Who is really to blame for covering up the FBI's fraud prosecution of the "warmers," and hence responsible for all the fires including Maui?


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Busting the Co2 Fraud would allow the fires to be correctly diagnosed as human sucking too much water from nature. That would've resulted in desalination plants all over, including Maui.

Who is responsible for this?

Who deliberately covered up the FBI fraud prosecution of the "warmers?"

You know homO, Holder and Lynch did. homO, not exactly a science genius herself, was stunned when she found out in 2010, and hence WENT SILENT for TWO YEARS before deciding to hide the truth IN THE CLOSET...

When Donald Trump took office in 2017, he became CERTAIN the Co2 FRAUD was FRAUD. He ordered Zionist Fascist Traitors Jeff Sessions and Chris Wray to prosecute the Co2 fraud. They declined.

It actually goes back beyond that, to the worst traitor in US history, W. When W fired 7 US attorneys in 2007, covering up 911 was most of it, but not all of it. That involved the Co2 FRAUD too.

The LIST of people most responsible for the fires globally, allowing these sick liars to squirt bleach into coral to perpetuate the "warming oceans" hoax etc...

Mike Mukasey
Robert Mueller
James Comey
Chris Wray
Jeff Sessions
Bill Barr
Merrick Garland
Traitor Joe

To them, it is more important to keep the Co2 fraud going and let those fires burn burn burn as much land based life as possible than it is to get the truth out and help people focus on REAL problems not FRAUDS doing nothing.

Sick treasonous mass murdering monsters who have no concern for anything except getting away with their crimes against the planet.
Busting the Co2 Fraud would allow the fires to be correctly diagnosed as human sucking too much water from nature. That would've resulted in desalination plants all over, including Maui.

Except humans have been sucking water out of Maui all over. In fact, if anything, there's probably more water now because water conversation measures have been implemented.

Nope, what cause the fires is that we've had RECORD heat in July and August.

100 degrees in Chicago yesterday. Not even safe to go outside for long periods of time. But keep pretending we don't have a problem.
Except humans have been sucking water out of Maui all over. In fact, if anything, there's probably more water now because water conversation measures have been implemented.

Nope, what cause the fires is that we've had RECORD heat in July and August.

100 degrees in Chicago yesterday. Not even safe to go outside for long periods of time. But keep pretending we don't have a problem.

The main reason there's more drinking water is there's less agriculture ... I'm trying to start this video at 1'50" ... wish me luck ...

Look in the background ... does that look like tropical rainforest? ... truth is the Mojave Desert has more green vegetation ... who's stupid enough to string high voltage electric wires through this country? ...

Where are the trees? ...
Except humans have been sucking water out of Maui all over.

Actually, sick anti environmental moron, the population of Hawaii has gone from under 100k in 1890 to 1.5 million now. What happens is human consumption of finite fresh water reaches the point where it exceeds what rainfall puts back. Groundwater and water table start to fade, fall. Keep doing that for decades and all of sudden your plant life is dry enough to catch, even as it has NEVER been that dry on an island where plant life is regularly exposed to 3,000F magma.... and does burn no matter how wet, but just what touches the magma, NOT THE ENTIRE ISLAND. The difference this time is that Maui was all dry, and the only variable that explains that is the massive increase of human consumption of finite fresh water.

To claim a puny 2F "rise" in temperature did that is as pathetic as it is laughable. Fires like Maui are not about temperature, they are about water, or the lack of it.

And, of course, as a science invalid moron, you have two things COMPLETELY WRONG...

1. a warmer Earth is a wetter Earth, not a drier Earth, so it has LESS FIRES... not more... all else equal

2. Hawaii's record high temp is from 1931, so the "Global Warming" explanation lacks .... ANY ACTUAL WARMING!!!
The main reason there's more drinking water is there's less agriculture ... I'm trying to start this video at 1'50" ... wish me luck ...

Look in the background ... does that look like tropical rainforest? ... truth is the Mojave Desert has more green vegetation ... who's stupid enough to string high voltage electric wires through this country? ...

Where are the trees? ...

Why, on volcanic islands, is this the first time since humans have been on Hawaii that an entire island burned in a few minutes??

