Open Letter to White People Who Are Obsessed With Black-on-Black Crime

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You may be dumb but this post was not.

You're part of the problem, you're just too fucking stupid to realize it.

But carry on with your nonsense, nobody really gives a shit.

Blacks have been given ample opportunity...and blew it on an epic level

Really? We've blown it? A 1.3 trillion dollar economy despite the finest efforts of dumb ass whites like you trying to stop us.

You are like the alcoholic telling t he person taking the bottle from them how they are the problem.

Why don't you stop passing the buck and clean up your own community and stop blaming the rest of society!

I mean you are not the only person or sect of people to be discriminated against and believe me I have more sympathy for Native Americans, Hispanic\Latinos and Asians than those like you!

So grow up and curb the violence within your community, make the men responsible for their offsprings and lead by example and not bellyaching over and over how you believe being told no is some form of racism in your pathetic life!

The only one here passing the buck are you whites and I can show your ass at least 100 years of policy that says so. Actually I can show pretty much 400 years, but those like you who pass the buck will pass that buck to blame your dead ancestors.

Like you use your dead ancestors as a crutch

No. I am not the one using dead ancestors, I am the one who can pull out government policy and SCOTUS decisions on your ass and make you understand just how much you whites benefited from it while you have tantrums calling me a racist for putting that mirror to your face.

I don't take a thing you say serious, now fix your OP plagiarizer

Whites racists will try to find anything to hide behind in order to not accept their wrongs. So let me post the first ad last name of the writer here since that os more important than your whites asses understanding that you have a severe crime problem in your own communities.
Just to let you have a reminder that before this guy did what he did, ALL Indentured servants (white and black) were set free after 5 years. You can thank you OWN who sued the courts to keep you black people as property. Bet you didn't hear that in public schools, and I don't wonder why. Morons will be morons..


You may be dumb but this post was not.

You're part of the problem, you're just too fucking stupid to realize it.

But carry on with your nonsense, nobody really gives a shit.

Blacks have been given ample opportunity...and blew it on an epic level

Really? We've blown it? A 1.3 trillion dollar economy despite the finest efforts of dumb ass whites like you trying to stop us.

You are like the alcoholic telling t he person taking the bottle from them how they are the problem.


WTF are you blabbering about, opinion piece thief?

No. Because the majority of all employed admitted into college and promoted are white. The majority of government contracts go to whites. By any means that does not show a pattern of discrimination against white people unless you believe you are entitled to every job, promotion, contract and college admission.

Hell even with a leg up like affirmative action they can't get ahead. Something is wrong and it's not the white man

"CHILDHOOD AND SOCIETY" Erik Erikson -----we are ALL the product of the CUSTOMARY NUTURANCE afforded
us ------by the inherited "way to do it" of mother to mother to mother to mother ---each of us IS the child of our great-great-great-great ----grandma, including people whose great, greats, greats were Nigerians hundreds of years ago
Where are whites being discriminated against in America?
Affirmative action.


Hell even with a leg up like affirmative action they can't get ahead. Something is wrong and it's not the white man

"CHILDHOOD AND SOCIETY" Erik Erikson -----we are ALL the product of the CUSTOMARY NUTURANCE afforded
us ------by the inherited "way to do it" of mother to mother to mother to mother ---each of us IS the child of our great-great-great-great ----grandma, including people whose great, greats, greats were Nigerians hundreds of years ago

A lot of truth to that, I have become my mother as I watch our daughters become me

No. Because the majority of all employed admitted into college and promoted are white. The majority of government contracts go to whites. By any means that does not show a pattern of discrimination against white people unless you believe you are entitled to every job, promotion, contract and college admission.
Now I have noticed that you have said quite a bit but put nothing up to prove your points..

