Who is more literate on science? Liberals or Tea Partiers?

that is going to burn....

love it

If you see the average age of people in the tea Party, they are know more about everything...they realize this government has become too big, overbearing, wasteful, bloated with more people and Agencies than we need, etc etc...they've lived with long enough
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Additionally, from the professor's website:

Both science literacy and CRT have been shown to correlate negatively with religiosity. And there is, in turns out, a modest negative correlation (r = -0.26, p < 0.01) between the composite science comprehension measure and a religiosity scale formed by aggregating church attendance, frequency of prayer, and self-reported "importance of God" in the respondents' lives.


In my paper, Ideology, Motivated Reasoning, and Cognitive Reflection, I found that the Cogntive Reflection Test did not meaningfully correlate with left-right political outlooks.
In this dataset, I found that there is a small correlation (r = -0.05, p = 0.03) between the science comprehension measure and a left-right political outlook measure, Conservrepub, which aggregates liberal-conservative ideology and party self-identification. The sign of the correlation indicates that science comprehension decreases as political outlooks move in the rightward direction--i.e., the more "liberal" and "Democrat," the more science comprehending.
Additionally, from the professor's website:

Both science literacy and CRT have been shown to correlate negatively with religiosity. And there is, in turns out, a modest negative correlation (r = -0.26, p < 0.01) between the composite science comprehension measure and a religiosity scale formed by aggregating church attendance, frequency of prayer, and self-reported "importance of God" in the respondents' lives.


In my paper, Ideology, Motivated Reasoning, and Cognitive Reflection, I found that the Cogntive Reflection Test did not meaningfully correlate with left-right political outlooks.
In this dataset, I found that there is a small correlation (r = -0.05, p = 0.03) between the science comprehension measure and a left-right political outlook measure, Conservrepub, which aggregates liberal-conservative ideology and party self-identification. The sign of the correlation indicates that science comprehension decreases as political outlooks move in the rightward direction--i.e., the more "liberal" and "Democrat," the more science comprehending.

A correlation of +/-0.05 is pretty dam non-existent relationship.. I'll take a church full of religious folks over any random subway train of LA or NYC lefty voters.

In fact --- the lawyer guy ought to just round up the customers at New Age Crystal Worship shops.. Wouldn't even have to ask if they were left or right.
From your article:

Yale law professor Dan Kahan posted on his blog this week that he analyzed the responses of more than 2,000 American adults recruited for another study and found that, on average, people who leaned liberal were more science literate than those who leaned conservative.

Read more: Eureka! Tea partiers know science - Tal Kopan - POLITICO.com

ahhh.....but read on s0n......read on!!!

Yale law professor Dan Kahan posted on his blog this week that he analyzed the responses of more than 2,000 American adults recruited for another study and found that, on average, people who leaned liberal were more science literate than those who leaned conservative.

However, those who identified as part of the tea party movement were actually better versed in science than those who didn&#8217;t, Kahan found. The findings met the conventional threshold of statistical significance, the professor said

Read more: Eureka! Tea partiers know science - Tal Kopan - POLITICO.com

A correlation of +/-0.05 is pretty dam non-existent relationship.. I'll take a church full of religious folks over any random subway train of LA or NYC lefty voters.

He says exactly that. The same is true of the Tea Partier exceptionalism. This thread lacks any significant point.
based on his interpretation of this "study", i am sure that the OP would score 0% correct in the applied CRT.
Oh dear...but you started it!
Analyses of large representative samples, from both the United States and the United Kingdom, confirm this prediction. In both countries, more intelligent children are more likely to grow up to be liberals than less intelligent children. For example, among the American sample, those who identify themselves as “very liberal” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 106.4, whereas those who identify themselves as “very conservative” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 94.8.
Why Liberals Are More Intelligent Than Conservatives | Psychology Today


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Incidentally, this finding substantiates one of the persistent complaints among conservatives. Conservatives often complain that liberals control the media or the show business or the academia or some other social institutions. The Hypothesis explains why conservatives are correct in their complaints. Liberals do control the media, or the show business, or the academia, among other institutions, because, apart from a few areas in life (such as business) where countervailing circumstances may prevail, liberals control all institutions. They control the institutions because liberals are on aveage more intelligent than conservatives and thus they are more likely to attain the highest status in any area of (evolutionarily novel) modern life.

Okay... maybe a LITTLE significance.

Mind you this is talking about general intelligence while the work to which the lead post referred was discussing science knowledge.
that is going to burn....

love it

If you see the average age of people in the tea Party, they are know more about everything...they realize this government has become too big, overbearing, wasteful, bloated with more people and Agencies than we need, etc etc...they've lived with long enough

You are describing people who actually use critical thinking skills vs kneejerk reactions and feeling.
Additionally, from the professor's website:

Both science literacy and CRT have been shown to correlate negatively with religiosity. And there is, in turns out, a modest negative correlation (r = -0.26, p < 0.01) between the composite science comprehension measure and a religiosity scale formed by aggregating church attendance, frequency of prayer, and self-reported "importance of God" in the respondents' lives.


