberals advocate a far Left one party rule.

You are delusional.

If anyone is trying to create one party rule it's the MAGA idiots that are destroying the GOP.
The GOP you pricks want is one that agrees 100% with the left. The idea, moron. Is to oppose your agenda at all costs.
The GOP you pricks want is one that agrees 100% with the left. The idea, moron. Is to oppose your agenda at all costs.

The GOP you want is a fascist party, not conservative. A party that will not compromise or negotiate.

Negotiation and compromise are the core of Democracy. You want to destroy Democracy.

That's why you hate the Traditional Republicans.
The GOP you want is a fascist party, not conservative. A party that will not compromise or negotiate.

Negotiation and compromise are the core of Democracy. You want to destroy Democracy.

That's why you hate the Traditional Republicans.
Compromise =surrender, dumbass.

Out of what?

I'm Anti-Abortion, but I'm 'Liberal' on most other issues.
You're a unicorn.
Bill Clinton was a huge Fiscal Conservative.
Nah, he was forced into it by a hostile Congress, the last pragmatic democrat who wasn't afraid to buck his party to save his own skin.
Conservatives have no 'Constitutional Originalists, so cut the BULLSHIT.

'Constitutional Originalism' is just an academic discussion. Conservative Judges blatantly ignore the Constitution when they don't like what it says.

Conservative Judges are far more activist than any 'Liberal' judges.

SCOTUS blatantly ignored Article 2 and A.14 Sec. 3 in their recent decision - as they do whenever they don't like what the Constitution says.

It's obvious what the writers of A. 14 Sec. 3 intended when they wrote it - but SCOTUS couldn't care less about original intent.

They relied on the legal technical wiggle, wiggle to overturn Colorado.

You do worship your orange god -despite the fact that he is a living contradiction of everything Conservatives claim to believe.

There are plenty of Conservatives that genuinely believe in Conservative principles, Trumpolini is not one of them - yet you obey him no matter what.

You are a CULT!
Wow, that foil helmet must be real shiny. I do hate to remind you, though, that it does not actually give you mind reading powers. That slight headache is just because it's on too tight.
And yet your side does it more often than not, dumb shit. The GOP bends over and takes it up the ass instead of fighting back.

No, America has been a middle of the road leaning to the right country almost it's entire existence.

Liberals have never dominated U.S. politics.

Your concept of Conservativism is called FASCISM.

You're like a spoiled child that when every little thing doesn't go your way you pitch a fit like the little bitch that you are.

True Conservatives believe in Democracy - which means negotiation and compromise.

You are anti-Democratic and anti-American.
No, America has been a middle of the road leaning to the right country almost it's entire existence.

Liberals have never dominated U.S. politics.

Your concept of Conservativism is called FASCISM.

You're like a spoiled child that when every little thing doesn't go your way you pitch a fit like the little bitch that you are.

True Conservatives believe in Democracy - which means negotiation and compromise.

You are anti-Democratic and anti-American.
More American than you Communist.
The PA & Hamas had a civil war back in 2007. That's when Hamas took control of Gaza.

The PA and Hamas are not allies in any way.

Yes, I've heard Blinken make statements about Americans held hostage by Hamas.

Do you ever do any research before you post your nonsense?

The PA and Hamas are not allies in any way.

Right. So, putting the PA in control isn't necessarily a permanent thing.

Yes, I've heard Blinken make statements about Americans held hostage by Hamas.

How recently?

Do you ever do any research before you post your nonsense?

How else would I point out lib idiocy?
If the GOP wins the 2024 Presidential election, the day of reckoning will be postponed. Much like it was postponed when they won the 2016 election. However the day is coming where they will have to soberly look at their party’s stances in comparison where the nation is and come to the all-too-obvious conclusion that they have lined up time and again on the wrong side of history. The stances run the gamut from siding with corrupt police to the misogyny to actual polices such as opposing women being able to make their own health care decisions.

So the question has to be asked...who is going to break the news to the rank and file that they have been sold a bill of goods for several decades. As was famously said: "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term."

I wonder if they’ll listen?

I’m thinking the “wrong side” is the place to be… Aren’t those of you who claim to be on the right side building nothing but disgusting, dangerous, divided, dirty, poverty stricken shitholes all across America?
If the GOP wins the 2024 Presidential election, the day of reckoning will be postponed. Much like it was postponed when they won the 2016 election. However the day is coming where they will have to soberly look at their party’s stances in comparison where the nation is and come to the all-too-obvious conclusion that they have lined up time and again on the wrong side of history. The stances run the gamut from siding with corrupt police to the misogyny to actual polices such as opposing women being able to make their own health care decisions.

So the question has to be asked...who is going to break the news to the rank and file that they have been sold a bill of goods for several decades. As was famously said: "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term."

I wonder if they’ll listen?
You folks in the Demaklan have been telling the GOP they have been on the wrong side of history since the Civil War.

You still bitter we freed your slaves?
The GOP you want is a fascist party, not conservative. A party that will not compromise or negotiate.

Negotiation and compromise are the core of Democracy. You want to destroy Democracy.

That's why you hate the Traditional Republicans.
If you experience true authoritarianism, then you know what fascism is. This nation is not balanced politically. And the empowered in more local areas are of tyranny if the enforcers and spewers of justice of law are intolerant. Realizing that power is the only vengeance is why you are empowered now. That does not mean economic growth is guaranteed. Voters though in red areas have every right at some point to start electing nasty potential dictators like you have. If they do, would you say that it is not democracy? They may to survive.
You've driven pro-lifers out.
Pro-lifers have never really had a seat at the left's table. Sometimes the democrats have bound their power and influence through legislation. Sometimes said legislation is overturned.
You have no fiscal conservatives.
Neither do you. :dunno:
Who are your Constitutional originalists?
The same as yours, most likely.
Just a few examples.
Thanks. They are terrible examples. Try again?
The PA and Hamas are not allies in any way.

Right. So, putting the PA in control isn't necessarily a permanent thing.

Yes, I've heard Blinken make statements about Americans held hostage by Hamas.

How recently?

Do you ever do any research before you post your nonsense?

How else would I point out lib idiocy?

The PA would be the permanent government in Gaza.

You can google if you want to keep up to date on the hostage negotiations.

You obviously do not research anything before you blab. You just regurgitate lame MAGA BULLSHIT.

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