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
The roots of liberalism — and its associated madness — can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind. When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.
At one time there were places with rubber rooms that could keep people like you where you would be safe from harming yourself or others, but thanks to Jimmy Carter and other liberals they enacted laws that started the closing of those institutions because it was inhumane to keep crazy people locked up...
That guy did nothing. That's not hugh gywnn.
Where are whites being discriminated against in America?
College admissions. Monuments destroyed. Cemeteries desecrated. News media bias. Hollywood denigration...

Nah. you whites ain't being discriminated against.

You gonna give attribution to the actual author of the OP or ya gonna pretend your dumb ass wrote it yourself?

Om more than capable of writing this but I didn't and it really doesn't matter.

You may be dumb but this post was not.

You're part of the problem, you're just too fucking stupid to realize it.

But carry on with your nonsense, nobody really gives a shit.

Blacks have been given ample opportunity...and blew it on an epic level

Really? We've blown it? A 1.3 trillion dollar economy despite the finest efforts of dumb ass whites like you trying to stop us.

You are like the alcoholic telling t he person taking the bottle from them how they are the problem.


WTF are you blabbering about, opinion piece thief?
Like you use your dead ancestors as a crutch

No. I am not the one using dead ancestors, I am the one who can pull out government policy and SCOTUS decisions on your ass and make you understand just how much you whites benefited from it while you have tantrums calling me a racist for putting that mirror to your face.

I don't take a thing you say serious, now fix your OP plagiarizer

Whites racists will try to find anything to hide behind in order to not accept their wrongs. So let me post the first ad last name of the writer here since that os more important than your whites asses understanding that you have a severe crime problem in your own communities.
Just to let you have a reminder that before this guy did what he did, ALL Indentured servants (white and black) were set free after 5 years. You can thank you OWN who sued the courts to keep you black people as property. Bet you didn't hear that in public schools, and I don't wonder why. Morons will be morons..

View attachment 154634

That guy did nothing. That's not hugh gywnn.
Where are whites being discriminated against in America?
College admissions. Monuments destroyed. Cemeteries desecrated. News media bias. Hollywood denigration...

Nah. you whites ain't being discriminated against.

You gonna give attribution to the actual author of the OP or ya gonna pretend your dumb ass wrote it yourself?

Om more than capable of writing this but I didn't and it really doesn't matter.

Sure it matters, you STOLE someone elses work.
Where are whites being discriminated against in America?
Affirmative action.


No. Because the majority of all employed admitted into college and promoted are white. The majority of government contracts go to whites. By any means that does not show a pattern of discrimination against white people unless you believe you are entitled to every job, promotion, contract and college admission.
Now I have noticed that you have said quite a bit but put nothing up to prove your points..

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
The roots of liberalism — and its associated madness — can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind. When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.
At one time there were places with rubber rooms that could keep people like you where you would be safe from harming yourself or others, but thanks to Jimmy Carter and other liberals they enacted laws that started the closing of those institutions because it was inhumane to keep crazy people locked up...

There is actually quite a lot n the first piece that proves my points. Now exactly what was Morgan Freeman going to teach me that I did not know?
To be honest. There is really is no such thing as friendships between white and black people
That was a stupid thing to say. Of course there is. Maybe not in your jaded world but thankfully, such an outlook is not universally shared.

No. Because the majority of all employed admitted into college and promoted are white. The majority of government contracts go to whites. By any means that does not show a pattern of discrimination against white people unless you believe you are entitled to every job, promotion, contract and college admission.
Now I have noticed that you have said quite a bit but put nothing up to prove your points..

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
The roots of liberalism — and its associated madness — can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind. When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.
At one time there were places with rubber rooms that could keep people like you where you would be safe from harming yourself or others, but thanks to Jimmy Carter and other liberals they enacted laws that started the closing of those institutions because it was inhumane to keep crazy people locked up...

