Who is the Aggressor


Active Member
Feb 25, 2012
Rep System: Opted back in for a while.
This is really a pretty simple matter. Even a blind person can see it. While I deplore the actions that have taken place in Syria that still is no reason for Israel to take the military action that it has. If Lebanon or Syria responds to the blatant act of war by Israel then I hope that the world, including the U.S., would support that action. I don't like using this sort of language but recent events force my hand, Israel is acting like a rogue nation which has no respect for the normal relationships that are how nations are suppose to treat each other. Nations have sovereignty over their own air space and Israel constantly violates that, it is like they are thumbing their nose at the community of nations.
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Thanks Patrick. We really care what bothers you.

This is really a pretty simple matter. Even a blind person can see it. While I deplore the actions that have taken place in Syria that still is no reason for Israel to take the military action that it has. If Lebanon or Syria responds to the blatant act of war by Israel then I hope that the world, including the U.S., would support that action. I don't like using this sort of language but recent events force my hand, Israel is acting like a rogue nation which has no respect for the normal relationships that are how nations are suppose to treat each other. Nations have sovereignty over their own air space and Israel constantly violates that, it is like they are thumbing their nose at the community of nations.
Thanks Patrick. We really care what bothers you.

This is really a pretty simple matter. Even a blind person can see it. While I deplore the actions that have taken place in Syria that still is no reason for Israel to take the military action that it has. If Lebanon or Syria responds to the blatant act of war by Israel then I hope that the world, including the U.S., would support that action. I don't like using this sort of language but recent events force my hand, Israel is acting like a rogue nation which has no respect for the normal relationships that are how nations are suppose to treat each other. Nations have sovereignty over their own air space and Israel constantly violates that, it is like they are thumbing their nose at the community of nations.

I accuse Israel of an aggrissive act of war which is a war crime and this is the moronic answer that I get back from you ??? Well, as usual I place great value on your imput LOLOL
Tell us more about those AGGRISSIVE acts of war. Heh Heh.

I accuse Israel of an aggrissive act of war which is a war crime and this is the moronic answer that I get back from you ??? Well, as usual I place great value on your imput LOLOL

Well look at this I have a new spell check program, not a very good one as it does not offer me any options as to how the word aggressive should be spelled. Think I will delete this program ( MJB ) as it really adds nothing of value to the conversation. It seems to be stuck in endless loops !!! LOLOLOLOL
No need to come all unglued over it Patrick. An I for an E. We all understand it was just a typo.

Tell us more about those AGGRISSIVE acts of war. Heh Heh.

Well look at this I have a new spell check program, not a very good one as it does not offer me any options as to how the word aggressive should be spelled. Think I will delete this program ( MJB ) as it really adds nothing of value to the conversation. It seems to be stuck in endless loops !!! LOLOLOLOL
No need to come all unglued over it Patrick. An I for an E. We all understand it was just a typo.

Well look at this I have a new spell check program, not a very good one as it does not offer me any options as to how the word aggressive should be spelled. Think I will delete this program ( MJB ) as it really adds nothing of value to the conversation. It seems to be stuck in endless loops !!! LOLOLOLOL

Damn, more endless loops I guess my delete Key is not working. LOLOLOLOL
Israel have the international as well as state right to destroy ADA military systems headed for Hezbollah.

End of story.

No country or group of countries have the right to attack another country except in case of either a direct attack by that country on that other or a U.N. resolution. That is international law.
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This is really a pretty simple matter. Even a blind person can see it. While I deplore the actions that have taken place in Syria that still is no reason for Israel to take the military action that it has. If Lebanon or Syria responds to the blatant act of war by Israel then I hope that the world, including the U.S., would support that action. I don't like using this sort of language but recent events force my hand, Israel is acting like a rogue nation which has no respect for the normal relationships that are how nations are suppose to treat each other. Nations have sovereignty over their own air space and Israel constantly violates that, it is like they are thumbing their nose at the community of nations.

What would you have them do exactly? Should they turn a blind eye and act like they don't know what they do know? Should they allow themselves to be killed?

You know as well as I do that neither Syria nor Lebanon were attacked. A transport bringing weapons from a third country to a known terror group was attacked on the soil of those two countries. Another way of looking at it was Syria and Lebanon were knowingly aiding and abetting the arming of terror groups which puts them outside the law and subject to punitive action.
Israel have the international as well as state right to destroy ADA military systems headed for Hezbollah.

End of story.

No country or group of countries have the right to attack another country except in case of either a direct attack by that country on that other or a U.N. resolution. That is international law.

Hezbollah is an outlaw, criminal organization, fully targetable under international law. If Syria violates such law to aid a criminal organization, that the law does not protect it.

Good for Israel.
This is really a pretty simple matter. Even a blind person can see it. While I deplore the actions that have taken place in Syria that still is no reason for Israel to take the military action that it has. If Lebanon or Syria responds to the blatant act of war by Israel then I hope that the world, including the U.S., would support that action. I don't like using this sort of language but recent events force my hand, Israel is acting like a rogue nation which has no respect for the normal relationships that are how nations are suppose to treat each other. Nations have sovereignty over their own air space and Israel constantly violates that, it is like they are thumbing their nose at the community of nations.

Patrick, why do you think Israel attacked the convoy??
patrickcaturday, et al,

There are two competing issues that need to be addressed.


Article 39 said:
The Security Council shall determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression and shall make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken in accordance with Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security.

Article 51 said:
Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.
SOURCE: Charter of the United Nations: Chapter VII: Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace and Acts of Agression

I am assuming that the issue raised is concerning:

FOX NEWS: Syria said:
Syria and its ally Iran are threatening to retaliate against Israel for an airstrike carried out within Syrian borders.