In my paper, Ideology, Motivated Reasoning, and Cognitive Reflection, I found that the Cogntive Reflection Test did not meaningfully correlate with left-right political outlooks.
In this dataset, I found that there is a small correlation (r = -0.05, p = 0.03) between the science comprehension measure and a left-right political outlook measure, Conservrepub, which aggregates liberal-conservative ideology and party self-identification. The sign of the correlation indicates that science comprehension decreases as political outlooks move in the rightward direction--i.e., the more "liberal" and "Democrat," the more science comprehending.

A correlation of +/-0.05 is pretty dam non-existent relationship.. I'll take a church full of religious folks over any random subway train of LA or NYC lefty voters.

In fact --- the lawyer guy ought to just round up the customers at New Age Crystal Worship shops.. Wouldn't even have to ask if they were left or right.

If I had to build a team, I would much rather have a bunch of 100 IQ's who were good critical thinkers than some 140's who are unable to apply their smarts to the real world.
Incidentally, this finding substantiates one of the persistent complaints among conservatives. Conservatives often complain that liberals control the media or the show business or the academia or some other social institutions. The Hypothesis explains why conservatives are correct in their complaints. Liberals do control the media, or the show business, or the academia, among other institutions, because, apart from a few areas in life (such as business) where countervailing circumstances may prevail, liberals control all institutions. They control the institutions because liberals are on aveage more intelligent than conservatives and thus they are more likely to attain the highest status in any area of (evolutionarily novel) modern life.

Okay... maybe a LITTLE significance.

Mind you this is talking about general intelligence while the work to which the lead post referred was discussing science knowledge.

The quote goes a long way towards explaining why institutions, in general, are so inefficient. Huge amounts of energy and treasure are expended in cleaning up the messes institutions make via unintended consequences. High IQ and critical thinking skills are two very different things and unfortunately, many of those high IQs lack any real critical thinking skills...if they did, then we wouldn't be forever plagued with their unintended consequences.
I don't know if it is 1. intelligence or 2. the fact that they are dead set against admitting it but liberals won't admit that the crime stats are right.

Now I'll take someone that looks at stats and loves science over someone that attacks it.
Incidentally, this finding substantiates one of the persistent complaints among conservatives. Conservatives often complain that liberals control the media or the show business or the academia or some other social institutions. The Hypothesis explains why conservatives are correct in their complaints. Liberals do control the media, or the show business, or the academia, among other institutions, because, apart from a few areas in life (such as business) where countervailing circumstances may prevail, liberals control all institutions. They control the institutions because liberals are on aveage more intelligent than conservatives and thus they are more likely to attain the highest status in any area of (evolutionarily novel) modern life.

Okay... maybe a LITTLE significance.

Mind you this is talking about general intelligence while the work to which the lead post referred was discussing science knowledge.

I stand corrected.
Maybe this addresses the OP better.
Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.
Do you remember this from the Texas Republican Party 2012 Education policy?
Incidentally, this finding substantiates one of the persistent complaints among conservatives. Conservatives often complain that liberals control the media or the show business or the academia or some other social institutions. The Hypothesis explains why conservatives are correct in their complaints. Liberals do control the media, or the show business, or the academia, among other institutions, because, apart from a few areas in life (such as business) where countervailing circumstances may prevail, liberals control all institutions. They control the institutions because liberals are on aveage more intelligent than conservatives and thus they are more likely to attain the highest status in any area of (evolutionarily novel) modern life.

Okay... maybe a LITTLE significance.

Mind you this is talking about general intelligence while the work to which the lead post referred was discussing science knowledge.

The quote goes a long way towards explaining why institutions, in general, are so inefficient. Huge amounts of energy and treasure are expended in cleaning up the messes institutions make via unintended consequences. High IQ and critical thinking skills are two very different things and unfortunately, many of those high IQs lack any real critical thinking skills...if they did, then we wouldn't be forever plagued with their unintended consequences.

LOL. What I am hearing here is how much this individual hates the fact that there are people in this world with far more intellectual powers than he or she has. My interpretation of this little rant is how much he or she hates it when people of superior intellect and ambition work their butts off, surpass this individual in grades and contributions to their discipline. What he or she hates is that not only do the individuals not bother to be critical of his or her abilities, they don't even acknowledge this person's existance. Far to busy with actual accomplishments.

Sorry, SSDD, that is how the cookie crumbles. Some have the talent and intellect to change the world, no matter how much people like you stand out in right field and do the neener-neener thing.

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