Who is still undecided?

Are you still undecided?

  • No

    Votes: 13 81.3%
  • Yes- I am still deciding between a major party/third party candidate

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Yes- I am still deciding between Clinton and Trump

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters
Who here at USMB is actually still undecided?

I am guessing we have some people here who are trying to decide whether to vote third party or mainstream- so those votes might be in play.

Is there anyone else?

About 30% claim to be undecided.

Traditionally, undecideds don't vote.

My guess is that most of those who are undecided won't bother to vote, and about 20% of Hillary supporters won't bother to vote.

rdean and Candy Corn will cast 10 votes each, so that will offset the apathy somewhat. The party will bus as many illegals to the polls as humanly possible. California will be rife with "Hola, me nombre es Ho Chu Wang," since no ID required.

I fear the traditional democrat fraud may have a greater impact than usual. But I still think Trump will win.
That is an awesome example of denial, spin, paranoia, and wishful thinking, all packed into a surprisingly "word efficient" space!

It's funny too!

That's the odd part.
They are both real sites.
That sounds like a desperate laugh. Trump beat Clinton in the Time poll 55% to 45% and in the CNBC poll 67% to 33%, but ABC is the only poll that gave them four choices and what this shows is that Clinton's support is so fragile that much of it fled to Johnson and Stein because of her performance in the debate. I didn't bother mentioning the Breitbart or newsmax polls because they would be mostly among right leaning voters, just as the CNN poll, according to Nate Silver, was mostly by Democrats.
IDC really. I was just pointing out you are posting FAKE websites. Just trying to help :dunno:
I may have been duped by the ABCNews site, but these are real polls.

Clinton 44%, Trump 56%

Vote Now: Who Won the First Clinton-Trump Debate?

Clinton 32%, Trump 68%

Vote: Who won the first presidential debate?
Who gives a shit what a bunch of poorly educated Trump fans say? Of course they went to every site and voted five times. It's what they do.
Why didn't Clinton "fans" show up at these sites? Because her support is not as firm as enthusiastic as his. Will this lack of enthusiasm keep them from showing up at the polls on election day, too?
Saw today Trump is down in Florida(in the polls), yet he had to turn away thousands because all his supporters couldn't fit into his venue. Just sayin..

Right Wing fascists like you keep telling us that we are trying to revoke the First and Second Amendment.....yet it never happens.

Leftist scumbags like you are waging a hot war on Civil Rights. Through Obama you have launched dozens of high profile attacks on freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press.

Obviously you seek a disarmed peasantry so that resistance to you totalitarian thugs will be impossible.

Has Obama finished seizing all of your guns and locked you up in those FEMA camps yet?

Through most of Obama's term, we had 5 constitutionalists who supported civil rights on the SCOTUS. Scalia dies, we now have 3 Bolsheviks who are dedicated to ending the republic, one leftist who generally sides with the Bolsheviks, and 4 constitutionalists. Hillary has vowed to put another Ginsburg/Kagan level . scumbag on the court. If the court has 5 who are hostile to a free Republic, then decisions such as Heller, Hobby Lobby, Sacket, Horne, Riley, et al. would go far differently. These are ALL direct assaults on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 9th amendments. Assaults by Obama's criminal department of injustice.

You scumbags seek to create a totalitarian state. The Constitution stands in your way, so you wage war on it.
Saw today Trump is down in Florida(in the polls), yet he had to turn away thousands because all his supporters couldn't fit into his venue. Just sayin..

Trump supporters are motivated. Hillary supporters are the most apathetic I've ever seen. Even in the peoples republic, I've seen less than 5 Hillary bumper stickers, and not a single yard sign. Trump signs are everywhere. Now California will go to Hillary, we are a one party rule state where illegals vote in droves for the democrats.Even so, Hillary voters are half-hearted at best.
Who here at USMB is actually still undecided?

I am guessing we have some people here who are trying to decide whether to vote third party or mainstream- so those votes might be in play.

Is there anyone else?
An ABCNews post debate poll suggests Hillary helped a lot of people decide to vote for a third party.

