Who Is Tommy Robinson and What Is He About:

to ensure that defendants get a fair trial and not a lyching.


You mean, like what Tommy Robinson got, for which you have been absolutely celebratory.

Rape massive numbers of children -- Tommy Tainant will defend you to the hilt and make sure you get a "fair" trial.

Alert people that massive numbers of children are getting raped -- Tommy Tainant will curse you, call you every name in the book and celebrate your getting plucked from the street, rung up before a kangaroo court and hustled off to the gulag.

It's pretty obvious where YOUR sympathies lie.
And then there's this:

Husnain Rashid, 32, of Leonard Street in Nelson, Lancashire, a teacher at the Mohamadi Mosque in Nelson is on trial after being charged with terror offences.

Islamic State supporter changes plea to admit encouraging jihadis to attack Prince George at school
An Islamic State supporter who called for an attack on Prince George has been warned he could face life behind bars after dramatically changing his plea…

To think there are actually those in this forum who support all this like they so obviously do makes me want to vomit.
He got jailed because he doesn't know how to follow the rules.

The RULES are wrong. And he's using what's left of free speech and freedom of the press to demonstrate AGAINST the rules. That's the f'ing point that youre missing. The PRESS is FORBIDDEN to report these stories unless the source is the court itself.

The UK is down a very dark road. People there NEED to demonstrate and protest. If he was doing it here against Trump -- he'd be your hero. Just as the NY Times and CNN who reported 1000 people at the Nashville Trump rally are lying and making shit up. When you LOSE TRUTH -- you will quickly lose all liberties and freedoms.

This isnt about a soccer hooligan. It's about a MUCH MUCH larger set of issues.
I might be wrong here but it isnt quite ehat you say. I believe the Uk has very strict laws in regards to what can be publically printed or said regarding ongoing trials to avoid prejudicing them. Once they have concluded, then it is done. I believe that is what is involved hete and frankly it is not a bad thing. It prevents media circuses and trial by public opinion which can make it almost impossoble for a defendent to have a fair trial.
You sure did vent your spleen against him in other threads.

You have never addressed the actual child rapists in the same manner, calling the opposition to such an act of bigotry.

What about Robinson getting a fair trial? You are unconcerned with that yet you support sending him to the gulag in order to make the trial "fair" for the child rapists.
Your first statement, what are talking about?

In terms of Robinson getting a fair trial, it should stay out of the media until adjudicated don’t you think? I think all trials should, with only the basic facts reported. It would put a damper on courtroom theatrics like the OJ trial.
Your first statement, what are talking about?

In terms of Robinson getting a fair trial, it should stay out of the media until adjudicated don’t you think? I think all trials should, with only the basic facts reported. It would put a damper on courtroom theatrics like the OJ trial.

You know damned well what I am talking about.

Whenever the subject is the rape of massive numbers of British children by Muslim men, you and Tommy both spring into the same sort of action. Rather than show ANY sympathy for the plight of the poor children, all both of you do is accuse anybody who is upset by it of racism, bigotry and all manner of perfidy. You call people names, you mock them, you ridicule them, you indicate opposition to child rape is funny to you (like you have done in this very thread), and you vent your spleens at will. It is a great show of outrage and ridicule.

Meanwhile, neither of you offers so much as a peep against the monsters who rape children. It is only when somebody like me challenges you that you try to claim you do not support it and even then, your response is tepid, calculated and flat. ALL of your bile is directed at those who hate seeing these children raped. NONE of it is ever directed at the child rapists. NONE.

You do nothing but defend the rapists. You attack those who hate the rapes. Any claims you might make about not supporting the rape of children is utterly belied by your very pattern of invective. If you were actually opposed to the rape of children YOU WOULD SHOW IT. You don't. All you do is express this contempt of yours towards any who DO oppose it.
Your first statement, what are talking about?

In terms of Robinson getting a fair trial, it should stay out of the media until adjudicated don’t you think? I think all trials should, with only the basic facts reported. It would put a damper on courtroom theatrics like the OJ trial.

