Who Knew It Was So Loved: Confederate Flag Sales Soar Across The Nation. Amazon Sales Up 2,300%

Liberals aren't intent on stopping at getting rid of the battle flag, they want to remove any statue of Confederate generals like Robert E Lee and replace memorials with statues of MLK. Well Arlington Cemetery is on the grounds of The Robert E Lee estate. If the United States is going to remove statues and war memorials of the Confederate soldiers then maybe they should remove all of the gravesfrom Arlington national Cemetery, blow out the Eternal Flame on Kennedy's grave and return Arlington back to the Roberty Lee estate.
Apparently teapers don't give a rats ass if they are going to buy their 'patriotic' flag from the Chinese. Hypocrite much?
Well at least the Chinese allow American's to own the Confederate flag and display their 1st Amendment freedom.

Liberal's hate that....... :cool:

Has anyone reasonable demanded that people not be allowed to own confederate flags?

Yup. Hillary said it should not be displayed anywhere. Even tho' I don't, many consider her reasonable.

Clinton says Confederate flag has no place in US - Yahoo News
you view that statement as a call to outlaw the confederate flag? really?
Liberals aren't intent on stopping at getting rid of the battle flag, they want to remove any statue of Confederate generals like Robert E Lee and replace memorials with statues of MLK. Well Arlington Cemetery is on the grounds of The Robert E Lee estate. If the United States is going to remove statues and war memorials of the Confederate soldiers then maybe they should remove all of the gravesfrom Arlington national Cemetery, blow out the Eternal Flame on Kennedy's grave and return Arlington back to the Roberty Lee estate.
you've gone from zero to crazy in no time flat.
Well....considering that there are 20 to 30 million idiot racists in this country....and every last one of them is a frightened pussy.....this isn't odd at all.
The south has already risen. Growth in population, major businesses, quality education and quality of life has soared.

Unless by "rise again" you mean another secession in order to reinstate slavery and the subjugation of blacks. In that case it will never happen.
Then why are southern states so dependent on the federal government?
The left loves pushing people around.
First they removed God from our buildings....then they went after the Washington Redskins.
Now they can't seem to live without getting rid of a flag.

I don't like the damned thing myself....but I'm not gonna tell anyone they can't have one.

Tell you what.....get rid of that racist Affirmative-Action and you can burn the damned Confederate flag all you want.
Amen. Nice to see someone with a head on his shoulders around here.
Liberals aren't intent on stopping at getting rid of the battle flag, they want to remove any statue of Confederate generals like Robert E Lee and replace memorials with statues of MLK. Well Arlington Cemetery is on the grounds of The Robert E Lee estate. If the United States is going to remove statues and war memorials of the Confederate soldiers then maybe they should remove all of the gravesfrom Arlington national Cemetery, blow out the Eternal Flame on Kennedy's grave and return Arlington back to the Roberty Lee estate.
you've gone from zero to crazy in no time flat.
Liberalism tends to bring out the worst in people.
Nothing Americans hate more than being told what to do. Wtf you mean I can't buy a racist symbol at Wal-Mart, them fucks, buy all the flags.
some dumb CNN **** suggested in air that we should consider removing the Thomas Jefferson memorial from D.C. It's getting real close folks

Smoke me if you got em

The south has already risen. Growth in population, major businesses, quality education and quality of life has soared.

Unless by "rise again" you mean another secession in order to reinstate slavery and the subjugation of blacks. In that case it will never happen.
Then why are southern states so dependent on the federal government?

Lack of taxes, especially property taxes.
This flag debate is beyond stoopid. The Reality Manufacturing Company has succeeded in duping a whole nation based upon one single tragedy committed by a lunatic........and putting it on a dumb flag. As if making the flag obsolete is going to stop these kinds of events!!

This flag debate is beyond stoopid. The Reality Manufacturing Company has succeeded in duping a whole nation based upon one single tragedy committed by a lunatic........and putting it on a dumb flag. As if making the flag obsolete is going to stop these kinds of events!!


Your right. The flag had absofuckinglutely nothing to do with those deaths.

We just have a bunch of morons on this board who see racists under every bush.

These morons are a laugh a minute and obviously could care less about victims as long as they get to accuse everyone of being a racist. LOL
This flag debate is beyond stoopid. The Reality Manufacturing Company has succeeded in duping a whole nation based upon one single tragedy committed by a lunatic........and putting it on a dumb flag. As if making the flag obsolete is going to stop these kinds of events!!


Your right. The flag had absofuckinglutely nothing to do with those deaths.

We just have a bunch of morons on this board who see racists under every bush.

These morons are a laugh a minute and obviously could care less about victims as long as they get to accuse everyone of being a racist. LOL

The debate is about removing the confederate flag from state grounds, not banning it.

As for caring about the victims, you're right that those calling for the removal of the confederate flag don't seem to care. But exactly who has acted like they care? The guy who said Roof was right about the rapes? The person who thinks it is a conspiracy by gays? The person who screams that it is medication not racism? The person who used the shooting as a reason to call for a ban on guns?

I have seen a lot of posts about the tragedy, but few seemed to care about the victims or their families.
This flag debate is beyond stoopid. The Reality Manufacturing Company has succeeded in duping a whole nation based upon one single tragedy committed by a lunatic........and putting it on a dumb flag. As if making the flag obsolete is going to stop these kinds of events!!


Your right. The flag had absofuckinglutely nothing to do with those deaths.

We just have a bunch of morons on this board who see racists under every bush.

These morons are a laugh a minute and obviously could care less about victims as long as they get to accuse everyone of being a racist. LOL

The Reality Manufacturing Company thrives in times where there is racial tension. Most bozo's buy right into this whole flag debate. Hysterical............:spinner::spinner::spinner:
Yet Amazon just announced...no more confederate flag sales

Go to Alibaba, the Chinese don't give a rat's ass
Apparently teapers don't give a rats ass if they are going to buy their pateiptic flaf from the Chinese. Hypocrite much?
The yellow belly Chicoms also make American Flags too.
True Americans find flags made in the USA
The flag that flew over slaves? If you were consistent you wouldn't fly it, but you are a hypocrite.
Apparently teapers don't give a rats ass if they are going to buy their 'patriotic' flag from the Chinese. Hypocrite much?
Well at least the Chinese allow American's to own the Confederate flag and display their 1st Amendment freedom.

Liberal's hate that....... :cool:
China and Russia both allow more freedom than the United States does. We're now the tyranny we used to hate.
Thanks to liberalism.
Nothing Americans hate more than being told what to do. Wtf you mean I can't buy a racist symbol at Wal-Mart, them fucks, buy all the flags.
Your avatar is next, that flag stands for intolerance.
What's the old saying 'The South Shall Rise Again'. The sales support of the absolutely beautiful Confederate Flag across the country is encouraging news. This is just the beginning!

Confederate Flag Sales Up At Amazon by 2 300 Percent - Breitbart

lolololol....Once again, profits made from ignorant white stupid mf's...your race has got to be the most gullable, most pathetic race on the planet of this earth. Amazon and Confederate flag makers see profit from ignorance and always you sad pathetic lumps of shit, fall for the crap, always. Zimmerman murders a black guy and you nuts pour money in his pockets and what does he do? He doesn't pay his lawyers, he goes a shopping spree. The GOP-igs milk you nuts for all its worth, the religious right built monumental churches from the coins you nuts gave them and then, guess what? They played your dumb ass's. I mean you people are just sad.

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