Who looks and sounds more presidential: Hillary Clinton or Juan Ellis Bush?

me , if a boosh runs I'll vote 'hilary' just to pizz off the moderate repub rinos !! I encourage others to do the same , why let a rino repub like 'the boosh' ruin the country worse than it is !! Rather have Hilary do the wrecking !!
So, let's say we have the unfortunate scenario where it comes down to voting for donkey shit, Hillary Clinton or elephant shit, Juan Ellis (Jeb) Bush. Who looks and sounds more presidential?

You have a tired old 60's radical retread in Hillary. Or, you have a dorky looking old Trojan horse with Juan Ellis Bush, who isn't man enough to run as who he really is - a far-left Democrat.

While I can't stand Hillary, I will be the first to say she is smart. Bush on the other hand is even dumber than his brother George W., and that idiot Obama.

Hillary to me looks and sounds more presidential than Bush, I also believe she is more honest than Bush. I look at Juan Ellis Bush, and I just can't see him occupying the White House. He is meant to be laughed at and made fun of, not be the leader of this nation. I can't see any foreign leaders taking Bush seriously, while I think they would slightly take Hillary seriously.

Hopefully it doesn't come down to these 2, it would be great to see some new faces and ideas from both parties instead of two retreads.
actually R2-D2 sounds more Presidential than both of them.
As long as we don't get stuck with a dipshit like Cruz, Rubio, or Paul, we'll do ok. one of those idiots will make W look like a genius.
Bush sounds more presidential from what I've seen....Personally, I think they're both equal opportunity criminals though.
I'm not quit sure why Locke thinks that crook sound presidential:dunno:.... She sounds like the phony she is to me

Hillary has had a lot more practice than Jeb and she's an expert liar. She would be a disaster of a president, but she knows how to play the part. I would rather have someone who looks and acts like a dufus, but who makes smart decisions that are actually in the best interest of American citizens (not illegals or Muslim terrorists).

Obama has been praised up and down for his eloquent speeches, but everything he said is complete bullshit. It's the actions that tell the story.
I'm not quit sure why Locke thinks that crook sound presidential:dunno:.... She sounds like the phony she is to me

Hillary has had a lot more practice than Jeb and she's an expert liar. She would be a disaster of a president, but she knows how to play the part. I would rather have someone who looks and acts like a dufus, but who makes smart decisions that are actually in the best interest of American citizens (not illegals or Muslim terrorists).

Obama has been praised up and down for his eloquent speeches, but everything he said is complete bullshit. It's the actions that tell the story.
I'm not quit sure why Locke thinks that crook sound presidential:dunno:.... She sounds like the phony she is to me

Hillary has had a lot more practice than Jeb and she's an expert liar. She would be a disaster of a president, but she knows how to play the part. I would rather have someone who looks and acts like a dufus, but who makes smart decisions that are actually in the best interest of American citizens (not illegals or Muslim terrorists).

Obama has been praised up and down for his eloquent speeches, but everything he said is complete bullshit. It's the actions that tell the story.

Hillary looks like the liar she is... She's not impressive at all
i will be looking forward to a President Rubio taking questions from all of his press conferences while drinking from a bottle.
Someone needs to start drawing Hillarys bare legs on Billboards in all of the swing states, then she will scare all of the latino voters.
As long as we don't get stuck with a dipshit like Cruz, Rubio, or Paul, we'll do ok. one of those idiots will make W look like a genius.
all of those men are head and shoulders above Hillary or Bush.

Only to other dipshits.
no doubt those men have very high I.Q. unlike your moron level

Yeah, that's why they appeal to such intellectual giants.

By the way, the adjective form of moron is moronic and you left out an article. Cruz voter, huh?
"I also believe she is more honest than Bush"

She isn't more honest than anyone, the Clitons are a nasty assed, lying, cheating, s.o.b. duo.

In answer to your question, neither. If it's these two I will write in (don't know who yet) or not vote. I'm over the 'lesser of two evil' crap, the 'one coin, two sides' crap, the whole 'sold-out-politicians-in-bed-with-big-bucks' crap.

Make no mistake about it, unless Rand Paul, Ted Cruz or Ben Carson gets the Republican nomination, I will vote 3rd party. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

Problem with that, Locke, is that voting for a third party would pretty much guarantee that Hillary wins. The media will hope that the Repubs have a candidate, like Jeb, that will divide the party. It's a good strategy and usually works. If the media lays off Jeb before the primaries, we'll know they are trying to make him look good to the public in hopes he'll get the nod. The media has a LOT of power during elections because they are PR people, not actual reporters.

I feel that if the GOP is stupid enough to nominate another BUSH, they deserve to lose.....

It's time for the GOP to nominate a real conservative. Not another squishy moderate.
"I also believe she is more honest than Bush"

She isn't more honest than anyone, the Clitons are a nasty assed, lying, cheating, s.o.b. duo.

In answer to your question, neither. If it's these two I will write in (don't know who yet) or not vote. I'm over the 'lesser of two evil' crap, the 'one coin, two sides' crap, the whole 'sold-out-politicians-in-bed-with-big-bucks' crap.

Make no mistake about it, unless Rand Paul, Ted Cruz or Ben Carson gets the Republican nomination, I will vote 3rd party. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

And a lack of party unity loses elections. The reason Republicans have lost the presidential elections twice is because the party is divided. You have 5 or 6 candidates each wanting the nomination, and when the election comes along with a nominee that not all of the base likes, boom, they simply stay home or vote third party. The Republican party has no singular figure to unite around.

I'm not telling anyone how to vote, but this kind of attitude only hurts the party, and keeps it out of the White House. "Oh my guy/gal didn't win, time to stay home this year." My grandma has a saying for that:

"If you don't vote, you can't complain!"
The Obama - Clinton primaries were as divisive as any the GOP have had. The whole party-unity is the answer meme just doesn't hold up under further review.
"I also believe she is more honest than Bush"

She isn't more honest than anyone, the Clitons are a nasty assed, lying, cheating, s.o.b. duo.

In answer to your question, neither. If it's these two I will write in (don't know who yet) or not vote. I'm over the 'lesser of two evil' crap, the 'one coin, two sides' crap, the whole 'sold-out-politicians-in-bed-with-big-bucks' crap.

Make no mistake about it, unless Rand Paul, Ted Cruz or Ben Carson gets the Republican nomination, I will vote 3rd party. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

And a lack of party unity loses elections. The reason Republicans have lost the presidential elections twice is because the party is divided. You have 5 or 6 candidates each wanting the nomination, and when the election comes along with a nominee that not all of the base likes, boom, they simply stay home or vote third party. The Republican party has no singular figure to unite around.

I'm not telling anyone how to vote, but this kind of attitude only hurts the party, and keeps it out of the White House. "Oh my guy/gal didn't win, time to stay home this year." My grandma has a saying for that:

"If you don't vote, you can't complain!"

You also have sucky candidates.

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