There is actually quite a lot n the first piece that proves my points. Now exactly what was Morgan Freeman going to teach me that I did not know?
And what point is that, that you are a loser?
Michael Harriot-

Dear Caucasian Brethren,

I decided to sit down and write this letter to you because every time I try to have a nuanced conversation with you, I am interrupted by the same shrill refrain. Here is an excerpt from every conversation when I ask you to help me find a solution to a problem:

Us: Black Lives Matter seeks to end the abuse by the state against—

You: First, your people need to address black-on-black crime!

Us: Let’s discuss the inequities in education, employment, housing—

You: Let's talk about black-on-black crime!!!

Us: It looks like the Zika virus is spreading to—

You: It’s not spreading as fast as black-on-black crime!

Us: Have you seen this black woman who went missing?

You: She probably took a wrong turn in y’all’s black-on-black crime and got lost.

Look, I understand your reluctance to discuss the problems. I know it feels accusatory. I know it seems like we try to pile all the problems of society and black people on your doorstep and make them your fault. Trust me—that’s not what we are trying to do.

What is your fixation with black-on-black crime? You repeatedly being it up as if black people aren’t aware of violence in our communities. Contrary to what you apparently hypothesize at the secret, global white-people meetings after you share banana-bread recipes and Pinterest posts, black people aren’t home cabbage-patching and clanking together Champagne glasses filled with grape Kool-Aid every time another black man falls victim to a violent crime by someone of the same race. It bothers us, too, but here is the thing:

There is no such thing as black-on-black crime.

I will concede that black people do commit crimes against other black people. I will even concede that white people commit violence against other white people more than we do—but not by much.

Almost every day, an advocate of the alt-right (pronounced “nee-yo not-zee”) sends me a hate-filled email diatribe on how lazy, shiftless black people are ruining America. The cornerstone of their argument rests on the statistic that 90 percent of black people who are murdered are murdered by other blacks. That fact would give me pause or make me feel ashamed if I didn’t know that the same 2013 FBI report (the latest year for which statistics are available) goes on to say that 83 percent of white victims of murder were killed by white people.

Not surprisingly, the Bureau of Justice Statistics shows that most people who are victims of violent crime are victimized by someone they know. In fact, almost every study ever done shows that crime is a socioeconomic phenomenon. Another Bureau of Justice Statistics report explicitly states that between 2008 and 2012, “Poor urban blacks (51.3 per 1,000) had rates of violence similar to poor urban whites (56.4 per 1,000).”

There is no such thing as “black-on-black crime”—just crime.

That’s right. White people kill white people. Black people kill black people. I know what you’re thinking: Yes, but black people do so disproportionately. You’re right—even though white people commit most violent crimes (which means that because of the raw numbers, if we had a choice between eliminating white-on-white crime or black-on-black crime, confronting white-on-white crime would pay far greater dividends).

So, my unmelanated friends, maybe the question should be: Why are so many more blacks poor?

There is a definitive answer. Either the black people who worked for free to build this country, and on whose knowledge all Western mathematics, astronomy and science rest, are genetically lazier and dumber, or, alternatively, it is the result of systemic discrimination in financing, unequal employment, disparities in home lending, segregation in education, and the fact that every law, opportunity and constitutional right was not available to black people until 50 years ago.

Nah, it’s probably the lazy thing.

But here is the thing we’d like to know:

Why you always gotta bring it up? Why is black-on-black crime your go-to retort for any exploration into anything that has to do with race? What does Black Lives Matter’s goal to curb violence by the state have to do with black-on-black crime? Does the word “Lives” in the name of the movement confuse you? Is that why you’re obsessed? You’re confused because “Black Lives” is right there in the title? If so, I need to reveal a few other things to you:

  • Despite its misleading, lying-ass name, I didn’t see one money plant when I shopped at the Dollar Tree.
  • Beyoncé’s newest album isn’t actually about mixing lemon juice with water and sugar.
  • Unfortunately, Captain America is not actually the captain of America.
Again, I want to say that black people don’t like crime, either. “Stop the violence” has been a chorus sung in black communities since KRS-One made “Self Destruction” in 1989, and no, KRS-One is not one of the lesser-known robots from the Star Wars movies. Just trust me, we’ve been singing, rapping, marching, protesting and holding vigils against violence in black communities for years. The number of people of color working against crime in black neighborhoods far outnumbers the people involved in Black Lives Matter.