  • Donald Trump (55%, 32,994 Votes)

  • Jill Stein (19%, 11,636 Votes)

  • Gary Johnson (16%, 9,368 Votes)

  • Hillary Clinton (11%, 6,373 Votes)
Total Voters: 60,371

ABC LIVE POLL: Who Are You Voting For?

Hillary didn't help people decide to vote for a third party candidate on her own. Donald did an even better job of that.

All things considered though after the Donald's sad performance the other night you might see a lot of the third party people deciding not to throw away their vote.
These liberals hate Trump because they see the gravy train coming to a grinding halt. No more free rides on the backs of the middle class worker. The gravy train will derail in November.

LOL.....why would I hate a clown like Trump?

I think he would be horrible for the United States- and would likely start a Trade war that could lead to a world wide depression- which would harm all Americans.

All so Trump supporters can feel good that they are sticking it to the 'Washington establishment'
That sounds like a desperate laugh. Trump beat Clinton in the Time poll 55% to 45% and in the CNBC poll 67% to 33%, but ABC is the only poll that gave them four choices and what this shows is that Clinton's support is so fragile that much of it fled to Johnson and Stein because of her performance in the debate. I didn't bother mentioning the Breitbart or newsmax polls because they would be mostly among right leaning voters, just as the CNN poll, according to Nate Silver, was mostly by Democrats.
IDC really. I was just pointing out you are posting FAKE websites. Just trying to help :dunno:
I may have been duped by the ABCNews site, but these are real polls.

Clinton 44%, Trump 56%

Vote Now: Who Won the First Clinton-Trump Debate?

Clinton 32%, Trump 68%

Vote: Who won the first presidential debate?
Who gives a shit what a bunch of poorly educated Trump fans say? Of course they went to every site and voted five times. It's what they do.
Why didn't Clinton "fans" show up at these sites? Because her support is not as firm as enthusiastic as his. Will this lack of enthusiasm keep them from showing up at the polls on election day, too?
Saw today Trump is down in Florida(in the polls), yet he had to turn away thousands because all his supporters couldn't fit into his venue. Just sayin..
I haven't seen a post debate Florida poll. Which one are you talking about.
These liberals hate Trump because they see the gravy train coming to a grinding halt. No more free rides on the backs of the middle class worker. The gravy train will derail in November.
Yeah, I'll be out of such a good job.... NOT!

Right Wing fascists like you keep telling us that we are trying to revoke the First and Second Amendment.....yet it never happens.

Leftist scumbags like you are waging a hot war on Civil Rights. T it.

Right wing Fascists like you keep telling us that.

How many of your guns has President Obama seized in the last 8 years? How long have you been imprisoned in that FEMA camp that you right wing Fascists predicted would be swooping all of you up? How have you handled President Obama shuttering every church in America?

LOL- poor whiny right wing fascists.....
Who here at USMB is actually still undecided?

I am guessing we have some people here who are trying to decide whether to vote third party or mainstream- so those votes might be in play.

Is there anyone else?
An ABCNews post debate poll suggests Hillary helped a lot of people decide to vote for a third party.

  • Donald Trump (55%, 32,994 Votes)

  • Jill Stein (19%, 11,636 Votes)

  • Gary Johnson (16%, 9,368 Votes)

  • Hillary Clinton (11%, 6,373 Votes)
Total Voters: 60,371

ABC LIVE POLL: Who Are You Voting For?

Hillary didn't help people decide to vote for a third party candidate on her own. Donald did an even better job of that.

All things considered though after the Donald's sad performance the other night you might see a lot of the third party people deciding not to throw away their vote.
Not according to this focus group in North Carolina.

Kae Roberts and Jay Eardly were leaning toward Hillary Clinton before Monday night’s debate.

By the end, they had both pulled away.

John Kokos and Hank Federal were undecided going in, potential Clinton backers.

By the end, they’d ruled her out.

Indeed, while polls found that Clinton had won the first general-election debate with Donald Trump on Monday, she may not have won actual votes. And she may even have lost some, at least in the battleground state of North Carolina.

In a focus group of 21 voters from around Charlotte conducted by McClatchy and The Charlotte Observer, four who had been up for grabs before the debate had moved away from her by the end.