You know damned well what I am talking about.

Whenever the subject is the rape of massive numbers of British children by Muslim men, you and Tommy both spring into the same sort of action. Rather than show ANY sympathy for the plight of the poor children, all both of you do is accuse anybody who is upset by it of racism, bigotry and all manner of perfidy. You call people names, you mock them, you ridicule them, you indicate opposition to child rape is funny to you (like you have done in this very thread), and you vent your spleens at will. It is a great show of outrage and ridicule.

Meanwhile, neither of you offers so much as a peep against the monsters who rape children. It is only when somebody like me challenges you that you try to claim you do not support it and even then, your response is tepid, calculated and flat. ALL of your bile is directed at those who hate seeing these children raped. NONE of it is ever directed at the child rapists. NONE.

You do nothing but defend the rapists. You attack those who hate the rapes. Any claims you might make about not supporting the rape of children is utterly belied by your very pattern of invective. If you were actually opposed to the rape of children YOU WOULD SHOW IT. You don't. All you do is express this contempt of yours towards any who DO oppose it.

Link to where I've defended rapists. There is a difference between hating those who rape children and hating an entire group of people because some among them are criminals. That is bigotry. That's what you don't understand and that is what I direct my mockery, criticism against and will continue to do so.

Where are you when there are rapes occurring that are committed by non-Muslims? In the Congo? (that thread died from lack of interest because no Muslims were involved) or what the Myanmar Buddhists are doing to the Rohinga? (horrific atrocities, like the Congo, where gang rape often involves implements). There were people there who actually DEFENDED it.

All child rape is horrific, and so for matter are child marriages (again, another topic I've started threads on that fizzle out due to lack of interest) which are no different then rape. But rather than hating the act, or the perpetrator - you hate the perpetrators religion or ethnic background. Why is it so hard to say this PERSON is evil instead of going on a diatribe against an entire group?
He got jailed because he doesn't know how to follow the rules.

The RULES are wrong. And he's using what's left of free speech and freedom of the press to demonstrate AGAINST the rules. That's the f'ing point that youre missing. The PRESS is FORBIDDEN to report these stories unless the source is the court itself.

The UK is down a very dark road. People there NEED to demonstrate and protest. If he was doing it here against Trump -- he'd be your hero. Just as the NY Times and CNN who reported 1000 people at the Nashville Trump rally are lying and making shit up. When you LOSE TRUTH -- you will quickly lose all liberties and freedoms.

This isnt about a soccer hooligan. It's about a MUCH MUCH larger set of issues.

Yes, clearly I'm missing the point you're struggling to make.

The rules are wrong? Which rules are wrong, you didn't say?

The rules about beating people up? The rules about using someone else's passport? The rules about mortgage fraud? The rules about going into court and filming? The rules about not committing crimes while on a suspended sentence? The rules about endangering court cases?


If the UK is going down a dark road, the US is so far down the dark road that it's pitch black.

People do protest in the UK, and they don't get the bullshit that happens in the US where they're like "you can't protest if we don't like what you're protesting about", as in the NFL.

No, he wouldn't be my hero. See, I have principles and I know what Tommy Robinson is. But you see, a guy with a fake name, a football hooligan looking for the next fight, I know he wouldn't protest Trump. Why?

Because the guy is only looking for a fight. He hates Muslims. He's fighting Muslims. If this has been Christians going after the girls, he wouldn't have given two fucks, in fact he might have been one of the guys doing it.
He got jailed because he doesn't know how to follow the rules.

The RULES are wrong. And he's using what's left of free speech and freedom of the press to demonstrate AGAINST the rules. That's the f'ing point that youre missing. The PRESS is FORBIDDEN to report these stories unless the source is the court itself.