Couldn't possibly be that the 15 fold increase in humans living there over the past 130 years has drained the groundwater and the water table...
Actually, sick anti environmental moron, the population of Hawaii has gone from under 100k in 1890 to 1.5 million now. What happens is human consumption of finite fresh water reaches the point where it exceeds what rainfall puts back. Groundwater and water table start to fade, fall. Keep doing that for decades and all of sudden your plant life is dry enough to catch, even as it has NEVER been that dry on an island where plant life is regularly exposed to 3,000F magma.... and does burn no matter how wet, but just what touches the magma, NOT THE ENTIRE ISLAND. The difference this time is that Maui was all dry, and the only variable that explains that is the massive increase of human consumption of finite fresh water.

Except that many people have lived on Maui for years, usually without the water conservation measures we currently have. What caused this was two months of record hot weather drying out a fucking RAIN FOREST. That's why this was so disastrous.

1. a warmer Earth is a wetter Earth, not a drier Earth, so it has LESS FIRES... not more... all else equal

2. Hawaii's record high temp is from 1931, so the "Global Warming" explanation lacks .... ANY ACTUAL WARMING!!!

1931 was a peak temperature... we've had consistently high temperaturs across the country and world for two months now.

102 degrees in Chicago yesterday. THAT'S how bad it was.
Fires that totally avoided the mansions of the wealthy and burned down buildings but not trees and vegetation .So obviously not DEW . ROFL
Fires that totally avoided the mansions of the wealthy and burned down buildings but not trees and vegetation .So obviously not DEW . ROFL

Those mansions had enough land around them to avoid being burned.
Absolute rubbish .The island has been photographed in detail by helicopter and your comment is total nonsense .

You do get that buildings have to be close together for fires to spread like that, right...

And mansions are spread out enough for that not to happen.

Now, did firefighters give priority to protecting the homes of the rich? Probably. What else is new. It's why they rush out to put out a kitchen fire at a mansion while they let a tenement burn.
Except that many people have lived on Maui for years, usually without the water conservation measures we currently have

for thousands of years, and never before has Maui been anywhere NEAR this DRY...

two months of record hot weather

Which did not get NEAR the RECORD HIGH set in 1931. Claiming an island is "warming" when its record high is 90 years ago is not sane. It demonstrates the same level of math and science invalidity as the SUB.

You do not have ANY WARMING on Hawaii at all, because Hawaiian temperatures are about the temperature of the Pacific Ocean, which is also NOT WARMING...

You do get that buildings have to be close together for fires to spread like that, right...

And mansions are spread out enough for that not to happen.

Now, did firefighters give priority to protecting the homes of the rich? Probably. What else is new. It's why they rush out to put out a kitchen fire at a mansion while they let a tenement burn.

The idiot DEMOCRATS in CHARGE of Hawaii never expected that increasing Hawaii's population 15 fold in 130 years would drain all the fresh water reserves and leave the island dry enough to burn like it did. The DEMOCRATS in charge of Hawaii saw more $$$ in their pockets so they packed 'em in with no concern for Hawaii's future. The DEMOCRATS today are doing that to the entire US.

There should've been a law 130 years ago that adding to Hawaii's population requires the "additions" to obtain their water from desalinating ocean water. This fire would never have happened if Hawaii was desalinating Pacific Ocean water instead of sucking their fresh water reserves dry.

The ONLY VARIABLE that changed was human consumption of finite land based fresh water supplies.
Yes, exactly my point... GLOBAL WARMING.

What a MORON.

Even if Earth was "warming" which it is not, that would make Earth wetter, not drier. Want to have that one out??

CLUE for YOU...

The Jurassic period (199.6 million to 145.5 million years ago) was characterized by a warm, wet climate that gave rise to lush vegetation and abundant life.


Warmer Earth puts more H2O in the atmosphere and that means more and MORE and MUCH MORE RAIN....
Except that many people have lived on Maui for years, usually without the water conservation measures we currently have. What caused this was two months of record hot weather drying out a fucking RAIN FOREST. That's why this was so disastrous.

1931 was a peak temperature... we've had consistently high temperaturs across the country and world for two months now.

102 degrees in Chicago yesterday. THAT'S how bad it was.

Weather is not climate.

It takes an IQ over 5 to figure that out....
Yes, exactly my point... GLOBAL WARMING.

This piece of shit Zionist Fascist Left Wing Liar has been BUSTED.



Obama murdered half of the population of Maui in order to take over Maui for globalist Jews

Only Trump is powerful enough to stop them

Please donate now!!
What a MORON.

Even if Earth was "warming" which it is not, that would make Earth wetter, not drier. Want to have that one out??
Um,no because you are one of these crazy people who thinks Steel can't melt.

And that Israel would blow up a ship belonging to their main benefactor....

We are seeing more droughts because the world is getting warmer.

This is just one of them.

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