I’m sure you didn’t know that. Why would you? I know your privilege has hypnotized you into believing that we should file a summary report with the white-people recording secretary before we make any moves, but there is no reason that the white populace would ever hear black people talking to black people about their actions toward black people. To put it into its most infantile form, this was an A-B conversation …

Before I wrap this up, I should inform you that in exchange for you dropping your constant chorus, we’d like to extend a hand toward reconciliation among the races. We’d like to unite and offer you some of the best things we have to offer. Maybe we could give you guys some potato salad recipes, some tips on seasoning food, or teach you how we made it through 400 years of soul-crushing oppression and still managed to smile and dance. We know your people have struggled lately with all of the school shootings, terrorism, Taylor Swift feuding with Kim Kardashian, Donald Trump’s fake schools and Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails. We know exactly how to solve all these problems, and we are willing to help …

But first y’all need to do something about this white-on-white crime.


All of Us

Sooooooo White People are who causes the high crime rates with Black People.
That is amazing. LOL
I think the perception is the black community feels whites have caused their situation and should be responsible for fixing every perceived problem. I say take your affirmative action advantages and leverage your education, grants, organizations and community to build a better future.

No. Because the majority of all employed admitted into college and promoted are white. The majority of government contracts go to whites. By any means that does not show a pattern of discrimination against white people unless you believe you are entitled to every job, promotion, contract and college admission.
If one person loses out on a job /uni place due to gvmnt sanctioned racism (affermative action) then it's no better than employers not hiring the black guy because he's black. People should be awarded jobs and uni places on merit. Anyone applying racial considerations over merit is being a racist, no matter how warm and fuzzy they might feel about it. True story :thup:
Michael Harriot-

Dear Caucasian Brethren,

I decided to sit down and write this letter to you because every time I try to have a nuanced conversation with you, I am interrupted by the same shrill refrain. Here is an excerpt from every conversation when I ask you to help me find a solution to a problem:

Us: Black Lives Matter seeks to end the abuse by the state against—

You: First, your people need to address black-on-black crime!

Us: Let’s discuss the inequities in education, employment, housing—

You: Let's talk about black-on-black crime!!!

Us: It looks like the Zika virus is spreading to—

You: It’s not spreading as fast as black-on-black crime!

Us: Have you seen this black woman who went missing?

You: She probably took a wrong turn in y’all’s black-on-black crime and got lost.

Look, I understand your reluctance to discuss the problems. I know it feels accusatory. I know it seems like we try to pile all the problems of society and black people on your doorstep and make them your fault. Trust me—that’s not what we are trying to do.

What is your fixation with black-on-black crime? You repeatedly being it up as if black people aren’t aware of violence in our communities. Contrary to what you apparently hypothesize at the secret, global white-people meetings after you share banana-bread recipes and Pinterest posts, black people aren’t home cabbage-patching and clanking together Champagne glasses filled with grape Kool-Aid every time another black man falls victim to a violent crime by someone of the same race. It bothers us, too, but here is the thing:

There is no such thing as black-on-black crime.

I will concede that black people do commit crimes against other black people. I will even concede that white people commit violence against other white people more than we do—but not by much.

Almost every day, an advocate of the alt-right (pronounced “nee-yo not-zee”) sends me a hate-filled email diatribe on how lazy, shiftless black people are ruining America. The cornerstone of their argument rests on the statistic that 90 percent of black people who are murdered are murdered by other blacks. That fact would give me pause or make me feel ashamed if I didn’t know that the same 2013 FBI report (the latest year for which statistics are available) goes on to say that 83 percent of white victims of murder were killed by white people.