The UK is down a very dark road. People there NEED to demonstrate and protest. If he was doing it here against Trump -- he'd be your hero. Just as the NY Times and CNN who reported 1000 people at the Nashville Trump rally are lying and making shit up. When you LOSE TRUTH -- you will quickly lose all liberties and freedoms.

This isnt about a soccer hooligan. It's about a MUCH MUCH larger set of issues.
I might be wrong here but it isnt quite ehat you say. I believe the Uk has very strict laws in regards to what can be publically printed or said regarding ongoing trials to avoid prejudicing them. Once they have concluded, then it is done. I believe that is what is involved hete and frankly it is not a bad thing. It prevents media circuses and trial by public opinion which can make it almost impossoble for a defendent to have a fair trial.

Problem here is this:

These people will get all hot under the collar about the NFL players kneeling for the National Anthem, saying how much they shouldn't protest.

But then comes along a case like this and they think ANY protest is valid because it's against Muslims.
He got jailed because he doesn't know how to follow the rules.

The RULES are wrong. And he's using what's left of free speech and freedom of the press to demonstrate AGAINST the rules. That's the f'ing point that youre missing. The PRESS is FORBIDDEN to report these stories unless the source is the court itself.

The UK is down a very dark road. People there NEED to demonstrate and protest. If he was doing it here against Trump -- he'd be your hero. Just as the NY Times and CNN who reported 1000 people at the Nashville Trump rally are lying and making shit up. When you LOSE TRUTH -- you will quickly lose all liberties and freedoms.

This isnt about a soccer hooligan. It's about a MUCH MUCH larger set of issues.
I might be wrong here but it isnt quite ehat you say. I believe the Uk has very strict laws in regards to what can be publically printed or said regarding ongoing trials to avoid prejudicing them. Once they have concluded, then it is done. I believe that is what is involved hete and frankly it is not a bad thing. It prevents media circuses and trial by public opinion which can make it almost impossoble for a defendent to have a fair trial.
Do you have contempt of court in the US ?

Here is a recent local case where the Judge ordered a media blackout. It is the only way to ensure a fair trial.

Group of men cleared of rape by court

I dont think Mr Yaxley Lennon attended this case for some reason.

Media blackouts are reserved for stories that the GOVT is embarrassed about. Not for the welfare of trials. It's totally arbitrary and capricious in merry demented Prog. UK.

It makes the country STUPID and less free.

Not at all.

If a terrorist kills people and is arrested, loads of details can't be published by the media. No matter what. If the terrorist is killed, then they can report on this.

These are the laws, in all cases.
He got jailed because he doesn't know how to follow the rules.

The RULES are wrong. And he's using what's left of free speech and freedom of the press to demonstrate AGAINST the rules. That's the f'ing point that youre missing. The PRESS is FORBIDDEN to report these stories unless the source is the court itself.

The UK is down a very dark road. People there NEED to demonstrate and protest. If he was doing it here against Trump -- he'd be your hero. Just as the NY Times and CNN who reported 1000 people at the Nashville Trump rally are lying and making shit up. When you LOSE TRUTH -- you will quickly lose all liberties and freedoms.

This isnt about a soccer hooligan. It's about a MUCH MUCH larger set of issues.
I might be wrong here but it isnt quite ehat you say. I believe the Uk has very strict laws in regards to what can be publically printed or said regarding ongoing trials to avoid prejudicing them. Once they have concluded, then it is done. I believe that is what is involved hete and frankly it is not a bad thing. It prevents media circuses and trial by public opinion which can make it almost impossoble for a defendent to have a fair trial.

The "circus" that goes on INSIDE is equally important to the MEDIA circus outside. Without coverage BEFORE the end -- serious miscarriages CAN happen. Because if you bar coverage of current events until end of trial, the public is WOEFULLY misinformed, there is NO public debate and the 12 man concept dies a horrible death because they are as IGNORANT about the context of the offenses as the rest of their mushroom headed citizens.

Imagine the #metoo movement being muzzled until "the end of trials".. Because the UK is down that road NOW... Only it seems to be by THEIR discretion what stories shall not be discussed.