U.S. officials said Israel launched the airstrike inside Syria on Wednesday, targeting a convoy believed to be carrying anti-aircraft weapons bound for Hezbollah, the powerful Lebanese militant group allied with Syria and Iran.
SOURCE: Syria, Iran threaten retaliation against Israel over airstrike | Fox News
ALTERNATE: Israeli jets bomb military target in Syria

CRS: Hezbollah: Background and Issues for Congress said:
Lebanon’s Hezbollah is a Shiite Islamist militia, political party, social welfare organization, and U.S. State Department-designated terrorist organization. Its armed element receives support from Iran and Syria and possesses significant paramilitary and unconventional warfare capabilities. In the wake of the summer 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah and an armed domestic confrontation between Hezbollah and rival Lebanese groups in May 2008, Lebanon’s political process is now intensely focused on Hezbollah’s future role in the country. Lebanese factions are working to define Hezbollah’s role through a series of “National Dialogue” discussions.

... ... ... Hezbollah continues to define itself primarily as a resistance movement and remains viscerally opposed to what it views as illegitimate U.S. and Israeli intervention in Lebanese and regional affairs. It categorically refuses to recognize Israel’s right to exist and opposes all concluded and pending efforts to negotiate resolutions to Arab-Israeli
disputes on the basis of mutual recognition, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
SOURCE: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/R41446.pdf

... ... ... While I deplore the actions that have taken place in Syria that still is no reason for Israel to take the military action that it has. If Lebanon or Syria responds to the blatant act of war by Israel then I hope that the world, including the U.S., would support that action.

The current anti-Government activity in Syria (AKA: Syrian Arab Spring) has very little to do with the recent Israeli airstrikes against the Iranian Logistics line with Hezbollah.

IF, in fact, either Syria or Iran are providing Hezbollah (designated terrorist organization) THEN the Israeli airstrikes are preforming and interdiction on terrorist activity.

... ... ... Israel is acting like a rogue nation which has no respect for the normal relationships that are how nations are suppose to treat each other. Nations have sovereignty over their own air space and Israel constantly violates that, it is like they are thumbing their nose at the community of nations.

Yes, I've heard this "rogue nation" accusation before.

Nations do not have the sovereign right to support international terrorism and cannot hide behind sovereignty to support such criminal activity. That would be like saying that the US could not go into Afghanistan to destroy Tora Bora, the HQs for al-Qaeda and perpetrators of 911. Sovereignty is to protect the nation and its people from unwarranted intrusion; not to protect Hezbollah criminal activity supported by Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) (designated terrorist organization).

Now, to resolve the matter, all that has to be doe is a BDA (battle damage assessment) on the strike site to determine if the destroyed shipments contained IRGC-QF weapons. If Iran, Syria and Lebanon destroy the evidence before the International BDA can be accomplished, that is --- in itself --- telling.

Most Respectfully,
Sen. Marco Rubio said a few minutes ago that if Syria, Lebanon or Iran attacked Israel in retaliation the US would consider that as an attack on the US. Check.
This is really a pretty simple matter. Even a blind person can see it. While I deplore the actions that have taken place in Syria that still is no reason for Israel to take the military action that it has. If Lebanon or Syria responds to the blatant act of war by Israel then I hope that the world, including the U.S., would support that action. I don't like using this sort of language but recent events force my hand, Israel is acting like a rogue nation which has no respect for the normal relationships that are how nations are suppose to treat each other. Nations have sovereignty over their own air space and Israel constantly violates that, it is like they are thumbing their nose at the community of nations.

What you see from here you aint see from there.

In the last year, there were at LEAST two casxes of Katyisha rockets being fired on Israeli towns from Syria.

Two other cases of firing at soldiers.

Israel has reacted by warning fire, which didn't kill anyone on the Syrian side.

Lately, there have been reports on Iran telling Assad that he must soon transfer weapon (Missiles, AP, AT) to Hezbollah.

Israel has been WARNING Syria ALL WEEK, to NOT let this happen.

They have been watched by the Israeli vessels do exactly that.

Israel responded.

No such weapon is to be passed to Lebanon or Hezbollah. There was a warning. They ignored.

Now they have to deal with the consquences.

If there has been ANY attack, which up until now hear it from the west, Israel didn't say anything, and there is still a very stable doubt that it is nothing and nothing took place by Israel, but IF something happenes, it was because a red line was crossed.

God bless our troops.
Lipush the islamo nazi pigs prefer to ignore the fact of the IRAN TRAINED AND
MANY BLATANTS acts of war upoin Israel Be not amazed,-----in the 1930s ---
in their support of ADOLF ABU ALI-----they were ignoring concentration camps
and insisting that they were the FANTASIES OF WAR MONGERING JEWS
This is really a pretty simple matter. Even a blind person can see it. While I deplore the actions that have taken place in Syria that still is no reason for Israel to take the military action that it has. If Lebanon or Syria responds to the blatant act of war by Israel then I hope that the world, including the U.S., would support that action. I don't like using this sort of language but recent events force my hand, Israel is acting like a rogue nation which has no respect for the normal relationships that are how nations are suppose to treat each other. Nations have sovereignty over their own air space and Israel constantly violates that, it is like they are thumbing their nose at the community of nations.

What would you have them do exactly? Should they turn a blind eye and act like they don't know what they do know? Should they allow themselves to be killed?

You know as well as I do that neither Syria nor Lebanon were attacked. A transport bringing weapons from a third country to a known terror group was attacked on the soil of those two countries. Another way of looking at it was Syria and Lebanon were knowingly aiding and abetting the arming of terror groups which puts them outside the law and subject to punitive action.
Well said!

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