Presidential debate surprise: Clinton loses ground among some voters in swing state


Read more here: Presidential debate surprise: Clinton loses ground among some voters in swing state
IDC really. I was just pointing out you are posting FAKE websites. Just trying to help :dunno:
I may have been duped by the ABCNews site, but these are real polls.

Clinton 44%, Trump 56%

Vote Now: Who Won the First Clinton-Trump Debate?

Clinton 32%, Trump 68%

Vote: Who won the first presidential debate?
Who gives a shit what a bunch of poorly educated Trump fans say? Of course they went to every site and voted five times. It's what they do.
Why didn't Clinton "fans" show up at these sites? Because her support is not as firm as enthusiastic as his. Will this lack of enthusiasm keep them from showing up at the polls on election day, too?
Saw today Trump is down in Florida(in the polls), yet he had to turn away thousands because all his supporters couldn't fit into his venue. Just sayin..
I haven't seen a post debate Florida poll. Which one are you talking about.
IDK if it was post debate or not. I was just saying that because of your "enthusiasm" comments.
I may have been duped by the ABCNews site, but these are real polls.

Clinton 44%, Trump 56%

Vote Now: Who Won the First Clinton-Trump Debate?

Clinton 32%, Trump 68%

Vote: Who won the first presidential debate?
Who gives a shit what a bunch of poorly educated Trump fans say? Of course they went to every site and voted five times. It's what they do.
Why didn't Clinton "fans" show up at these sites? Because her support is not as firm as enthusiastic as his. Will this lack of enthusiasm keep them from showing up at the polls on election day, too?
Saw today Trump is down in Florida(in the polls), yet he had to turn away thousands because all his supporters couldn't fit into his venue. Just sayin..
I haven't seen a post debate Florida poll. Which one are you talking about.
IDK if it was post debate or not. I was just saying that because of your "enthusiasm" comments.
Actually, you are making my point for me. They are in a statistical tie in Florida, which is amazing because Clinton has vastly outspent Trump in the state. Why is that? The enthusiasm of Trump supporters and the lack of enthusiasm of Clinton supporters.

TAMPA, Fla. — Hillary Clinton has vastly outspent Donald J. Trump on TV ads in Florida. Her 57 campaign offices dwarf Mr. Trump’s afterthought of a ground game. And Mr. Trump is deeply unpopular among Hispanics, who account for nearly one in five Florida voters.

Despite these advantages, Mrs. Clinton is struggling in the Sunshine State, unable to assemble the coalition that gave Barack Obama two victories here, and offering Mr. Trump a broad opening in a road to the White House thatnot long ago seemed closed to him. Mr. Trump is pressing down hard to win the state, campaigning in Miami on Friday and in Fort Myers on Monday, after a rally in Pensacola recently.

Recent polls show Mrs. Clinton is not earning the same support amongHispanics, young people or white voters that Mr. Obama captured when he eked out a Florida victory four years ago in the country’s most hard-fought swing state.

TAMPA, Fla. — Hillary Clinton has vastly outspent Donald J. Trump on TV ads in Florida. Her 57 campaign offices dwarf Mr. Trump’s afterthought of a ground game. And Mr. Trump is deeply unpopular among Hispanics, who account for nearly one in five Florida voters.

Despite these advantages, Mrs. Clinton is struggling in the Sunshine State, unable to assemble the coalition that gave Barack Obama two victories here, and offering Mr. Trump a broad opening in a road to the White House thatnot long ago seemed closed to him. Mr. Trump is pressing down hard to win the state, campaigning in Miami on Friday and in Fort Myers on Monday, after a rally in Pensacola recently.

Recent polls show Mrs. Clinton is not earning the same support amongHispanics, young people or white voters that Mr. Obama captured when he eked out a Florida victory four years ago in the country’s most hard-fought swing state.
Who gives a shit what a bunch of poorly educated Trump fans say? Of course they went to every site and voted five times. It's what they do.
Why didn't Clinton "fans" show up at these sites? Because her support is not as firm as enthusiastic as his. Will this lack of enthusiasm keep them from showing up at the polls on election day, too?
Saw today Trump is down in Florida(in the polls), yet he had to turn away thousands because all his supporters couldn't fit into his venue. Just sayin..
I haven't seen a post debate Florida poll. Which one are you talking about.
IDK if it was post debate or not. I was just saying that because of your "enthusiasm" comments.
Actually, you are making my point for me. They are in a statistical tie in Florida, which is amazing because Clinton has vastly outspent Trump in the state. Why is that? The enthusiasm of Trump supporters and the lack of enthusiasm of Clinton supporters.