The fair trial concept over rules any other consideration. The jury should decide on the evidence in front of them and not some bollox they have heard outside the court room.

You wigheads never heard of a sequestered jury? They don't have media or a LIFE during the trial. They are literally confined to quarters provided for them.

It's a very small price to pay for Liberty and Freedom of speech and the press.

Besides -- as I said above -- you BLACKOUT enough coverage of SIMILAR trials over the years because of "correctnress' and the juries now only contain the stupid, oblivious and ill-informed.. Just what a tyrannical govt wants in cases where their image is part of the trial..

Now the right want liberty and freedom.

Yes, now let's talk about the NFL kneelers while they still think they want liberty and freedom shall we?
He got jailed because he doesn't know how to follow the rules.

The RULES are wrong. And he's using what's left of free speech and freedom of the press to demonstrate AGAINST the rules. That's the f'ing point that youre missing. The PRESS is FORBIDDEN to report these stories unless the source is the court itself.

The UK is down a very dark road. People there NEED to demonstrate and protest. If he was doing it here against Trump -- he'd be your hero. Just as the NY Times and CNN who reported 1000 people at the Nashville Trump rally are lying and making shit up. When you LOSE TRUTH -- you will quickly lose all liberties and freedoms.

This isnt about a soccer hooligan. It's about a MUCH MUCH larger set of issues.

Yes, clearly I'm missing the point you're struggling to make.

The rules are wrong? Which rules are wrong, you didn't say?

The rules about beating people up? The rules about using someone else's passport? The rules about mortgage fraud? The rules about going into court and filming? The rules about not committing crimes while on a suspended sentence? The rules about endangering court cases?


If the UK is going down a dark road, the US is so far down the dark road that it's pitch black.

People do protest in the UK, and they don't get the bullshit that happens in the US where they're like "you can't protest if we don't like what you're protesting about", as in the NFL.

No, he wouldn't be my hero. See, I have principles and I know what Tommy Robinson is. But you see, a guy with a fake name, a football hooligan looking for the next fight, I know he wouldn't protest Trump. Why?

Because the guy is only looking for a fight. He hates Muslims. He's fighting Muslims. If this has been Christians going after the girls, he wouldn't have given two fucks, in fact he might have been one of the guys doing it.

Full of moral equivalence.
Problem here is this:

These people will get all hot under the collar about the NFL players kneeling for the National Anthem, saying how much they shouldn't protest.

But then comes along a case like this and they think ANY protest is valid because it's against Muslims.

Says the guy who characterized Muslims gang raping 11 year olds as just tapping some ass.
He got jailed because he doesn't know how to follow the rules.

The RULES are wrong. And he's using what's left of free speech and freedom of the press to demonstrate AGAINST the rules. That's the f'ing point that youre missing. The PRESS is FORBIDDEN to report these stories unless the source is the court itself.

The UK is down a very dark road. People there NEED to demonstrate and protest. If he was doing it here against Trump -- he'd be your hero. Just as the NY Times and CNN who reported 1000 people at the Nashville Trump rally are lying and making shit up. When you LOSE TRUTH -- you will quickly lose all liberties and freedoms.

This isnt about a soccer hooligan. It's about a MUCH MUCH larger set of issues.
I might be wrong here but it isnt quite ehat you say. I believe the Uk has very strict laws in regards to what can be publically printed or said regarding ongoing trials to avoid prejudicing them. Once they have concluded, then it is done. I believe that is what is involved hete and frankly it is not a bad thing. It prevents media circuses and trial by public opinion which can make it almost impossoble for a defendent to have a fair trial.
You sure did vent your spleen against him in other threads.

You have never addressed the actual child rapists in the same manner, calling the opposition to such an act of bigotry.

What about Robinson getting a fair trial? You are unconcerned with that yet you support sending him to the gulag in order to make the trial "fair" for the child rapists.
Your first statement, what are talking about?

