Who Is Tommy Robinson and What Is He About:

I remember hearing about him years ago trying to get some kind of justice for these girls that were kidnapped and raped. The girls cannot even complain. They are dismissed as racists and face punishment themselves.

Grooming gangs are still 'abusing girls across Britain'

The whole grooming thing in the UK is a problem from both sides. Once the far right started getting involved in it, they made the authorities afraid to deal with it. Ridiculous, but that's what it is.

Authorities are bound and determine to HIDE IT !!! That's the problem. They want NO PUBLIC DISCUSSION of the matter,, won't release information, and they MUZZLED the press. There's your "not dealing with it". Wasn't even clear how this guy got arrested, CONVICTED and sentenced to a long time in jail almost OVERNIGHT.

That's what happens in Progressive Paradises when freedom and liberty dies.
"there is an existential tiredness in Europe and feeling that perhaps for Europe the story has run out and a new story is about to begin.

the fact that society should feel it has run out of steam at precisely the moment when a new society has begun to move in cannot help but lead to vast, epochal changes." - Tommy Robinson
Perhaps whilst in prison he'll be able to write a book about his struggle...
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I'm just pointing out the obvious: People everywhere need to shut their mouths or pay the price -- if they disagree with certain other people.
By 'shut their mouths' do you mean 'obey court rulings'?
Interesting how Robinson is always referred to as Far Right, ex EDL, etc but Maajid Nawaz's connection with the Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir is forgotten and behind him. A tolerant lot, us Brits.
Can't imagine why.

Maajid Nawaz is the director of the Quilliam Foundation.

Quilliam is a London-based left-of-centre[1] think tank that focuses on counter-extremism, specifically against Islamism, which it argues represents a desire to impose a given interpretation of Islam on society.
I remember hearing about him years ago trying to get some kind of justice for these girls that were kidnapped and raped. The girls cannot even complain. They are dismissed as racists and face punishment themselves.

Grooming gangs are still 'abusing girls across Britain'

The whole grooming thing in the UK is a problem from both sides. Once the far right started getting involved in it, they made the authorities afraid to deal with it. Ridiculous, but that's what it is.

Authorities are bound and determine to HIDE IT !!! That's the problem. They want NO PUBLIC DISCUSSION of the matter,, won't release information, and they MUZZLED the press. There's your "not dealing with it". Wasn't even clear how this guy got arrested, CONVICTED and sentenced to a long time in jail almost OVERNIGHT.

That's what happens in Progressive Paradises when freedom and liberty dies.

He got jailed because he doesn't know how to follow the rules. He's shown this enough times in the last 15 years. In and out of jail for a variety of things.

You're trying to make out he's some kind of martyr for this cause. Bullshit. He doesn't care about the cause. He cares about getting angry, causing problems etc.

He's picked up on this issue because it involves Muslims and he doesn't like them. He's targeting them.

But every time I mention this you'll go and come back with the same crap you said before.

Yes, there's a problem with the issue of grooming. It goes far beyond what Lennon is saying.

Firstly, he was arrested outside of a court while a case was going on. Well, if there was that much of a cover up, it wouldn't be in court, would it?

In fact he's the one putting the case in jeopardy by doing his stunts. He got locked up because he'd been convicted last year of contempt of court, but didn't get locked up because they suspended his sentence for 18 months, then he goes and does this, and then gets locked up because he committed a crime in those 18 months.

That's fucking stupid and typical Lennon.

The guy is also a massive bullshitter. He claims he made Muslim friends in prison. Then left prison and set up a British branch of a German anti-Muslim group. He's worked with racist Generation Identity too.

He's a racist. He's doing what the BNP did too. Picking up on things that are bad within Muslim communities and using it to bash Muslims. He doesn't give a shit about the girls.
Firstly, there's no such thing as a "pedophile" in the UK.

Where'd you grab THIS out of? Any pedophile acts CURRENTLY are illegal, but if you wait a couple more years, perhaps you'd be ass guessing correctly..

flacaltenn it is a diversionary tactic... It is the spelling of the word pedophile... Brits spell it differently...

Well at least you're smart enough to know that it's British spelling.

Wait until you find out what the word means.
The whole grooming thing in the UK is a problem from both sides. Once the far right started getting involved in it, they made the authorities afraid to deal with it.