TAMPA, Fla. — Hillary Clinton has vastly outspent Donald J. Trump on TV ads in Florida. Her 57 campaign offices dwarf Mr. Trump’s afterthought of a ground game. And Mr. Trump is deeply unpopular among Hispanics, who account for nearly one in five Florida voters.

Despite these advantages, Mrs. Clinton is struggling in the Sunshine State, unable to assemble the coalition that gave Barack Obama two victories here, and offering Mr. Trump a broad opening in a road to the White House thatnot long ago seemed closed to him. Mr. Trump is pressing down hard to win the state, campaigning in Miami on Friday and in Fort Myers on Monday, after a rally in Pensacola recently.

Recent polls show Mrs. Clinton is not earning the same support amongHispanics, young people or white voters that Mr. Obama captured when he eked out a Florida victory four years ago in the country’s most hard-fought swing state.

TAMPA, Fla. — Hillary Clinton has vastly outspent Donald J. Trump on TV ads in Florida. Her 57 campaign offices dwarf Mr. Trump’s afterthought of a ground game. And Mr. Trump is deeply unpopular among Hispanics, who account for nearly one in five Florida voters.

Despite these advantages, Mrs. Clinton is struggling in the Sunshine State, unable to assemble the coalition that gave Barack Obama two victories here, and offering Mr. Trump a broad opening in a road to the White House thatnot long ago seemed closed to him. Mr. Trump is pressing down hard to win the state, campaigning in Miami on Friday and in Fort Myers on Monday, after a rally in Pensacola recently.

Recent polls show Mrs. Clinton is not earning the same support amongHispanics, young people or white voters that Mr. Obama captured when he eked out a Florida victory four years ago in the country’s most hard-fought swing state.
Yes, I know. I wasn't arguing against you, lol. I thought it was clear I was agreeing :dunno:
Why didn't Clinton "fans" show up at these sites? Because her support is not as firm as enthusiastic as his. Will this lack of enthusiasm keep them from showing up at the polls on election day, too?
Saw today Trump is down in Florida(in the polls), yet he had to turn away thousands because all his supporters couldn't fit into his venue. Just sayin..
I haven't seen a post debate Florida poll. Which one are you talking about.
IDK if it was post debate or not. I was just saying that because of your "enthusiasm" comments.
Actually, you are making my point for me. They are in a statistical tie in Florida, which is amazing because Clinton has vastly outspent Trump in the state. Why is that? The enthusiasm of Trump supporters and the lack of enthusiasm of Clinton supporters.

TAMPA, Fla. — Hillary Clinton has vastly outspent Donald J. Trump on TV ads in Florida. Her 57 campaign offices dwarf Mr. Trump’s afterthought of a ground game. And Mr. Trump is deeply unpopular among Hispanics, who account for nearly one in five Florida voters.

Despite these advantages, Mrs. Clinton is struggling in the Sunshine State, unable to assemble the coalition that gave Barack Obama two victories here, and offering Mr. Trump a broad opening in a road to the White House thatnot long ago seemed closed to him. Mr. Trump is pressing down hard to win the state, campaigning in Miami on Friday and in Fort Myers on Monday, after a rally in Pensacola recently.

Recent polls show Mrs. Clinton is not earning the same support amongHispanics, young people or white voters that Mr. Obama captured when he eked out a Florida victory four years ago in the country’s most hard-fought swing state.

TAMPA, Fla. — Hillary Clinton has vastly outspent Donald J. Trump on TV ads in Florida. Her 57 campaign offices dwarf Mr. Trump’s afterthought of a ground game. And Mr. Trump is deeply unpopular among Hispanics, who account for nearly one in five Florida voters.

Despite these advantages, Mrs. Clinton is struggling in the Sunshine State, unable to assemble the coalition that gave Barack Obama two victories here, and offering Mr. Trump a broad opening in a road to the White House thatnot long ago seemed closed to him. Mr. Trump is pressing down hard to win the state, campaigning in Miami on Friday and in Fort Myers on Monday, after a rally in Pensacola recently.