In terms of Robinson getting a fair trial, it should stay out of the media until adjudicated don’t you think? I think all trials should, with only the basic facts reported. It would put a damper on courtroom theatrics like the OJ trial.
So you want to do away with fair trials ?
Does your constitution support this /
The right to a fair trial was enshrined in Magna Carta about 800 years ago.It was created to curb the powers of kings and protect the rights of the individual.
And yet you want to scrap this ?

Do you have the right to a fair trial in the US ? I know its a relatively new concept for you.
He got jailed because he doesn't know how to follow the rules.

The RULES are wrong. And he's using what's left of free speech and freedom of the press to demonstrate AGAINST the rules. That's the f'ing point that youre missing. The PRESS is FORBIDDEN to report these stories unless the source is the court itself.

The UK is down a very dark road. People there NEED to demonstrate and protest. If he was doing it here against Trump -- he'd be your hero. Just as the NY Times and CNN who reported 1000 people at the Nashville Trump rally are lying and making shit up. When you LOSE TRUTH -- you will quickly lose all liberties and freedoms.

This isnt about a soccer hooligan. It's about a MUCH MUCH larger set of issues.

Yes, clearly I'm missing the point you're struggling to make.

The rules are wrong? Which rules are wrong, you didn't say?

The rules about beating people up? The rules about using someone else's passport? The rules about mortgage fraud? The rules about going into court and filming? The rules about not committing crimes while on a suspended sentence? The rules about endangering court cases?


If the UK is going down a dark road, the US is so far down the dark road that it's pitch black.

People do protest in the UK, and they don't get the bullshit that happens in the US where they're like "you can't protest if we don't like what you're protesting about", as in the NFL.

No, he wouldn't be my hero. See, I have principles and I know what Tommy Robinson is. But you see, a guy with a fake name, a football hooligan looking for the next fight, I know he wouldn't protest Trump. Why?

Because the guy is only looking for a fight. He hates Muslims. He's fighting Muslims. If this has been Christians going after the girls, he wouldn't have given two fucks, in fact he might have been one of the guys doing it.
You missed out the drug dealing convictions.
He got jailed because he doesn't know how to follow the rules.

The RULES are wrong. And he's using what's left of free speech and freedom of the press to demonstrate AGAINST the rules. That's the f'ing point that youre missing. The PRESS is FORBIDDEN to report these stories unless the source is the court itself.

The UK is down a very dark road. People there NEED to demonstrate and protest. If he was doing it here against Trump -- he'd be your hero. Just as the NY Times and CNN who reported 1000 people at the Nashville Trump rally are lying and making shit up. When you LOSE TRUTH -- you will quickly lose all liberties and freedoms.

This isnt about a soccer hooligan. It's about a MUCH MUCH larger set of issues.

Yes, clearly I'm missing the point you're struggling to make.

The rules are wrong? Which rules are wrong, you didn't say?

The rules about beating people up? The rules about using someone else's passport? The rules about mortgage fraud? The rules about going into court and filming? The rules about not committing crimes while on a suspended sentence? The rules about endangering court cases?


If the UK is going down a dark road, the US is so far down the dark road that it's pitch black.

People do protest in the UK, and they don't get the bullshit that happens in the US where they're like "you can't protest if we don't like what you're protesting about", as in the NFL.

No, he wouldn't be my hero. See, I have principles and I know what Tommy Robinson is. But you see, a guy with a fake name, a football hooligan looking for the next fight, I know he wouldn't protest Trump. Why?

Because the guy is only looking for a fight. He hates Muslims. He's fighting Muslims. If this has been Christians going after the girls, he wouldn't have given two fucks, in fact he might have been one of the guys doing it.
You missed out the drug dealing convictions.

Just too much there to take in at one time. Scumbags are like that..... they have more convictions than they have IQ.
He got jailed because he doesn't know how to follow the rules.