Not surprisingly, the Bureau of Justice Statistics shows that most people who are victims of violent crime are victimized by someone they know. In fact, almost every study ever done shows that crime is a socioeconomic phenomenon. Another Bureau of Justice Statistics report explicitly states that between 2008 and 2012, “Poor urban blacks (51.3 per 1,000) had rates of violence similar to poor urban whites (56.4 per 1,000).”

There is no such thing as “black-on-black crime”—just crime.

That’s right. White people kill white people. Black people kill black people. I know what you’re thinking: Yes, but black people do so disproportionately. You’re right—even though white people commit most violent crimes (which means that because of the raw numbers, if we had a choice between eliminating white-on-white crime or black-on-black crime, confronting white-on-white crime would pay far greater dividends).

So, my unmelanated friends, maybe the question should be: Why are so many more blacks poor?

There is a definitive answer. Either the black people who worked for free to build this country, and on whose knowledge all Western mathematics, astronomy and science rest, are genetically lazier and dumber, or, alternatively, it is the result of systemic discrimination in financing, unequal employment, disparities in home lending, segregation in education, and the fact that every law, opportunity and constitutional right was not available to black people until 50 years ago.

Nah, it’s probably the lazy thing.

But here is the thing we’d like to know:

Why you always gotta bring it up? Why is black-on-black crime your go-to retort for any exploration into anything that has to do with race? What does Black Lives Matter’s goal to curb violence by the state have to do with black-on-black crime? Does the word “Lives” in the name of the movement confuse you? Is that why you’re obsessed? You’re confused because “Black Lives” is right there in the title? If so, I need to reveal a few other things to you:

  • Despite its misleading, lying-ass name, I didn’t see one money plant when I shopped at the Dollar Tree.
  • Beyoncé’s newest album isn’t actually about mixing lemon juice with water and sugar.
  • Unfortunately, Captain America is not actually the captain of America.
Again, I want to say that black people don’t like crime, either. “Stop the violence” has been a chorus sung in black communities since KRS-One made “Self Destruction” in 1989, and no, KRS-One is not one of the lesser-known robots from the Star Wars movies. Just trust me, we’ve been singing, rapping, marching, protesting and holding vigils against violence in black communities for years. The number of people of color working against crime in black neighborhoods far outnumbers the people involved in Black Lives Matter.

I’m sure you didn’t know that. Why would you? I know your privilege has hypnotized you into believing that we should file a summary report with the white-people recording secretary before we make any moves, but there is no reason that the white populace would ever hear black people talking to black people about their actions toward black people. To put it into its most infantile form, this was an A-B conversation …

Before I wrap this up, I should inform you that in exchange for you dropping your constant chorus, we’d like to extend a hand toward reconciliation among the races. We’d like to unite and offer you some of the best things we have to offer. Maybe we could give you guys some potato salad recipes, some tips on seasoning food, or teach you how we made it through 400 years of soul-crushing oppression and still managed to smile and dance. We know your people have struggled lately with all of the school shootings, terrorism, Taylor Swift feuding with Kim Kardashian, Donald Trump’s fake schools and Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails. We know exactly how to solve all these problems, and we are willing to help …

But first y’all need to do something about this white-on-white crime.


All of Us
For one thing, I am certainly not obsessed by the number of blacks who murder other blacks. In fact it makes me happy because there will usually two less scum bags alive.
That guy did nothing. That's not hugh gywnn.
Where are whites being discriminated against in America?
College admissions. Monuments destroyed. Cemeteries desecrated. News media bias. Hollywood denigration...

Nah. you whites ain't being discriminated against.

You gonna give attribution to the actual author of the OP or ya gonna pretend your dumb ass wrote it yourself?

Om more than capable of writing this but I didn't and it really doesn't matter.


Om more than capable of writing this but I didn't and it really doesn't matter.

^^^^^this is the attitude that contributes to your failings in life^^^^^
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