Recent polls show Mrs. Clinton is not earning the same support amongHispanics, young people or white voters that Mr. Obama captured when he eked out a Florida victory four years ago in the country’s most hard-fought swing state.
Yes, I know. I wasn't arguing against you, lol. I thought it was clear I was agreeing :dunno:
lol Maybe I'm just in arguing mode today.
I swore I'd never vote Trump. Although I do like his non-pc and his obvious love for America, I still don't trust him and truth be told, I honestly don't believe that he has a fucking clue as to what being potus entails. Like NONE.

The thought of mrs bill as potus makes me puke. She should be in jail. She is global establishment elite and she will just continue the ruination of this country.

I'm not deciding between Trump and mrs bill or 3rd party ... I'm deciding between Trump and the sofa. Sofa is still winning.

Been in Trumps corner since they day he announced in June '15 basically because I'm sick of the professional pols - of both parties - we've elected president since Eisenhower and ditto, for the most part, as Senators and Representatives since then too. As a result our country's in the mess it is today, and we don't have a lot of days ahead of us if things doesn't change soon. We're on a disasterous fiscal path and anyone who doesn't think so is either hopelessly stupid or a disingenuous idiot. That's why I'm in favor of someone with balance sheet and income statement experience(s) instead, and if it was a business guy other than Trump I'd be in his camp too because the Washington status quo is the real enemy IMO.
I'm still not so sure about who I am voting for.....but I know for absolutely certain who I'm NOT voting for and that is Hillary Clinton. No way, no how. Still not sure about Trump. I do agree with some of what he says, but I am still not sure I want to back him 100%. Usually in past elections when I have been so undecided, I have usually not voted at all.......but this year and this election I think it's too important to sit it out. I will wait to see how this all plays out until late October. If I am still as undecided as now.....then I'll do a write in...none of the above
I'm undecided. No way do I vote for a "person" who mocks persons with disabilities or non-white heritage. No way do I vote Hillary. But Stein is a bad joke, and Johnson needs to just go smoke.
I swore I'd never vote Trump. Although I do like his non-pc and his obvious love for America, I still don't trust him and truth be told, I honestly don't believe that he has a fucking clue as to what being potus entails. Like NONE.

The thought of mrs bill as potus makes me puke. She should be in jail. She is global establishment elite and she will just continue the ruination of this country.

I'm not deciding between Trump and mrs bill or 3rd party ... I'm deciding between Trump and the sofa. Sofa is still winning.

Who decides what being Potus entails? I see him as a lot like Harry Truman, but more colorful. FDR was a master politician who often put politics ahead of principle, a source of unending friction with his wife, but Truman always put principle first, even going to war with his own party over issues he believed in deeply. He was so outspoken in his criticisms of others and in airing his personal disputes he was often called unpresidential. The media and his political opponents, many in his own party, ridiculed him relentlessly, and he won the election in 1948, shocking almost everyone.

truman with newspaper - Google Search
Right wing Fascists like you keep telling us that.

"Right wing" Fascist is an oxymoron. (Whereas you are simply a moron.)

Regardless of your "big lie" chanting, the reason decent people keep telling you leftist scumbags that is because you scumbags keep attacking the Constituiton.

How many of your guns has President Obama seized in the last 8 years? How long have you been imprisoned in that FEMA camp that you right wing Fascists predicted would be swooping all of you up? How have you handled President Obama shuttering every church in America?

LOL- poor whiny right wing fascists.....

You are a moron, you chant idiocy from the Soros hate sites. Heller derailed the plans of you authoritarian thugs to disarm America. There is little you can do until you get one more Kagan type, corrupt pile of shit on the high court. Reversing Heller is the only way you can move forward with gun confiscation.

But you filth have in fact focused more on crushing 1st Amendment rights over the course of the Obama regime. As I noted in the cases listed, Obama was routinely smacked down on his attacks. You have also attacked the 4th in United States v. Jones. The 9th is under assault by you liberty hating pigs in Arizona v. United States.

The corrupt Obama administration lost each and every one of these. Yet you leftists persist in your constant assault on civil rights.

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