The RULES are wrong. And he's using what's left of free speech and freedom of the press to demonstrate AGAINST the rules. That's the f'ing point that youre missing. The PRESS is FORBIDDEN to report these stories unless the source is the court itself.

The UK is down a very dark road. People there NEED to demonstrate and protest. If he was doing it here against Trump -- he'd be your hero. Just as the NY Times and CNN who reported 1000 people at the Nashville Trump rally are lying and making shit up. When you LOSE TRUTH -- you will quickly lose all liberties and freedoms.

This isnt about a soccer hooligan. It's about a MUCH MUCH larger set of issues.

Yes, clearly I'm missing the point you're struggling to make.

The rules are wrong? Which rules are wrong, you didn't say?

The rules about beating people up? The rules about using someone else's passport? The rules about mortgage fraud? The rules about going into court and filming? The rules about not committing crimes while on a suspended sentence? The rules about endangering court cases?


If the UK is going down a dark road, the US is so far down the dark road that it's pitch black.

People do protest in the UK, and they don't get the bullshit that happens in the US where they're like "you can't protest if we don't like what you're protesting about", as in the NFL.

No, he wouldn't be my hero. See, I have principles and I know what Tommy Robinson is. But you see, a guy with a fake name, a football hooligan looking for the next fight, I know he wouldn't protest Trump. Why?

Because the guy is only looking for a fight. He hates Muslims. He's fighting Muslims. If this has been Christians going after the girls, he wouldn't have given two fucks, in fact he might have been one of the guys doing it.
You missed out the drug dealing convictions.

Just too much there to take in at one time. Scumbags are like that..... they have more convictions than they have IQ.
I think there is a huge culture gap on show here. I have met 100s of Lennons in my time and know exactly what he is. These fuckwits seem to see him as a modern day Robin Hood which is risible.
He got jailed because he doesn't know how to follow the rules.

The RULES are wrong. And he's using what's left of free speech and freedom of the press to demonstrate AGAINST the rules. That's the f'ing point that youre missing. The PRESS is FORBIDDEN to report these stories unless the source is the court itself.

The UK is down a very dark road. People there NEED to demonstrate and protest. If he was doing it here against Trump -- he'd be your hero. Just as the NY Times and CNN who reported 1000 people at the Nashville Trump rally are lying and making shit up. When you LOSE TRUTH -- you will quickly lose all liberties and freedoms.

This isnt about a soccer hooligan. It's about a MUCH MUCH larger set of issues.

Yes, clearly I'm missing the point you're struggling to make.

The rules are wrong? Which rules are wrong, you didn't say?

The rules about beating people up? The rules about using someone else's passport? The rules about mortgage fraud? The rules about going into court and filming? The rules about not committing crimes while on a suspended sentence? The rules about endangering court cases?


If the UK is going down a dark road, the US is so far down the dark road that it's pitch black.

People do protest in the UK, and they don't get the bullshit that happens in the US where they're like "you can't protest if we don't like what you're protesting about", as in the NFL.

No, he wouldn't be my hero. See, I have principles and I know what Tommy Robinson is. But you see, a guy with a fake name, a football hooligan looking for the next fight, I know he wouldn't protest Trump. Why?

Because the guy is only looking for a fight. He hates Muslims. He's fighting Muslims. If this has been Christians going after the girls, he wouldn't have given two fucks, in fact he might have been one of the guys doing it.
You missed out the drug dealing convictions.

Just too much there to take in at one time. Scumbags are like that..... they have more convictions than they have IQ.
I think there is a huge culture gap on show here. I have met 100s of Lennons in my time and know exactly what he is. These fuckwits seem to see him as a modern day Robin Hood which is risible.

Well, they have this desire to always know they are right, and anyone who stands up and says they're right, they'll worship. No matter how wrong they are.
The RULES are wrong. And he's using what's left of free speech and freedom of the press to demonstrate AGAINST the rules. That's the f'ing point that youre missing. The PRESS is FORBIDDEN to report these stories unless the source is the court itself.