Ridiculous, but that's what it is.
What sort of convoluted reasoning led you to that absurd conclusion? The only logical reason why the appropriate authorities have not long ago put a stop to this ongoing production of a constant supply of vulnerable children made available to satisfy the hunger of predatory paedophiles is interference from higher levels of authority.

What could be the source of and the reason for such interference? The answer to that question quite possibly could lead to a revelation as sensational as (2002) exposure of widespread paedophilia among Catholic priests and the cover-up, as well as participation, at high levels in the hierarchy of the priesthood. That revelation was something that no-one would have expected or believed without the overwhelming evidence that followed.
The whole grooming thing in the UK is a problem from both sides. Once the far right started getting involved in it, they made the authorities afraid to deal with it.

Ridiculous, but that's what it is.
What sort of convoluted reasoning led you to that absurd conclusion? The only logical reason why the appropriate authorities have not long ago put a stop to this ongoing production of a constant supply of vulnerable children made available to satisfy the hunger of predatory paedophiles is interference from higher levels of authority.

What could be the source of and the reason for such interference? The answer to that question quite possibly could lead to a revelation as sensational as (2002) exposure of widespread paedophilia among Catholic priests and the cover-up, as well as participation, at high levels in the hierarchy of the priesthood. That revelation was something that no-one would have expected or believed without the overwhelming evidence that followed.

First you have to ask why there are these vulnerable children outside with nothing better to do that get tapped up by these guys.

You have to remember this wasn't forced rape. These girls were looking for something, comfort, support, whatever. Part of this is to do with how things changed in society.

The Tories were in power from 1979 to 1996 and the country changed massively in this time. Why? Because they refused to deal with a load of problems, they thought it was better for the rich to have all this money.
Interesting how Robinson is always referred to as Far Right, ex EDL, etc but Maajid Nawaz's connection with the Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir is forgotten and behind him. A tolerant lot, us Brits.
Can't imagine why.

Maajid Nawaz is the director of the Quilliam Foundation.

Quilliam is a London-based left-of-centre[1] think tank that focuses on counter-extremism, specifically against Islamism, which it argues represents a desire to impose a given interpretation of Islam on society.

Stalking me around USMB again? Telling me things I already know ? I've listened to Maajid Nawaz often.

Must be a sad existence for you: being a troll.
I remember hearing about him years ago trying to get some kind of justice for these girls that were kidnapped and raped. The girls cannot even complain. They are dismissed as racists and face punishment themselves.

Grooming gangs are still 'abusing girls across Britain'

The whole grooming thing in the UK is a problem from both sides. Once the far right started getting involved in it, they made the authorities afraid to deal with it. Ridiculous, but that's what it is.

Authorities are bound and determine to HIDE IT !!! That's the problem. They want NO PUBLIC DISCUSSION of the matter,, won't release information, and they MUZZLED the press. There's your "not dealing with it". Wasn't even clear how this guy got arrested, CONVICTED and sentenced to a long time in jail almost OVERNIGHT.

That's what happens in Progressive Paradises when freedom and liberty dies.

Does that make usmessageboard a progressive paradise, then?
Like most people, I had never heard of Mr. Robinson until I saw this thread.

I then saw a brief report about him on FOX.


I join with other members in wishing him the best of luck.

I feel his pain at what is happening in his country.

Sadly, though, as an objective observer, I think that he is on the losing team.

Certain matters in England (and here in the States) have passed the point of no return.
A “football hooligan”, what a terrible thing. Apparently more terrible than Islamists wanting to destroy Western culture.
The Parser.

This might interest you:

It's an honour to speak at the Oxford Union.

A “football hooligan”, what a terrible thing. Apparently more terrible than Islamists wanting to destroy Western culture.
They don't offer so much as a single word in condemnation of the rape of children but if you want to see them really vent their spleen in utter hatred, just try opposing it.
[QUOTE="frigidweirdo, post: 20037953, member: 47831" ]nothing better to do that get tapped up by these guys.[/QUOTE]

Your enthusiasm for the rape of children knows no bounds. You are beyond sick, as are the rest of the posters who support the rape of children.

These girls testimonies are chilling and they were degraded and abused beyond belief.
"there is an existential tiredness in Europe and feeling that perhaps for Europe the story has run out and a new story is about to begin.

the fact that society should feel it has run out of steam at precisely the moment when a new society has begun to move in cannot help but lead to vast, epochal changes." - Tommy Robinson
Perhaps whilst in prison he'll be able to write a book about his struggle...
^^ another one

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