Who plans to watch the Liar in Chief tonight?

Democrat rubes and many on this board think he is going to spend a sum total of 8 minutes making a case for a wall.
Sorry, case has been made. Batten down the hatches for ACTION! (Hee-Hee-Hee).
Hes had 2 years to deal with this "crisis".

Let that sink in.

I want him to declare an emergency.....to show everyone what a POS he is....
There IS NO state of emergency.....trump is using the shut down to fulfill a campaign promise.... POS....
The centerpiece of Trumps ascendancy to the Presidency was securing our southern border. And his re-election depends on this.
He is not a dolt as his initial attitude towards becoming President was one of not worrying about being elected as he had a great life before becoming President, but truly loves our Country and wanted to do the right things for it. In two years his accomplishments have surpassed this.
Tonight is for major marbles and he will rise to the occasion.
Nancy Pelosi has a reasonable plan. What do you think?

she's a WHORE
That's not Melania's pic.
There are 20+ MILLION Illegals in this country...

We know NOTHING about approx 11 MILLION of them...

MILLIONS are using faked / forged government documents, fake social security numbers - which is a FELONY...


And after 9/11/01 one of our big lessons learned was that we needed to control / know who is coming into and who is here in this country...

Not only are Democrats giving violent illegals and criminals a pass on committing violent crimes but they are also giving them sanctuary and protecting them from enforcement of our laws and existing Immigration laws...
Loved it how Trump was calm but yet firm on proving the point. Then Chuck and Nancy looked like a comedy sketch of the grumpy rich guy with the pill popping rich woman you see on a soap. Such irony.
Schumer and Pelosi just lied their asses of to the American people by declaring there is no crisis on our southern border or in the US and that the President has manufactured one...

20+ Million illegals in the US

11 Million unidentified committing felonies

1500 unidentified illegals crossing daily

Elected US officials violating federal law to give safe haven and to protect human traffickers / MS13 / Rapist / thieves / cop killers...

Democrats repeatedly caught registering illegals to vote, allowing illegals to vote, and defending their doing so

...and the 2 traitors, Pelosi and Schumer just called the President a liar...

They wrapped up their lying in the faces of Americans by demanding the President give them what they want - and end to the shut down without their having to compromise and without having to give the President and American people anything....

They promised, however, that if the President that if he ended the shutdown ... Hoping the American people will forget how Schumer declared the day after he won the Presidency that he and Democrats were / are 10p% committed to resisting / obstructing / defeating anything and everything the President attempts to do....

They promised to negotiate in good faith with the President if he stops standing with Americans to surrender to the Democrats, hoping Americans are stupid enough to forget how they have mocked the President the last 2 weeks while declaring they will never give the President anything...
I'll watch him on the comedy central or one of the late shows...and also les guignols (french program) is satire, they love him LOL
I expect to take a large dunk about the time....probably will resemble him...

I would rather go take a 15 minute dump with flaming diarrhea than to sit through 5 seconds of listening to The Satanic Jackoff in Chief.

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