The UK is down a very dark road. People there NEED to demonstrate and protest. If he was doing it here against Trump -- he'd be your hero. Just as the NY Times and CNN who reported 1000 people at the Nashville Trump rally are lying and making shit up. When you LOSE TRUTH -- you will quickly lose all liberties and freedoms.

This isnt about a soccer hooligan. It's about a MUCH MUCH larger set of issues.

Yes, clearly I'm missing the point you're struggling to make.

The rules are wrong? Which rules are wrong, you didn't say?

The rules about beating people up? The rules about using someone else's passport? The rules about mortgage fraud? The rules about going into court and filming? The rules about not committing crimes while on a suspended sentence? The rules about endangering court cases?


If the UK is going down a dark road, the US is so far down the dark road that it's pitch black.

People do protest in the UK, and they don't get the bullshit that happens in the US where they're like "you can't protest if we don't like what you're protesting about", as in the NFL.

No, he wouldn't be my hero. See, I have principles and I know what Tommy Robinson is. But you see, a guy with a fake name, a football hooligan looking for the next fight, I know he wouldn't protest Trump. Why?

Because the guy is only looking for a fight. He hates Muslims. He's fighting Muslims. If this has been Christians going after the girls, he wouldn't have given two fucks, in fact he might have been one of the guys doing it.
You missed out the drug dealing convictions.

Just too much there to take in at one time. Scumbags are like that..... they have more convictions than they have IQ.
I think there is a huge culture gap on show here. I have met 100s of Lennons in my time and know exactly what he is. These fuckwits seem to see him as a modern day Robin Hood which is risible.

Well, they have this desire to always know they are right, and anyone who stands up and says they're right, they'll worship. No matter how wrong they are.
The joke is he isn't even allowed in the states because of his criminal record. Maybe trump will pardon him ?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Yes, clearly I'm missing the point you're struggling to make.

The rules are wrong? Which rules are wrong, you didn't say?

The rules about beating people up? The rules about using someone else's passport? The rules about mortgage fraud? The rules about going into court and filming? The rules about not committing crimes while on a suspended sentence? The rules about endangering court cases?


If the UK is going down a dark road, the US is so far down the dark road that it's pitch black.

People do protest in the UK, and they don't get the bullshit that happens in the US where they're like "you can't protest if we don't like what you're protesting about", as in the NFL.

No, he wouldn't be my hero. See, I have principles and I know what Tommy Robinson is. But you see, a guy with a fake name, a football hooligan looking for the next fight, I know he wouldn't protest Trump. Why?

Because the guy is only looking for a fight. He hates Muslims. He's fighting Muslims. If this has been Christians going after the girls, he wouldn't have given two fucks, in fact he might have been one of the guys doing it.
You missed out the drug dealing convictions.

Just too much there to take in at one time. Scumbags are like that..... they have more convictions than they have IQ.
I think there is a huge culture gap on show here. I have met 100s of Lennons in my time and know exactly what he is. These fuckwits seem to see him as a modern day Robin Hood which is risible.

Well, they have this desire to always know they are right, and anyone who stands up and says they're right, they'll worship. No matter how wrong they are.
The joke is he isn't even allowed in the states because of his criminal record. Maybe trump will pardon him ?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

That didn't stop him trying though, and he got convicted for that too.
You missed out the drug dealing convictions.

Just too much there to take in at one time. Scumbags are like that..... they have more convictions than they have IQ.
I think there is a huge culture gap on show here. I have met 100s of Lennons in my time and know exactly what he is. These fuckwits seem to see him as a modern day Robin Hood which is risible.

Well, they have this desire to always know they are right, and anyone who stands up and says they're right, they'll worship. No matter how wrong they are.
The joke is he isn't even allowed in the states because of his criminal record. Maybe trump will pardon him ?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

That didn't stop him trying though, and he got convicted for that too.
They need a wall to keep the likes of "yaxley lennon" out.

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